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Task force to keep on top of critical materials
With construction workers six times more likely to die from suicide than a work accident, the organisation ‘MATES in Construction New Zealand’ was deemed a deserving charity for the Master Builders Nelson and the NZ Certified Builders Nelson Charity Golf Day. About 80 builders partook in the November event at Greenacres Golf Club on Best Island with $6000 raised for the charity.
executive David Kelly, Naylor Love chief executive Rick Herd, 2degrees founder Tex Edwards, Building Industry Federation chief executive Julien Leys, Eboss managing director Matthew Duder, Certified Builders chief executive Malcolm Flemming, Auckland Council building control inspections manager Jeff Fahrensohn, Architectural Designers chief executive Keryn Davis, Te Kahui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects chief executive Teena Hale and Kainga Ora director of procurement and supplier management Andrea Morton. When the Gib crisis reached crisis point during winter, Dr Woods formed a group to investigate and report on issues which left many builders unable to secure plasterboard supplies.
It was a great day, heaps of fun with lots of good camaraderie. It was a good chance for builders to get together and unwind,” says Ruben Fry, president of Master Builders Nelson. “Holding it for charity also makes it feel good.”
Fletcher Building’s 94% share of New Zealand’s wallboard market via subsidiary Winstone Wallboards was cited in criticism about the situation. Fletcher chief executive Ross Taylor cited stockpiling as a partial cause of the shortage a few months ago. Winstones Wallboards’ new $400 million Gib plant in Tauranga to replace its Felix St, Penrose, factory is moving ahead.
The Herald reported earlier this month that the new plasterboard manufacturing and distribution facility was planned to be fully operational next year but some key milestones are due to be reached soon.
With the construction industry losing nearly one person a week to suicide, the MATES programme builds and strengthens communities in the workplace and across the industry helping their people to be supportive and provide an environment that encourages positive
A tour of the new factory and storage plant was led by Fletcher Building building products chief executive Hamish McBeath, Winstone Wallboards’ programme lead Stewart Vaughan and Winstone’s general manager, David Thomas. Winstone Wallboards had started turning on motors, moving equipment and bringing trucks down from Auckland loaded with gypsum, they said. All that was in preparation for the plant’s operation from 2023 and well before ships loaded with gypsum from Australia start arriving at the Port of Tauranga. Mr McBeath said the factory was “three-quarters of the way” finished.
— The New Zealand Herald wellbeing.
MATES engage with workers through on-site training and providing those identified as at risk with case management support that connects them to suitable professional support President of NZ Certified Builders Nelson, Dave Gunt- er, says the many stresses of the industry contribute to the horrifying statistics