1 minute read
No Turning Back
Why teach Ephesians?
Ephesians explores six timeless themes that promise no less than the most fulfilling life possible—grace, forgiveness, light and darkness, a place to belong, our heavenly inheritance and new life.
How does No Turning Back fit within a broader RE program?
The thematic approach of Ephesians offers another way into the truths of Jesus’ teaching. Ideas of identity, purpose and meaning, life fulfilment and justice and mercy link in with many topics explored in the secondary Religious Education classroom.

Unit outcomes
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• identify the six life-changing ideas in Ephesians and clearly express their own opinions in relation to them recognise the difference that believing in Jesus made to the lives of the Ephesian Christians
• understand how the ideas the Ephesians adopted have impacted people in contemporary settings.
6 lessons offering at least a term’s worth of work.
Teacher’s manual $59.95 Code 498
Student handbook $10.95 Code 499
Digital student handbook $9.95 Code e499