ARARAT Capacity Building Report

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Armenian Coordination Agency “University – Employer”

CAPACITY BUILDING 8th to 12th April 2013 Palermo, Italy Report May 2013

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein




Table of content Project identification .................................................................................................................................... 5 Partner promoter(s) and participants .......................................................................................................... 6 Description of activities ................................................................................................................................ 7 Preparation within hosting organisation and with partner(s) .................................................................. 8 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Impact, multiplying effect and follow-up ............................................................................................... 28 Achievements ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Outcomes [Long-term changes in targets - intangible] ...................................................................... 28 Output [Direct results of activities - tangible] ................................................................................... 30 ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................................... 33



Project identification Relevance to the general objectives of the ARARAT project The project: To build on capacity of universities to effectively manage the units promoting university-market cooperation. To establish a National University-Labour Market Network (NULMN) to promote cooperation between the partner universities and regional employers; To facilitate an active dialogue between universities and labour market around qualifications offered through establishment of a database and relevant tools; To operationalize ANQF and keep the programme level generic learning outcomes up-to-date thus enriching academic learning with the recent developments in the labour market environment.

Relevance to the Tempus programme objectives, themes and priorities addressed Please tick relevant box(es). Programme Specific Objectives To enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in the partner countries

Programme themes Development of partnerships with enterprises Qualifications frameworks

To foster the reciprocal development of human resources National and/or Regional Priorities for 2012 National priority for Armenia within the Development of Partnerships with Enterprises, Structural Measures, under the Higher Education and Society. Learning objectives addressed To understand the key principles which form the basis for successful long-term cooperation To understand the pros and cons of different cooperation mechanisms. To understand, at the hand of a practical example from Alicante, how HEIs can try to align their study programs with the needs of labor markets. To understand how university-employer units work on practical level. To understand how universities can contribute to regional innovation through pro-actively seeking cooperation with regional enterprises. To understand universities’ strategic goals so to create acceptance within the university staff that has to carry out the reforms and promote further development of the university


Partner promoter(s) and participants A. Information on the PARTNER PROMOTER(S) directly involved in the project Country

Name of the promoter, location

Contact person


ASUE, Yerevan

Nerses Gevorgyan


CESIE, Palermo

Luisa Ardizzone

B. Information on the PARTICIPANTS directly involved in the project (excluding experts, support staff‌) Country of residence


Total number of participants



Distribution by gender Male

















































Armenia Armenia

Armenia Armenia Armenia





C. Information on the EXPERTS (speakers, trainers, facilitators, etc.) directly involved in the project Country of residence


Role of expert(s)

Number of experts









University of Alicante







Trainers / Facilitator


Spain Austria











Description of activities General description of the event. Implemented activities, the working methods used and how partners were involved.

The ARARAT Capacity Building for the establishment of the University-Market Cooperation Unit (UMCU) within the Armenian institution was held in Palermo, Italy from the 8th till the 12th April 2013 – hosted by CESIE, European Centre of Studies and Initiatives. The overall ARARAT aim is to ameliorate the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers cooperation nexus in Armenia. The specific objectives targets the building on capacity of universities to effectively manage the units promoting university-market cooperation and facilitating an active dialogue between universities and labour market around qualifications offered through establishment of a database and relevant tools. The main topics trainers have dealt with (modules): I. State of the Art (gathering survey responses, partner contributions, Tempus country fiche Armenia, TEMPUS Publications (Overview of the Higher Education Systems in the Tempus Partner Countries; New Overviews of Higher Education Systems in the Partner Countries, 2012: Armenia) II. Management principles III. University-market cooperation, Best practices IV. Learning outcomes and syllabuses in Computer Quality Assurance System V. Educational offer and students' questionnaires in Computer Quality Assurance System VI. Strategic considerations for sustainable university-enterprise cooperation VII. Aligning study programmes with labour market needs. Case Study VIII. University units promoting student employment & business development IX. Stimulating university-enterprise links through knowledge & technology transfer X. Employers’ involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education. XI. Employers’ involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education. Latvian Experience and Challenges. XII. Quality Assurance of the University-Market Cooperation Units UMCUs. XIII. Design of UMCUs XIV. CAPACITY BUILDING - Follow up (UMCU design: Regulations, Job responsibilities, decision making) [Agenda of the training week: Annex 1] Beside the frontal lessons facing the above modules, the implemented activities included a Learning by Doing approach and workshops on Creative Thinking (E. De Bono): Introduction to Creative Thinking: - Video: Changing Paradigm - How our brain works: Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking - Overcoming mental blocks -> which are your mental blocks? Principles of Capture System: - create the right environment - use of language: i.e. “What is it?”--> “What could this be?” - gather all the information first - thinking time - Exploration: use of different techniques to explore your thinking (i.e. Thinking with objects)


- experiment and evaluate Lateral Thinking - what is LT? - how you can find a new innovative solution - Methodologies to use the Lateral Thinking - Good Practice in the world (Microsoft, IBM, Procter & Gamble) Thinking Out of the box (activity) - Put your idea outside the box and share Preparation within hosting organisation and with partner(s) (meetings, activities, communication, etc.) The preparation started with The standardized quantitative and qualitative research-planning survey addressed to Armenian partner universities [Link to INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION SURVEY] that was designed so as to gather information about their current administrative and managerial state of the art in form of self-evaluation. The survey considered: *UNIVERSITY INFORMATION Establishment details and current internal structure *QUALITY ASSURANCE AT PARTNER UNIVERSITIES *TRENDS AND FEATURES OF UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY COOPERATION *ARARAT – UNIVERSITY-MARKET COOPERATION UNITS (UMCU) The outlook of resources available, performance and assessment criteria and experiences that support the identification of enablers and barriers for a sustainable university-market cooperation, led to considerations on possibilities of knowledge and resource sharing, inter-project cooperation so to foster and activate the National University Labor Market Network under the ARARAT framework. Findings, summary and conclusions are stated in the WP1 Institutional Survey Report. To optimize knowledge exchange and to easy the communication process, main institution’s representatives have been invited to share the ARARAT Dropbox folder - a software that links all our computers together via a single folder. It’s the easiest way to back up and sync files between computers. ⇒ Each WP leader is responsible for the organizational aspect of the specific Dropbox folder – to upload, update, etc., so as to be the most user friendly possible. ⇒ Referring to a specific file, please copy the path, to be quickly found, like: [My Dropbox\ARARAT\WP1 Capacity Building] ⇒ Please, whenever adding something important onto the shared folder – write an email informing about the new material and your related request for contribution, highlighting the delivery date.


TRAINERS: Trainers and facilitators have been provided with info and background information to best align their sessions to the learning needs expressed by participants: - Minutes of the local Armenian meeting held the 25/01/2013 - Draft of envisaged agenda of the TC - Responses of Armenian partners’ Institutional Online Survey - Responses participants’ PRE-Evaluation PARTICIPANTS: For the 8 Armenian Universities, launching the UMCUs, it was important to first identify the members of the project teams also thinking forward to the 2 participants of the TC in Palermo. The registration process has been managed through on online system. [Click here Participants information]. Participants have been provided by CESIE beforehand with on-arrival and logistics information, additionally to the agenda of the Capacity Building week.. The ARARAT Corporate Identity has been applied to all publications (Partner presentations’ PPT layout, attendance certificates, name badges, external visibility actions), clearly specifying that it is funded by Tempus, displaying the disclaimer as requested by main visibility rules.


Evaluation Details regarding evaluation with the participants and with your partners, both during the project and after the project was finished.

In order to best understand participants’ personal learning needs, expectation and knowledge before the training, CESIE developed and circulated the ARARAT Capacity Building PRE-EVALUATION – click here. [Pre-evaluation form ANNEX 2] During Day1 of the Capacity Building feedback was provided to their responses, expectation and concerns. Moreover, there have been implemented daily group evaluations among peers to self-assess achieved learning objectives and follow up the experienced activities and knowledge transfer [Responses daily evaluations: Annex 3, 4 and 5] After the Capacity Building it has been developed a POST-Evaluation questionnaire, (click here) as an essential tool to assess the learning progress, and the host and trainers’ performance in delivering the training modules ensuring to finalize the TRAINING KIT, fitting the most possible to the Armenian context needs. [Post-evaluation form ANNEX 6] CESIE analyzed the 17 provided responses, out of 25 participants attending, as follows: What were your initial expectations? My interests focus on the methods and mechanisms of University-market efficient cooperation, as well as how to evaluate University procedures that ensure University-market cooperation impact on quality of education. To have detailed vision on UMCU establishment and functioning, understanding of its mission, tools on enhancing the efficiency of university-market cooperation The expectations were to learn more about the design and formulation of UMCU unit and how it could more effectively be introduced in the university. Certainly to learn about the experience of other universities having UMCU units. Before the training I expected: *to clearly understand how create the UMCU; *to learn about new methodology and tools for creating the Unit; *to know how planning the activity of the Unit as a strategic program for the University; *to learn about monitoring and evaluation, also quality assurance for future activity of the UMCU. To communicate with representatives of all partner organizations and identify their opinions about the main issues of the project and training. Get some practical information about UMCUs, to discover the role of students in the project. I was looking forward to the proper training environment, establishment of information platform for the programme launch and the further development, views and contacts among participants for further specific findings. - clarification of employers' activities within the ULMC unit - study the experience of developed countries - study the approaches of Armenian universities regarding ULMC creation - developing network within the field - introduce own experience to benefit the overall objective Understand the building design UMCU, find out the existing forms of construction, types of co-operation with the University of the market, achievements and challenges Being acquainted in advance with the materials regarding CESIE, I was sure that the trainings would be interesting and out of standards. To have the exact tools for running the Unit and the training for the staff which is going to work at the


Unit. My expectations were to have a profound understanding of UMCU-s as a link between the university, employer and student, of UMCU functions, mission and what its establishment is aimed at. I was eager to get acquainted with the techniques and resourses needed to establish and develop this unit, to know what skills an expert must possess to run the unit so as it serves as it should do. I expected to gain some knowledge on. -Structure and functions of UMCUs, -Unversity-market cooperation effective methods, -QA of UMCUs Information about new methods of creating cooperation between university and employers. Knowledge regarding developing connections between university-student-labor market. How to find out employers requirements and respond them effectively for periodical reviewing of the educational programmes. We expected to clearly understand and absorb the structure and mission of the newly-forming unit: UMCU. We were willing to study European University experience. I expected to get new practical skills, benchmarking possibility and innovative approach and methodology, teamwork environment. Have some of the above been fulfilled? How UMCU promote QA. gained a fruitful knowledge on UMCU establishment and its main vision, some tolls on university-market cooperation. All the expectations were fulfilled during the training which was fruitful. All subjects mentioned above have been fulfilled more or less. Yes, especially the expectations connected with communication and the identification of the main role of the students in the project I think, all of above mentioned items were fulfilled. substantially all of the above have been performed The trainings were very interesting and informative. I didn't get the tools which I can use in the future, but get the initial imagination about what will be needed in the further actions of the Unit. I had a general idea of UMCU-s, now I basically understand how it should be designed and what is its main mission. I can say that most of my expectations have been fulfilled. Yes, of course. I learned about the role of UMCU, about their working practical methods. My expectations were quite met. Not only me but the GSPI project team not has a clear imagination concerning the Unit. Some of my expectations were satisfied. First, teamwork environment, we could work in different teams which help us to cooperate with each other in an effective way and come up to the conclusions and approaches very useful for UMP centers. Also some new and useful practice. But I think some sessions should be developed because weren't as useful as I expected.


Evaluation results and analysis


Comments: Due to the organizers of the training there was a good working atmosphere and we enjoyed the training. Also we had a lot of useful information how to build a consistent UMCU. There were some seminars in the agenda which didn't fully correspond to the aim of UMCU establishment and further development. There were some mismatches according to main objectives and issues of the UMCUs and the content of the training. So this caused inappropriate perceptions of establishment of a common working basis.


Overall, my expectations were achieved, however the difference of age of experience of participants had certain impact on the results. The atmosphere was really good, but some European partner, were making the presentations which almost were not connected. Tha capacity building training was quite well organized, the working atmosphere was very calm which allowed to express myself freely. It was very interesting and useful to be familiar with the best practices of different UMCU-s, to get acquainted with new experienced people who shared their methods and techniques. Only I would like that there were certain tasks to initiate the process of establishing UMCU-s by specifying what each of us must do in details. The working atmosphere was friendly, the discussion topics were interesting, over all the session met the objectives. Provided materials helped to understand clear how to establish the center. Absolutely everything was in a highly organised. The workshops were interesting and useful. The trainees were experienced. The atmosphere was work promoting. I think the training was very well organized even if some parts weren't as professional as we expected. TRAINING PROGRAMME

Comments: We really enjoyed ice breaking training and were taught new methods of creative thinking, which is very important for us. - PRE-Evaluation feedback is urgent start-point and its presented clearly. - Creative thinking - an optimal operating tool was presented well. The methodology and approach was very creative and unique for me. I believe it created a good linkage between the participants and became a good platform for the effective workshop. I liked the methods that revealed our creative thinking and somehow developed it. I liked that day, because it was full of energy, it helps to get information better, that just sitting and listening, besides UMCUs Creative Thinking was my favorite one It would be better to use power point presentation as well.


Comments: As the "University-market cooperation, Best practices" part was mainly about Austrian partners practice such as BCC project, it was very practical for me to learn about the systems that are applied in EU countries. It’s very important to have a good command of management principles and the best practices and in this relation the learning outcomes and syllabuses and students' questionnaires in Quality Assurance System were of core importance. I discovered something new in syllabuses and questionnaires and I hope to introduce it in my university. Somehow i didn't get information I needed.


The following topics: best practices, learning outcomes, students' questionnaires were useful. We learnt the practice of the HEI, which was very interesting and useful. We were introduced also the questionnaires in Computer Quality Assurance System.


Comments: As the "Strategic considerations for sustainable university-enterprise cooperation", "Aligning study programmes with labour market needs" and "University units promoting student employment & business development" are mainly connected with the issues of UMCUs, it was very practical to get knowledge about that sphere. I considered all the modules above quite useful especially I evaluated the quality assurance of UMCU-s and Latvian experience. This was the day we got the biggest part of information during the training. And can say the most effective one. Case Study helped to understand better how to define the labor market needs. Latvian challenges are close with current challenges in Armenia, so Latvian experience is helpful. Practically we were introduced the ways and methods of student-employment business development. Latvian experience was quite interesting as well. We think over some points to change and localize in the future.



Comments: The 5th day was very productive both connected with the communication with the partners and the works with planning the future of UMCUs. Day 5 was more exciting in a sense that all the participants were more actively involved and well organized team work helped to understand better what our future deeds will be. Team working is the best part of training, because you can concentrate on what you do.Team work helps us to understand our advantages and disadvantages in group. In-house workshop planning helped to find out target groups. Communication activity helped to better work together. This day we were summerised how to organise the Unit and how to do it step by step. Every detail was taken into consideration.

Comments: It is really good to have a chance to evaluate the work you are involved in. I think we should have more time for it. Daily evaluations were useful in terms of having the perfect idea of seminars delivered during the day and later vision on how to work and collaborate between units and all the partners. Along the framework of daily group evaluation we discussed the whole knowledge get during the training day and came to some conclusions regarding the UMCUs Daily evaluations were conclusions and a major destination for the next training day. - effective brainstorming - creation of cooperative atmosphere - exchange of practical knowledge - obtainment of feedback from the groups (pros and cons) It was useful as we really once more started to think and remember the discussed questions. I think that daily group evaluation is necessary and even obligatory to sum um the achieved results and to decide where the emphasis should be put in the next meeting. Not too much, because, in the group there may be different opinions, but we wrote just opinion of majority, but it has its own advantage, when you discuss the topic and probably can get points of view of others also. I wish there was 2 evaluation parts- with group and personal, and the important thing is that personal was before group evaluation. It was useful as we heard the opinions of other partners. Which activity(ies) did you find the most interesting and relevant Everything was useful. But I found more important for me creative thinking, UMCU management principals and QA of the UMCU. First of all the activity related to each University vision, objectives on UMCU establishment, its structure, main partners and way of further functioning, team work, communication activity (lego), daily evaluation.


Among the activities I like COMMUNICATION Activity [Lego blocks] because it was really helpful in the work process. For me most interesting and relevant activities are: - some presentations of the training; - group work and discussions; - last day's tasks on design of UMCUs (UMCUs tasks-timeline, HR/QA/Budget/Promotion/Documentation/Benchmarking, In-house workshop planning). The most interesting and relevant activity for me was the presentation of Spanish partner on the "Aligning study programmes with labour market needs" because that was really connected with the activity of our UMCUs. - UMCU's structure and modelling. (They are advisory source for UMCU establishment). - Team working. - Non-formal environment. *University units promoting student employment & business development *Stimulating university-enterprise links through knowledge & technology transfer UMCUs tasks-timeline, COMMUNICATION Activity, Employers’ involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education. Latvian Experience and Challenges. I liked the creative thinking of UMCU-s, the introduction of best practises, communication activities and UMCU-s task timeline. It helped to more vividly imagine what should be done in the future. Game with lego was so interesting. For me it is team working of course, the topics when you have something to discuss and not only listening University units promoting student employment & business development. Learning outcomes and syllabuses in Computer Quality Assurance System Communication Activity Employer' involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education. Latvian Experience and Challenges. Everything was interesting and useful, especially videos and presentations. Teamwork activity Do you think the work programme was organised in a coherent and linear way? Why? Yes..Because at first we were able to see the questions we are going to find the answers for, and then we built a good team work atmosphere. I think the agenda was very structured and in linear with the general aim of the program. I think that the work program was organised not so coherent and linear. In my opinion it was more effective to present general objectives and points, then share with us about case studies of different universities. Yes, because the main themes of presentations were continuing each other. I think so. Since the objectives of the training programme was structured, focused and linked to the next steps, workpackages. Yes. The activities and themes were logically continual, and accomplishing one another. Also, the professionalism of CESIE team. Yes, I think that agendum was organized in a logical sequence step by step highlighting the main aspects to promote capacity building. Each topic from the previous presentation was a basis for the next one.



Comments: The format of the trainings was chosen very wisely because it was very interesting, exciting, funny etc.Content and the quality of content were good, as it was useful to get some knowledge, but also there were some issues not really related to UMCUs. I found the approaches and the format, as well as th content of the training quite appropriate, It was also useful from the point of quality. Only I would like to receive more information about UMCU-s. Time allotted to the different sessions. The content of the training was useful. Keep on working with the same enthusiasm, have more experiences and skills to share. Please, share your VISION on the UMCUs after the Capacity Building It will be a good tool to assure quality of the University. I am confident that UMCU is the right institutional approach on enhancing the quality of higher education and promoting university market real cooperation. With the help of UMCU more graduates will be employed in different labor sectors, while the employers will have the opportunity to have the right personnel in their companies. In my opinion it is really feasible to establish UMCUs. The main vision of UMCU must be University-market cooperation with the force of students, as they are main stakeholders in this cooperation UMCUs design, development of staff requirements, staff establishment and recruitment, in-house training, UMCUs office support, equipment acquisition, the UMCUs opening ceremony. The issue is mostly referring to the universities. However, as an employers organization we consider it feasible and Armenian UMCUs can achieve the objectives and their mission within 1 calendar year successfully. After the Capacity Building I have a clearer vision on the UMCUs mission, function and the role at my university. To strengthen relations between the university and labor market ensuring coherency of educational programmes with potential employers’ needs, as well as to enhance students employability. To strengthen relations between the university and labor market ensuring coherency of educational programmes with potential employers’ needs, as well as to enhance students employability. Now we have a clear vision how to organise the activiteies concerning the Unit. If looking ahead to the next steps of the project, what kind of threats, risks as well as chances, opportunities etc. do you see? Has there anything to be done, changed, avoided etc., so you would be positive with this project? Risks on time, strictly defined steps implementation between all the partners of the project - Possible risks and opportunities may include the establishment of the Center's staff, it is necessary to allocate a minimum number of staff, employers no quick and adequate reaction to topical issues, etc. It is necessary to use the university's resources and experience of the unit, which is coherent with the Ararat - Since the launch of the Ararat programme, it does not require significant changes to the proposals. Risks and threats - insufficient support of University top management towards UMCUs - not to be formal - lack of resources - lack of will Opportunities and chances: - Development of labour market impacting the universities regarding the creation of UMCUs - Competitiveness increase among private and state universities, which will motivate to create UMCUs - Employers' association can have its own role in effective implementation of the Project


- High motivation of project management team and participants To be done/changed/avoided: - Organization of frequent meetings to exchange information about the process of implementation - The universities have voluntarily joined the Project. Maintaining their high motivation is vital for the stressful result. - Expanding the idea of the Project and increasing awareness I hope that the next steps of the project will be directed to providing more valuable information about UMCUs sharing more practices and introducing new opportunities to reinforce the knowledge we acquired during the training. I see no threats and risks in this direction hoping that by joint efforts we can hit the target set before us. The low temps of implementation of innovation technologies and appropriate activity in the field of Education.

Comments: It will help the university to analyse the ever-changing labor market needs. There are number of steps which should be done in a short period of time to ensure effective start of UMCU functioning. First of all meeting with external partners. Next step requires involvement of clearly defined and perfectly chosen staff, defining each workers' responsibilities. The next step is to have the right location for UMCU appropriate and effective work. And finally before the actual process start there should be a legal document of norms on how and why-s of UMCU establishment. Before the training I thought that establishment of the UMCU is challenging. But after having experienced the Capacity Building I really see this process possible and not too difficult. It's feasible! During the last day session we were creating the timeline of our jobs and separating responsibilities of the potential workers of UMCUs and also we were already planning the main works that should be done by UMCUs so I think it is more than feasible to create UMCUs Taking into account University's and labour market realistic and input parameters. - Developing action plan for the implementation of UMCUs. - Providing primary resources for the establishment Because UMCU in Armenia for the first time in this form will be built The UMCU will promote creation of a system for effective cooperation with partner Universities and organizations. The UMCU will support the University’s students and alumni to find jobs related to their specialties. I think that with your contribution and our involvement the establishment of the UMCU will be quite feasible. We need team, which understands importance of UMCUs, which is strong, competent, flexible and high motivated. The team with such qualities can achieve any goal. I think it will be feasible to establish the UMCU, the point is to get the best results, we will try our best and I am sure training will help us a lot My knowledge on UMCU structure is increased. UMCU is a unit which we needed and will be of good help for the institute and the students, labour market We should change the mindset of people this is very challenging task.


How do you perceive to establish a National University-Labour Market Network (NULMN) to promote cooperation between the partner universities and regional employers? * PRE-EVALUAITON FIGURE


It will help to built nexus ties between university and labor market. NULMN establishment is in line with UMCU establishment. NULMN requires more active work with labor sector. Besides it is crucial for employers to have their direct involvement in education process of the university. Practical elements must be included in curricula. After the training I have not clear idea how we can establish a National University-Labour Market Network. That’s why it's still challenging for me. As during the trainings we heard the opinions of three main stakeholders of the project (Universities, employers, students) We need some time to create the appropriate database, which will be in accordance with the network. - Disseminate and exchange the experience to other universities in Armenia - Employers' Association can involve its regional associations for the Project - Nation-wide signing of agreements In my opinion it is very important because the National University-Labour Market Network will enable more efficient cooperation between universities, employer and government bodies It also depends on the future cooperation between labour market and University. Again I perceive that the close and efficient collaboration with partner universities and regional employers would make the establishment of NULMN feasible. It needs long time. I think it will feasible, we already has a basic knowledge and more. We have a practice of other countries of what they have achieved. We just need to work hard. My professional skills have been strengthened in above mentioned area, to promote cooperation with implementing best practices of our partners. NULMN establishment will be a good step for proceeding our actions. It will be something very new and usually it is very difficult to make it to operate in intended way.




If I had the chance to draft the modules of the TRAINING KIT (Capacity Building modules) I would (...) Have included more comprehensive, practical tools for UMCU establishment, Besides I would have more international good case practices on famous UMCU-s. I would like to suggest for trainings to create modules based on needs of participants (future creators and workers of the UMCU) and features of universities (country). I would definitely spread the frameworks of the professional issues that should have been discussed, that are really related to UMCUs - I would suggest to make it more optimal, make it much closer to the Project needs. - Importance of studying the preliminary expectations of participants before training (through quiz survey) - studying the presentation materials of the professors in advance (what they are going to present?) in order to fit the Project objectives I’m very satisfied with the materials developed by CESIE. Both the materials and the trainings have been organized perfectly. I would suggest to have more time for the discussions and then making the decision together. If I had the chance to draft the modules of the training kit I would change nothing but adding some modules that would provide more information about the design and exploitation of UMCUs. More games, more interesting forms of presentations. I would just ask the participants to present not only what have they achieved, but HOW they did that, tools and mechanisms It would be better to add survey analysis methods in the CONTENT of the training modules. To provide the main material in the morning or in the afternoon mainly. More practice but not primitive games. If I had the chance to draft the modules of the TRAINING KIT (Capacity Building modules) I would (...) I'd like to have the training agenda more detailed and every presentation/modules with trainer name and contact information. Also it was be useful to have some list of materials to read or know before the training. I think that pre-evaluation results are not analytically, and just descriptive. though I have mentioned some negative issues in the post post-evolution survey but generally I would like to say that everything was made in best way, both the communicative part and professional, I have discovered many useful and interesting issues that we're going to use in local trainings, so according to that I would like to thank you for all! - the hall for the workshop was a bit small for all participants I am much impressed by the work done by you and your trainers and I hope to gain more awareness in this sphere by further collaboration with you. Each staff member performed his job conscientiously and I appreciated it.



Impact, multiplying effect and follow-up

Benefiting of the Capacity Building are not only the participants themselves but also the colleagues, stakeholders and key actors that will be attending the [Del. 1.3 In-house workshop]. The trained UMCU staff will organize and coordinate in-house workshops at the partner institutions. Approximately 50 people for each organization will be the target. The in-house workshops will last two days and respective reports and evaluations will follow. A session of the Capacity Building was dedicated to the planning of the in-house workshops, to analyze: *What do you want to gain from the workshops? What do you want to achieve? *How to achieve the above? [Actual Methods] *Targets to involve (speakers, contributors, support HR, facilitators, trainers, etc.) * Needs to carry out the in-house workshop - PRE + POST-Evaluation - Promotional activities To facilitate the follow up of the Capacity Building and easy the communication process CESIE set up a FB group limited to staff members working at UMCUs – to exchange information, experiences of the inhouse workshops, whatever useful to share.


Outcomes [Long-term changes in targets - intangible]: On a long-term perspective it has been achieved to identify roles and responsibilities of people involved, to value the different professional profiles among UMCU staff and their personal competences. Fundamental was the awareness raising about internal and external stakeholders playing a role to successfully establish university-market links. Participants could experience through a non-formal activity the need for proper communication skills to best deliver services, through the UMCUs, to the main three targets involved (HEI, students, employers). Of importance was the motivational aspect slowing down the outcomes development. The preevaluation questionnaire asked about what, according to their personal views, is needed to build on capacity of universities to effectively manage the units promoting university-market cooperation. For participants to be able to assess their resources and competences in establishing and running the UMCU and multiply knowledge with the in-house workshop, one group building activity was aimed to reflect on previously expressed needs (pre-evaluation) and identify the criteria for success, as well as:


*Percentage of feasibility of success in meeting the mentioned need **Do you consider the needs can be satisfies INTERNALLY or through EXTERNAL support only? Participants average scores: PRE-Evaluation participants’ main responses To involve the potential employer-companies in the activities of the university in the frames of education (choice of courses, subjects, titles of course works, thesis etc.) Employers representatives active participation in Unit activities To make a research on the University's needs and employers' requirements First, as the students are main beneficiaries of the project and Universities, it would be very effective, if students are involved into some works of units, such as making questionnaires, arranging the programmes, connecting with market etc. Professional-oriented and well motivated staff Easy access for market to get information about curriculums and having influence on them Currently the provisions of the law on education related to the teachers are in the process of discussion Possibility for employers to have influence on curriculum creation To form the appropriate centre, to assist the staff with theoretical and practical knowledge To form "University-Market Cooperation Union", to assist its function and the staff with Active alumni involvement, strong communication with alumni (potential employers), with alumni (potential employees) Effective and efficient means of cooperation,financial and human resources Responsible staff having knowledge on his/her responsibilities (theoretical and practical knowledge) Good communication skills Good understanding of university and labour market needs as well as needs of students Implementation of career management programs are needed to enable students effectively identify career goals and preferences, develop and master strategic and tactical career management skills. Then arranging the academic curricula in compliance with labour market demands is of great importance. It is also important to work with organizations of all shapes and sizes by providing the most efficient and productive ways to engage with the students and graduates and advise on the recruitment strategies We need the exact mechanism and policies for running the UNIT Employers should participate in the training phase and present their demands, on the other hand universities should consider and take into account the requirements of employers To my mind the only component that is missing in capacity building of university is a good and firm collaboration of Employer To know clearly what to do and to have knowledge and experience concerned to the sphere

*% 60,5

**E/I I

45,75 E 71,75 I 71,75 I 75 I 56,38 I 53,33 E 48,15 E 74,21 I 73,88 I 71,31 I 61,31 I 74,44 I 77 78,5 75,3


80,58 I 75 I 63,33 I 71,66 I

The table clearly shows participants that most resources are already available at their home institutions. There is also the recognition that most problem solving can be managed internally and not depending only on EU Partners input - a good starting thought for a more autonomous start-up of the UMCUs.


ďƒ˜ Output [Direct results of activities - tangible]: Aim of the overall Capacity Building week was to together design conceptually the UMCUs, its structure (how it will fit into the structure of the university, interrelationships), preliminary budget, number of people involved, functions, job responsibilities and the like. Starting from the EXPERTS GROUPS discussions, highlighted were the needs of the following categories to be included in the UMCU Regulatory Document: Experts Group DOCUMENTATION/CODEX

For Unit: Legal order of establishment; By law of the unit and its status; Legal aspect for internal implementation; Organizational structure. For Network: Agreement on establishment and objectives; Regulation norms; Necessary suggestions for exchange of laws of RH Lobbing on improvement of laws: National Parliament Government of RA Three partied social partnership commissions. Experts Group BENCHMARKING Analysing of best practise; Provision of consulting; Assessment and training; Sharing information; Cooperation with other Universities. Experts Group COMUNICATION/PROMOTION 1. Communication with Internal and External stakeholders, through: Charter > Meeting Regulations workshop > Report Surveys / Questionnaire / Analyses report / interviews 2. Communication with the Network: Regular meeting with the network to share experience; Charter > Part of the network Mailing 3. 1. 2.

Promotion materials: Charter > Dissemination tools Means of dissemination > Newsletter, local media, web-site.. Awareness/lobbing > Through social partners Experts Group BUDGET Equipment (covered by the project) Staff (number of staff)


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -

Travel costs (covered by project and University) Training costs (covered by project and University) Furniture and room preparation costs (covered by University) Printing and publishing (covered by project) Other costs (covered by University) Research costs and development (covered by University) Meetings (covered by University and enterprise) Experts Group QUALITY ASSURANCE Criterias and Standards ( University must have services promoting career); Goals and Missions; Activities, processes and procedures to achieve the goals and mission; Sustainability and continues development; Experts Group TOOLS Evaluation (internal and external); Self-assessment; Monitoring; Feedback; Biannual reports; Trainings. Experts Group RESEARCH AND RELEVANT TOOLS Appropriate information; Development of questionnaires; Interview and implementation of studies; Reports and discussions with beneficiaries; Analysis of other information related to economy, employment, education and regions; Reforms and laws. Experts Group HUMAN RESOURCES Job description for staff; Job description for students-volunteers; Organizational Chart and Links; Functions-number of staff members (min. 4-5); Benchmarking; Technical assistance and documentation; List of staff specialists; Job announcement; Selection of CVs; Interviews; Selection; Introduction trainings and seminars; Team recruitment; Team building and motivation; Internal/External experts; Monitoring and evaluation; Workshops, trainings and seminars.


The Group work on STAKEHOLDER MAPPING considered the involvement of: Stakeholders INTERNAL units and departments in the EXTERNAL strategic partners of your University involved in enterprise cooperation universities and indicate how they are involved in each of the units/ departments 10 faculties (1 member for each) Schools (union) Students (BA &MA) Regional authorities Carrier centre Cultural centres Strategic development division Employers’ union Practical placement division Media organization (Mass Media) Personnel and IR vice rector Research centres QA unit Tourism agencies Academic Staff Ministry of Education and Science Legal Clinic ANQA Sewing Industry Banks PR Department Employment State Agencies Society, clubs Scientific Institutions Career and alumni centre Society Academic/Education Policy Department Alumni Union Service Companies Industrial Enterprises Partner Organizations



ANNEX 1 – Capacity Building Agenda ……………………………………………………………..41 ANNEX 2 – ARARAT Capacity Building PRE-evaluation form ……………………………42 ANNEX 3 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 1 …………………………………………..……46 ANNEX 4 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 2 ……………………….………………..…….48 ANNEX 5 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 5 .………………………………………..….…49 ANNEX 6 – POST-Evaluation form …………………………………………..…………………….50


Annex 1 – Capacity Building Agenda


ANNEX 2 – ARARAT Capacity Building pre-evaluation form Dear ARARAT Capacity Building participants, Thank you for registering and joining us for the Capacity Building in Palermo, in preparation to the establishment of the UMCU [University-Market Cooperation Units]. We hope that the 5 days you spend with us will be intense, stimulating and enjoyable. All participants will share in a common experience focused on exchange, learning and methodology for participative action planning. You have been allocated to be a member/officer of one of the UMCUs that will be then coordinated by ASUE through the National University Labor Market Network (NULMN). Our mission to establish efficient and effective UMCUs is an important one, but that should not stop us enjoying our work together. Thus, this form is aimed to identify your initial knowledge and the learning needs to be reached. It would help in planning the content of our training sessions if you could let us know more about your expectations and your experience, by answering a few questions. We know that by working with you we can succeed in building stronger local working groups. We can achieve this shared goal by deepening our understanding of what works (and what does not!) and by becoming more analytical, skilled and motivated. Please, complete the form the latest by 28th March. Thank you, for any doubt, please contact Luisa Happy to welcome you soon in Palermo! *Required

Personal data 1. Name:

2. Surname:

3. University of reference: *

4. What is your current professional profile and position? *

5. Level of English: * No one should feel left behind or overwhelmed because of language, lack of confidence or because you are doing something for the first time. There will be expert tutors and trainers who are experienced at working with groups and individuals and who are there to support you.

Basic knowledge Conversant Proficient


Fluent Bilingual Would you need translation into Armenian to able to follow the working sessions and interact? * No, thanks No, my colleague could translate for me one-to-one in case of need Yes, please

Identification of Prior Learning [IPL] 6. How much experience do you have in planning and/or running one of the following university services? * No experience

Little experience

Some experience


University centre for employer cooperation University centre for UNIVERSITYEMPLOYER cooperation University centre for EMPLOYER-ALUMNI cooperation Internships and experiential learning programmes Networking/Job search assistance Centre for career services Student offices 6.1. OTHER university services? Please comment


7. Are you familiar with any of the envisaged TRAINING KIT modules – what’s your level of knowledge? * [1 poor / 5 advanced] 1





I. Management principles II. Operational planning III. Regulations, Job responsibilities, decision making IV. Strategic considerations for sustainable University-Market Cooperation V. Aligning study programmes with labour market needs VI. University units promoting student employment & business development VII. Stimulating University-Market links through knowledge & technology transfer VIII. Quality Assurance and performance indicators IX. University-market cooperation 7.1. If there is any topic not listed above that you perceive as fundamental to include? Please use the space below The trainers team will try to satisfy your learning needs!! Please comment

7.2. According to the answers given above, please give us an insight about how, when and where you acquired this knowledge. Was it rather a theoretical or practical/experiential learning Theoretical: type of organisation providing education and training? / Practice: where and covering what function? Please comment

8. Do you have any expertise, experience and/or best practice you would like to share during the training? If, yes – please specify which and we will find a space for you to contribute personally to the success of the meeting.



Expectations, concerns and contributions 9. What are your EXPECTATIONS in attending the ARARAT Capacity Building? * Please comment

10. What are your CONCERNS in attending the ARARAT Capacity Building? * Please comment

11. Do you have any expertise, experience and/or best practice you would like to share during the training? * If, yes – please specify which and we will find a space for you to contribute personally Please comment

12. According to you, what is needed to build on capacity of universities to effectively manage the units promoting university-market cooperation? * Please comment

13. How do you perceive to establish a National University-Labour Market Network (NULMN) to promote cooperation between the partner universities and regional employers? * Easy Feasible Difficult Challenging Too difficult If there is anything else you want to add or if there was a relevant issue not mentioned in this form, this is the place!


ANNEX 3 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 1 QUESTIONS FOR GROUP REFLECTION 1. How efficient are existing services in your University? - On development stage. - The efficiency is very low, because of non proper co-operaation of Universities and labor market (stakeholders) - 90 % effective in terms of working with students. - GSPU-4 / SEUA-4 / ASUE-4 / UA-4 (5 degrees is very well) - ISMA, ASUE, SEUA have career centers where they are providing organisational network concerning internship. 2. How could University Services reach all students? - career center; - web sites; - publications; - University- Enterpreneur center; - students council. - Inner PR mechanisms in Universities; - By participating in internships organised by Universities and partner organisations. - Managerial skills; - Computer high level skills; - Communication skills; - Analytic skills, method and mechanisms. - Database; - New programs taking into consideration; - Information sources - Announcements. - University departments;


Students council; Different conferences. Face to face interactions; Events; Mailing; Trainings; Questionnaries; By giving information. Good networking; High level transparency; Good relations; Making some relations with labor market; Information of students.

3. Which competences should the personnel working in UMCU have? - Creativeness; - analitical and computer skills; cooperation and lidearship skills. - With making larger database. - Need assessment, programme update - Challenges; - Learning outcomes; - Technical database; - Admistrative. - Professional in his/her qualification; - Creative, flexible personality; - Team worker - Creative thinking; - Communication skills; - Knowledge about different areas; - Analitical skills; - Business and economic knowledge. - Communication and analyzing skills; - task force.


4. How can better relationship with employers be established? - On-line databases; - Roundtable discussions; - Surveys seminars; - Joint projects. - Involvement of employer in the selection of diploma; - Work topics. - With meetings and workshop. - Establishing committees; - Events; - Fairs; - Internships. - Two sides benefits; - Employers involvement in curricula design. 5. Why can UMCU be more successful than existing units/services? - It will be equipped with European experience. - It will be created in the results of joint work with more than eight universities, so will join the efforts. - It can be a link between students, Universities and employers - It will also provide adeguate database. - It will give more comprehensive approach to univeristy and market cooperation. - Because UMCU will be more focused on the problems; - They will be more modern and more adopted to our labor market. - It will have more functions and responsibilities.

6. What is the role of the following the process of establishment of UMCU?: STUDENTS

*Participants *Beneficiaries *Contribute opinions and ideas (creative) *Key beneficiaries *Introduction of their needs *20% of influence UNIVERSITIES

*Creators *Realizers *Service Provider *Give all resources to capacity building planning the information. *Indirect beneficiaries, implementers. *To be consistent in updating the database *60% of influence EMPLOYERS/ENTREPENEURS

*Stake-holder *Beneficiaries *Partner *Present demands about potential workers, to take part in creating new programmes and plans. *Direct beneficiaries, process promoters. *To try to reflect their requirements in the design of curricula. *20% of influence


ANNEX 4 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 2 QUESTIONS FOR GROUP REFLECTION 1. How did I feel during the day? - The day was fruitful. - Satisfied - Interesting day, but could be more productive and interactive. - A little bit confused 2.

What knowledge input was completely new to me? - The experience of labor market University corporation, specific approaches. - Assessment of curricula, design; - Database of formulation of learning outcomes. - Design of curricula and questionnaires; - Development of LO's for different levels. - Life long learning center - Business start up center - Practice oriented education - How to design curricula. - Practical knowledge concerning learning outcomes. - Knowledge about electronic version of syllabuses.


What aspect would I like to deepen further? - Curricula design and its assessment, surveys development. - More information on the pre-requisities of establishing UNCU - How to manage and operationalize database - About best practises, for example BCC - Sectorial learning outcomes; - Strategie knowledge of the University management. - -curricula design; - Questionnaire; - Business start up center

4. 'Creatively Thought': back to the inputs I've been given today, - what would I like to apply in my university, within the UMCUs? - Clarification of the mission of the units and the objectives; - Improvement of networking with labor market, University and students. - The outcomes from yesterday's creative thinking; - E-management form for learning outcomes. - life-long learning programme; - real cooperation with market. - Design of questionnaire - Modified version of BCC


ANNEX 5 – Responses daily evaluation DAY 5 Evaluating the overall Capacity Building: POSITIVE -

Everything was really great (team work, right attitude, cooperation); Creative thinking, team building, training technique and methods; Group developing; Right way of implementation; Many points of view concerning the functions of the UMCUs; Best practises; Mechanism for learning outcomes and QA System; Skills for strategic considerations for University-enterprise cooperation; The work style of staff; Informal atmosphere; Practical information of UA; International experience. TO BE REVIEWED


Employers’ involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education; Latvian experience and challenges; Involvement of each participants; Rearranging some information and making it more connected to our project; Need a time to read all the materials to get in details; Attitude of the participants towards the work they are doing; Questionnaires; All the games are useful for future; University-market cooperation ideas; Perceptions of participants on the unit establishment; UMCU’s Creative thinking; Learning outcomes could be more connected to our topics.


Misunderstood and some kind inappropriate information like the experience of Latvia; Quality of some presentations of trainers; Management principles (Bologna, Magna Charta) has no sense to our UMCUs; Waste of time on the presentations which don’t concern the UMCUs; Some parts were very primitive (no useful and interesting); Presenters share what they have achieved but not HOW!?


ANNEX 6 – POST-Evaluation form ARARAT post-evaluation Dear ARARAT Capacity Building participants, This evaluation questionnaire should give you opportunity to express your opinion concerning the training held from the 8th till the 12th April 2013 - in Palermo, Italy. Evaluation is a very important tool to CESIE as it permits us to assess the success and results of the Capacity Building. Your opinion is very valuable for the promoter and the whole project group to continue successfully with this project. But, in order to make it a useful tool we need that you answer it freely and with honesty. Please, take your time and try to be as objective as possible so as to valorise the positive aspects and to identify the weak points in order improve the approach, the activities but even more important - to finalize the TRAINING KIT. Please, answer all questions by ticking the appropriate score box as well as by providing some written text. Please, complete the form the latest by 26th April. Thank you, for any doubt, please contact Luisa *Required 1. Name:

2. Surname:

3. University of reference:

4. What were your initial expectations? * Please explain

5. Have some of the above been fulfilled? * Please explain

6. Were you satisfied with [1 - Very poor / 5 – Very good]: * 1





*Achievement of meeting objectives







*Establishment of a common working basis *Clarification of roles and tasks *Appropriateness of agenda, clear relation to project aims *Management of the meeting *Quantity and quality of other partner’s contributions to the meeting *Mutual understanding amongst partners about the project *Working atmosphere Please comment the above items

Training PROGRAMME (Please rate the ARARAT Capacity Building activities and provide clear comments for partners to improve) Please - consider utility, effectiveness and format of modules and/or activities. DAY 1 > 8/04/2013 *

Liked a lot


More less


Disliked a lot

PRE-Evaluation feedback / State of the Art UMCUs Creative Thinking

DAY 2 > 9/04/2013 *

Liked a lot Liked

More less


Disliked a lot

Management principles University-market cooperation, Best practices Learning outcomes and syllabuses in Computer Quality Assurance System Educational offer and students' questionnaires in Computer Quality Assurance System


Liked a lot

DAY 3 > 10/04/2013


More less


Disliked a lot

*Guided historical City Tour DAY 4 > 11/04/2013 *

Liked a lot


Liked a lot


More less


Disliked a lot

*Strategic considerations for sustainable universityenterprise cooperation *Aligning study programmes with labour market needs. Case Study. *University units promoting student employment & business development *Stimulating university-enterprise links through knowledge & technology transfer *Employers’ involvement in the development of Professional Higher Education. Latvian Experience and Challenges. *Quality Assurance of the UMCU

DAY 5 > 12/04/2013 *

More less


Disliked a lot

*COMMUNICATION Activity [Lego blocks] *UMCUs tasks-timeline [Reverse Gantt] *EXPERTS GROUPS (HR/QA/Budget/Promotion/Documentation/Benchm arking] *FOLLOW UP In-house workshop planning *Evaluation activities

Did you find the daily group evaluation among peers useful? * Select a value from a range from [1 - Very useful / 5 -Little useful, Boring]. 1 Very useful




5 Little useful / Boring


Which activity(ies) did you find the most interesting and relevant and why? *

Do you think the work programme was organised in a coherent and linear way? Why?

ARARAT Capacity Building Let us know your impressions and help us to better meet your expectations in future! * Please score the following on a scale of [1 - Very poor / 5 - Very good] 1





*FORMAT/APPROACH of the training modules/activities

*CONTENT of the training modules/activities

*QUALITY of the content

*USEFULNESS of the content

*TIME allotted to the different sessions Please, expand the above with further comments and suggestions

Please, share your VISION on the UMCUs after the Capacity Building


If looking ahead to the next steps of the project, what kind of threats, risks as well as chances, opportunities etc. do you see? Has there anything to be done, changed, avoided etc., so you would be positive with this project? Please, reflect on both, positive and negative aspects

After having experienced the Capacity Building, how do you perceive now to establish of the UMCU? * Please explain

After having experienced the Capacity Building, how do you perceive now to establish a National University-Labour Market Network (NULMN) to promote cooperation between the partner universities and regional employers? * Please explain

Overall ADDED VALUES As a result of your participation in the Capacity Building: * Please score the following on a scale of 1 to 5 [1 - Very poor / 5 - Very good] 1





*Your knowledge on UMCUs [its structure (how it will fit into the structure of the university, interrelationships), preliminary budget, number of people involved, functions, job responsibilities] is increased *Your knowledge on cooperation has improved



*You have been provided with experiences, best practices and methods to develop participative UMCUs *Your professional skills have been strengthened *Your professional network has increased with new contacts across Armenian partner universities


If I had the chance to draft the modules of the TRAINING KIT (Capacity Building modules) I would (...) * Suggestions for ARARAT partnership to improve the TRAINING KIT.

Please, rate the overall ARARAT Capacity Building experience * Professional and Personal Select a value from a range from [1 – Negative / 10 – Positive]. 1









10 Positive


General organisation Information and Communication * Please score the following on a scale of [1 negative / 4 positive] 1




*General information sent before the event *Quality and usefulness of PRE-evaluation *Registration process *Trainers and staff performed their job in a professional way If there is anything else you want to add or if there was a relevant issue not mentioned in this questionnaire, this is the place!

Have you experienced any problems in using English as a second language for communication?* Select a value from a range from [1 - Not al all / 5 - Quite often] 1

Not at all





Quite often


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