Novel Applications and Services of the IoT Prof. José Roberto Amazonas University of São Paulo Part of the material was provided by ISHIKAWA, Chiaki YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory Japan Saturday, September 17, 2011
!YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uID center.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uIDAn center. NPO to promote “uID architecture” and !
Saturday, September 17, 2011
manages “ucode”, an identifier system for objects and locations.
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uIDAn center. NPO to promote “uID architecture” and ! !
Saturday, September 17, 2011
manages “ucode”, an identifier system for objects and locations. It is part of another NPO, T-Engine Forum.
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uIDAn center. NPO to promote “uID architecture” and ! ! ! Saturday, September 17, 2011
manages “ucode”, an identifier system for objects and locations. It is part of another NPO, T-Engine Forum.
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uIDAn center. NPO to promote “uID architecture” and ! ! ! ! Saturday, September 17, 2011
manages “ucode”, an identifier system for objects and locations. It is part of another NPO, T-Engine Forum.
Introduction Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory !YRP A major member of uID center.
! !A partner in EU FP7 CASAGRAS2 project. !
!uIDAn center. NPO to promote “uID architecture” and ! ! ! ! Saturday, September 17, 2011
manages “ucode”, an identifier system for objects and locations. It is part of another NPO, T-Engine Forum.
Developing new USEFUL applications
✓How can we use IoT or ubiquitous computing?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Developing new USEFUL applications
✓How can we use IoT or ubiquitous computing? ✓What is the potential killer application of IoT or ubiquitous computing?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Developing new USEFUL applications
✓How can we use IoT or ubiquitous computing? ✓What is the potential killer application of IoT or ubiquitous computing? ✓Are IoT or ubiquitous computing applications really useful? (YES! or YES?)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans ✓Food Traceability Systems
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans ✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems. ✓Route guidance systems using tags embedded in streets, etc.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems. ✓Route guidance systems using tags embedded in streets, etc.
✓Among objects
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems. ✓Route guidance systems using tags embedded in streets, etc.
✓Among objects ✓Communications among intelligent objects
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems. ✓Route guidance systems using tags embedded in streets, etc.
✓Among objects ✓Communications among intelligent objects
✓Rain sensor and the automatic windows in TRON Intelligent House, etc.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication between objects and humans, and among objects ✓Between objects and humans
✓Food Traceability Systems ✓Drug Traceability systems. ✓Route guidance systems using tags embedded in streets, etc.
✓Among objects ✓Communications among intelligent objects
✓Rain sensor and the automatic windows in TRON Intelligent House, etc. ✓Ad-hoc network of intelligent sensor nodes
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc. ✓People with suitable terminal can identify the packages and learn
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc. ✓People with suitable terminal can identify the packages and learn
✓When the package was made,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc. ✓People with suitable terminal can identify the packages and learn
✓When the package was made, ✓By whom,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc. ✓People with suitable terminal can identify the packages and learn
✓When the package was made, ✓By whom, ✓Where, and
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Food Traceability Systems ✓Application of communication between objects and humans ✓Food packaged are marked for identification by tags, barcodes, etc. ✓People with suitable terminal can identify the packages and learn
✓When the package was made, ✓By whom, ✓Where, and ✓And other info such as before
which date the package should be consumed.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Importance of backend servers as well as tags and sensors.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Between Humans and Places
Sightseers Saturday, September 17, 2011
Visually challenged
People on wheelchairs
Multiple Usage of RFID Tags (Markers) Embedded in Places
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project ✓ ✓There are links to English and 中国語 ✓In many places of Tokyo, trials and prototypes have been tested. ✓Today, in the following places, you can see the result of these early trials, and on-going usage ✓Ginza ✓Participation of Private sector for sustained operation. ✓Government involvement is a must at the initial stage, but sustained operation needs involvement from other sectors. ✓Metropolitan Government Ubiquitous Sightseeing Guide ✓Portable Information System (Ueno Zoo) ✓Hama Rikyu Gardens Ubiquitous Guidance Service
Saturday, September 17, 2011
“MotoAngels as a Social Network�
Irregular use of the cell phone
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Motoboys live in a state of flux, since on the one hand, they are deemed absolutely necessary by hundreds of businesses for performing a “sanguine” circulation that supports daily urban life; on the other hand, they also became an object of derision insofar as their ubiquity and usually reckless driving habits (involving frequent accidents, with more than one casualty per day in the streets of São Paulo) have oftentimes been depicted as expressions of the bad, the ugly and the poor. Motoboysʼ mobility is mostly physical, marked by low levels of technical skill, and they carry a bad reputation, despite their function of supporting activity in the densest urban hub of Latin America. Saturday, September 17, 2011
!The “MotoAngels� project aims at opening new job,
identity and income generating opportunities so as to improve the conditions of life in this urban setting.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
!The “MotoAngels� project aims at opening new job,
identity and income generating opportunities so as to improve the conditions of life in this urban setting.
!It is an ongoing research project which aims at a
contribution to the design of mobile digital interfaces for local entrepreneurship in the freight services sector of major urban hubs, such as the Greater SĂŁo Paulo area.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
$aber (knowledge)
Dynamic user database
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Cultural Objects
This platform will mediate the interaction between users and cultural kiosks
Harmonized and Integrated Architectural Framework leading towards realistic Roadmaps Saturday, September 17, 2011
We want to produce a roadmap for a city traffic management service that should receive multimedia traffic information from mobile devices like cameras and web cameras in cars and motorcycles, send this information to processing centres that would return complete updated real time traffic maps to guide the driver in choosing good alternative paths in the streets, roads, etc. This is an IcO service that does not use RFID tags but other input devices. It could also use sensors deployed along the streets to perceive the traffic in real time.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Environment and Contexts
Human Users and Devices
Client Applications
Mobile Access Networks
Streets of a city Heavy traffic Building
Drivers Motorcicles Webcams Small Monitors
Client Appl. At Cars, motorcycles
Internet Access Providers Backbone Providers MPLS, GMPLS, DWDM Traffic Engineering
Fixed Access Networks
Server Applications
Human Users and Devices
Environment and Contexts
IP, Data Bank City and Road Service Service Staff MPLS Maps Traffic Admin. Global Admin. Metro Ethernet Visualization Emergency Admin. Integrated Maps SDH Graphs Catastrophic Scenarios
If we build other planes, like, for example, the Integrated Management and Control Plan, it will be possible to identify the technologies used or necessary to do the job, and how to integrate them. The scenario has 11 components on the IoT technological plane. It is important to realize that some of these components may represent technological alternatives, while others may be technological requirements. For example, for component 5 (WiMax, 3G, LTE) each one of the listed technologies may be considered as a solution to deploy the service or it may say that the service requires the possibility to be accessed by all the listed technologies. These two views may lead to different roadmaps. Each of these components is influenced by the other dimensions: Security, Business Processes, Integrated Management and Control, Regulations, and Human Factors.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The roadmaps for the two cities are quite different. In S達o Paulo, for any technology the geographical coverage is quite low. It is necessary to provide incentives for the operators to invest in infrastructure. There is also a problem concerning the high cost of WiMax equipment and the reason may associated to high taxes. In Medellin, the adoption of the 3G technology could allow an almost immediate deployment of the service with high geographical coverage. The lack of national regulation for the WiMax technology may prevent to offer the service to distant populations and it is necessary to find ways to decrease the cost of such equipments.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Malaysian TechnoFund “Internet-of-Things (IoT)” Project Amiruddin Jaafar Sidek Custommedia Sdn Bhd Email:
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Real World Problem
Process-related data can be effectively collected by using AIDC technologies.
Process-related data Information / data
Process Focus E.g. Ultrasound scan
Information / data update IIDs
Process support Personnel
Equipment / asset support Utilities Materials
Knowledge and decision support Focused Process Output Eg Scan results
Knowledge and support Exploiting identifiers in other processes for information gathering, statistics, management, control and decision support
Ref: Furness, A (2005), “Exploiting the Power of Identification – A Generic Framework for ItemAttendant ICT in Healthcare”
IIDs -– Information identifiers, PeID – Process entity IDs, SSPIDs – Process Support Personnel IDs, ASIDs – Asset IDs, UTIDs – Utility IDs, MIDs – Materials IDs, LIDs – Location IDs, EIDs – Event IDs (time stamps)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
MEDICAL FACILITY Registration Records
• Home & Well being
• More effective Patient care
Operating Theatre Dispensary
• More effective diagnosis
Patient’s Ward Laboratory
• Safety improvements • Error and wastage reduction • Care of aging population
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Other Services Emergency
ICT: • Disparate Systems • Island of Systems
MEDICAL FACILITY Registration Records
• Satisfying the needs of today and the future - all along the “Patient Pathway” or “Real World”
Consultation Operating Theatre “Item-attendant Dispensary
Delivers Platform” that integrates: Patient’s Ward
ICT (People Oriented Laboratory Paradigm) OtherOriented Services AIDC (Object Paradigm) Communication Technologies Emergency
TRANSFORMING ICT: • Integrated Systems • Global opportunities
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Healthcare Overview Platform Deployment
AIDC I/O Device
• Home & Well being • More effective Patient care
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Patient’s Ward
AIDC I/O Device
Platform Network or Internet
Item Bank
Mobile Reader
• Safety improvements
• Care of aging population
AIDC I/O Device
AIDC I/O Device
Mobile Reader
• More effective diagnosis
• Error and wastage reduction
Operating Theatre
AIDC I/O Device
AIDC I/O Device
Other Services
AIDC I/O Device
TRANSFORMING ICT: ICT: • Disparate • Integrated Systems Systems • Island of • Global Systems opportunities
Thank you Questions?
Saturday, September 17, 2011