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728-1650 727-1650 fax
515 Marcy Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901
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www.sisriverhead.com Welcome St. Isidore School is an extension of your family. The home and school are partners in building a true Christian community. We at St. Isidore aim to create a school community whose atmosphere is enlivened by the Gospel Spirit of freedom and charity. We aim to help the student in such a way that the development of his or her own personality will be matched by the growth of the new creation he or she has become by Baptism. We strive to relate all human culture to the Good News of salvation, that the life of faith will illuminate the knowledge which students gain the world, of life and of the human family. We will learn and share together. Each year is different with its own unique atmosphere because each year we are a different family of students, parents and faculty members. To each we give and from each we receive concern, kindness and understanding. Those we meet will reflect what we share. All will point to successful achievement. Everyone is special to us! We invite everyone to join hands and hearts to form a family circle of love and friendship in God’s family at St. Isidore School. Philosophy In light of the futuristic lines set up by Post Vatican II and guided by the pastoral message of Catholic Education, we the faculty at St. Isidore School, aim to initiate and experience a vibrant Christian Community among the faculty and student body. Our educational integrated ministry embraces three interlocking dimensions: message, community and service. Our ministry scales harmonious development of the whole person; spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically. We strive to guide our students to acquire concepts and skills by which they can develop their own personal worth and that of others. St. Isidore will help students and their parents, realize personal choices and actions that will make them attentive, reasonable, intelligent and loving people. Through contemporary methods and disciplines, the faculty will attend to meet the needs of our students with growing concern and respect for their individual differences. This will help the students experience fulfillment as they mature. As Christians and citizens of a free society, we are all moving toward self-discovery. We do this by equipping the students with the tools necessary for acquiring and evaluating information, thus the students become persons responsive to the needs of the Church and society. We will help the students realize that they can build their own future and understand the nature of all people, by living in Christ. Students will discover that the work of Christ is an on-going process directed by the Holy Spirit. Christian education and faith are lifetime concerns. St. Isidore School hopes that students will see their lives attuned to the demands of today and the challenges of tomorrow, as lives of dynamic growth and personal service to God and to the whole family on earth Goals
To build a strong relationship between staff, faculty, parents, students, parish and community. To foster a strong sense of family To allow as much time as possible to give individual instruction where and when needed To provide not only knowledge of school subjects but also values to be acquired and truths to be discovered. To encourage a sense of peace and justice
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To help the students learn to be responsible for their own actions, to be consistent in learning and to not be afraid to take risks and to develop a positive spirit about learning. To make St. Isidore School a place where students live a shared experience of faith in God and where they learn the riches of Catholic culture.
The Organization of St. Isidore School The PASTOR, in accordance with Canon Law has the overall responsibility for the school, including the implementation of Diocesan policies. He will attend to matters within the school that affect worship, the ministry of the Word and the spiritual welfare and moral formation of the students. It will be his duty to see that the teachings of the church are clearly and accurately presented. He is a member of the School Board. The PRINCIPAL will be the administrator of the school and a member of the School Board. The principal will be responsible for implementing the school policies that have been established at the Diocesan and Parish levels. Her decisions are binding. Handbook purpose This handbook contains basic information which each person should know concerning the policies and regulations of St. Isidore School. These policies have been formulated for the safety and whole development of each child entrusted to our care. Keep this handbook available for reference. Communication to Parents Weekly notices will be sent home on Wednesdays with your youngest child; if you so request. Otherwise they will be e-mailed and posted on the website for you. If a notice requires a reply your promptness in meeting all deadlines is important and appreciated. Emergency Contacts Each parent/guardian needs to provide the school with telephone numbers where they may be contacted in the event of unforeseen emergencies. The school requires that the parents provide the name(s), addresses and telephone numbers of individuals who could act in the parent’s absence should an unexpected event occur and the parents cannot be contacted. Pre-Kindergarten Here at St. Isidore’s Pre-K program we provide thematic and cooperative learning using a differentiated instructional approach. We create an education that instructs and enriches the development of the whole child; spiritually and physically. Our program allows children to explore their environment and individual expression. Children will be able to make choices, solve problem, work cooperatively and feel successful. In each area of learning children are introduced to new concepts, ideas and are encouraged to explore their boundaries in order to encourage participation in activities that extend their learning. We create early educational experiences
P age |4 that nurture, encourage and foster learning by interacting with students in a loving and attentive fashion. The collaborative effort between teacher and family is established from the onset of the child’s first day at St. Isidore’s. Our program successfully prepares students for Kindergarten readiness. School Day Consists of: Center based Programs Reading, Writing, Science and Math Centers Arts and Crafts Music and Movement Playground activities Free Play Circle Time Prayer It is important that a pre-k child is potty trained. If a child has an accident a parent will be called to come. Children are dropped off at 9 AM and picked up at 11:30 or 2:15 Each parent must sign in and leave a phone number as where they can be reached. If someone other than a parent comes for a child, he/she must show proper ID, and a letter from the parent and the child must be able to identify him/her Each family is asked to provide a snack, and water/juice each month A medical form, emergency form, medication, allergies forms must be on file in main office Tuition is paid monthly Registration Fee $100 non refundable 3 year olds 2 day program Tuesday and Thursday Half Day 2 day –all day Tuesday and Thursday 5 day program
$2000.00 $2200.00 $4200.00
200.00 a month $220.00 a month $420.00 a month
4 year old
3 day program Monday/Wednesday/Friday Half Day $2500.00 250.00 a month 3 day – all day Monday/Wednesday/Friday $3700.00 370.00 5 day program $4200.00 $420.00 a month Morning Assembly Students assemble in the school before the start of school. They are supervised beginning at 7:45. No student should be in the school yard or in the classroom before7:35 unless accompanied by an adult. St. Isidore cannot be held responsible. The first bell rings at 8 AM and we assembly for prayer at 8:05. Any student arriving after 8:10 will be considered tardy. At that time a parent/guardian must sign them in. Lunch Children will bring a disposable lunch in school with them along with a morning snack. No student will be permitted to buy or bring soda unless permission is given. The soda will be sent home. Soda is permitted on hot lunch days (Wednesdays/Fridays). Hot lunch begins in October and goes to June No soda is to be purchased after school unless the child is in the SAFE program. Soda/food is not permitted on any of the buses.
P age |5 Milk ( chocolate, and lofat) is available and may be ordered every three months (price is .55 a carton) . Students eat in the classrooms with the teacher present. Students with allergies are sent to a separate area to eat their lunch. Forgotten Lunches Please leave any forgotten lunches in the school office. Crackers and milk will always be provided if we are informed of the need of a lunch. Snack will not be provided. Hot lunches are never given to students who forgot a lunch. However, if there are extra lunches they may be purchased by the students. Recess Students should anticipate the weather and dress accordingly to be outdoors. Parents should not expect teachers or administrators to force their children to dress appropriately. Only students who have a note from home concerning illness may remain indoors. These children will stay on the steps until it is time to return to class. Students are expected to obey any supervisors on duty. Misbehavior will result in the loss of recess. Students are not permitted behind the convent or in the picnic area. Classes are assigned fields on a rotating basis. Students may not leave the yard for any reason and must stay away from the driveways. Football passes are given out daily. No contact sports are allowed. Children are encouraged to bring jump ropes, yo-yo’s, etc. The classrooms have yard balls that they children may bring out. Parents are assigned to help supervise the lunch period. If we do not have the help the children will be confined to the black top area. A list of days is given out and you are expected to come or get a replacement. Parents supervise between 11:30 – 12:00. Parents must have Virtus Training as well as a Code of Conduct/release form on file,as well as a screening consent/disclosure form to be around the children. Yard play rules Parents as well as student need to be aware of the following rules for outside play The children are to share the fields and courts in their assigned areas. All grades may use the playground equipment Kindergartners use their own playground Only students who are ill, who are being punished, who are participating in a club activity or have special permission may be inside. If only one parent shows up for supervising, the children will only be allowed to play on the blacktop. If a teacher, parent or anyone supervising the children sees a child speaking with a stranger, the adult is obligated to intervene, protect the child and bring the child to the office to report the incident. Students are not permitted to play on the landing by the library stairs 1. To be near the dumpster or the picnic area 2. Around the teachers vehicles 3. In the driveways
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To leave school property To climb fences to retrieve balls To play in the far corner of the yard To be anywhere around the pre-k or convent To participate in hockey, rollerblades, or any game deemed dangerous by a teacher. To play football without a pass.
Gym Physical Education is a required class in New York State. All students are expected to participate. A child is only excused if she/he has a note from a doctor. School Maroon shorts/sweatpants and shirt/sweatshirts are permitted in gym as well as any T-shirt given through the school. Appropriate Sneakers are a must. Students not prepared (dressed appropriately) will not be permitted to participate. The gym grade is based on preparation, participation, and behavior. Dismissal
Students are dismissed at 2:15. Parents are to wait near the front door and a child will be released to them. Parents are not to come up to the top of the stairway, or go to a classroom. If your child is being picked up a note is required. If the child is always to be picked up, one note is required to be on file in the office. School Day Appointments Parents are urged to not schedule any appointments during school hours (doctors, dentist, etc.) This causes a disruption in the student’s learning process. If this must occur, a parent must provide a note to the school office that morning. Phone in requests should only be in case of emergency. Any work missed by the student must be made up. Office Hours The school office will be open from 8:00 to 3:15 PM daily. Phones may not be answered until after 8:15. Please leave a message. Principal and Faculty Appointments PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL AND DO NOT COME TO THE OFFICE WITH “Can I see you now?” We are more than willing to sit with you and give you the time you need if you just make an appointment. Please do not be annoyed or angry if you are told “Please give us available times and we will make an appointment.” A meeting will be arranged and confirmed. Parent/Teacher conferences are set up by sending a note directly to the teacher. Please state a reason for the conference and a possible date and time. Meetings are usually held immediately after or before school. No parent will be permitted to see a teacher, disturb a class during school hours for any reason.
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Absenteeism According to NYS Education Law, absence from school for the following reasons are excusable: personal illness, death or illness in the family, impassable roads, weather making travel unsafe, quarantine approved educational trips and being required to be in court. Absence for any other reason is consisted to be inexcusable and will be marked as such on the student’s office record. If a child must miss school a parent is asked to notify the office. Upon return to school the student must present a note with the child’s name, grade, dates and reason for absence. These notes must be kept on file for three years. If no note is present the student is illegally absent. An absence of five days requires a doctor’s note. A student absent for thirty days or more during the school year will have to repeat the grade. The student is responsible for any work missed. If a sibling wishes to pick up missed work, please send a note to the office and we will make sure everything is ready before they leave. Students should not miss school to go on vacation. Work missed will be given when the child returns, not before. Instructions for early dismissal St. Isidore School is now on the One Call system. In case of emergency, snow days, early dismissal, delayed opening, full day closure,if you are on the system, you will be contacted via home phone, or cell phone. Check the school’s website to list or update your phone numbers. Since the students of St. Isidore School reside in several different school districts; each district determines their own closing time, therefore in poor weather dismissal times vary. St. Isidore can only close if an early dismissal is announced by RIVERHEAD CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. All emergency closing are announced on WALK and Channel 12 News and Channel 12’s website. Do not call the school, Incoming calls interfere with the effective communication with the school districts and bus companies. Delayed Openings They will be announced on WALK, Channel 12 News and school’s website and through One Call. Full Day Closures They will be announced on WALK, Channel 12 News and school’s website and through One Call. Bus Transportation We need to know the name of your bus company, your child’s bus number, and your district. If an incident occurs on the bus, please speak to your driver first, and then your bus company. All bus requests must be made before April 1 of the next school year. Riverhead students must be registered with Riverhead School district.. Money Sent to School Money sent to school for any reason should be placed in an envelope, clearly marked with the child’s name, grade and purpose. Please make separate checks for tuition, milk and hot lunch as they go into different accounts. All checks are made to St. Isidore School.
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Books and Book bags Each child is required to carry a book bag of some sort. Bags on wheels must be carried into school. All bags can be searched by a teacher or principal for any reason. All hard covered books must be covered. Do not use clear contact paper on textbooks but they may be used on workbooks. Telephones/Cell Phones Students may ask to use the office phone for emergency only. They may not call home for forgotten school work, gym clothes, musical instruments, lunch money, etc. No child is permitted to have a cell phone in his/her possession unless for emergency reason which have been discussed with the Principal. The child and only the child may use his cell phone; it cannot be lent to others. All cell phones are placed in the office during the day. The phones are picked up by the child after announcements are made. Cell phones found in a student’s possession will be taken and a parent must retrieve the phone at the school office. Absolutely no taking of pictures of anyone or anything in school with a cell phone. If a picture or video is taken and posted on a web site in any regard to St. Isidore School, without the schools permission, the student will be subject to legal and disciplinary action. Fire Drills Fire drills ensure the safety of the St. Isidore School community in the event of an emergency. They are held during school hours. Students must remain silent during the drills in order to hear instructions. Each class is instructed regarding the drill. Health Information The NYS Education Law requires medical exams of each school child in the third, seventh and tenth grades. Student entering the school for the first time (new students, Kindergartners and Pre-K) are all required to have a physical on file. A School physician may perform the physicals if you wish. The school nurse is on duty limited hours each day. Students who become ill during the day should report to the office. A student’s parents will be notified if any student becomes ill during the school day and if deemed appropriate will be asked to pick up the student. Parents should make this a priority and come at once. A child will not be allowed to leave without adult supervision. If your child tells you he/she is sick before school please screen them carefully. Do not send a child to school if they are ill. Medication for students At times it may be necessary for your child to take medication during the school hours. The nurse will cooperate with the family physician and parent. The following are the requirements: The school nurse must have a written request from the physician in which he/she indicates the frequency and dosage of the prescribed medication, the condition being treated.
P age |9 A written request from the parent to administer the medication The medication has to be delivered to the school by the parent in the original prescription bottle. Medication is kept in the nurse’s office under lock and key. Do not give any medication to your child to hold. (It will be considered a “drug”) The school nurse and the administration are not required to administer medication. It is up to the administration to see if the giving of the medication is possible. If the school nurse is not available, it will be up to the principal if she wishes to administer it. Accident Insurance All students are covered by liability insurance. This is paid through the registration fees. All accidents must be reported and documented in the school office as soon as they occur. All accidents reports must be on file or the school will not be held liable. Field Trips In order to participate in any field trip sponsored by St. Isidore School, the student must present a consent form, signed by the parent on or before the date established by the teacher/Principal. No verbal permission will be accepted or any other handwritten form. The field trips are meant to enhance a child’s education. If a child does not attend it will be an illegal absence. If behavior is consistently inappropriate in the school, the student will not be permitted to attend. This decision is based on write-up’s, detentions and consultation with the teacher. Principal makes final decision. PARENTS MAY CHAPERONE A GROUP ONLY IF THEY HAVE ATTENDED VIRTUS TRAINING, have a code of conduct and screening consent form on file This trip is for education purposes for the parent and child. Parents supervise all children. The parents pay for admission and bus. Parents wishing to go on a trip need to make this known to the teacher. Siblings are not permitted. Students are expected to follow the same rules and regulations that they would if they were in school building. A field trip is a privilege, not a right. E-mails Parents will only be e-mailed about poor school work or lack of homework Teachers should be able to respond to parents within 48 hours. Parents will not be e-mailed about discipline problems these will be discussed with you directly Teachers e-mail addresses can be found on the website. Homework Homework is given daily and may be given on weekends in grades 1-8. The allotted time for written homework is K- 15minutes, 1,2,3- 30 minutes, 4-5- Sixty minutes, 6, 7, 8 – ninety minutes.
P a g e | 10 Homework is considered part of the student’s grade. A child receives a write up if he fails to do any part of the homework. After three write ups the child is mandated to become a member of the “Homework Club” which means staying after school for one hour to do the homework and the cost for this is $8.00. A teacher will be present to help the student. Please purchase a planner for your child to write down his homework. Computer Use St. Isidore has established a technology network with access to the internet for its students. This network has been established for limited educational purposes only. By agreeing to this policy the student(s) and the parents /guardians of the student(s) fully agree to the following: There is NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY when using the school’s technology resources. Administration, faculty, and other authorized persons have the right to review any and all material saved, transmitted, accessed, or momentarily in use by the student in accord with the policy set by the school’s administration. The school’s right to review is extended to any use by the student’s parents/guardian of the school’s computer resources in accord with the school’s policy for review of student records and/or work. There is NO ABSOULTE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH when using the school’s technology resources, which is viewed by the administration as a limited educational forum, and student behavior, is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting. All access to the school’s technology resources will be permitted only under the supervision of a member of the school staff. The student agrees that all information transmitted through the use of the school’s technology resources (e-mail, web page, or other internet posting) will be sent or received only under the direct, immediate supervision of a member of the school’s staff and with the explicit permission of that staff member. The student agrees to stop using any and all of the school’s technology resources whenever request to do so by a member of staff or other authorized person. The student agrees never to transmit via the school’s technology resources or personal technology resources the personal information of himself or herself as well as that of another person. The student agrees never to arrange for a meeting with any person at any time using the technology resources. The student agrees to notify a staff member immediately if he or she is asked for personal information, views inappropriate materials, or in any other ways feels violated, harassed, uncomfortable, or accosted through the school’s technology resources. The student agrees never to access, transmit or retransmit material which promotes violence or advocates destruction of property, including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacture of destructive devices, such as explosives, fireworks, smoke bombs, incendiary devices and the like. The student agrees never to access, transmit, or retransmit any information containing sexually oriented material, which means any pictures or writing that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings by the description or portrayal of sexual activity or nude human forms. The student agrees never to use the school’s technology resources for commercial purposes. The student will never buy or sell anything using the schools technology resources.
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The school’s system will never be used for political lobbying, although it may be used to communicate with elected representatives to express opinions on political issues. The student agrees never to tamper with any software /hardware that guard the school’s network from unmanaged Internet use. The student agrees never to tamper with any security system that protects the school’s technology resources. The student agrees to use only the software / hardware permitted by a member of the staff for express educational purposes. The student agrees never to use the school’s technology resources to gain unauthorized access to another technology network (hacking). The student agrees never to transmit (download/upload) any computer file, application, or other computer resource to or from the school’s technology network. This includes the unauthorized installation of software from a CD-Rom, flash drive or other media. The student agrees never to use inappropriate, obscene, profane, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful langue. The student agrees never to post false information or engage in personal, prejudicial, or discriminatory attack. Student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith. The student agrees never to harass another person by use of any technology resources. Harassment is defined as any action that distresses or annoys another person. The student agrees to stop immediately any and all behavior that is construed by another as unwelcome. The student agrees never to use any of the school’s technology resources to plagiarize. Plagiarism is defined as taking the idea or writing of another and presenting them as one’s own. The student agrees to respect the right of intellectual property of other people and to respect all copyright laws. The student agrees that if they are unsure whether copyright law is being respected, he/she will bring this question immediately to the attention of the staff. The student agrees never to participate in illegal activity using the technology resources. The school will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the school’s resources. The school will not be held responsible for the actions of a student who is in violation of any of the terms of this policy. This responsibility is extended to, but not limited to loss of data or interruptions of service the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the school’s system or any financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the school’s technology resource. The school reserves the right to establish rules and regulations regarding the use of the school’s technology resources, and behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting. A student found in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, temporary removal from the school’s system, permanent removal from the system, or other appropriate disciplinary action in accord with the rules and regulations of the school, including suspension or expulsion and/or legal action.
Social Networking Student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith, both inside and outside the school setting, relating to the use of and participation in social networking.
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Any technology use or use of social networking sites to display any wording or images of any student engaged in any activity which, in the sole discretion of the school administration is inappropriate, crude, vulgar, or a violation of values consistent with the Catholic faith, or is illegal in any respect, will be subject to disciplinary action, including, without limitation suspension, expulsion and/or illegal action. Any technology use by any student, in school or at home, includes viewing or distributing any image, wording, messages or materials which are, in the sole discretion of the school administration, obscene, harassing, racist, inflammatory, malicious, fraudulent or libelous will be subject to disciplinary action including, without limitation, suspension, expulsion and/or legal action.
Report Cards Report cards are issued three times each school year. Report cards are different for Kindergarten, Primary, Intermediate and Junior High. Conferences are a must for the first two report cards. Progress Reports are sent home if a child has a weakness. If the child begins to fail after the progress reports have gone home, you will not be notified except through tests, class grades, or teacher contact. Progress reports are to be signed and returned the next day. Testing St. Isidore School administers the IOWA tests to students in grades 2 thru 7 in October. It is a norm-reference test, which measure student achievement. Students in grade 1 are tested via the Cogat test in March, which is a standardized measure of student aptitude. NYS testing includes Science, ELA, and Math in grade 4 in May. NYS testing includes Science, ELA, and Math in grade 8 in May. Certain students will be eligible to take the Integrated Algebra and Biology regents Promotion/Retention Policy The principal and teachers decide on all promotions. Plans for retention are made during a conference with the child’s parents at the beginning of the third marking period. Although the principal will always be in consultation with the child’s teacher, the responsibility to determine a student’s promotion or retention rests with the Principal. Policies Alcohol/Drugs In order for the school to promote a healthy environment and because of the serious threat that illicit drugs and alcohol pose for a person’s physical and emotional well-being, the possession or use of illegal substances or being under the influence of such substances, in school, on school grounds or at any school sponsored functions will result in immediate suspension. Weapons Any child caught with a weapon in his/her position or involved in violence will be suspended immediately. This includes firearms, explosives, cutlery, slingshots, pen shooter, laser pens, predatory action, extortion, negative physical contact with students, staff, and attack injuries. Harassment Harassment means any intimidating or disrespectful action, word or gesture. Sexual harassment is illegal and violates state and federal law. This includes
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Written, such as letters, notes, invitations, and drawing of a sexual natures, as well as computer messages Verbal, as offensive words and comments, spoken privately or in front of others, i.e. comments about one’s body, name calling sexual jokes, sexual orientation, insult, suggestions, spreading rumors. Nonverbal, as sexual gesture, sexual remark, facial expressions, suggestive looks, leering, staring, gesturing, displaying suggestive object, pictures, cartoon, poster, magazines, etc. Physical, such as pats, squeezes, touching, pinching, repeatedly brushing up against another, assault, blocking movement Students are prohibited from engaging in public displays of affection Reporting: Speak to a teacher, aide or principal. All information will be documented. It is vital that students tell the harasser direct to stop and report the incident immediately. Parents need to be supportive of all disciplinary actions taken. Managing Bullies Bullying is a series of cruel or hostile behavior. Bullies seek power; they gain this by causing distress for their victims. Physical bullies use physical aggression or take the victims property. Verbal bullies use words to hurt or humiliate the other child. This last longer and hurts more. Relational bullies try to control relationships by persuading some children to reject others. Reactive bullies may get others to taunt and this draws some attention away from the bully himself. Beware of the line “I was just joking”. There is a zero tolerance policy for bullying. The staff is trained with a plan and will support any child who feels he is being bullied. Every teacher will listen to any report. Students need to know that reporting bullying is a social responsibility and will benefit the victim, the bully and the entire school community. If bullying occurs, the child is confronted, parent is informed, an apology is made, the bully incident is documented and the incident is placed on file. Parents, investigate carefully before calling another child a “bully”. School Dances Grades 6, 7, 8 attend. Hours 7 PM – 10 PM. No entrance after 8:30, no one is permitted to leave until 10 Pm If a student leaves the dance, there is no reentry. No loitering on property, parents notified Principal, teacher and parents supervise the dance. No soda, jackets, sweaters with pockets or pocket books are permitted. No smoking, alcoholic beverages, weapons will be tolerated Cell phones are not permitted at the dance but can be left in the kitchen Neat clean casual clothes or theme clothes are appropriate. If not dressed properly student will not be permitted. Students from St. Isidore only are allowed at the dance.
P a g e | 14 Discipline This policy has been adopted to provide faith oriented guidance in the pursuit of academic excellence, high moral character, self discipline, respect for others, self worth and concern for the community and the common good. The following are penalties that may be imposed 1. Verbal Warning 2. Write-up 3. Warning signed by parent 4. Parent/teacher conference 5. Detention 6. Counseling 7. Suspension from activities 8. In-school suspension 9. Suspension 10. Expulsion Offenses Failure to wear uniform Rudeness/bad manners Playing sports without a pass Chewing gum Technology brought into classroom Breaking computer rules
15 write ups or 5 detentions
Failure to wear gym uniform excessive talking anywhere not handing in assignments lack of homework passing notes throwing anything in/out of building failure to remove hat marring/destroying school property jumping fences breaking yard play rules other minor infractions or disruptions noted by teacher,. Parent, principal
student subject to loss of privileges
An in-school suspension or home suspension will be decided by the principal for the following offenses Fighting lighting matches in school inappropriate language, body language, gestures Possessing fire crackers, stink bombs laser pointers, weapons deliberately destroying school property Extreme lack of cooperation Possessing alcohol, drugs, harmful objects sexual harassment in any form Racial harassment in any form bullying of any type Truancy Inappropriate use of computers Any other issues deemed serious enough by the Principal and staff. Parents will be notified as soon as possible when a suspension is given.
P a g e | 15 ST. ISIDORE SCHOOL 515 Marcy Avenue, Riverhead NY 727-1650 Student_____________________________________________ Grade ____ Date _______ Each infraction worth one (1) demerit
Each infraction worth (2) demerits
___ Out of class without permission ___ Hallway violation ___ Not prepared for class ___ Littering ___ Form not returned ___ Tests not signed ___Incomplete Assignment ___ No absentee not ___ Disturbance after school ___ Disturbance during Recess ___ Disrespect ___ Bad manners/rudeness ___ Jumping fences
___ Cheating ___ Repeated Class Disturbance ___ Repeated Dress Code Violation ___ Unexcused Late for School ___ Leaving without Permission ___ Gym violation ___ Lying ___ Inappropriate Behaviorhitting another student ___ Chewing Gum ___Profanity ___ Technology brought into classroom
Total demerits ____ Truancy Stealing
Fighting Vandalism
8 demerits = after school detention Automatic Suspension Forgery Not attending Detention Drugs/ Alcohol Weapon Possession
Bullying After three documented incidents child will have an in-school suspension. After 5 documented incidents the child have a two day suspension. After six documented incidents child will be expelled.. ______________________________ ______________________________ Issued by Parent Signature _____________________________ Principal Signature
Student Clubs (after and during school) SportsTrack, bowling, basketball, baseball, softball, cheerleading Yearbook Grade 8
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Grades 4-8 Grades 4-8 K-8, girls K-8 6,7,8 grade 7th and 8th grade will be considered for membership.
Volunteers Parents may only participate if they consent to background screening and have taken Virtus training Room Moms/Dads Call or e-mail parents when necessary Help in driving for local trips Help with Thanksgiving Feast/ Catholic School Week/ Teacher Appreciation Assist as needed by the teacher and Principal Help in the fund-raising responsibility Arrange a gift for teachers at Christmas and end of year. Provide a treat for the class on the teacher’s birthday Help with class trips Arrange for class treats for holidays *We strive to make our treat healthy: muffins, plain cupcakes, juice, fruit, vegetables, cheese, bagels, cream cheese, butter, etc Uniform code Uniforms may be purchased from Flynn and O’Hara. The toll free number is 1-800-441-4122 amd FAX 215-637-6392, website: www.flynohara.com Boys Dress shirt solid white, short or long sleeves White turtle neck with sis logo Long sleeve knit with logo maroon shirt no tie needed Long sleeve knit with logo white shirt no tie needed Short sleeve knit maroon or white Sept, May and June Sweater Maroon cardigan, v-neck pullover Tie Gr. 1-5 khaki and maroon plaid tie Grade 6-8 maroon striped Slacks Khaki twill, pleated or flannel
P a g e | 17 Shorts Socks Shoes Blazer Belt Girls Blouse
Sweater Slacks Shorts Socks Skirt Jumper Shoes Blazer
Khaki twill dress shorts Sept. May, June white or maroon must be visible safe sensible dress shoes in brown or black. Solid black sneakers may be worn Grades 6,7,8 beginning in October Must be worn
Grades 1-5 Solid white short or long sleeves Grades 6.7.8 Solid white short or long sleeves, oxford style White turtle neck with sis logo Long sleeve knit with logo maroon shirt Long sleeve knit with logo white shirt Maroon cardigan, v-neck pullover Khaki twill, pleated or flannel, November -March Khaki twill dress shorts Sept. May, June Solid white, maroon, tights or knee socks Grades 6,7,8 Khaki and maroon plaid, must be a reasonable length Grades 1-5 Maroon and Khaki safe sensible dress shoes in brown or black. Solid black sneakers may be worn. No heel higher than 2 Inches Grades 6,7,8 beginning in October
All shirts, blouses, must be tucked into the pants. Golf or knit shirts, turtleneck shirts do not need to be tucked in Gym Sweat shirts, pants, shorts are solid maroon with sis logo. Shorts may be worn in Sept, May and June T-shirts any style permitted as long as it has an SIS name on it or comes from an SIS function Sneakers must be visible tie, snug enough so the foot cannot slip in or out Kindergarten/Pre-K Neat play clothes K has a gym day so they are in gym clothes. Please do not let the students wear sandals or flip flops. N.U.T. Day No uniform day dress is neat and clean. Dress jeans may be worn that day.
P a g e | 18 Grooming All hairstyles must be neat and clean. Hair for boys not passed the collar. No tails, high shaved sides, sculptured words, designs or shaved heads. No coloring, tinting or dyeing, no bleach tips, glazing, frosting, highlights or any change of hair color If hair is in student’s eyes, it must be trimmed. The following are never permitted: nail polish, make-up, excessive jewelry, large pins, or bows, half shirts, belly blouses, clogs, sandals, dangling earrings , bracelets, short skirts, t-shirts with offensive saying or symbols, ripped jeans, oversize pants, shirts or shorts, dirty sneakers, bare midriffs, army fatigue clothing, tank tops, no thick rope chains or bracelets, backless shoes No one is permitted to have any body piercing. Boys are not permitted earrings’ Tuition 1st child 2nd child 3 or more
$4,200.00 $5700 $6500
$420 monthly $570 monthly $650 monthly
If you do not participate in Bingo add $900 Registration and re-registration $100 Tech Fee $50 Registration and first month’s tuition is non-refundable Scrip program participation after a set amount : $300 discount Bingo All bingo workers must be register with NYS through St. Isidore Parish. If you have a family member or friend helping you they must be registered. If a Bingo is missing you owe us $100. If two bingos are missed you will owe us $900. Attendance is mandatory to fulfill your obligations. It is your responsibly to make note of and show up on your dates. If you unable to attend your scheduled bingo, you must contact your Captain or Co-captain to let them know. It is imperative that they know how many workers they will have so that they may make necessary provisions. If you cannot get in touch with your captain email at SISbingo@gmail to let us know. If you cannot attend you may switch dates with a person from another team. If you switch, you are still responsible for your date, so please be sure to swap with someone you know will show up. If you have a problem switching please contact Patrice Notaro for assistance. If you do not find someone you may make up your missed bingo within 2 weeks of the missed days If you missed you may also opt to pay the $100 fee. This is one time only. Once you have receive a invoice for a miss, you no longer have the opportunity to make up that date. Starting time for Bingo is 6:15. If you are late you are no longer a benefit to the team, it will be considered a miss. Evening ends about 10 PM
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Starting time for Kitchen workers is 6 PM. Open kitchen as soon as coffee is ready. Bring milk and remain open until 9:30 PM Sign in as this is proof of your attendance All workers are expected to bring cake, donuts, brownies This is a business so dress appropriately Do not drink and drive. Weapons do not belong on the school property It is a violation of the state code for a parent that is working to supervise children There is no solicitation for any causes or promotions by anyone at bingo. It is a violation of the Commission Everyone pays for food. BINGO HELPS KEEP OUR TUITION DOWN. PLEASE DO YOUR PART AS YOUR PRESENCE; ATTITUDE AND PROFESSIONALISM DEFINITEY AFFECT THE PROCEEDS. Administration Pastor Asst. to Principal Music Library/Sub./Red. Pre-K First Third Fifth Seventh Aide Office Custodians
Father Robert Kuznik Mrs. Kristi Pekar Mrs. Valentina Danowski Mrs. Jeanne Hogan Mrs. Diane Panchak/ Miss Beth Ryan Mrs. Kathy Tysz Mrs. Judy Johnson Mrs. Lybov Tarasova Miss Gina Baldi Mrs. Mary Fasano Mrs. Marypat Fitzgerald Mr. Peter, Mr. Gerry
School Board President Secretary. Vice President Finance Sports
John Bokino Gina Leslie Russ Moran David Hegermiller Bill Nabrizny
Principal Art/Spanish /Red. Computer Tech Gym Kindergarten Second Fourth Sixth Eighth Aide Nurse
Marge Dunleavy Victoria Dow Georgette Keller Caitlyn Buthman Bingo Debbi Molfetta
Sister Linda Joseph Mrs. Alex Conlan Mrs. Carol Findlay Miss Meaghan MarArthur Mrs. Cathleen Walter Mrs. Catherine Mirabell Mrs. Jineen Leach Mrs. Nancy Ryan Mrs. Patricia Calandra Mrs. Roberta Siletti
Events: Loretta Reese
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St. Isidore School An extension of your family INDEX Absenteeism Accident
2 9
Mediation Morning Assembly
8 4
Bingo Books Bullies Bus
17 8 13 7
N.U.T Day
Office Hours Organization
6 3
Clubs Communication Computer Use
14 3 10
Dances Discipline Dismissal
13 13 6
Philosophy Policies Pre-Kindergarten Principal/Faculty Appointments Promotion/Retention
2 12 3 6 12
Recess Report Cards
5 12
Early Dismissal Instructions E-mails Emergency Contacts
7 9 3
School Appointments School Money Social Network
6 7 11
Field Trips Fire Drills Forgotten Lunches
9 8 5
Testing Tuition
12 17
Goals Grooming Gym
2 16 6
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