Cerner’s RxStation Only RxStation can for Nursing: • Use the same Millennium as other applications to sign-on to access the RxStation • Provide the ability to maintain one patient database • Enable the nurse to connect to their PowerChart® patient list automatically (CareCompass™, patient list or patient access list) • Eliminate the need to have additional computers at the ADM to view the eMAR as it provides a true, real-time view of the eMar • Alert in real-time, active allergy checking for all patients • Perform Nurse Review at the RxStation • Ability to review multiple past dispenses and administrations for orders • View all clinicians associated to an order within the workflow (includes order entered by, ordering physician, co-signing physician, pharmacy verifier and nurse review) • View unverified orders at the RxStation • Display eMAR tasks at RxStation when a task on the Cerner eMAR is rescheduled • Perform clinical and discern alert checking (dose-range checking) when performing • Clinical check when overriding a medication at the RxStation (drug/allergy, drug/drug, drug/duplicate and drug/food checking) • Print a patient-specific label based on dispense ID for a medication removed from RxStation
Only RxStation can for Pharmacy: • Provide the ability to maintain ONE formulary • Maintain consistency of all the Medication barcode identifiers • Use a single desktop application, RxStation Task Manager, for daily management of RxStation that can be accessed from any computer • Enhance inventory management through a house-wide view of “Ordered Items not Loaded” with patient order information • Offer reporting capabilities that include tracking of dispenses or overrides versus administrations and returns/ wastes within the same database • Run RxStation operational reports at specific intervals within the Cerner database • Provide search functionality within the formulary to determine products to load into the RxStation • Support the real time ability to update the floor-stock locations based on items loaded and unloaded from the RxStation
Only RxStation can for IT: • • • • •
Integrate to Cerner, requiring NO interfaces Maintain one personnel user database for security access to the RxStation® Use non-proprietary hardware, including Window’s operated PCs Provide quick remote access to any computer or device for technical support using the non-proprietary hardware Offer “one place to call” for all Cerner support, including RxStation support
Cerner Corporation / 2800 Rockcreek Parkway / Kansas City, MO 64117-1121 / 816.201.1024 / fl12_342_13_v1