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Donations rollout update
Thanks to the generous donations from the community to the CFA Public Fund and CFA & Brigades Donations Fund following the 201920 fires, CFA is delivering programs to further enhance volunteer safety and capabilities when responding to incidents, equip brigades, and help transform the capability of our volunteers.
Volunteer digital training program
This program improves the capacity of CFA’s volunteer trainers and assessors (TAs) by purchasing 320 4G-enabled Samsung tablets for use in training, delivery and assessment. Following the success of the pilot group, phase one will be rolled out in August 2021 and will allow our TAs to deliver and assess operational training effectively and efficiently. It will also increase efficiencies in assessment and data management through real-time access to all online materials and systems. Phase two will be rolled out in early 2022.
Mobile education units (MEU)
The MEU project will provide CFA with a fleet of 10 vehicles (two for each CFA region) to support community development and resilience activities, including volunteer support and engagement activities. We will be able to use the vehicles to engage with community members at festivals, fairs and brigade open days, and use them at campaign fires or other prolonged events to give information to the public. After extensive consultation, the first five vehicles have been commissioned but will not be available to volunteers until the middle of next year due to procurement challenges caused by COVID-19.
Defibrillator program
Just over $1 million was allocated to the Defibrillator Program to buy 426 defibrillators. This brought CFA’s total to more than 1,700 units across the state. The rollout was completed in July 2021 and ensures every group vehicle will have a defibrillator and every brigade will have at least one vehicle with a defibrillator.
District Picklist Program
The $4.8 million District Pick List Program supported brigades with practical items at a local level. More than 12,000 practical items were distributed to 95 per cent of brigades. Items allocated through the program ranged from brigade amenities such as washing machines and TVs, to training for medium rigid licences, as well as additional operational equipment such as torches, thermal imaging cameras and chainsaws.
Big impact on smaller brigade
District 2 BASO Angela Barnes coordinated the Pick List Program for the Eppalock Group. “It allowed smaller brigades to access items they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to afford,” Angela said. “Many of the brigades are in small rural communities with limited infrastructure around them and limited ability to fundraise. “It was like Christmas and a real highlight for brigades to a have an opportunity to specifically pick items from the list that could build their capabilities.” Mt Camel Fire Brigade, a small rural brigade near Heathcote, received a mobile phone for their tanker to improve communication, reversing camera to improve safety and a mussel that helps pump water from a dam or river. “The mussel is a real winner,” Secretary and Treasurer Fiona Tranter said. “In the past we’ve used a one-way foot valve covered by a yabby net to draught water from dams to fill our tanker, but when the water level is low it’s not practical. Whereas the mussel is easy to use in all types of dams.” Mosquito Creek Fire Brigade on the edge of Lake Eppalock is another happy beneficiary of the program, receiving two LED light bars for tanker 1 and tanker 2 (pictured). “We cover all the club sites and camping areas around Twin Rivers which attract around 6,500 visitors over the Christmas period,” 2nd Lieutenant Mark Forder said. “There is little lighting around, so the LED light bars let us see where we’re going and what we are up against.” Knowsley Fire Brigade Secretary and Firefighter Denis Crouch said his brigade selected two medium rigid licences, a truck-mounted hose winder, drip torch and some hand-held torches. “The licences are always appreciated,” Denis said. “When everyone is at work in Bendigo or in the back paddock of their farm during the day not everyone is available, so having more members able to drive the truck builds our response capabilities.”