A woman has a one in eight chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime. The need for early diagnosis is clear.
Simplify mammography workflow Cerner RadNet Mammography Management Providing all women with vital access to quality mammography services is essential to detecting breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. Mammography Management, a package for the RadNet® Radiology Information System (RIS), helps facilities that provide mammography services efficiently deliver high-quality patient care. The unified Cerner Millennium® health care information technology architecture ensures clinicians have immediate access to consistent patient information. Built on that architecture, Mammography Management allows you to simplify and automate all processes associated with mammography service delivery — from scheduling and exam completion to results reporting and follow-up care notification. The solution also incorporates all of the key steps associated with mammography services and care directly into users’ daily workflow, ensuring efficient operations and quality care.
Cerner’s Mammography Management modules address five crucial areas: ■ Data collection ■ Results distribution ■ Patient recall notices ■ Documentation of follow-up ■ Quality assurance and statistical reporting
Data collection: clinical, procedural and pathological
Mammography Management capitalizes on the comprehensive data collection and management capabilities inherent in all Cerner Millennium solutions. With the solution, you can easily track patient information, histories, clinical findings, procedural information and pathology results. Intuitive displays offer summaries of information previously entered into the Mammography Management clinical history for reference, comparison and updates.
Key Benefits ■ Improve patient outcomes by ensuring no patient is missed for follow-up ■ Maximize productivity with efficient workflow
Results distribution to physicians and patients
The mammography solution automates and streamlines results distribution, seamlessly disseminating mammography results to referring physicians upon availability.
Generation of patient recall notices
Use of the Cerner Millennium architecture allows Mammography Management to incorporate all general workflow. The solution automates routine tasks, such as the generation of recall notices for patients and referring physicians, for consistent creation as patient data entered into the electronic health record (EHR) warrants.
Cerner Corporation / 2800 Rockcreek Parkway / Kansas City, MO 64117-1121 / 816.201.1024 / www.cerner.com
Documentation of follow-up
Mammography Management provides you with complete capabilities for documenting care. The solution records all information related to care delivery to ensure no patients are lost to follow-up. Through various reporting options, this information is fully auditable. “Implementing RadNet was a huge step forward for us. We have replaced our home-grown, laborintensive, paper-based mammography patient tracking system with an automated system that has improved accuracy and optimized tracking of mammography information. This has had a positive impact on patient safety and the reduction of errors.” – Dyane Cecerre Clinical Information Systems Mgr. Methodist Le Bonheur Memphis, TN
Quality assurance and statistical reporting
Through statistical reporting, the solution includes numerous administrative reports that allow you to quantify and evaluate all aspects of your breast-imaging practice. In addition, Cerner Discern® Analytics offers a wide range of user-configurable operation reports.
Establish total integration
Cerner’s Mammography Management is more powerful than stand-alone mammography offerings because of its
integration with other Cerner Millennium solutions that span the continuum of care. The solution uses the same central database as the EHR. As a result, you have consistent access to critical information at all times to ensure optimal decision-making and efficient communications. Other key capabilities include: ■ Template reporting, including automatic selection for assessment, follow-up procedures and patient and referring physician follow-up letters ■ Easy review of mammography results for convenient electronic approval of transcribed studies ■ Structured reporting for documenting online breast diagrams ■ All patient history, including breast diagrams, saved for future comparison ■ Comprehensive reporting tools, including integrated digital dictation, voice recognition and standard reports ■ Flexible audit report generation and graphing tools to optimize statistical reporting, including quarterly mammography assessments and recommendations, monthly cancer stages by radiologist, and/ or year-todate mammography procedures
Cerner Mammography Management modules
Mammography Management helps you increase efficiency, enhance productivity and improve care quality in radiology. It is your solution for creating clinical process excellence and optimizing outcomes in mammography care — all while managing mounting workloads and maintaining thorough documentation.
Too Important to Stay the Same
Cerner eliminates error, variance and waste for health care providers and consumers around the world. Our solutions optimize processes for organizations ranging from single-doctor practices to entire countries, for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, and for the field as a whole. As we enter our fourth decade, we remain focused on developing innovations that will improve your entire health experience. Health care is too important to stay the same, so we’re changing the way people: ■ Use and share information ■ Pay for health and care ■ Think about health Let us put our expertise to work for you. For more information, please call at 866.221.8877, option 1, or visit www.cerner.com.
Along with other components of Cerner’s end-to-end integrated RIS offerings — are essential to effectively managing the information and images critical to successful radiology practices.
Cerner Corporation / 2800 Rockcreek Parkway / Kansas City, MO 64117-1121 / 816.201.1024 / www.cerner.com fl12_413_14_v1