Florida Music Director December 2021

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Shelby R. Chipman, PhD


President Florida Music Education Association

Learning Through Uniting and Collaborating


reetings, colleagues! One of the greatest gifts in life

amazing opportunity for our music educators, all-state

ences. Music in our schools and education programs clear-

experience something special in Tampa, Florida. Our con-

is our ability to unite, collaborate, and share experi-

ly demonstrates how our openness to combining different cultures will possibly be manifested in the evolution of

new music, which will reflect the continually evolving

cultures of our communities. In many cases these new musics will become new “genres” within themselves. It

is our responsibility to ensure that music is provided in

urban and rural settings, where in some cases children are not receiving music instruction due to multiple problems. We must be reminded that working with students

with specialized communication needs must be fostered through positive interactions and musical development.

As I reflect on my mentors in the teaching field, I fre-

quently pause to say thank you to so many along the way for lifelong lessons that were taught through music. I often

hear the voices of my middle school band director and my high school band director, brothers who had college

degrees in music. They energized my spirit and shared

their pedagogical music skills, which

“The idea of music as a healing

motivated me in the right direction with-

in an all-Black inner-city school. It was

phenomenal! It is startling to wonder how

American culture

opment, technological advances, teaching music in

2022 and beyond, social and emotional strategies, building music communities, starting new programs, music therapy, student and emerging leader sessions, getting the students to believe in music, providing

unity and collaboration through FEMEA, FBA, FOA,

« And much more … FVA components

As music educators, we must strive to instill in stu-

tinue to advocate for music education on all levels within

sometimes with little resources, to pull out the best in us. I am eternally grateful

to each of them and know that music is one of the therapeutics in the realm of life. I can feel the excitement in the air,

and Plato.”

as our FMEA Professional Development

– American Music Therapy Association

This year’s conference is going to be an

4    F l o r i d a

« Inaugural parade, 5-K run downtown, health and wellness workout « FMEA Student Conference Experience « All-state ensembles, clinic sessions/professional devel-

remained focused, and worked tirelessly,

could affect health

writings of Aristotle

cian, composer, bandleader, educator, and advocate of

dents such motivation that will increase their likelihood

ibly dedicated to ensuring their students

least as old as the

« Wycliffe Gordon, trombonist extraordinaire, keynote speaker, General Session #1 « Mickey Smith, Jr., GRAMMY Educator of the Year, keynote speaker, General Session #2 « Virtual hello from Wynton Marsalis, acclaimed musi-

ference highlights include the following:

and why these educators were so incred-

influence which and behavior is as

participants, corporate partners, parents, and guests to

Conference is right around the corner.

Music Director

of valuing music as lifelong participants. We must conour communities, including district school boards, state

legislators, and national leaders. The return to in-person

instruction and social emotional learning offers a unique opportunity for music teachers to create more rewarding

and supportive school communities. More importantly, music provides an avenue for dealing with heavy emotions for one to feel safe again. Music bonds people and is

a powerful tool to express oneself in a healthy and creative setting.

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