CES Visiting Scholars
Assistant Professor of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Project Why Hungary?
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-March 1, 2020 Project Democracy, corruption and inequality in Europe
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Residency Dates March 1-June 30, 2020 Project “Who do we call?” American perceptions of foreign policy leadership, 1990-2020
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim, Germany
Residency Dates January 1-July 31, 2020 Project What drives risk sharing in a monetary union?
Residency Dates January 3-July 31, 2020
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020
Postdoctoral Fellow in European Studies, University of Oxford,United Kingdom
Project Social democratic trade unions in Europe under austerity – the search for new alliances
Adjunct Professor in Political Thought, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Research Fellow, Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Italy
Project Explaining Europe’s changing party systems: An issue salience approach
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow
Residency Dates September 1-November 30, 2019
Residency Dates September 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020
Project Political debates of European federalism(s) after the Second World War
Project Equality of what? Equality concepts of parties in the United States, Germany and Denmark since 1980
Researcher in Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Project Insuring capitalism: the political economy of risk-spreading institutions
Lecturer in Gender Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
CHRISTIAN KREUDER-SONNEN Senior Research Fellow in Global Governance WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-February 28, 2020 Project The erosion of European democracy from above and below: Emergency politics, populism and the specter of authoritarianism
ANNA MALANDRINO Translator and Lecturer, Italy
German Kennedy Memorial Fellow
Residency Dates October 1-December 31, 2019
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020
Project The multilevel governance of migration in Europe
Project Emigration from paradise: Home, fate and nation in post-World War I Jewish Hungary
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow
Independent Scholar of Political Science, USA
Project Ireland’s “Quiet Revolution” and the decline of religious authority: A case study in secularization
Postdoctoral Fellow in Law, University of Helsinki, Finland
Residency Dates January 1-June 30, 2020 Project European law and the politics of (dis)empowerment
Senior Researcher, Collaborative Research Center, University of Mannheim, Germany
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Project The dynamics of redistribution preferences in an age of inequality
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Amherst College, USA
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-August 31, 2020 Project Europe between nationalism and supranationalism
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-July 1, 2020
Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, University of Bremen, Germany
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Project Immigration and the welfare state
Professor of Government, Suffolk University, USA
Project Why banks fail?The political roots of the banking crises in Spain
Professor of Political Science, University of Bern, Switzerland
Associate Professor of International History, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-May 31, 2020
Residency Dates November 29, 2019 - June 30, 2020
Project The policy state in Europe: Democracy and public administration ethics
Project Capital flows and reversals in a currency union
Residency Dates September 1-December 31, 2019
Residency Dates September 1-December 31, 2019
Project Policy complexity - Definition, measurement, and consequences
Project Beyond sticks and stones: The strange history of reputation in modern Britain, c. 1750-2000
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-June 30, 2020
Residency Dates January 5-April 5, 2020
Project Killing with kindness: Corruption and accountability in distributive politics
Project The quest for enlargement: Business interactions and core–periphery relations in European integration
Residency Dates September 1-December 15, 2019
Residency Dates September 1, 2019-January 30, 2020
Project The European Union and forced migration in the Mediterranean: Foreign policy, security, and refugee rent
Project Social groups in the struggle for democracy in Europe
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
Associate Professor of History, Bates College, USA
Carlsberg Fellow, Danish Institute at Athens, Greece
Weiser Research Fellow, University of Michigan, USA
Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Associate Professor in Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway
HOW TO APPLY: Applications for the 2020-2021 academic year will close on November 1, 2019. For details visit the CES website ces.fas.harvard.edu
ABOUT THE VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM Every year, Harvard University’s Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) hosts Visiting Scholars from the United States, Europe and other parts of the globe. This year, CES welcomes 26 Visiting Scholars from across European as well as the United States. Their diverse specializations reflect the interdisciplinary spirit of the Center. The CES Visiting Scholars Program was established at the time of the Center’s inception in 1969 to identify and enable outstanding social scientists of modern Europe to access and benefit from Harvard’s extensive intellectual resources. Applicants range from postdoctoral fellows to senior scholars. While in residence at CES for up to a year, Visiting Scholars present and receive feedback on their research in the weekly New Research on Europe Seminar, have full access to Harvard’s library system and establish connections with faculty, scholars, students and a distinguished network of their peers from around the world. Participants include eminent scholars of European studies, as well as academics and policy practitioners who serve or have served as presidents of major universities, think tanks and foundations and ministers of education, finance, and culture. The program thereby also provides scholars opportunities to enhance their international standing and build valuable longterm professional networks.
ABOUT CES The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1969 at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to promote the interdisciplinary understanding of European history, politics, economy and societies. Its mission is to: • foster the study of and innovative research on Europe among Harvard faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students • facilitate the training of new generations of scholars and experts in European Studies • serve as a forum for vibrant discussions on European history and contemporary affairs which nurture the exchange of ideas across disciplines, sectors, generations, and across the Atlantic.
27 Kirkland Street at Cabot Way Cambridge, MA 02138 617.495.4303 ces@fas.harvard.edu ces.fas.harvard.edu @EuropeAtHarvard