2 minute read

Engaging your workforce to do better business

A wise Desmond Tutu once said, “There is only one way to eat an elephant: one bite at a time.” And Health and Safety is no different. We know that Health and Safety can feel daunting, overwhelming, and even impossible at times, but it can be accomplished by taking on just a little at a time.

You can get your onsite safety on track this year by just starting one step at a time. Health and Safety is a team sport, you can’t do it by yourself, so you need to make sure everyone is involved, and scanning on and off site is a great place to start to create behavioural habits. Encourage your subbies and everyone on-site to create a habit of scanning on and off of your site every day with the HazardCo App.


When workers are engaged in work Health and Safety, everyone benefits. Your business is a healthier and safer place for everyone, performance and productivity increases, and a more engaged workforce means better builds, a stronger and more well-regarded brand in the market, more work, higher margins, and ultimately more money! What’s not to love? Most people know how to, and do operate safely, recording activity. That’s what you need, and once you have that sorted, the rest is a piece of cake.

If your subbies already have the HazardCo App you’re already halfway there. Now you just need to get them to use it and make it a regular and consistent part of their workday on-site.

It couldn’t be any easier. All your subbies have to do is simply open the HazardCo App on their smartphones, scan onto your site using the unique QR code located on your site’s Hazard Board and they are good to go! As the Main Contractor, you will have full and real-time visibility of scanning activity stored securely in your Hub and what’s more you’ll be stoked that your subbies are supporting your Health and Safety efforts.

Bottom line? Safe sites are better sites. So make it a priority this year to make Health & Safety top of mind, and get your subbies using our scanning feature on the HazardCo App today.

For you, for your team, for the families waiting for you at home. Safety first, always.

For you, for your team, for the families waiting for you at home. Safety first, always.

If you need a hand getting started or would like more information, get in touch with the friendly HazardCo team today on 0800 555 339.

The HazardCo Team. HazardCo is a NZCB National Partner and, as your trusted safety partner, we provide you with the tools and support you need to #SortYourSafety. To find out how HazardCo can benefit your site, call us on 0800 555 339 or visit hazardco.com

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