Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
Cerebrum Health Centers
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers For more, visit or Schedule a consultation with us
ABOUT THE CONDITION A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that is caused by force to the head, or direct force to the face, neck, or chest that is transmitted to the head and results in disrupted brain function, temporarily or permanently. The sudden movement from the blow causes the brain to bounce around or twist inside the skull, which leads to stretching and damaging of brain cells, creating changes inside the brain. Although a concussion is classi ed as "mild" because it is not usually lifethreatening, it can cause e ects that are serious, lasting for days, weeks, or even longer.
PROCESS OF TREATMENT FOR TBI AND CONCUSSION AT CEREBRUM Comprehensive physical and neurological examinations combined with the ImPACT and other diagnostic tests determine the degree of deterioration in physical and neurological performance and provide the basis treatment, as well as for secondary testing and evaluations. Videonystagmography (VNG): Balance problems, dizziness and other issues associated with the vestibular system and the associated vestibuloocular reflex can be assessed through videonystagmography (VNG) testing.
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
VNG consists of a series of tests to evaluate how well the eyes respond to information from the vestibular system. During the tests, the patient wears a set of infrared goggles that record eye movements as the eyes follow moving visual targets. In addition to enabling the care team to detect signs of central nervous or neurological problems, VNG can indicate whether whether the vestibular system is responding appropriately to stimulation. VNG testing is considered the standard for testing vestibular function, because it tracks eye movements directly, rather than measuring based on the muscles surrounding the eyes, as other testing does. Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) is a clinical assessment technique that can help diagnose posture and balance disorders. It's used to evaluate the various systems – sensory, motor and central nervous – that affect posture and balance. CDP tests the patient's posture control system using a combination of visual stimuli and support surfaces. The patient stands on a horizontal platform that moves, challenging the ability to maintain balance. At the same time, the environment generates visual stimuli that can be used to assess how the patient uses visual cues to maintain his or her balance. The technician performs various speci c tests under these conditions to measure the body's reaction to unexpected movements. Measurements from these tests are combined with measurements from the VNG testing help the doctors further pinpoint the affected areas of the brain Our patented O -Axis Rotational Device (OARD) enables the rotation of the patient at speci c angular velocities, accelerations and decelerations on two axes (Yaw and Pitch) stimulating and encouraging heightened neural activity within targeted regions of the brain.
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
Repetitive Peripheral Somatosensory Stimulation uses low does electrical stimulation to "wake up" the nerves, sending and receiving electrical signals e ectively. It also activates the brain stem prior to OARD, physical or speech therapies. Visual exercises, physical therapy and speech therapy are custom developed to support the speci c recovery path and maintenance challenges of each patient Patient-speci c treatment patterns leverage the brain's inherent ability to repair itself by providing targeted inputs to the speci c senses that will stimulate new neural connections in the identi ed areas of the brain
ABOUT CEREBRUM AND STAFF ASSISTING Our specialized approach focuses on a comprehensive evaluation of your brain and body through diagnostic testing and a thorough physical and neurological examination. To gain the best possible understanding of you and your health, our board certi ed sta clinicians perform in-depth evaluations, lasting 2-4 hours, and our team spends 15-20 hours per week, one on one, with you. Each area of dysfunction discovered is evaluated and addressed in an integrative manner with the aim of restoring optimal functionality. Learning about you helps us create customized plans of care that are speci c and targeted so that our treatments will optimize biomechanical, metabolic and neurologic function. This allows us to e ectively evaluate and address a wide variety of brain health issues. Thousands of patients have come to our facility seeking hope and have found answers with our skilled doctors. Come see how The Cerebrum Method can work for you.
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers
SCHEDULE YOUR CONSULTATION TODAY! For more, visit our website at or schedule a consultation. You can also call one of our two offices:
Cerebrum Dallas-Forth Worth: (470) 592-1002 Cerebrum Atlanta: (770) 450-6905
Treat Symptoms of Concussion at Cerebrum Health Centers