Impact Q2 2012 | Christ for all Nations

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2nd Quarter - 2012 路 Pu blic ation of REINHARD BONNKE AND DANIEL KOLENDA

Mission Report

Kampala, Uganda & Freetown, Sierra Leone IMPARTATION BREAKFAST MEETINGS and other upcoming events...





Salvations in Freetown



Salvations in Uganda



INSIDE? 2nd Quarter – 2012




Dear Friends & Partners,

3- 4

5&10 campaign report and panorama photo 6 -9 reinhard bonnke 11 -12 miracle highlights 13&18 campaign report and panorama photo14-17 russell benson 19 - 20

SIERRA LEONE CAMPAIGN – miracle highlights SIERRA LEONE report –


a letter from


Elijah is my favorite Old Testament character. He is a bold and fiery prophet who impacted an entire nation in one of its most challenging times. He raised the dead and never died himself. He called down fire from heaven and went up to heaven in a chariot of fire. He is one of two Old Testament figures that appear in the New Testament (at the Transfiguration). He is also prophetically connected with both the First and Second Coming of the Messiah.


In Matthew 17:10-12 the disciples came to Jesus with a question about His Messiah-ship. They were confused because the scribes were attempting to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah by referencing an Old Testament prophecy by Malachi: Malachi 4:5-6 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: 6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” The scribes said, “If Jesus is the Messiah, then where is Elijah who was promised to precede him?” Jesus helped the disciples by explaining that “Elijah” had indeed already come in the person of John the Baptist. Yet it is clear that He was speaking not of a reincarnation of the old prophet, but the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17). But what I find so fascinating about the answer of Jesus is that with the same breath He said “Elijah has come” (that was John), but also…ELIJAH WILL COME! (v.11)


PAGE 12-13 11


upcoming events Great Gospel Campaign – July 25 - 29 – Gulu, Uganda Impartation Breakfast – August 11 – Nashville, TN Impartation Breakfast – September 15 – Jersey City, NJ Great Gospel Campaign – November 7 - 11 – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Impartation Breakfast– November 17 – Orlando, FL Fire 2012 – November 23 - 24 – Birmingham, UK Great Gospel Campaign – December 6 -10 – Cotonou, Benin 1

John the Baptist came in the Spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way for the first coming of the Lord. But Jesus promised that there is an “Elijah” yet to come before His second return. Who do you think that is? Some people have said he will be one of the two witnesses that are killed in Jerusalem during the tribulation, but I don’t think that is a very good explanation. Look at what is promised. This “Elijah” which is to come, will “restore ALL THINGS.” Surely we don’t see this fulfilled by the two witnesses of Revelation 11. I believe it can only be referring to one thing. In these last days, I believe that the same spirit and power that rested upon Elijah and John the Baptist will rest upon an entire generation. I believe that WE ARE THE ELIJAH GENERATION. It is we who will “prepare the way” for the coming of the Lord. It is we who will bring restoration as the agents of God’s power in the earth. Thank you for your continued support, without the faithfulness of our partners we could not reach the lost for Jesus. Together we are reaching millions of lives with the Gospel Message….One Soul at a Time!






From my seat about ten rows back, I witnessed the phenomenon – a sell-out crowd of more than 11,000 people, predominately teenagers, jammed in to the Melbourne Hisense Arena with one thing on their minds: “praising God with a loud voice.” The atmosphere was thick with the presence of God as the Planetshakers Church praise and worship team led in a powerful Gospel medley of their latest songs. By contrast, you could have heard a pin drop when the enormous LED screens lit up with the panoramic scenes of a CfaN Crusade. That was followed by a standing ovation as Pastor Russell Evans, founder of Planetshakers Church, introduced Reinhard Bonnke as “today’s foremost evangelist… a modern-day legend.” It became apparent to me then that young people today are hungrily searching for mentors that they can learn from and strive to be like. Reinhard Bonnke imparted that night to a crowd containing the next generation’s pastors, church leaders and evangelists – may they run with the torch to see cities, nations and continents changed by the Gospel of Jesus.

The whole city of Sydney couldn’t help but know that Hillsong Church was planning a huge celebration to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Posters and banners were splayed across the city, cards were handed out, even street walls were painted with the message the “Cross = Love.” The church was mobilized to pray, invite others and believe for salvations like they had never seen before at the Hillsong Easter service in the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Thousands packed the arena to experience an awesome night of praise and worship and to hear a powerful Gospel message from Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Outside, there was standing room only as a thousand people stood in the rain to watch the live feed. What an Easter celebration it was as the salvation message was proclaimed and many unsaved friends and family members met Jesus the Savior!


Report from Steve Asmar, CfaN Australia Pacific Director


15-Year-Old Fatima of Sierra Leone broke her foot while trying to gather water from a well

Crippled LEFT - 37-year-old Francis was crippled after a fall in 2010. For the past two years she walked with a crutch. After her encounter with Jesus in the Sierra Leone Christ for all Nations Great Gospel Campaign she was healed and no longer has any pain when she walks. She is able to walk freely without a crutch.

Fatima, the youngest of eleven children, was fetching water when she fell and broke her foot. Neighbors had to help her home. Although she was seriously injured, she did not tell anyone in her family, instead suffering silently. She knew there was no money to go to the hospital; her father was not able to find any work. Her family soon learned of her injury from neighbors, and her father tried to obtain medical help for her, begging the doctors to treat her. Without the finances, her foot remained wounded, and she hobbled around with the assistance of a crutch. Everything changed when she attended the Freetown Gospel Campaign. During the prayer for healing, she felt that her foot was right again, and that she did not need her crutch any longer. Fatima knows she was healed by Jesus Christ and continually thanks Him for what He did for her.

Paralyzed LEFT - This woman whom the village refers to as “mama” was stricken with paralysis after suffering a stroke. She had lost movement in her hands and feet but is now fully restored after being healed. She says Jesus is the Great Doctor.

Malaria, Typhoid, T.B. & HIV RIGHT - A woman who had been terribly sick for two years was taken to the hospital where they diagnosed her with several life-threatening illnesses including malaria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and HIV Aids. The doctors said that there was no hope for her and they sent her home to die. She came to the meeting on deaths doorstep knowing that this was her last hope. During the prayer for the sick, the power of God came upon her, strength returned to her body and all her symptoms vanished. She came to the platform with tears streaming down her cheeks and then she collapsed on the ground sobbing, “Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus.”



Sierra Leone

FREETOWN "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. "


Matt: 28:18-20

...completed decision cards were counted

LAND OF THE FREE The CfaN Gospel Campaign in the capital city of Sierra Leone, Freetown, was more than just a few good evangelistic meetings. Truly, the meetings represented a prophetic and historic defining moment for the nation. The five nights of meetings coincided with Easter weekend – and there couldn’t have been a better way to commemorate Jesus’ sacrificial death and glorious resurrection! Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke opened the campaign with a crystal clear Gospel message and when he gave the altar call many thousands responded. We heard many wonderful testimonies of miraculous healings. On Good Friday, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached about the power of the blood of Jesus. Thousands heard the Gospel and received Jesus as Savior and Lord. On Good


Pictured here shows the 45,000 seat stadium packed to capacity.

Friday it wasn’t just talk about the cross – it was experiencing its power first-hand. For the final meeting on Easter Sunday, the National Stadium bleachers were packed and the stadium workers were forced to open the gates so thousands could overflow onto the grass (which they originally told us they were unwilling to do). Evangelist Daniel Kolenda spoke about the resurrection of Jesus and its unparalleled significance. “And if Christ be not raised,” Paul said, “your faith is vain and you are yet in your sins” (I Cor. 15:17). Miracles, salvations, healings and deliverances followed the message, bearing witness to the wonderful reality – He is risen indeed! For all the testimonies and all the miracles, all the glory goes to Jesus. During the campaign, 301,790 people returned completed decision cards indicating that they have made a decision to follow Jesus. These individuals have now been entered into our follow up system and local churches will be teeming with new converts. We are praising the Lord for the mighty harvest here in Sierra Leone and so thankful that we have been given the open door to proclaim the Gospel.


I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead. (Ephesians 1:18-20)

To Paul, that was the basic Christian faith. Christianity is power.


the Holy Spirit came on the disciples on the day of Pentecost, they were not praying for power. They had no idea what to expect, if anything at all. God swept down on them by His Sovereign will and they experienced what had never been known by any human being – their bodies were the temples of the Holy Spirit. In this text Paul told the Ephesians that he did indeed pray for them, but not for power. He prayed “that the eyes of their heart would be opened” to see the enormous power which was already there awaiting them, registered for them, the fullest resources in Christ. Revival is God in action and Paul showed them that God is always in action, permanent divine action. It is natural for us to want God’s help but He anticipated our need. Help was available. Perhaps the Ephesians were hoping, longing and praying. Whatever the case may be, the Lord had already taken the initiative. Everything needed had already been laid on. In Jerusalem, was the Temple had a great altar of sacrifice on which offerings were burned. The altar fire had been originally lit by fire from heaven and it never went out. No priest came along each morning with paper, sticks and a box of matches. It was always burning. Divine fire does not burn itself out; it never becomes ashes. Then we have the powerful picture which the prophet Zechariah saw of a never-ending supply of oil. He saw a lampstand with seven lamps. The secret was that a pipe


ran from two olive trees directly into the lampstand. The olive trees produced a never-ceasing supply of oil and the lights shone all the time. It was a picture of the endless oil of the Holy Spirit given to those who believe in Christ today.

It is time to understand our own experience The baptism in the Spirit is never in the past tense. If we have been baptized in the Spirit, we are baptized in the Spirit. It was not an act completed in the past but creates a state in which the same action continues. The Holy Spirit is a renewing power, constantly at work, moment by moment. The Holy Spirit is not a temporary power. He does not evaporate, diminish, go flat or peter out. If that were the case, we could not call Him the eternal Spirit. But what He was He is and must always be. He cannot be different from Himself. The Spirit of God is identified by one sign – movement. If there is no movement, there is no Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the wind of heaven. A wind blows, or it is not a wind. The Spirit of God is the breath of God. God never stops breathing. The Spirit is the very wind that moved across the dark chaos of our primeval planet. A still wind cannot happen. The presence of the Holy Spirit is permanent. Jesus said that when the Counselor came he would abide with us. Jesus “tabernacled” with us for the period of his earthly life, but he said “I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever” (Jn 14:16). The word that older versions of the Bible translate with “abide” (Greek meno) is characteristic of John’s Gospel. It occurs 40 times, and ten times relates to the Spirit. This is why God calls Himself faithful. Jesus said He would send another Counselor (like Himself) but He would abide with us forever. The prophet Ezekiel saw it all in a vision. He saw a river with its source in the house of God. Ezekiel saw the waters become a deep river into which swimmers could plunge. God does not create puddles, ponds, or ankle-deep witnesses. God does not plan to make us damp; he wants us to be immersed in blessing, with water over our head, ripping, reveling, full of joviality and joy. God does not want us to spend our lives agonizing, even “wrestling” with Him to give us the Spirit. The Spirit is the joint gift of Father and Son. In His presence is fullness of joy, and His presence in us is a whole festival. We can quench the Spirit, we can grieve the Spirit. But we can only do so if we have the Holy Spirit. The man of the world cannot grieve the Spirit. He has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, good or bad. The Spirit can be hindered in our lives, but He is not a delicate force. He is omnipotent. Baptism in the Spirit was designed for ordinary people not spiritual athletes. God’s supreme desire is for souls to be saved. He will use whatever is available – us, imperfect human beings with all our frailties and moods. If we are willing to be sent, He will cleanse our lips and send us. He surely will!


Fibrous Tumors

Margaret was told she would never walk normally again after severing her leg in two places and fracturing her foot and hip. When threatened by a drunken spouse, Margaret jumped from the second story of an apartment building, severing her leg in two places and fracturing her foot and hip. After a year and a half and several operations, she could only walk briefly with great physical pain. A mother of two and sports player, Margaret struggled with depression.


When her sister and pastor encouraged her to visit the Christ for All Nations Gospel campaign, she felt hope spring in her heart. The first night of the Kampala Campaign, she reached out to Jesus during prayer time. When Daniel Kolenda encouraged the crowd to test themselves, she stood from her chair and felt no pain. Then she walked, then jumped with no pain! Margaret ran forward to the stage to declare the wonderful gift of healing Jesus had given her. Now, Margaret is walking daily, playing with her children and even planning to play volleyball for the first time in five years! To God Be The Glory!

LEFT/ABOVE RIGHT- Grace was living a wonderful life as a mother of two and working in a professional career. Then one day, she noticed a couple of lumps in her breast. When she went to the doctor, tests revealed that she had multiple fibrous tumors in both breasts. As a young mom she was devastated, fearing cancer and not “being there” for her children and husband. Discussions were turning to medical operations but Grace decided she was going to first stand on the promises “He is our Healer” and that “by Jesus’ stripes we are healed.” After much intercession, Grace chose to attend the Christ for All Nations Gospel Campaign in Kampala to seek the Lord for her answer. When she heard the biblical teaching proclaimed by Daniel Kolenda, Grace reached out in faith during prayer and began to praise the Lord for a divine answer. After a powerful time of prayer, Grace began to examine herself. A sudden burst of joy overcame her as she struggled to find any of the hardened tumors. Grace came forward with a grateful heart to declare that her Savior, Jesus Christ, had done an amazing work in her physical body. “To God be the Glory,” she declared.

Broken Arm RIGHT - Kadijah had come from the farmlands of Uganda and taken up housework with a strange family. They treated her like a slave and when they threatened her, she ran away and found herself outside a church. As a Muslim girl, she feared going inside a church, but the fear of the cruel family was greater. The pastor and his wife took her in and discovered she had a broken arm that had never healed properly. Whenever she tried to use it, pain made her drop what she was doing. The pastor decided to bring her to the CfaN Gospel Campaign to see what the Lord would do. When the salvation invitation was shared, a counselor in the crowd helped lead her to Christ. Then the counselor encouraged her to seek the Lord for a divine answer for her troubled arm. The girl asked how and the counselor told her to trust the Lord and pray. As the young girl so, she said, “I felt popping and cracking in my arm and I was able to bend it raise it and even swing my arm in circles!” Now this young lady is living as a new believer in Jesus and able to use both of her arms in work and play. The pastor and his wife give thanks to the Lord as they now disciple her in the faith and help her gain an education for life.


"if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.. " Romans 10:9-10



150,660 ...completed decision cards were counted

JUBILEE IN KAMPALA, UGANDA The international spotlight has covered the violence, bloodshed and mass murder in Uganda quite substantially over the past year. But perhaps the most eternally significant thing that has happened this year is the Gospel Campaign that was recently held in Kampala. It is likely, that during the week, more people were born again here this week then in any other single place on the face of the earth. We saw cripples walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, tumors disappear, mass outpourings of the Holy Spirit, witchcraft abandoned, repentance and restitution, forgiveness granted, curses broken, demoniacs delivered and the blessing of God descend in a huge, public, national and prophetic expression of the Kingdom of God! This is why we went to Kampala, Uganda; this is God‘s initiative – HARVEST 2012!

12 14

Although the devil did everything he could to stop this crusade from happening; financial difficulties and logistical challenges, many dangers, toils and snares, the Lord has been faithful, you have prayed for us and helped us financially and now the work has been done. Local congregations are bursting at the seams with new converts and the Church has been elevated; not only in a spiritual way, but also having received the public recognition of the President himself and the First Lady who personally attended the crusade. This is a very special year for the nation of Uganda. They are celebrating 50 years of independence and everyone is using the word “Jubilee.” But the greatest jubilee of all is the Good news of the Gospel; proclaiming liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind and

setting free those who are oppressed. I believe this Gospel campaign is a prophetic sign to this nation, not only a sign, but also a wonder. I can‘t help but feel that there is an extraordinary spiritual significance that is far deeper than we even realize. HARVEST 2012 continues next month when we return to Uganda, this time to the city of Gulu (which happens to be very close to where Joseph Kony was born and is now home to thousands of refugees, displaced during the hostilities between the government and Kony‘s army, the LRA). God has a plan for this nation and we (you and us) have a strategic part to play.

Our obedience to go and to preach is where God faithfully meets us. Our words and actions are nothing without the Newma of God, and once we open our mouths to share the message of Eternity…God breaths life into our words as they penetrate the hearts of those listening. Over the 5 nights of CfaN’s Great Gospel Campaign in Kampala, the Gospel message went forth faithfully, and 150,660 Precious Souls were added to the Kingdom and became our brothers and sisters. Surely God is at work in this great nation of Uganda. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20


A letter from

RUSSELL BENSON National Director of Christ for all Nations USA

T hank You! To the partners of Christ for all Nations Thank you for being an essential part of this soul-winning ministry! We simply could not do this great work alone. Accomplishing Kingdom purposes requires a team, united in spirit and in mission. The Bible shows us numerous examples of ministry being teamwork: Jesus sent out His disciples two by two, the Apostle Paul speaks of a five-fold team and the Epistles repeatedly call for the body of Christ to lock arms together. When I was a pastor, I used to tell my congregation that we are “stronger together than we are apart.” Today, more than ever before, I have a revelation of this synergy when doing the Lord’s work. As anointed as Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda are, they too realize that without our partners we would not be able to go and reap this historic harvest. As Daniel Kolenda has said to me, the reaping of the harvest is just the last link in a long string of links. No one link is more important than the other links. Every single link needs to be in place in order for the harvest to be reaped. This is how I believe the Kingdom is to operate. That’s why we deeply value all of our partners and want them to know that they are a major key to what happens through Christ for all Nations. My priority is to build even stronger relationships with our partners through prayer, ministry events, teachings and so much more. Our One Soul Sponsors are especially key relationships, integral to this mission as the Lord opens new doors and CfaN pursues the harvest with more urgency than ever before.

New things that are happening at CfaN My staff and I are all extremely excited to be in our new office building in sunny Orlando, Florida. The Lord spoke to Evangelist Bonnke months ago that God was going to give us a “Harvest Home” and it has been amazing to see the Lord fulfill this word. Having a home base allows us greater productivity and increases our ability to send more funds straight to the harvest field where they are most needed. With this new facility, we have also been able to expand the reach of our ministry into television. We now have a studio where Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke can minister to people all over the world. More than ever, we have the capacity to keep our partners up-to-date on the incoming harvest, preach the Good News to a television audience and believe for the same miracles that we see in Africa to happen right in the homes of millions of people. Exciting things are indeed happening here at CfaN USA!

What CfaN is doing here in America We believe that we are going to see a mighty move of the Holy Spirit through Christ for all Nations TV. Many stations throughout the US and the world, including Daystar, are airing the show. Also, we have special ministry events called “Impartation Breakfasts,” where Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda minister to our partners and personally lay hands on everyone in attendance. In 2012, we plan to hold Impartation Breakfasts in Nashville,


New York, Dallas and more. Another exciting event that CfaN is involved with is Soul Winning Impartation Meetings (SWIM). Our desire is to partner with local churches to train and equip them in the area of evangelism. We want to link arms with local churches, pastors and leaders to see their people equipped to reap the harvest in their Jerusalem. I or one of my associates will go to a local church on a Saturday and teach an intensive course written by Evangelist Bonnke on evangelism and then we’ll pray for an impartation to reach their city. A lot of great things are happening right here in the US and I encourage you to check out more happening at

What is God saying to me right now for CfaN Although it may sound cliché, the Lord is speaking to me about the harvest. I believe we are approaching a season where the harvest will be accelerated. Jesus spoke to His disciples that the fields were ripe to the harvest; this is more true today than ever before. The harvest is now ripe for the picking. Wherever we go around the world we see people who are hungry for truth. When presented with the Gospel, the Holy Spirit moves on their hearts and they receive the Good News with great joy. When Jesus spoke about the harvest being ripe, he was speaking specifically about timing. As you know from purchasing fruit from your market, timing is key. If a piece of fruit is too ripe, it is not good for consumption and if it is not ripe enough it should be left alone for another time. But when you find something ripe you want to gather as many of it as possible before it is too late. This is a picture of the worldwide harvest today -- I feel that the fruit is at a perfect ripeness. We cannot wait for another day or we risk the fruit being lost! We have a window of opportunity that must be seized upon before it is too late. At CfaN we are always looking to maximize every opportunity and allow the Lord to use us to reap this very ripe harvest. We all should look for opportunities to share our faith. I challenge all of us to be carefully considering the fields where we live because I believe we will see that the fruit is hanging low right before our eyes, ripe for picking. The harvest day is here indeed!


Russell K Benson

the sickle, for the harvest is ripe...” Joel 3:13

Russell K Benson The National Director of Christ for all Nations USA Russell Benson’s passion for world evangelism is only surpassed by his unequivocal thirst for Jesus Himself. Born in Long Island, New York and raised in Port Charlotte, Florida, Russell found himself in the midst of a revival from an early age. After he graduated from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida, he then pioneered churches where he quickly realized the forging fire in his heart was to see the “equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.” Married eight years, Russell and Brooke, his wife, make their home in Orlando, Florida with their three children, Micah, Nathaniel, and Lucas.



REINHARD BONNKE REACHES 1 MILLION FACEBOOK FANS Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and the word Million are often seen together, but normally you see the Million referring to the number of salvations at one of his Great Gospel Campaigns in Africa. However today we celebrate another Million Milestone with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

The Christ for all Nations team globally is excited to announce that Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has now reached and surpassed 1 Million Facebook Fans. If you have not joined Evangelist Bonnke on Facebook we encourage you to log in now and fan him. You will quickly see why over a million people have joined his page. Reinhard personally posts his own thoughts and Gospel Nuggets (sometimes multiple times in a day). These rich posts will encourage you and strengthen you, and you will be joining a broad network of like-minded believers. Please take a moment to log in now and congratulate Evangelist Bonnke on this Million Milestone.



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ministry has embarked on a ser ng the lives of CfaN partners, the acti imp at ed aim capacity with those e ativ initi an more. These events, all filled to ny For the past four years, in ma and ) (UK am ingh Birm York, Tampa, g Atlanta, Toronto (Canada), New Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and in cities around the world, includin ministry to personally meet with the of ters por sup and nds frie e provided an opportunity for akfast meeting culminates with hungry for the things of God, hav r a powerful teaching, each bre Afte n. ctio dire and tion tiva mo ion, in their own lives, fresh inspirat Daniel Kolenda and to receive everyone in attendance. enda personally laying hands on Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kol

e following Cities:

coming to th Upcoming Breakfast meetings

Enter to win this all-expenses-paid, short-term missions trip to an African evangelistic crusade hosted by Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. On this trip of a lifetime, you and a friend or relative of your choice will travel to a remote African city and witness the power of the Full-Gospel as hundreds of thousands gather and receive Christ. You’ll be astounded and amazed at the campaign, plus you’ll experience the culture, scenery, and fascinating people along the way. Enter now and every time you share this opportunity with a friend or relative and they sign up, we’ll automatically enter your name again for the drawing.

th - New York, NY 15 r be em pt Se • TN le, vil sh Na August 11th November 17th - Orlando, FL To learn more, visit

This trip is Sponsored by Christ for all Nations. No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win. Void where prohibited. Trip starts November 5, 2012 and ends November 13, 2012. Total Retail value of this package is $9,200.00. Enter at Odds of winning are based upon number of eligible entries at time of drawing. Material eligibility restrictions apply. See full terms and conditions at



Founded by Reinhard Bonnke Canada

Post Office Box 24090 London, Ontario N6H 5C4 Toll-free: 1-800 459-3709 Phone: 519 432-5723 Fax: 519 432-5277 E-Mail: Executive Director Rev. John Mitchell


Locked Bag 50 Burleigh Town QLD 4220 Phone: +61 755 082 914 Fax: +61 755 082 907 E-Mail: Regional Director Steve Asmar

Post Office Box 590588 Orlando, FL 32859-0588 Toll-free: 1-888 800-2767 Phone: 407 251-7000 Fax: 407 251-7001 E-Mail: Executive Director Russell Benson

Southeast Asia

Singapore Post Centre Post Office Post Office Box 418 Singapore 914014 Phone: +65 6345 9880 Fax: +65 6346 2477 E-Mail: Regional Director Karen Gan


Melsunger Str. 1 60389 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: +49 69 478 78 0 Fax: +49 69 478 78 10 20 E-Mail: Regional Administrator Herbert Fischer

Southern Africa

Post Office Box 50015 West Beach 7449 Phone: +27 21 554 1892/8 Fax: +27 21 554 1915 E-Mail: Southern Africa Director Thea Britz Regional Administrator André Britz

United Kingdom

Highway House, 250 Coombs Rd. Halesowen, West Midlands B62 8AA Phone: +44 121 602 2000 Fax: +44 121 602 7003 E-Mail: Executive Director Mark Oakes

CfaN IMPACT is an official publication of Christ for all Nations, the Ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. Its purpose is to update friends and supporters of the ministry with news of the impact their prayer and financial support is having throughout the world. Founder: Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke President: Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Int‘l Vice President: Rev. Peter van den Berg

Hong Kong

PO Box 97505 Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office Phone: +852 3904 3000 E-Mail: Regional Executive Director Peter van den Berg Regional Administrator Georgiana Lam

Editor: Brad Braland Photographer: Oleksandr Volyk Designers: Jaclyn Cavalier, Neysa Millan & Jim McMahel


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