CES Events April 2015

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Minda de Gunzburg

Center for European Studies HARVARD UNIVERSITY

CES Events APRIL 2015

Inauguration of the Özyeğin Forum on Modern Turkey April 27, 2015 4:15 - 6:00 PM

CES LLCR (reception to follow in Atrium)

CES is pleased to launch the Özyeğin Forum on Modern Turkey, an important initiative aimed at deepening understanding of Turkey and its relationship with Europe. The Forum’s Speaker Series will commence with a lecture on Turkey: Growing Pains Under History’s Long Shadow by renowned MIT Economist Daron Acemoglu. Hüsnü M. Özyeğin (MBA 1969), Founder and Chairman of Fiba Holding and Chairman of the Özyeğin Foundation will offer opening remarks. Grzegorz Ekiert, Professor of Government and Director of the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, will chair the discussion. Seating for this event is limited and must be reserved by Friday, April 17th. For registration details, please refer to the CES website.

April 8

DENIED: The Closed Doors of Roma Exclusion in Europe 2:15 - 4:00 PM - CES LLCR

On International Roma Day, this event reviews the exclusionary policies Roma people face within Europe. Speakers: Damian Draghici, Member of the European Parliament Margareta Matache, Instructor, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights Chaired by: Jacqueline Bhabha, Director of Research, François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights; Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health; Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School Sponsors: Center for European Studies; François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights (FXB)

April 9

European Monetary Union Governance and the European Crisis 4:15 - 6:00 PM - CES Cabot Room

Featuring former European Commissioner for Competition Joaquin Almunia, this event will highlight recent changes in the Eurozone decision-making process and governance as a response to the European crisis. Almunia will analyze the role of actors, such as the European Central Bank, European Council, European Commission, and national monetary authorities. He will also examine key challenges confronting monetary union governance and the perceived distance between citizens and monetary authorities in the EMU. Speaker: Joaquin Almunia, Vice President and Commissioner for Competition, European Commission, 2010-2014; CES Short-Term Visiting Fellow Discussant: Sir Paul Tucker, Senior Fellow, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School; Former Deputy Governor, the Bank of England Sponsors: CES A Center-Periphery Europe? Perspectives from Southern Europe Study Group; CES EU Law and Government Study Group; Jean Monnet ad personam Chair European Law and Government; Real Colegio Complutense

April 14

Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court: Where Does it Stand in Europe? 4:15 - 6:00 PM - CES LLCR

Doris König, Justice of the Second Senate of Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court (FCC), will discuss the challenges the country’s highest court navigates within the European Union’s legal landscape. König will address key questions: What does being part of a jurisdictional triangle, with the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxemburg and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, mean for the competences of national constitutional courts in Europe? Will these courts lose their important role in the protection of fundamental rights of their citizens? Speaker: Doris König, Justice of the Second Senate, Federal Constitutional Court of Germany; John F. Kennedy Memorial Short-Term Fellow, Center for European Studies, Harvard University Chaired by: Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Harvard Law School Sponsors: Center for European Studies; Harvard European Law Association; CES EU Law and Government Study Group

This event is made possible by the John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship

April 15

Saving “The Occident”: The Rhetoric of Germany’s New Right 2:15 - 4:00 PM - CES Cabot Room

Political forces like the PEGIDA movement that initiated anti-Islam marches in major German cities, along with the relatively new populist right-wing AFD party, have committed themselves to saving the West from the growing “Islamification” in Europe. These movements refer to an old, very ambiguous notion: “the West” (or literally, “the Occident”). Görlach discusses these issues and considers what their rhetoric may reveal about their movements. Speaker: Alexander Görlach, Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The European; John F. Kennedy Memorial Short-Term Fellow, Center for European Studies, Harvard University

This event is made possible by the John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship

Discussant: Thomas Weber, Professor of History and International Affairs, University of Aberdeen; Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Harvard University

April 16

Populism in Europe from the Right to the Left 4:15 - 6:00 PM - CES LLCR

The past fifteen years have seen a resurgence of populist politics in Europe ranging from parties such as Front National in France to Podemos in Spain. What is the significance of these movements at a moment of persistent economic malaise, intense popular frustration with unemployment and social inequality, anti-immigrant sentiment, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism? Speakers: Laurent Bouvet, Professor of Political Science, Université de Versailles, St. Quentin-en-Yvelines Cas Mudde, Professor of International Affairs, University of Georgia Sofia A. Perez, Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University

With the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.

Sponsors: CES Contemporary Europe Study Group; CES A Center-Periphery Europe? Perspectives from Southern Europe Study Group; the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States

April 17-18

Foucault’s “Les Mots et les Choses” April 17 - 1:30 - 6:00 PM - CES LLCR April 18 - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - CES LLCR

This two-day international conference will be held at Harvard in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the landmark text in social theory by Michel Foucault. Speakers: For a complete list of speakers and commentators, see the events website at http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/motsetchoses Sponsors: The Harvard Colloquium for Intellectual History; the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States; The History and Theory Journal, Wesleyan University

With the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.

April 20

Moving Toward Economic Recovery in the EU: A Conversation with the European Commission’s Vice-President

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - CES LLCR

This event will feature Valdis Dombrovskis, the European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue. Dombrovskis will address key questions: How can Europe enhance its competitiveness and promote economic growth? Does the European Union have the right institutional architecture to implement the macroeconomic and microeconomic policies necessary for effectiveness? Speakers: Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue; Former Prime Minister of Latvia (2009-2014) Chaired by: Christian Ketels, Faculty Member, Harvard Business School; President, TCI Sponsors: CES Special Events; CES EU Law and Government Study Group; Jean Monnet ad personam Chair European Law and Government

April 20

Why Is There Populism in Greece But Not In Spain? 4:15 - 6:00 PM - CES Cabot

Given Spain’s economic problems, the question arises why the country’s population has not taken to the streets like the Greek population. This event will offer insights into the differences and assess potential future issues. Speaker: Takis Pappas, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia, Greece; Visiting Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute Discussant: Joaquin Almunia, Vice President and Commissioner for Competition, European Commission, 2010-2014 Sponsors: CES A Center-Periphery Europe? Perspectives from Southern Europe Study Group; CES Contemporary Europe Study Group

April 30

British Elections 2015: A Bang or a Whimper? 4:15 - 6:00 PM - CES LLCR

What will the outcome of Britain’s elections be on May 7th? What impact will its results have on Britain and Europe? Edward Fieldhouse, principal investigator of the “2015 British Election Study,” will share his insights and join the panelists in discussing potential outcomes. Speakers: Edward Fieldhouse, Professor of Social and Political Science, University of Manchester; Principal Investigator, Scientific Leadership Team of the “2015 British Election Study” Pippa Norris, McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Harvard Kennedy School; ARC Laureate Fellow and Professor of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney Arthur Spirling, John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Harvard University Sponsor: CES European Election Monitor Series

ABOUT CES The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1969 at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to promote the understanding of Europe in the United States and to facilitate the training of new generations of scholars and experts on Europe. For over forty years, CES has been committed to inspiring the interdisciplinary study of European history, politics, economy and society. Its programs and faculty attract top students from around the world and influence debate on important issues facing Europe. It has been a place of deep intellectual engagement between European and American scholars and practitioners of public policy.

EVENTS AT CES This brochure presents a selection of Europe-focused events at CES for April. For a complete listing of the Center’s dynamic programming, we encourage you to sign up for our events calendar or to visit our website at ces.fas.harvard.edu. Follow us on Twitter or join us on Facebook for updates from CES. We welcome the Harvard community and the general public to attend our events. Unless specifically noted, our events are free and open to all. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Minda de Gunzburg

C enter for E uropean S tudies

at Harvard University

Stay connected, stay informed:

27 Kirkland Street at Cabot Way Cambridge, MA 02138 617.495.4303 ces@fas.harvard.edu ces.fas.harvard.edu

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