Planning and the challenges of housing delivery Twitter: #LPNLEEDS
Chair Introduction: Jane Kettle Jay Consulting
Twitter: #LPNLEEDS
Phil Crabtree Formerly Leeds Chief Planning Officer
Twitter: #LPNLEEDS
Disaster Management? Housing Delivery in Britain today and tomorrow Disaster management ? Housing delivery in Britain Today and Tomorrow
Phil Crabtree ( Former Chief Planning Officer Leeds City Council 20017-2015)
Housing Completions The record Since the 1950's
The legacy
“The remarkable fact was that the average tenement dweller had far less space than that mandated by the Victorians for prisons and workhouses� Peter Hall Cities of Tomorrow ( 1980) Quoting from Royal Commission for Housing for the Working Class 1884
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' a two storey terraced house for five people , for instance, should be no more than 84.5 sq m' (Parker Morris) Last Year Cambridge University researchers found that the average new build property in the UK-including the larger ones for richer buyers was 76sq m. ( Guardian 9/11/15)
The Architects(?) of our Housing Policy
Conservative Party Manifesto2015
We will extend the right to buy to tenants of housing associations Create a brownfield fund to unlock homes on brownfield land Ensure local people have more control over planning and protect the green belt When new homes are granted planning permission we will make sure communities know up-front the infrastructure will be provided We will support locally-led garden cities
Progress with local plans
Leeds -y
Ryedale-in part
Bradford awaiting inspectors report
E Riding awaiting inspectors report
No up to date local plans York,Kirklees,Sheffield,Calderdale,Kirklees,Hull,Barnsley,North Lincolnshire,Doncaster
Planning and Housing Bill 2015
Delivery of starter homes /self build / custom housing
Extend right to buy to housing association tenants
LS's to sell high value properties recycle receipts with new affordable housing
Direct Intervention with slow local plan making Give sites identified in brownfield register , local and neighbourhood plans and small sites permission in principle Put economic benefits of proposals before local authority planning committees Include housing projects in nationally significant infrastructure projects regime
Shortage of builders holding back development Telegraph 18/11/15
“Before you can solve these problems , you have got to change the system of …...government”
Robert Moses New York 1926
Is planning an obstacle to housing delivery ? Will the reforms deliver the housing we need for the people who need it ? Will a Mayoral system of government help? Has the private sector housebuilding and construction industry got the capacity and kills to deliver 250k-300k homes per year ? Will there be a democratic defect for people living in brownfield areas ? What will be the impacts of the affordable housing reforms and right to buy of housing association properties on young people and the less well off ? How can we improve the quality of new homes ?
Housing Policy – The reality?
John Kirkham Persimmon Homes
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Councillor Peter Gruen ‘Housing growth in Leeds – a pipe dream or reality’
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Key Points & Conclusion
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