2023 Education & Training Program Overview

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Education & Training Program



Through CFAAR's education and training programs, we provide students and trainees opportunities to engage in a dynamic research community

where they contribute to real world research projects, explore contemporary health issues, and translate knowledge into making positive impacts in research, medicine, and public health within their own communities and beyond.

Education remains central to CFAAR’s mission and we offer several educational

and training opportunities for high school, undergraduate, graduate, medical students, residents, and fellows:

CFAAR Scholars Program

CFAAR Ambassadors Program

CFAAR Student Health Leaders Program

Innovation Night


Undergraduate & Graduate Program Program Runtime: June 21-July 28, 2023


Learn how to critically engage in research discussions and become vital members of the scientific community

Develop a scientific literature review

Translate complex data into a ‘research story’

Present to peers in the scientific community

Reflect on your motivations, role, and responsibilities as future health professionals

The CFAAR Scholars Program is a 6-week paid internship opportunity that affords undergraduate, graduate, and medical students an opportunity to strengthen their skills in epidemiological, clinical, and community-based research topics.

Students receive hands-on research experience including but not limited to:

conducting literature reviews interpreting data recruiting study participants developing public speaking skills.

CFAAR Scholars also attend regular didactic sessions and journal clubs to learn from CFAAR faculty, staff, and research collaborators

Students will leave the program with a holistic definition of health to guide them as they move through their educational and career journeys as students, advocates, clinicians, and researchers.

Scholar Alumni

For years, I have been interested in studying biology and medical research. As a high school student, however, I didn't have much experience in the real world outside of my classes. I knew that I liked the subject, but I had no idea how those fields could be applied. With the introduction to medical and public health research from this internship, I realized that I do indeed really enjoy this type of research...I found it inspiring how everyone at CFAAR always kept the community in mind, and worked not only on the research but also on the policy and informative practices that would result."

I thought the whole structure of the internship was great. I liked how there were sessions with the whole group and sessions to work on projects. I was so happy with how involved I was able to be in the projects I worked on. It was beyond my expectations for a summer internship and I feel I have learned so much this summer. I'm really thankful that I was able to be part of CFAAR this summer!"

My experience with CFAAR has guided my decision to pursue a DMD/MPH. I had never previously considered pursuing an MPH prior to the internship, but my experiences and interactions at CFAAR have showed me the importance, even responsibility, health care professionals have to improve community health."



High School & Undergraduate Program

Program Runtime: July 17-21, 2023


Experience an in depth introduction to food allergy research

Exploration of motivations and interests in the healthcare and research fields

Present to peers in the scientific community

Learn critical thinking skills to evaluate research, interpret outcomes and data, and explore public health

CFAAR Ambassadors will work directly with CFAAR faculty and research staff to learn and integrate skills that will challenge students to critically evaluate scientific manuscripts, interpret outcomes and data, and develop critical thinking skills to explore the world of public health research. Students will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with undergraduate and medical students, physicians and medical professionals, community advocates, data scientists and more.

High School Ambassadors

Public health research

How to review a medical publication

Research communications

Our high school students will learn about: Students will receive:

How to translate medical literature into common language

About community advocacy and policy

Medical expert coaching

Mentorship from professionals including physicians, public health experts and undergraduate and medical students

Meet other students interested in health careers

College Ambassadors

Public health research

How to review a medical publication

How to interpret data

Our college students will learn about: Students will receive:

How to translate medical literature into common language

About community advocacy and policy

Career coaching

Mentorship from professionals including physicians, public health experts, graduate and medical students

Meet other students interested in health careers


High School Program

Program Runtime: Jan. 18-Feb. 4, 2023


Learn how to become empowered health advocates for schools and communities

Work on personal and professional goal setting

Learn health research and design innovation skills to create an intervention for a public health topic

Learn about various public health, medicine, and advocacy careers from experts in the field

Student Health Leaders Video

SHL Alumni

My biggest take away was that it doesn’t matter where I come from in my family background, I can follow my passions. I also learned that I don’t have to stick with one thing in my life."

My biggest take away was that I have the ability to pivot as many times as I need to in my life. I am never done, nothing is set in stone and I don’t need to feel stuck in something that I do."

Everyone’s path is very different but somehow and someway we may all end up in one place, a place that we are meant to be."

How the whole community was welcoming and in a way everyone felt like they were sitting in a room full of other people feel the same way as them. Didn’t feel alone or left out."


All Students

Program Runtime: Fall 2023


Showcase innovative solutions

Encourage students to design, iterate, and share their ideas

Provide networking opportunities with industry leaders

With a mission to provide students the platform to become empowered advocates and innovators, CFAAR invites high schoolers, undergraduate and graduate students to submit application for entrance.

Presentations focus on innovative research ideas and/or solutions for the food allergy and asthma community. CFAAR enlists top faculty, researchers, and entrepreneurs from institutions across Chicago to judge the event and opens up the conversation of partnership to bring students' ideas to life.

Be inspired the innovat tomorrow.

Help fund the future of CFAAR stude

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750 N. Lake Shore Dr, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 312-503-1042

Email: cfaar@northwestern.edu



The CFAAR team is internationally recognized for research in these areas. They have published the prevalence of pediatric and adult food allergy in the United States, characterized the economic impact of food allergy, and identified disparities in access to care and outcomes among food allergy and asthma patients To reduce the burden of these diseases and improve health equity, they develop, evaluate, and disseminate interventions and conduct work to inform local, national, and international health policy.

With the continued partnership from their advisory boards, clinical partne groups, patients, and their fam excited to continue developing and impactful methods to inve improve the health of those liv conditions.

To learn more about CFAAR and how to become involved, please visit cfaar.northwestern.edu

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