1 minute read

How to Manage Your Ever-Changing Workday On Site

Risks change, all day, every day. That’s the reality of life on site.

Methods change because of different training and experience, people on the job change, there are differences in machinery and materials used, as well as environmental changes from hour to hour.


It’s a lot. Risk is a product of the work processes being carried out – so, if the work doesn’t happen, the risk isn’t present. But, if a work process is defined then risk will always be recognised and taken into account.

We should all be working towards a heightened sense of awareness on site. And of course, treating risks as priority should be a collective mindset. Reinforced by supervisors who should be adapting plans and guiding teams to take account of the constantly evolving risk environment. The power of change in risk can kill, the power of change in process can save a life. Be the change you want to see.

The key question tradies and supervisors need to be asking themselves is:

How do I adapt my task when a change occurs? It’s not about mountains of paperwork. It’s about four simple steps: 1. Plan: Identify and assess the risk 2. Do: Eliminate or minimise the risk 3. Check: Monitor the control measures 4. Act: Review for continuous improvement A change occurs. Repeat. Plan. Do. Check. Act. Repeat. (You get the picture.)

This Tech Tip was brought to you by The HazardCo Team. As your trusted safety partner, we provide you with the tools and support you need to #SortYourSafety. To find out how HazardCo can benefit your site, call us on 0800 555 339 or visit hazardco.com

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