Overview of Energy Management System

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Overview of Energy Management System By

Global Certification Consultancy

What is Energy Management System? Energy Management System is a voluntary International System developed by the International Organization for Standardization to provide organizations an internationally recognized framework to manage and improve their energy performance. The energy management system is globally recognized as ISO 50001 standard, which addresses the following: Energy use and consumption Measurement, documentation, and reporting of energy use and consumption Design and procurement practices for energy-using equipment, systems, and processes Development of an energy management plan and other factors affecting energy performance that can be monitored and influenced by the organization. ISO 50001 does require continual energy performance improvement but it does not include prescriptive energy performance improvement goals. Rather, it provides a framework through which each organization can set and pursue its own goals for improving energy performance.


Why is an Energy Management System? An energy management system is a series of processes that enables people of varied responsibilities across an organization to use data and information to maintain and improve energy performance, while improving operational efficiencies, decreasing energy intensity, and reducing environmental impacts. According to the definition stipulated in Energy management system, energy can be in various forms, such as electricity, fuels, steam, heat, compressed air and renewable, which can be purchased, stored, treated, used in equipment or in a process, or recovered. The main purpose of adopting an Energy Management System (EnMS) is to enable an organization to improve its energy performance, which generally includes energy use, energy efficiency and energy consumption, in a systematic approach


Why Organization Requires - ISO 50001  Continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption;  Define their energy policy and document an energy planning process;  Review energy use, consumption and efficiency at defined intervals;  Document the methodology and criteria used to develop the Energy Review considering facilities, equipment, systems or processes;  Establish an energy baseline and identify Energy Performance Indicators appropriate for monitoring and measuring it’s energy performance;  Establish, implement and maintain documented Energy Objectives and Targets.


Why is ISO 50001 Important? ď ś Individual organizations cannot control energy prices, government policies or the global economy, but they can improve the way they manage energy in the here and now. ď ś Improved energy performance can provide rapid benefits for an organization by maximizing the use obits energy sources and energy-related assets, thus reducing both energy cost and consumption. ď ś The organization will also make positive contributions toward reducing depletion of energy resources


What will do ISO 50001? It will provide public and private sector organizations with management strategies to increase energy efficiency Reduce costs Improve energy performance Will integrate energy performance into management practice

Multinationals will have a single standard applicable across all entities


Continues Improvement with EnMS Energy policy Energy planning Management review

Implementation and operation Monitoring, measurement and analysis Checking

Monitoring, measurement and analysis

Nonconformities, correction, corrective and Preventive action


Energy Policy The energy policy is the driver for implementing and improving an organization's EnMS and energy performance within its scope and boundaries. The policy may be a brief statement that members of the organization can readily understand and apply to their work activities. The energy policy dissemination can be used as a driver to manage organizational behavior. Where transportation is procured or used by the organization, the energy use and consumption of transport can be included in the scope and boundaries of the EnMS.


Documentation Requirements for ISO 50001 The organization going for ISO 50001 certification should implement and maintain information, in paper, electronic or any other medium, to describe the core elements of the EnMS and their interaction. The documentation for ISO 50001 certification shall include:  The Energy management system Manual; The mandatory procedures and SOPs for EnMS  The energy policy;  The energy objectives, targets, work instruction and action plans;  The documents, including records and audit checklists;  Other documents determined by the organization to be necessary.


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