American Christian Voice December 2014

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December 2014

Vjg"Ejtkuvocu"Vtweg"by David G. Stratman

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t was December 25, 1914, only 5 months into World War I, German, British, and French soldiers, already sick and tired of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and fraternized with "the enemy" along two-thirds of the Western Front (a crime punishable by death in times of war). German troops held Christmas trees up out of the trenches with signs, "Merry Christmas." "You no shoot, we no shoot." Thousands of troops streamed across a no-man's land strewn with rotting corpses. They sang Christmas carols, exchanged photographs of loved ones back home, shared rations, played football, even roasted some pigs. Soldiers embraced men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if the top brass forced them to fire their weapons, and to aim high. A shudder ran through the high command on either side. Here was disaster in the making: soldiers declaring their brotherhood with each other and refusing to fight. Generals on both sides declared

this spontaneous peacemaking to be treasonous and subject to court martial. By March 1915 the

fraternization movement had been eradicated and the killing machine put back in full operation. By the time of the armistice in 1918, fifteen million would be slaughtered. Not many people have heard the story of the Christmas Truce. On Christmas Day, 1988, a story in the Boston Globe mentioned that a local FM radio host played "Christmas in the Trenches," a ballad about the Christmas Truce, several times and was startled by the effect. The song became the most requested recording during the holidays in Boston on several FM stations. "Even more startling than the number of requests I get is the reaction to the ballad afterward by callers who hadn't heard it before," said the radio host. "They telephone me deeply moved, sometimes in tears, asking, 'What the hell did I just hear?' " You can probably guess why the callers were in tears. The Christmas Truce story goes against most of what we have been taught about people. It gives us a glimpse of the world as we wish it could be and says, "This really happened once." It reminds us of those thoughts we keep hidden away, out of range of the TV and newspaper stories that tell us how trivial and mean human life is. It is like hearing that our deepest wishes really are true: the world really could be different. An actual letter from a Brit that was there RCUVQT)U" UQP" KP" VJG HKTKPI"NKPG: Corpl. A. Ashford, a Thaxted Territorial, son of Roy. C. Ashford, Congregational minister,

writes home as follows:- “It is only by means of my diary that I have been able to tell what Day it is. I am seeing heaps of interesting things and am quite fit, happy, and well fed, but rather footsore after three days marching. Now we are billeted in farms, two dozen of us in a little shed, and we have plenty of straw and a blanket each. We have been absolutely besieged by aeroplanes, and every time one appeared we had to duck under cover. On November 24 we went into the wet trenches in the firing line. We recruits share the same dangers as the seasonal soldiers of our regiment, and we had plenty of sniping at the enemy. We cannot have fires in the trenches in the firing line, but we do in the communication trenches. We sleep in dug-outs lined with straw (when obtainable), or waterproof sheets, or boards, five together generally, wrapped in our overcoats and one blanket. Food is good and plentiful, all things considered, but we very glad of ‘goodies’ from home, sent in small parcels, as big ones are not given to us in the trenches. We remained in the trenches until December 12, when we came out for five days’ rest. I had scarcely had my boots off all the time, or wash or shave, but a good rest in dry billets soon set me up again. After the few days’ rest we were back in the trenches again, about 700 yards from the enemy. Here we were on Christmas day, and a jolly time we had. We had a ripping dinner of real good hot stew, home plum pudding and other ‘goodies’. We had a mutual understanding with the Germans not to shoot, and went out past our firing line, talking to them and exchanging greetings, chocolate, and cigarettes, and we also sang carols and hymns at their request. It was good to have peace on Christmas Day. I have had cards from the King and Queen and a present from Princess Mary; all these I shall treasure. On December 26 we came out the trenches again and marched four miles to the other side of the big town we have been near, and we are now in comfortable billets. Last night we had to go out in supports, so off we went out onto a road swept by searchlights, which we had to avoid by lying flat in the mud, to a farm close to the firing line. We spent the night in a barn in full equipment, but were not disturbed.” Essex County Standard, January 23rd, 1915

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December 2014

Pggf"c"Swcnkhkgf"Rtqhguukqpcn"UgtxkegA000"Ejqqug"qpg"qh"vjgug"Gzrgtvu# CVVQTPG[U Fgg"Ycorngt"("Lqugrj"Rcuucpkug Criminal Trial Attorneys 2974 East Battlefield Springfield, MO • (417) 882-9300 Itgii"G0"Uvcfg"- Real Estate, Business Law and Estate Planning 600 W. Republic Rd. Ste. A 100 Springfield, MO • (417) 889-5572 Vkoqvj{"U0"Fcxku."Gus0 Attorney at Law 487 Sourwood Mountain Branson, MO • (417) 294-1083 CWVQ"UGTXKEG D0C0V0"Dq{u" Auto Repair from the boys who care 548 Gretna Rd. Branson. MO (417) 339-2697

Dtcpuqp"""" Eqnnkukqp"" Egpvgt 548 Gretna Road 417.335.3775 When It Must Be Right! Tq{"Tqigtu"Hqtgkip"Cwvq"Rctvu We’re Here to Serve You! • In Business Since 1988 ß"For all your Foreign Auto Parts Needs • Local Store Hours: M-F 8am-5pm & Sat 8am-Noon 933 E. Kearney • Springfield, MO Call (800) 844-7348 Uoctv"Dw{"Vktg"("Cwvq"Ugtxkeg 1045 S. Campbell • Springfield, MO (417) 831-3589 • Vjg"Vktg"Etgy Full Automotive and Transmission Service • 13149 U.S. 160 Forsyth, MO • (417) 546-7433 DQQMUVQTGU ERQ 4145 S. National • Springfield, MO (417) 891-2200 •

Hcokn{"Ejtkuvkcp"Uvqtg Spring Creek Centre 637 East Joyce Blvd Fayetteville, AR • (479) 521-3611 Jgcnvj{."Ygcnvj{"cpf"Ykug Inspirational Books & Gifts 110 W. Stephenson Avenue Harrison, AR • (870) 365-0018 Octfgn Christian & Educational Supply 1533 E Battlefield Springfield, MO • (417) 881-6338 Tgfggogf"Owuke"("Dqqmu 4140 S. National Springfield, MO • (417) 877-9294 ECTRGV("HNQQTKPI Rnwuj"Hnqqt"Eqxgtkpiu • Jeff Wilson Flooring Sales and Installation Email: Serving: Springfield, Marshfield & Branson, MO • (417) 598-7288 EJKTQRTCEVKE"ECTG Xkevqt{"Ejktqrtcevke Dr. Bo Bandy - Life Extension Expert 800 State Hwy 248, Ste. 2-B Branson, MO • (417) 337-7077 Find out how we can help you achieve Victory in your life! EQWPUGNKPI Hckvj"Ugtxkegu"Kpe0 Full Range of Counseling Services 270 Bumblebee Street Branson, MO • (417) 593-1204 ENQVJKPI Jgcxgpn{"Ygct"("Ikhvu 112 W. Main St. in Downtown Branson, MO • (417) 544-9071 • Lqjp‚u"Uwkv"Ujqr We Make The Look Affordable 1315 S. Glenstone Springfield, MO • (417) 863-6919 EQORWVGTU Oqdkng"Okmg‚u"RE"Ugtxkeg"("Tgrckt Serving Springfield, Branson, MO & Harrison, AR • (417) 365-5504

Licensed & Insured • Training Available yyy0OqdkngOkmguRETgrckt0eqo FGPVKUVT[ Mc{"G0"Mpkruejknf."F0F0U0 Quality, Caring, General Dentistry 3841 S. Jefferson Springfield, MO • *639+"::9/4;4; FQNNU Yg‚tg"Ocmkp‚"Fqnnu"kp"Dtcpuqp 1120 W. Hwy 76 Branson, MO • (417) 239-3655 GFWECVKQPCN"UWRRNKGU Crrngu"("Cogp Educational Supplies, Inspirational Gifts, Toys, Party Supplies, & Balloons 1520 N. Main Street Harrison, AR • (870) 741-1880 INCUU Dkpuycpigt"Incuu Home & Auto 616 S. Business 65 Hwy Branson, MO • (417) 334-5179 JCKT"UV[NKPI Vko‚u"Jgcfswctvgtu"Ucnqp 180 Mall Road, Ste. C (Next to Family Pharmacy) Hollister, MO • (417) 348-1958

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Hqt"Uwduetkrvkqp Kphqtocvkqp"Ugg"Rcig"5:

December 2014

Page 5

Rtqvguvcpv"Ngcfgtu"Fghgpf"Octtkcig"cv"Xcvkecp"Eqphgtgpeg *YPU+--Unbiblical sexuality promotes a broken image of the gospel, obligating the church to defend traditional marriage, Protestant evangelical leaders affirmed during a three-day marriage conference at the Vatican. The conference sought to strengthen natural marriage and drew participants from a variety of faiths that promote marriage between one man and one woman. It featured 32 speakers from a variety of religious backgrounds, including two prominent Protestant evangelicals: Rick Warren, senior pastor at Saddleback Church, and Russell

Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Both men affirmed that complementary marriages form the foundation for healthy societies. “But all of us in this room share at least one thing in common,” Moore said in his address. “We recognize that marriage and family is a matter of public importance, not just of our various theological and ecclesial distinctive communities, since marriage is embedded in the create order and is the means of human flourishing.”


American Christian Voice P.O. Box 336 • Rockaway Beach, MO 65740 • (417) 336-3636

gfkvqtBcogtkecpejtkuvkcpxqkeg0eqo yyy0CogtkecpEjtkuvkcpXqkeg0eqo Log online for FREE Online Subscriptions

*YPU+--President Barack Obama in mid-November announced a sweeping executive order to change U.S. immigration laws. The unprecedented move could affect 5 million illegal immigrants, shape the 114th Congress, and alter the political landscape ahead of the 2016 president election. The announcement follows months of Obama’s promises to act on immigration

after he spent years saying he didn’t have the power to do so without Congress. In the protracted process, Obama managed to upset just about everyone: Republicans because he is doing it at all, Democrats for talking about it during campaign season, and Hispanics and activist groups for delaying and narrowing the action.

Okuu"cp"kuuwgA"Htgg"dcem"kuuwgu"qpnkpg"qp"qwt"ygdukvg"*enkem"qp"›Rtgxkqwu"Kuuwgufi"dwvvqp+0"Rj{ukecn"eqrkgu" ecp"dg"ockngf"vq"{qw"hqt"qpn{"&7022."rquvcig"kpenwfgf0"Rngcug"ugg"ocknkpi"cfftguu"cpf"ygdukvg"cdqxg0

Page 6

Ecpcfkcp"Ncy"Uqekgv{"Tgxgtugu"Fgekukqp."Yqp‚v"Ceegrv"Ejtkuvkcp"Ncy"Itcfu *YPU+--The governing board of the Law Society of British Columbia decided last week not to admit graduates of Trinity Western University’s proposed law school, reversing an earlier decision to accept the alumni. The about-face came after the society’s member attorneys voted overwhelmingly to shut out the Christian school’s graduates. Trinity Western spokesman Guy Saffold said the university is “disappointed” in the decision but it does not end plans for the law school. The 50-year-old school enrolls more than

4,000 students annually and requires all students and staff to sign a covenant outlining expected conduct. In 2012, TWU announced it planned to open a law school. The Canadian Bar Association and The Council of Canadian Law Deans opposed the program’s accreditation, claiming the school’s belief in traditional marriage made it incapable of training students to uphold Canadian law, particularly since same-sex marriage has been legal in Canada since 2005.

Ejkpgug"Yqocp"Fgpkgf"W0U0"Cu{nwo"hqt"Tqng"Gphqtekpi"Qpg/Ejknf"Rqnke{ *YPU+--A federal appeals court in New York rejected a Chinese woman’s request for asylum because of her more than two-decade involvement in enforcing the country’s one-child policy. Suzhen Meng, 61, worked for 22 years as the regional public security officer in Wuhan, Hubei, overseeing about 1,100 households. Women in the region are only allowed one child each, and she testified

to reporting women with unauthorized pregnancies to China’s family planning office. Meng also admitted she was aware that the women she reported would be punished “typically by being forced to undergo an abortion or sterilization,” according to court documents. Meng said she saw the women being “dragged away forcibly by the police.”

December 2014

Eqwpvt{"Ukpigt."Fctkwu"Twemgt."Cvvcemgf"Hqt Ukpikpi"flYjkvg"Ejtkuvocu‚"C"Dnqem"Cyc{ Htqo"Vjg"Gtke"Ictpgt"Rtqvguv posted in BuzzWorthy hen country music star Fctkwu" Twemgt performed “White Christmas” at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the Rockerfeller Center he could hardly imagine that it would cause such a firestorm on social media. Darius Rucker (lead vocalist with Jqqvkg" (" vjg" Dnqyhkuj and Christian) was accused of being a race traitor for singing the Christmas classic “White Christmas” due to the mere reference of the word ‘white’ and unfortunate coincidence following the news that an NYPD officer will not be indicted for the chokehold death of Fctkwu"Twemgt Gtke"Ictpgt0 Earlier, according to CBS New York, protesters had arrived at Rockefeller Plaza from Times Square by 6:15 p.m. Some were on the sidewalk chanting and holding signs, as others crowded the area for the annual holiday event. But the NYPD would not let the protesters get anywhere near the Christmas tree. Darius gave one of the best performances of the night and was well received by the audience however, the 48-year-old was vilified on the internet for his version of the White Christmas.


Cross-Word Answers from Page 27

ACV Contributors Tim Davis- Columnist Veeda Smith - Branson Frontline Jeremy Storch - Ask the Rabbi... Mike Endecott - Computer Tips Dave Ramsey - Act Your Wage Dee Wampler - A Minute with a Man Lee Grady- Fire in My Bones Stephanie Hallowell - Poetry George Kurland - Staff Photographer Max Lucado - Crosswalk John Sacoulas - Steward & Editor Lorri Sacoulas - Steward & Publisher Harriet Ford - Monthly Devotionals Marvin & Regina Reynolds- Archivists Jeff Wilson - Account Manager


December 2014



Hggf"Dcem"htqo"qwt"Tgcfgtu Thanks for the November issue featuring Christian NFL quarterbacks. My wife read the bios on these guys and actually sat through a few games they were playing in. Maybe she’ll have to give up the football widow complex after all! -Billy Purdue, Fairfax, LA I couldn’t believe the flu shot article by U{nxkc" Dqqvj" Jwddctf in the November issue. I get very sick every year after my annual flu shot. I wondered if there was any connection but my daughter is a nurse and said it’s all in my head but now I think I will pass this season and see what happens. -Francine Pullman, Fayetteville, AR

Just found your publication at the Springfield, MO airport. I appreciate your magazine shedding light on the destruction that pornography has on society. I know, it cost me my own marriage and family. What people do not realize is how our culture has been shaped by this “new drug” and how it breeds both men and women to disrespect each other.

*YPU+--More than 90,000 people have signed an online petition calling on TLC to pull its popular 19 Kids and Counting series from the air, accusing the Duggar family of “fear mongering” for their beliefs about homosexuality. The show follows Arkansas Baptists Lko"Dqd"cpf"Okejgnng"Fwiict and their 19 children, all of whom are outspoken supporters of traditional marriage. Lko Ykuukem of San Jose, Calif.—author of the petition that is quickly gaining steam—claims the Duggars are using the

language of hate and ignorance to promote their views. According to the Huffington Post, the tussle began after Michelle Duggar’s involvement in a robocall against an antidiscrimination housing law affecting the transgender community in Arkansas. Duggar asked the people of Fayetteville, Ark., to oppose a city ordinance forbidding business owners and landlords from evicting and firing people based on their gender identity. In the recording, she warned about the ordinance’s potential consequences.


The American Christian Voice has forever espoused that Christians can only be unified by the diversity among the visible church. At first I though “unified diversity” was an oxymoron but I am beginning to see the safety found in being responsible for our own beliefs and convictions so that we do not become as you recently said, “homosectarian” in our understanding.

*YPU+--A Colorado high school senior is suing school officials after they told him he couldn’t meet with his Christian friends during a “free period.” The group had been peacefully meeting for over three years for encouragement, prayer, and singing when officials suddenly ordered the students to stop. Ejcug"Ykpfgdcpm has been informally leading a prayer meeting with fellow students since he was a freshman at Rkpg"Etggm"Jkij Uejqqn, a 4A-school in Colorado Springs. Like many high schools across the state, Pine Creek has a 40-minute, non-teaching period

-Cathy Taylor, Oklahoma City, OK


-Charles B., Branson, MO

Send your “letters to the editor” to:

or mail to: CEX"ß"R0Q0"Dqz"558"

Tqemcyc{"Dgcej."OQ"87962 Letters may be edited for space consideration. Please indicate if your whole name may be used.

Re New mo ly de led !

I am not sure what to think of your magazine. On one hand it seems very inclusive of diverse Christian thought. On the other hand it seems you reject orthodoxy altogether. In any case I keep opening it up each month as it shows up in my email. Do you all have any particular leanings in dogma? -Paul Terfilino, Richardson, TX (Paul, just the Mission statement on page 10- ed)

Page 7

Barbara Fairchild crrgctkpi"kp"vjg" Iqnfgp"Eqttcn"Ujqytqqo"

Everyone deserves a good meal


by Andrea Billups, Newsmax More detainees are slowly and quietly being released from U.S. detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, The Wall Street Journal reports. Five captives were released last month and more are set for December, although defense officials have been vague about numbers, the Journal said. Just 143 detainees remain at the facility now, down from a high of close to 800 in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As Rtgukfgpv" Dctcem" Qdcoc has said he favors closing Guantanamo entirely, some Republicans including W0U0" Tgr0" Dwem OeMgqp, who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, have raised concerns. The California lawmaker has complained that the numbers of detainees set for transfer by the administration is rising, the Journal reported. The releases have also turned political. While Fghgpug"Ugetgvct{"Ejwem Jcign must approve transfers out, he apparently tangled with the White House over his pace, favoring a full investigation to ensure the captives would not be a risk to U.S. security once freed, Politico reported. U.S. News & World Report cited Maddow

built into the daily schedule, which the school calls “seminar.” After teachers take attendance and read school announcements, students are permitted to leave seminar on certain days to meet with counselors, tutors, or teachers if they need extra help or to take make-up tests. Seminar also “provides a forum for students to develop meaningful relationships that enhance academic achievement, encourage positive community involvement, provide character education, and increase connectedness with school,” according to the district’s parent guide.

Blog writer Uvgxg"Dgpgp, who outlined the political chess going on behind Hagel's back before his resignation was announced last month, noting that his attitude on Guantanamo and releasing detainees was a part of his departure. "Benen notes that a Saudi national, Owjcoocf"cn/\cjtcpk, an Al Qaida-trained fighter who’d been incarcerated in Guantanamo for well over a decade, was quietly repatriated over the weekend, a signal that a Pentagon shakeup was near. Five other detainees were released last week," U.S. News said.

Okuu"cp"kuuwgA"Rj{ukecn eqrkgu"qh"dcem"kuuwgu cxckncdng"hqt"qpn{"&7022"gcej0 Ugg"ocknkpi"kphq"qp"rcig"70 Rcuv"kuuwgu"ctg"HTGG"qpnkpg wpfgt"›Rtgxkqwu"Kuuwgufi dwvvqp"qp"qwt"ygdukvg0

Vjg"CEX"ku"cxckncdng"kp" vjg"Igpgtcn"Uvqtg"cv Oqtpkpiukfg#

National Healing Prayer.

*:27+"5;;/3222 Call every Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. cst. Access Code 124763# Give us a call and we’ll pray for you in Jesus name.

Page 8

Jqy"vq"dg"Vjcpmhwn"Yjgp"[qw‚tg"Fkucrrqkpvgf"D{"Iqf" by Dr. Jim Denison, President, Denison Forum Cultural Commentary hanksgiving is the only Ameripunish him with our disregard. But can holiday commanded by such rejection of the Great Physician hurts the patient more than the DocScripture: "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for tor. When I want to be thankful the least is usually when I need to be you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonithankful the most. ans 5:18). "Give thanks" is a present tense imperative, a command to be obeyed continually, not just one Why? Because we "enter his gates day a year. with thanksgiving and his Why is Thanksgiving courts with more a food-and-footpraise" ball holiday than a (Psalm meaningful holy day 100:4). Worfor many? Here's one ship connects reason: it's difficult to us with the be grateful to God omnipotence when he disappoints of God. Gratus. itude positions us to Last Thanksgiving receive all was our first without that grace inmy wife's father. For tends to give. many years we've When we are gathered on Thanksthankful for giving morning with all God has Janet's parents. Mom cooked the done for us, we can see all that he turkey and dressing, her daughters has not done in a different light. His brought the other food, and Dad grace illumines his silence. And we served the meat and said the prayer remember that his holy charof gratitude. He was always so acter can never make a mishappy to see his family together. He take, so that he says "no" only was the first to greet us at the door when it is better for us than and the last to see us out, always "yes." with his sideways grin and customary, "Glad you got to see me!" This Igqtig"Ocvjguqp was born time, as we gathered at Mom's to privilege. At the Wpkxgt/ home, there was an empty place at ukv{"qh"Incuiqy he graduated the table and in our hearts. first in classics, logic, and philosophy. Then, in his twentiHow is your life different from what eth year of life, he became you wish it were today? When God totally blind. He followed disappoints us, it's human nature to God's call to ministry anyway.


Matheson pastored some of Scotland's finest and largest churches, wrote books of philosophical theology which are still read and cited today, was theologian to Queen Victoria, received numerous honorary doctorates, filled the most prestigious lectureships in the land, and was a fellow of the Tq{cn"Uqekgv{. This prayer by George Matheson helped me have Thanksgiving this year: My God, I have never thanked thee for my thorn. I have thanked thee a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorn. Teach me the glory of my cross, teach me the value of my thorn. Show me that I have climbed to thee by the path of my pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbows. Cppkg"Fknnctf observed, "You do not have to sit outside in the dark. If, however, you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is required."

December 2014

Ctk|qpc"Iqx0"Lcp"Dtgygt< Copguv{"Equvu"flJqttgpfqwu‚ hqt"Uvcvgu by Wanda Carruthers


he costs to the states from Rtgukfgpv"Dctcem Qdcoc)u executive order on immigration are going to be "horrendous," Arizona Republican Iqx0 Lcp"Dtgygt told "Fox & Friends." As localities tried to recover economically from the recession, Brewer said states could not bear the additional costs for services to illegal immigrants they would be forced to provide. "It's horrendous. Financially, it's a killer," Brewer said Wednesday. "We're still in economic concerns that we've been facing for the last few years. And, to be forced upon us to take care of these people, educate them, provide healthcare for them, Social Security for them — the bottom line is that we simply cannot afford it," she said. Obama's executive order, announced Nov. 20, grants temporary protections for millions of illegal immigrants. According to federal law, workers with legal status who pay into Social Security and Medicare are eligible to receive benefits. Brewer called Obama's executive order "absolutely wrong and unjust and, certainly, unconstitutional," adding that she was going to discuss with Texas Gov.-elect Itgi"Cddqvv his plan to sue Obama over the issue, and, perhaps, "join with him to see if something can be accomplished." Brewer said, given the chance, she would invite Obama to Arizona to "see with your own eyes the issues that we're all facing, and it's up to you to lead this country, and do it constitutionally."



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December 2014

Page 9

Yj{"Ku"Vjku"Jcrrgpkpi"vq"OgA"by Kevin Probst,


e often find ourselves in the valley of despair because God wants to reveal his nature to us but also because he wants to teach us things about ourselves. “These [trials] have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:7) When you find yourself in the stormy trial: 30""[qw"ctg"kp c"rnceg"qh"ycpfgtkpi0 [qw"ctg"kp"c"rnceg"yjgtg"{qw fqp‚v"mpqy"yjcv"{qwt"pgzv uvgr"ujqwnf"dg0""[qw"ctg"pqv uwtg"yjkej"fktgevkqp"Iqf ycpvu"{qw"vq"iq0""Vjku"ecp dg"c"htkijvgpkpi"rnceg"vq"dg0 My father took me to his Uncle Tom’s house to hunt deer. It was my first deer hunting experience. I was only 12 years old. The snow began to fall gently. They set me up on a small hillside and attempted to drive the deer my way. But I got impatient. I became restless so I began to wander away sure I’d see a deer just over the next hill. The snow fell harder. It was near blizzard conditions. Darkness was approaching. I could hardly see. I had been wandering about for a couple hours when I saw tracks in the snow. I was so relieved. I would follow the tracks out of this dark and dreary valley. But the

tracks were mine. I was going in circles. I escaped that valley by climbing. I climbed to the top of the mountain and when I got to the top I could see my uncle’s house on the hillside across the valley. I made a beeline for safety. When we are in a place of wandering it can become confusing. We can get disoriented. Our way can seem like the right way but until we choose God’s way we will only be traveling in circles. “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” – (Proverbs 14:12) 40""[qw"ctg"kp"c"rnceg qh"yckvkpi0""Ctg"{qw"hggnkpi"vjg ygkijv"qh"ektewouvcpegu"qxgt yjkej"{qw"jcxg"pq"eqpvtqnA""Jqy qhvgp"fqgu"Iqf"cum"wu"vq"yckv"cpf yckvkpi"ecp"dg"vjg"jctfguv"vjkpi"vq"fq dgecwug"kv"iqgu"cickpuv"qwt"pcvwtg"vq ycpv"vq"twuj"hqtyctf0" I recently broke three bones in a motor cycle accident. After six weeks I went to the doctor for x-rays and an evaluation. I wanted to mow the lawn again and carry my grandchildren but he instructed me to hold off for another six weeks! Waiting is so hard to do but it is often necessary for total healing. The wounds of the heart are often healed with much passing of time.

There are great benefits to waiting: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. – (Isaiah 40:31) 50""[qw"ctg"kp"c"rnceg"qh ycthctg0""[qwt"Ejtkuvkcp"hckvj inqtkhkgu"Iqf"dwv"kv"cppq{u"cpf gptcigu"Ucvcp0""Kh"Ucvcp"ecp"fguvtq{ {qwt"hckvj"jg"ecp"fguvtq{"{qwt"uqwn0 Ucvcp"ku"dcvvnkpi"hqt"{qwt"gvgtpcn"uqwn0 Kh"jg"ecp"tqd"{qw"qh"hckvj"{qw"dgeqog ygcm"cpf"xwnpgtcdng"nkmg"Ucouqp ykvj"jku"jckt"ujqtp"qhh0"

Pride is comparative. No one is proud because they have nice clothes, or a nice car or a nice house. We are proud because we have nicer clothes, a nicer car or a nicer house than someone else. b. We fail the test of humility when we boast. “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father…” (James 1:17)

God allows the testing because he wants you to grow, to mature, he wants to sanctify you. He wants you to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.

God’s word to the people in the wilderness: “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.” (Deut. 8:2)

I think most of the trials we suffer are to teach us humility and dependence on Him. The chief end of man is to bring glory to God and when we are too much in the way we can’t glorify God. Trials test our humility

“You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth…” – (Deut. 8:17-18)

a. We fail the test of humility when we complain. How often do we find ourselves whining about the battle? We become ‘sunshine soldiers’ unwilling to endure the difficulties and discomforts of warfare. We sin when we gripe about things. We fail when we refuse to submit and humble ourselves before God.

We must learn to see God as the source of all things. But there is one more step he expects us to take. He also wants us to allow him to regulate what he has given us. “Thank you Lord for what I have, now, how do you want me to use it?” He gives us gifts for our enjoyment but he also gives us gifts to be used to bring glory to Him.

There are seven things listed in the Book of Proverbs that are hated by God. The first listed is pride. God hates a proud heart. (Prov.6:16-19)

Kevin Probst - Teaches Bible and Apologetics at Lafayette Christian School in LaGrange, Georgia.

Dear Lord, Help me not despise the things I do not know or understand. ~William Penn

It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God’s job to judge and my job to love. -Billy Graham

Iqf"Nqxgu"{qw"lwuv"vjg"yc{ {qw"ctg."pqv"vjg{"yc{"{qw ujqwnf"dg0"Dgecwug"pq"qpg"ku cu"vjg{"ujqwnf"dg0" /"Brennan Manning 3536;"WU"Jy{"382"kp"Hqtu{vj."OQ

Page 10

December 2014

Swkppkrkce"Rqnn<"Cogtkecpu"Ycpv"Okvv"Tqopg{"vq"Twp"kp"4238"by Sandy Fitzgerald


ormer Republican presidential nominee Okvv"Tqopg{ may be insisting that he does not want to make another run for the presidency, but Republican voters nationwide want him in the race, a new Quinnipiac University national poll reOkvv"Tqopg{ veals.

each, with no other potential Republican candidate breaking the 6 percent mark. Sixteen percent of the voters were undecided in the poll, which carried a margin of error of 2.4 perGnk|cdgvj"Ycttgp centage points. But when the pollsters removed Romney from the ques"Remember Mitt? tions, Bush led by 14 percent, followed Republicans still by Christie at 11 percent, Carson at 8 perhave Gov. Mitt cent, and Kentucky Sen. Tcpf"Rcwn at 8 Romney top of percent. Nineteen percent of the voters mind and top of were undecided. the heap in the poMeanwhile, former Secretary of State tential race for the Jknnct{" Enkpvqp remains a clear fronttop job," said Vko runner for the Democratic side of the Lgd"Dwuj Ocnnq{, assistant ticket, reports the poll. She netted 57 perdirector of the Swkppkrkce" Wpkxgtukv{ cent of registered voters who were polled rqnn. by Quinnipiac compared to MassachuThe results shadow those of a separate setts Democratic Sen. Gnk|cdgvj"Ycttgp Dnqqodgti"Rqnkvkeu1Uckpv"Cpugno"rqnn with 13 percent of the vote, and Vice that showed Romney leading the large po- President Lqg" Dkfgp at 9 percent. No tential Republican other Democratic candidates netted field of potential over 4 percent of the polling sample. White House candiOddly, if Clinton were out of the race, dates by a doubleBiden's chances shot past Warren's in digit margin in the poll, with 34 percent saying they'd early-primary state pick Biden and 25 percent for Warren. New Hampshire — Romney would fare best over Clinton snagging the support if they are both nominated for the 2016 of 30 percent of vot- Ft0"Dgp"Ectuqp presidential race — but not by much. ers, a new poll The poll found that 45 percent said they showed Monday. would vote for Quinnipiac's poll of 1,623 registered Romney while 44 voters revealed that 19 percent of them percent said they'd gave Romney the top spot out of several vote for Clinton. other candidates, followed closely by forThe former first mer Florida Gov. Lgd"Dwuj, with 11 per- lady and secretary cent. of state defeated New Jersey Gov. Ejtku"Ejtkuvkg and the other potential Ft0" Dgp" Ectuqp came in at 8 percent candidates in the Tcpf"Rcwn


Ozark, MO

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Pgzv"Ujqykpi<"Vq{u"qh"Yct by Joseph Ransom; music by Rob Epler Rgthqtokpi"Pqxgodgt"35"vjtqwij"Fgegodgt"42."4236 A musical, true story of how a toy maker became a nation’s hero in his war to save Christmas.


poll. She came out ahead of Christie 43 percent to 42 percent; ahead of Bush, Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Okmg"Jwem/ cdgg 46 to 41 percent; Wisconsin Republican Rep. Rcwn"T{cp 46-42 percent; and Texas GOP Sen. Vgf"Etw| 48 to 37 percent. "But Jeb Bush looms large in second place," Malloy added, and with "Christie also in the mix, it looks like RepubOkmg"Jwemcdgg lican voters are favoring more moderate choices for 2016." Clinton also got the highest favorability rating in the poll, at 50 percent to 45 percent. In comparison, Romney's favorability

rating was 44-42 percent; Christie at 38-33 percent; Bush, 33-32 percent; Ryan, 36-28 Jknnct{"Enkpvqp percent; Huckabee, 36-29 percent; and Paul, 35-26 percent. Cruz, with a 21-29 percent rating, was the only candidate marking negative favorability ratings in the poll. Both political parties, along with the tea party movement, marked negative favorability ratings. The tea party's rating was at 27-45 percent; Democrats, 35-54 percent; and Republicans, 38-49 percent. Vgf"Etw|

For Reading and Supporting the American Christian Voice!

CEX"Okuukqp"Uvcvgogpv< The Cogtkecp" Ejtkuvkcp" Xqkeg is published under the direction of the Ozarks Christian Foundation, a 501(c)3 non profit agency. Its primary purpose is to edify the body of Christ through inspirational articles of Christian faith and courage, educate the body of Christ through informative articles promoting the cultivation of a Christian world view, and encourage the body of Christ to support one another. We are dedicated to be Kingdom builders as we realize that our unity can only represent God in our diversity as we love the lost through Christ. Our focus is on, and to, the invisible church which Jesus said, “The gates of hell would not prevail against.” We announce the current events of the visible church, and we believe the Body of Christ is made up of people who have found salvation by faith in Jesus Christ evidenced by the good works they are doing and have done. We report the good as well as the bad within our church family as a testament

for the necessity of a Savior. Our observations are made from a fairly moderate to conservative viewpoint. Yg" gpeqwtcig" qwt" tgcfgtu" vq guejgy" tgnkikqp" cpf" rwtuwg" c tgncvkqpujkr" ykvj" Iqf" vjtqwij Lguwu" Ejtkuv" cu" ngf" d{" vjg" Jqn{ Urktkv." vjwu" cnnqykpi" cp" qrgp okpfgfpguu"vq"fkhhgtkpi"qrkpkqpu"qp pqp/guugpvkcn"ocvvgtu0

We strive not to be the fire alarm, but the fire extinguisher Please be advised that the contents of this publication often do not represent the positions held by many of the sponsors of the American Christian Voice (or for that matter, the publishers). Would you remember to favor the advertisers here in the ACV. They help keep our John & Lorri cover price so Sacoulas low! Publishers, ACV

Vjg"CEX"ku"cxckncdng"cv<" 4944"Uv0"Jy{"46:"ß"Dtcpuqp."OQ"87838 Across from Branson Events Center *639+"766/2428"ß"46:rk||ceqorcp{Biockn0eqo Qrgp"Oqp"/"Ucv"33"CO"/";"RO"ß Uwpfc{"Enqugf



December 2014

Page 11

Fkurwvgf"Vgzvdqqmu"Crrtqxgf"hqt"Vgzcu"Uejqqnu by Caroline Leal, World News Service (WNS)


he state where “everything’s bigger” just made a great big splash in the education world. In a landmark vote influencing the future education of scores of Texas students, the Texas State Board of Education approved new social studies textbooks on Feb. 21 after adopting hundreds of pages in lastminute changes and edits. The disputed curriculum sets new standards for U.S. history and other social studies materials— including some 89 textbooks, workbooks, and other study resources—reflecting a more conservative tone than past materials. The 9-5 vote, divided along party lines, came after months of outcry from some critics who disagree with the curriculum’s approach to topics like climate change, Islam, and the influence of Moses on American democracy. All but the five Democrats on the 14-member board voted in favor of the new standards, with the five opponents accusing the Republican majority (primarily social conservatives) of giving too little focus to key minority figures in history and allowing their own religious and political agenda to shape the program. But Republicans call the standards a crucial advancement in social studies instruction for Texas schoolchildren. The need to counter the liberal bias currently present in school curriculum was of primary concern to the panel, members said, in response to complaints over their conservative views. “I think we’ve corrected the imbalance

we’ve had in the past and now have our curriculum headed straight down the middle,” Don McLeroy, one of seven social conservatives on the board, told The Dallas Morning News. “I’m very pleased with what we’ve accomplished.” Others bristled.

Texas schools for the next decade, but also spotlighted the state’s role as a heavyweight gatekeeper in the textbook market. Texas standards often become the norm in other states, as national publishers generally cater their materials to the state of about five million students.

“The board has made these standards political and had little academic discussion about what students need to learn,” board member Mavis Knight, a Democrat, told The Dallas Morning News. “I am ashamed of what we have done to the students and teachers of this state.”

Strong points of contention over the new standards include Moses, Muslims, and the Common Core, a national set of curriculum standards in English and math forbidden by Texas law. Republicans previously worried classroom instruction downplayed the achievements of Ronald Reagan and took an overly sympathetic tone toward Islam. Those opposed to the new standards say they tout the freemarket system too much and overplay the impact of Moses on the founding fathers.

Submitted for approval this summer, the government, history, and social studies textbooks have been hotly disputed by academics and critics on both ends of the political spectrum. Corrections came in until the last minute, causing some board members to complain they didn’t have time to adequately review all the changes amidst the whirlwind of late amendments. One major publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, added to the controversy Friday morning by withdrawing a proposed high school textbook from consideration amid ongoing negotiations, saying in a statement the book was for a “national” program and failed to meet the entirety of the Texas standards. Materials offered by another publisher, Worldview Software, were later rejected by the board due to concerns over factual accuracy.

For instance, the Old Testament figurehead and his impact on systems of law is now mentioned explicitly in Texas learning standards, alongside John Locke, Charles de Montesquieu, and William Blackstone in a list of thinkers who influenced the founding fathers. “Moses was not a founding father. However, I believe he did influence our founding fathers,” Ken Mercer, a Republican board member, told NPR. Before Friday’s official approval, board

members made many additional corrections, such as restoring Thomas Jefferson’s name to the list of political philosophers studied in world history and requiring U.S. history students to learn about leading conservative individuals and groups from the 1980s and 1990s. Board members also approved a stipulation encouraging high school students to question the legal doctrine of church-state separation. Social conservative and board member Cynthia Dunbar described America as a “Christian land governed by Christian principles” in an invocation opening Friday’s board meeting. “I believe no one can read the history of our country without realizing that the Good Book and the spirit of the Savior have from the beginning been our guiding geniuses,” she said.

Vjgtg" ctg" 9" vjkpiu" vjcv" yknn fguvtq{" wu<" Ygcnvj" ykvjqwv yqtm=" Rngcuwtg" ykvjqwv eqpuekgpeg="Mpqyngfig"ykvjqwv ejctcevgt=" Tgnkikqp" ykvjqwv ucetkhkeg=" Rqnkvkeu" ykvjqwv rtkpekrng=" Uekgpeg" ykvjqwv jwocpkv{=" Dwukpguu" ykvjqwv gvjkeu"""""""-Mahatma Gandhi

Friday’s vote not only impacted future textbooks and achievement tests in all

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Page 12

December 2014

Hcuv"Ejcv"ykvj"Lghh"Jqnfgp with American Christian Voice see ad below CEX: Jeff, what was your earliest memory of the industry you now work in? Lghh< Wow my earliest memories are working with my dad. He had me picking up shingles as young as I can remember. My dad had all the kids working in the business teaching us what hard work does. Not relying on hard work alone but quality of service was in grained in us early on. That's what has kept us in business for last 20 years. CEX<"What are some of the changes you have seen in the industry since you first started? Lghh<"The biggest changes I've seen is not in the products but in the information surrounding the products. There are so many "gimmicks" out there it is hard to distinguish quality products from some of the new & untested products.

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CEX< You have done some impressive commercial work in the past. What are a few of the projects? Lghh<" Ya we have bitten off some good size projects. From 7 story tall Surry Vacation Resort to Branson Towers wiped out after the big hail storm we had, working with insurance companies after the tornado & of course a landmark everyone recognizes the chicken house. But I would say my favorite projects is the individual homes we transform back into dream homes. No matter how large or small a project we always give it everything we can. CEX<"What advice would you give business or home customers when looking for roofing or siding needs? Lghh<" The advice I would give is for homeowners need to do their homework. Don't just go with the first person you

find or the lowest bidder. You get what tractor that will love your investment the you pay for. First you need to get multiple way you do. bids comparing similar products, always check referCEX<"How has your personal faith ences & choose influenced your business ideals? a contractor that Lghh< That is a huge question... has completed For years I treated my faith as projects like something that I did in my spare your own. If a time. If I had time after work & contractor is anything else I wanted then I may asking for a lot go to church or try to help out here of money up & there. front, it is probAfter a series of events I began to ably a sign that understand who Jesus Christ is & they are not on Lghh"cpf"Fgddkg"Jqnfgp what He wants for my life. I would solid financial like to say that I have been perfect ground. Above since that time but it would me a all communicate well with your contrac- liar. I make mistakes like everyone else, I tor & they should communicate well in learn from them & grow from them. We return. have committed this business to the Lord For most of us, our home is the largest in- & try to do our best to give glory to God vestment we'll ever make. Choose a con- in all we do.

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December 2014

LEAVES ON THE VINE Cicrg" Nkhg" Hgnnqyujkr • Pastor Twila Bridges • 6185 W. State Hwy 266 Springfield, MO • (417) 831-2333

Ecnxct{"Ejcrgn"qh"Dtcpuqp."OQ 611 6th Street • Branson, MO (417) 561-1000 • (417) 336-1297 Sunday Service 10:15 AM Pastor Sparky Ferguson Ecnxct{"Ejcrgn"qh"Equvc"Oguc."EC 3800 S Fairview St • Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 979-4422 Ecnxct{"Ejcrgn"qh"Hc{gvvgxknng."CT 2418 N Gregg Ave Fayetteville, AR • (479) 301-2313 Phil Heppner Ectrgpvgtu"Jqwug (417) 334-0081 • 187 1st St Hollister, MO 65672 Hckvj"Egpvgt"Ejwtej1 ETC"Okpkuvtkgu."Kpv)n 8537 Missouri 76 Branson West, MO • (417) 338-8537 Gn"Ujcffck"Okpkuvtkgu 4501 Quail Court Harrison, AR. 72601 (3 miles down Bellefonte Rd.) services: Saturdays at 2:30pm 870.365.0004

Hckvj"("Ykufqo"Ejwtej 3950 Green Mountain Drive Branson, MO • (417) 335-9991 Icvgyc{"Cwuvkp."Vgzcu Northwest Austin: McNeil Campus South Austin: South Campus Internet Campus: email to get connected Branson, MO: Gateway Branson

Icvgyc{"Dtcpuqp."OQ Located in the Vista Plaza Shopping Center on the backside 2005 West Highway 76 • Suite 106 Branson, MO • (417) 335-9915 Itceg"Eqoowpkv{"Cuugodn{ 440 State Highway 248 Branson, MO • (417) 336-2422 Oqtpkpiukfg" Ejwtej • Pastor Kevin Shorey • 180 Grace Chapel Rd Blue Eye, MO • (417) 779-9000 church-services/ Rgceg"Nwvjgtcp"Ejwtej"*GNEC+ 350 State Drive Hollister, MO • (417) 334-1499

Page 13

Dncem"Hgtiwuqp"Tgukfgpvu"Cto"Vjgougnxgu cpf"Fguegpf"Wrqp"Yjkvg/Qypgf"Dwukpguu *dwv"kv‚u"pqv"yjcv"{qw"vjkpm+ by Jason Howerton/Inquisitr


group of four black Ferguson residents reportedly armed themselves and descended upon a white-owned business following a grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. But unlike many of the Ferguson demonstrators, the armed men were there to protect the business, not destroy it in protest. The men told the Las Vegas Review Journal that they feel indebted to the white store owner, Doug Merello, who has given them employment over the years.

Urtkpihkgnf"Ejwtej"qh"Iqf"*9vj"Fc{+ 1521 East 24th Street North Springfield, MO • (417) 831-6721

“We would have been burned to the ground many times over if it weren’t for them,” Morello said following the Ferguson riots. The business is a Conoco gas station and convenience store first bought by Morello’s father in 1984.

Uvknn"Ycvgtu"Kpvgtpcvkqpcn"Okpkuvtkgu 124 Deer Mountain Road Walnut Shade, MO • (417) 598-1231

The black residents reportedly chased off groups of teenagers who allegedly wanted to loot the store. They also re-

portedly had a close-call after they were mistaken for looters by soldiers with the Missouri National Guard. One of the men was reportedly handcuffed temporarily until Morello could explain to the soldiers what they were doing at his business. Luckily, they were able to protect the business and no one was hurt. It should also be noted that Missouri is an open carry state. One of the men, who called himself R.J., said Morello has “helped us a lot” and referred to him as a “nice guy.” R.J., 28, reportedly openly carried a 9mm pistol. Another one of the courageous men, Jordan, also carried a pistol and another one was armed with an AR-15 rifle. The Las Vegas Review Journal also reports that the men had to deal with a “commotion” that occurred inside the store. After Morello kicked him out, Sean Turner, one of the armed residents, reportedly showed his .40 caliber pistol and told the disruptive man, “This is what happens if you try to steal from this place.”

Vjg"Vcdgtpceng"kp"Dtcpuqp 256 Church Road Branson, MO • (417) 334-7373 Wpkvgf"Ogvjqfkuv"Ejwtej 1208 W 76 Country Blvd • Branson, MO (417) 334-3423• Rev. Stacie L. Williams Sunday Services: 8 am Traditional 9:30 Contemporary, 11 am Traditional yyy0dtcpuqpwoe0qti

For a donation as little as $10.00 per month your church can be listed in Leaves on a Vine. What a great gift you can make to your fellowship! Call John at: (417)336-3636 or (417)353-7598

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Page 14

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December 2014

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December 2014

The Ministry Directory is brought to you in part by: Nqxg"Kp"vjg"Pcog"qh"Ejtkuv"*Nqxg"KPE+ is a movement of Christian churches working together to show God’s love to the poor and needy. • 7347 W. Hwy. 76 • Branson • (417) 336-7056 • Toll Free: (866) 568-3462 Jennifer Maupin, Executive Director, Jodi Lilley - Client Coordinator CFQRVKQP Ejgtkuj"Mkfu"may be contacted at 6100 North 19th Street, Ozark, Missouri 65721, by telephone at (417) 581-KIDS (5437) or by emailing: ODEJ"Ejknftgp"("Hcokn{"Okp0 Adoption & foster care services 1837 E. Cherry St. Springfield • (417) 831-2342 CUUKUVCPEG Ucnxcvkqp"Cto{ Lt. Shawn DeBaar 1114 Stanley • Branson, MO 65616 (417) 339-4434 EJKNFTGP Fqnn{"Rctvqp)u"Kocikpcvkqp"Nkdtct{ FREE books for children John Richardson PO Box 6850 • Branson, MO 65615 (417) 337-9400 yyy0KocikpcvkqpNkdtct{0eqo" GORNQ[OGPV"CUUKUVCPEG

Lqdu"hqt"Nkhg Work training program 5004 West Hwy 76 Branson • (417) 335-9915 FKUCUVGT"CUUKUVCPEG Eqpxq{"qh"Jqrg Assisting those in need 330 S. Patterson Ave. Springfield • (417) 823-8998 HQQF Uoctv"Ejqkeg"Hqqfu Discount food program To find a local host: National Office (866) 643-0877 Ejtkuvkcp"Cevkqp"Okpkuvtkgu Food assistance program 610 South Sixth Street, Ste 102 Branson • (417) 334-1157

EQWPUGNKPI Cogtkecp"Eqnngig"qh"Eqwpugnqtu" 273 Glossip Ave. Highlandville, MO 65669 A Non Profit 501(c)(3) yyy0CEEpqy0qti A professional organization offering membership at various levels of academic and experience expertise in mental health, substance abuse, health education to improve positive life styles. ACC is infused altruistically with outreach programs like Vjg Pqcj‚u"Ctm"Rtqlgev"+ (See listing under HEALTH) Itceg"Eqoowpkv{"Cuugodn{ Ask about Divorce Care Tuesday night meetings held at 440 State Hwy 248 Branson • (417) 336-2422

Grief recovery support group If you’ve lost someone close to you, or know someone who has, please call us to find out more information about our weekly seminar/support groups. We know it hurts, and we want to help! Branson/Forsyth • (417) 544-4177 JGCNVJ [OEC Fitness for families 175 Industrial Park Dr. Hollister • (417) 337-9622

Pqcj‚u"Ctm"Rtqlgev."providing probono services in mental health and substance abuse evaluations for treatment in North, Central and South America. Referral sources such as judicial, law enforcement, religious and medical agencies will be utilized to accommodate persons unable to afford these services and will be available to Costa Ricans and foreigners (There are over 50,000 North Americans living in Costa Rica). Please check out our web site to see and perhaps feel our commitment. Pura Vida yyy0EquvcTkecpJgtdcnHwukqp0eqo

reached at the 0115216461630752 international number. Cpvqpkq"Ucpejg| is a current Board Member for The Ranch and will assist in helping those that will be coming from The U.S. who desperately need deliverance from these addictions. Antonio lives in The U. S with his wife Qnic and has been alcohol and drug free since January 5th 1975. He was once a leader of AA but JESUS delivered him! Antonio can be contacted at *784+ 544/66:2 or at cpvqpkqqnic"Bcqn0eqo. The only requirement to come to Rancho Poiema is that a person be willing to provide $150.00 dollars a month to help offset cost of food and utilities and not be detoxing at the time of entry. There are other ministries that can assist with that need.

JQOGNGUUPGUU Xkevqt{"Okuukqp Residential work program 824 W Commercial St. Springfield • (417) 864-2244

UWKEKFG"RTGXGPVKQP Yg"Ectg"Cdqwv"[qw#"" Call (888) 667-5947 or Email contact@ 9 pm to 1 am Central Time

RQTPQITCRJ[ Hkijv"vjg"Pgy"Ftwi exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using science, facts, and personal accounts. dnqi0HkijvVjgPgyFtwi0qti RTKUQP Dknn"Incuu"Okpkuvtkgu Prison visitations 1101 S. Cedar Ridge Drive Duncanville, TX • (972) 298-1101 TGJCDKNKVCVKQP EQTG" Eqoowpkvkgu"qh"Tgeqxgt{"Gzrgtkgpeg Cary McKee PO Box 6224 • Branson, MO 65615 (417) 339-3804 yyy0EQTG/WUC0qti

Tcpejq"Rqkgoc" The vision of Rcuvqt"Ejtku"Octvkpg|"of Ecnxct{"Ejcrgn"Vklwcpc."Ogzkeq0 The goal of this Ministry is to reach out to those individuals that are dealing with drug and alcohol problems. The Ranch is 25 miles inland from the city of Gpugpcfc." Ogzkeq and is located in a place of serene and tranquil Jgcnvj"Ectg" atmosphere which is ideal for seeking for the uninsured. The Lord and far removed from old *639+"558/YGNN( friends and contacts. The Ranch offers 9 month Discipleship though The Holy Scriptures and personal involvement with a team of dedicated staff members, who were once yyy0HckvjEqoowpkv{"Jgcnvj0qti also in bondage to drugs and alcohol but Q|ctmu"Tgikqpcn"[OEC have been set free by The Power Of God Julie Eaton, Director of Marketing, and The Holy Spirit! • 417 S. Jefferson Eguct" Fgnicfq is The current Springfield • (417) 862-8962 ext. 2117 Director of Rancho Poiema and can be


Page 15

YQOGP Vjg"Ectkpi"Rgqrng Weekly care groups designed to provide love and support to Single Moms 164 Corporate Pl • Branson, MO 65616 (417) 334-0131 yyy0VjgEctkpiRgqrng0qti

[QWVJ Dtkfigu"Hqt"[qwvj Youth ministries 834 N National Ave. Springfield • (417) 864-8430 Ecor"OgYg."Kpe0 Fork Road, Highlandville, MO 65669 P.O. Box 7077 • Branson, MO 65615 Telephone: 417-334-6313 Lceqd‚u"Jqwug 4661 State Hwy 176 E Chestnutridge, MO 65630 yyy0LceqduJqwug0qti Nkxgu"Wpfgt"Eqpuvtwevkqp"Dq{u"Tcpej 296 Boys Ranch Rd, Lampe, MO 65681 (417) 779-5374 Vggp"Jctxguv"[qwvj"Tcpej Christian, Bible-centered ministry To boys mainly between ages 12-17 who need assistance in a good home to establish a proper environment in which to grow and learn. Located at County Road 402, Ava, MO 6560. Call Pastor Paul Neighbour at (417) 683-1080 For more info or visit web site: yyy0VggpJctxguv0eqo

Eqpegtpgf"Yqogp"hqt" Cogtkec"*EYC+ Conservative political women ministries 1015 Fifteenth St. NW, Ste 1100 Washington, D.C. • (202) 488-7000 Etkuku"Egpvgt Becky Vermeire PO Box 282 • Branson MO 65615 (417) 561-5105 • (866) 379-0074 yyy0YqogpuEtkukuEgpvgt0pgv" Guvjgt)u"Jqwug"qh"Tgfgorvkqp Residential discipleship program for women with life-controlling issues PO Box 1438 • Hollister, MO 65673 (417) 449-5122 • yyy0GJQT0qti Qrvkqpu"Rtgipcpe{"Egpvgt Crisis pregnancy center 192 Expressway Ln. Branson • (417) 336-5483 Rtgipcpe{"Nkhg"Nkpg Crisis pregnancy center 15765 Missouri 13 Branson West • (417) 272-5210

XKUKVQTU"YGNEQOG WORSHIP SERVICES: Rtckug"("Yqtujkr"/" Uwp0"B":<52"c0o0

Education Hour - 9:15 a.m. Liturgy &Traditional Service - 10:30 a.m. HIGHWAY #165 AND STATE DRIVE

350 State Dr. • Hollister

*639+"556/36;; Pastor Emil Bartos rgcegnwvjgtcpejwtejjqnnkuvgt0eqo

Page 16

Jwemcdgg"Uncou"Qdcoc‚u"Wug"qh"Uetkrvwtg"kp Copguv{"Urggej by Joel Himelfarb,


before taking a decidedly sarcastic tone, Mediaite noted.

Toward the end of his speech, Obama declared that "Scripture tells us, we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger."

"Funny how, for the first six years of his administration, even the two years when he had unstoppable majorities in both houses, Scripture did not compel immediate action. But two weeks after the final election he’ll have to deal with, suddenly, Scripture requires us to do this," the Fox News host and possible 2016 presidential candidate wrote.

ormer Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee blasted President Barack Obama for citing the Bible in his immigration speech Thursday, suggesting that his use of Scripture was little more than a cynical attempt to advance his political agenda.

"We were once strangers, too," he added. Huckabee responded on his Facebook page that "it is interesting that Obama cites Scripture as the justification for him taking unilateral action on illegal immigrants"

December 2014

“In today’s culture there is only one sin... calling anything a sin.” - Mark Driscoll

Huckabee likened Obama’s push on immigration to his handling of homosexual marriage, adding that "his Biblical beliefs led him to oppose same-sex marriage as a candidate for election. Then, when he needed big donations from gay liberals for his re-election, the Bible suddenly got rewritten."

Experience Jesus Christ’s last week on earth, performed under the starry Ozark skies in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Just an hour south of Branson. With nearly 200 cast members, several live animals, beautiful costumes and excellent sound and lighting, this is a MUST DO experience! See website for schedule, prices and to make reservations – or call 800-348-0752

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639/:;3/4422" qt"Vqnn"Htgg" 3/:::/:57/2256


December 2014

Page 17

Yjgp"Ecppgf"Hqqf"Ku"Jgcnvjkgt"Vjcp"Htguj by Nick Tate,


or decades, it has been the standard advice from nutritionists: Eat a diet loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables to boost your health. But the surprising truth is that canned foods can be just as nutritious as their fresh, raw counterparts — and some even become more healthful through the canning process. Produce is most nutritious shortly after harvesting, studies show. But many fruits and vegetables on supermarket shelves are sold days or weeks after they’ve been harvested and may not be at their nutritional peak. But canned and frozen foods are packed right after they’ve been harvested, sealing in vitamins, nutrients, and other beneficial compounds. Plus canned goods tend to cost less than fresh. And, in some cases, canned foods have higher levels of key vitamins and nutrients than even fresh varieties. “Some fruits and vegetables are actually better when they’re heated and some or not, so it depends on what you’re talking about when you’re looking at canned vs. fresh vs. frozen,” says Octkuc Oqqtg, a registered Atlanta-based dietitian and a spokeswoman for the Cecfgo{"qh"Pwvtkvkqp"cpf"Fkgvgvkeu0 “For example, canned tomatoes have higher amounts of [cancer-fighting] lycopene vs. fresh,” she tells Pgyuocz Jgcnvj. “Canned corn has more lutein, an antioxidant, and heated canned carrots have more beta-carotene.”

Canned foods are also available year-round, just like frozen foods, so you can always include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet — another critical component to healthy eating, Moore notes. Numerous studies have found many fruits and vegetables have as much or more nutrients, disease-fighting antioxidants, and other nutritional substances, compared to fresh varieties. Ecvj{" Mcrkec, a nutrition specialist at Vwhvu Wpkxgtukv{, put canned vegetables to the test in a recent market-basket study that compared key nutrients and the costs in canned, fresh, frozen and dried varieties of a handful of common foods. The study — presented at a meeting of the Gzrgtkogpvcn" Dkqnqi{ scientific meeting — found that when price, waste and preparation time are considered, “canned foods almost always offered a more affordable, convenient way to get needednutrients.” Kapica tells Newsmax Health the findings may come as a surprise to some consumers. But she adds: “Yes, canned foods can be better choices than fresh. There are numerous studies that support the nutritional quality of canned foods. And foods, like fruit and vegetables, are picked at the peak of ripeness and packed soon after and close to the farms, preserving many nutrients which might be lost in fresh during transport and storage in stores and the home.” Kapica explains that heating, chopping, and other cooking techniques involved in the canning process “break up the small-cell particles in foods, making their nutrients more available for metabolism during digestion.”


For the study, Kapica and her colleagues analyzed the nutrients in

corn, green snap beans, mushrooms, peas, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, pears, peaches, pinto beans and tuna fish. Kapica sought to determine the cost of several key nutrients, including protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. Among the key research findings: Pinto Beans. Canned pinto beans contain as much protein and fiber as dried beans, but cost $1 less per serving. Tomatoes. Levels of lycopene, a beneficial compound believed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and other health conditions, actually increase when tomatoes are heated during the canning process. Corn. Canned corn has higher levels of lutein — a beneficial antioxidant that may reduce the risks of cataracts and targets “free radicals” that can lead to cancer and heart disease — than fresh corn. Canned corn also offers the same amount of dietary fiber as fresh — at a 25 percent savings. Spinach. Spinach doesn’t lose its vitamin content when canned. Vitamin C levels are virtually the same in fresh, frozen, or canned varieties. But canned spinach provides the same levels of vitamin C at an 85 percent savings over fresh or frozen. Kapica said her study also found that canned tuna, pumpkin, mushrooms, green beans, peaches and pears are also good choices, when compared to fresh vegetables.

Other recent research has reached similar conclusions, among them: A University of California-Davis study found that virtually all forms of fruits and veggies — canned, cooked fresh, and frozen — are nutritionally similar and can contribute to a healthful eating plan. But researchers also found fresh produce loses nutrients more rapidly than canned or frozen fruits and vegetables. An Oregon Health Sciences University study demonstrated increased amounts of some key anthocyanins — a powerful antioxidant — in canned blueberries, compared to the amounts in fresh and frozen blueberries. A U.S. Department of Agriculture survey found canned tomatoes, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, and corn are rich in antioxidants. One-half cup of canned tomatoes provides 11.8 milligrams of lycopene compared to 3.7 milligrams found in one medium uncooked tomato; heating of carrots and spinach for canning enhances the bioavailability of carotene; canned pumpkin contains a higher concentration of beta carotene than fresh. “Consumers are not aware of the nutritional value of canned foods,” Kapica notes. “Canned foods have been providing nutrition and safety for over 100 years, and their use is still relevant today. For those on tight budgets, or where access to stores is limited, canned foods can be especially important to meet nutrition needs.” The full version of this article appeared in Health Radar newsletter. © 2014 NewsmaxHealth. All rights reserved.

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December 2014



hen evaluating a Dknn"Enkpvqp"statement it’s always wise to keep in mind that it was Bill Clinton who said it. But I don’t think even Slick Willie would have predicted what abortion fanatics would do in the future to his administration’s policy of making abortion “safe, legal and rare.” But we are finding out in California. Here, zealots in the Fgrctvogpv"qh"Ocp/ cigf"Jgcnvj"Ectg"*FOJE+"are working on making abortion pervasive and frequent. The Hgfgtcnkuv"reports, “California’s Department of Managed Health Care has ordered all insurance plans in the state to immediately begin covering elective abortion. Not Plan B. Not contraceptives. Elective surgical dismemberment abortion.” In effect this means that if a church offers

its employees health insurance — the church must pay for abortions without exception. As the Federalist points out, this latest mandate from abortion absolutists violates federal law “that specifically prohibits California from discriminating against health care plans on the basis that they do not cover abortion.” To say nothing of the department’s total rejection of the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion. It could be it’s only natural for state bureaucrats to ignore the plain language of the law when the president regularly does the same thing, but that does not make the ruling any more tolerable. The proximate cause of the order is pressure from that enemy of the unborn and Christendom — the Cogtkecp"Ekxkn"Nkd/

gtvkgu" Wpkqp. The ACLU decided that California’s law requiring health plans to cover “basic health services” has been misinterpreted for 40 years. Previously DMHC “had not even applied this test to its own state employee health plans — which covered only ‘medically necessary’ abortions. But this novel reading was nevertheless quietly imposed on every plan in the state by fiat,” reports the Federalist.

cency, liberty, and Christ — the Cnnkcpeg Fghgpfkpi"Htggfqo"and the Nkhg"Ngicn Fghgpug"Hqwpfcvkqp"— are already taking steps to fight this by appealing to the federal Jgcnvj" cpf" Jwocp" Ugtxkegu *JJU+"Qhhkeg"qh"Ekxkn"Tkijvu. We wish them luck. The fact remains this abortion outrage is just the latest instance of the left’s campaign to use government to slowly force Christians from any role in the public square or public life. The libertine left and the secular elites — two populations where there is much overlap — will not be satisfied until Christianity is only practiced in the privacy of one’s home. Out of sight, out of mind.

Two organizations that are friends of de-

Ecnkhqtpkc"Pqy"Jcu"Jkijguv"flRqxgtv{‚"Tcvg by Michael Reagan


recent report by the Census Bureau that features a new way of measuring the poverty rate shows California boasts the nation’s highest level. Higher than Mississippi. Higher than West Virginia. Higher than all of the other states the swells in Los Angeles like to ridicule. This is probably because the residents of those states have moved to California to take a seat aboard the Sacramento gravy train. In 2012, California, using money from federal, state and local sources, spent an incredible $69.1 billion on welfare. That’s almost one-third of all of state spending. That figure alone might explain why although the Golden State only has only one-eighth of the nation’s total population, it has one-third — there’s that number again — of the nation’s population that collects welfare benefits.

According to the new Census Bureau calculations, which include more data on income and cost of living expenses, California has 23.4 percent of its population living in what federal bureaucrats define as poverty. The second highest jurisdiction is that other exemplar of the government handout, Washington, D.C. — at 22.4 percent. Before we go on, it is important to put context behind what is called poverty. As Dennis Prager pointed out earlier this week, “Over 99 percent [of those defined as poverty–stricken] have a refrigerator, television, and stove or oven. Eighty-one percent have a microwave; 75 percent have air conditioning; 67 percent have a second TV; 64 percent have a clothes washer; 38 percent have a personal computer. "Seventy-five percent of the

poor have a car or truck. Only 10 percent live in mobile homes or trailers, half live in detached single-family houses or townhouses, and 40 percent live in apartments. Forty-two percent of all poor households own their home, the average of which is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage and a porch or patio.”

here to take advantage of taxpayer generosity.

And should they need to reach their caseworker, 80 percent own a cellphone. In other words, people living in poverty in California would be called middle class in most of the rest of the world.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on

It’s a problem that will never be solved, or reduced for that matter, as long as the engineers in Sacramento continue to shovel tax dollars into the gravy train’s firebox.

yyy0TgcicpTgrqtvu0eqo California’s poverty rate isn’t a symptom of the failure of the state’s taxpayers to do enough. It’s a symptom of leftist Democrats and their bureaucrats doing too much. Lavish welfare spending combined with a benefits-first, accountability-later (if ever) mentality means that California is attracting low income people that come


explores the Hebrew Roots of our Christian Faith monthly *Rowark Resort in Branson, MO 403 N Veterans Avenue (south of Hospital)

editor’s note: It’s interesting that Ronald Reagan’s adopted son is a Christian conservative but his biological son Ron is a liberal athiest that dropped the Jr. from his name. So often children do not appreciate the wisdom and strengths of their parents. Do yours?

For more info: 888-265-1837 or email: Join us for our monthly meetings!


December 2014

Page 19

Fgtujqykv|<"Hqteg"Oc{"Dg"Kutcgn‚u"Qpn{"Qrvkqp"Cickpuv"Ktcp"Pwmgu by Sean Piccoli


f negotiators allow Iran to continue with its nuclear energy program, Israel "may have no choice" but to launch preemptive military strikes against Iranian targets to delay development of nuclear weapons, former Harvard law professor Cncp Fgtujqykv|" told Newsmax TV on Monday.

"You cannot allow a country with leaders like that to have access to nuclear weapons," said Dershowitz, calling Iran a "suicide nation" and "the world's greatest exporter of terrorism." Dershowitz said that it ultimately falls to the United States, the lead negotiator in the talks, to prevent a nuclear Iran — whether by treaty or by force.

And even then, Dershowitz told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner, Israeli military action can only "set back" Iran's nuclear program by a few years, not destroy it for good — a capability only the United States military possesses. Israeli officials are reportedly weighing strikes, fearing that a looming international agreement will leave Iran room to build nuclear weapons under cover of a peaceful energy program. Dershowitz, author of "Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas," called military strikes on Iran "the second worst option" — the worst being a scenario in which Iran becomes a nuclear power, given past threats by Iranian politicians to annihilate the Jewish state.

He said the Obama administration should say "unequivocally" that the U.S. "will do whatever it takes" to prevent that outcome and to guarantee the safety of other countries, including allies such as Israel. "If sanctions work, fine," said Dershowitz. " If diplomacy works, fine. If none of that works then the United States should use its military facilities and ability to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons." If President Barack Obama permits Iran "even to become a threshold nuclear state," he will be history's next Neville Chamberlain, said Dershowitz, citing a leader "who brought healthcare to Britain

but who failed to recognize and prevent the greatest danger of the 20th century, namely Nazism. "And the greatest danger of the 21st century is a nuclear-armed Iran with intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach New York and Washington," he said. Dershowitz said that U.S. negotiators, led by Secretary of State John Kerry, have their reasoning "absolutely backwards" on how to foil Iran's nuclear ambitions while gaining Iranian cooperation against a common adversary — the Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Syria and Iraq. "By saying that we need Iran to help us defeat ISIS, that's total nonsense," he said. "Iran needs us to defeat ISIS."

making concessions to us, to get us on board to help them fight ISIS." Dershowitz also discussed Obama's controversial order last week to shield million of illegal immigrants from deportation and assert his authority to do so over congressional opposition. "This is uncharted ground," said Dershowitz. "Anybody who tells you the president violated the Constitution is wrong. Anybody who tells you the president DIDN'T violate the Constitution is wrong. … At this point in time, nobody knows the answer to that daunting constitutional question." Read Latest Breaking News from


He argued that the radical Sunni Muslims of ISIS pose a more "direct, immediate threat" to Shiadominated Iran than to the United States. "So we shouldn't be giving nuclear concessions to Iran to get them on board to fight with ISIS," he said. "They should be


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Page 20

December 2014

Rtkxcvg"Uejqqnu"Ykp"Vgzvdqqm"Hwpfkpi"Dcvvng"kp"Pgy"Ogzkeq by Sarah Padbury, World News Service (WNS)


he Pgy" Ogzkeq" Eqwtv" qh"Crrgcnu upheld a law requiring the state’s Fg/ rctvogpv" qh" Gfwecvkqp" to supply free textbooks to all students in the state, regardless of whether they attend public or private schools. The ruling keeps in place an 85-year-old state law challenged on the grounds it allegedly violated other state laws that forbid using state funds for “sectarian, denominational, or private schools.” Lawmakers enacted the first version of New Mexico’s Kpuvtwevkqpcn" Ocvgtkcn Ncy"*KON+"in 1929 to “provide free textbooks in the public schools … for first and second grade students,” according to the ruling. Legislators amended IML several times over the years, including expanding the program in 1933 to include free textbooks for all children between first and eighth grade. Funding for IML

comes from the rental of government land under the Okpgtcn"Ngcukpi"Ncpf"Cev0 Local public school boards choose books and other educational media from a list of materials approved by the state’s Education Department. Private school officials also may order materials for their students. The ruling notes both public and private schools may apply to use up to 50 percent of their funds for items that are not on the list, provided the funding isn’t used for “religious, sectarian, or nonsecular materials.” In 2012, Ecvj{"Oqugu"and Rcwn"H0"Ygkp/ dcwo"challenged IML, claiming that providing instructional material to students in private schools created unconstitutional “support” to private—and most often religious—schools in violation of several other state statutes.

Thirty-seven states, including New Mexico, have laws preventing the use of government funds for sectarian schools or institutions, according to Vjg" Dgemgv Hwpf"hqt"Tgnkikqwu"Nkdgtv{, an attorney group that specializes in religious freedom cases. Such laws are commonly referred to as Dnckpg"Cogpfogpvu, named after Lcogu"I0"Dnckpg, who attempted to get such an amendment into the U.S. Constitution in 1875 while he was Speaker of the House. The amendment failed, but many states enacted similar provisions into their state constitutions. But on Oct. 28, 2014 a state-level, 3judge panel ruled IML does not violate any laws, concluding the funds benefit the students and parents at private schools, not the schools themselves. In addition, the ruling noted the state has an interest

“to educate children, regardless of where they attend school” and thus children attending private schools shouldn’t be barred from government-aided educational benefits. The judges referred to several cases in which the W0U0" Uwrtgog Eqwtv" ruled that when public schools lend educational materials to children in nonpublic schools, the items maintain a “secular purpose” that “neither advances nor inhibits religion.” “[The] ruling allows state legislatures to focus on educating children, regardless of where they go to school,” said Gtke"Dcz/ vgt, senior counsel at The Becket Fund, in a press release. “Religious freedom is protected, not threatened, when individuals of faith can participate in state programs on equal footing with everyone else.”

Okmg"Tqyg"Hktgu"Dcem"Cv"Nkdgtcn"Yjq"Enckou"Ejtkuvkcpu"Ecp‚v"Dg"Tgrwdnkecpu kmg"Tqyg was challenged by a liberal Facebook poster to explain how a Christian, or basically anyone, could vote Republican. The Dirty Jobs and Somebody’s Gotta Do It star does not appear deterred by the snarky and fairly insulting question posed to him in all-caps (internet/text means of yelling), and responded to the poster in what many fellow commenters have deemed an extremely civil and spot-on manner.


A liberal Facebook poster identified as Lko"Itggp used quite a few exclamation points and all-caps words to make his point about Republican voters to Mike Rowe. EPP explains how Rowe happened to spot the comment during a flight and decided to respond. Green reportedly referred to racists and other derogatory terms. He also reportedly pitched a book along with his slamming of Republican voters. Here’s the Jim Green Facebook post to Mike Rowe: “Why on Earth would ANYONE vote Republican? A reptile has more decency than the Republicans in Congress! Only an odious toad would pass Ryan’s budget or gut Food Stamps—and these depraved snakes made them THEIR HIGHEST PRIORITY! If only one child in America goes hungry because of the Republican’s War on Children it explains why—IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN. PLEASE

explain to the American people why you vote/are a Republican—because for the life of me I cannot understand WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE REPUBLICAN!” Mike Rowe’s answer was entitled, ›Uqog Wpuqnkekvgf" Octmgvkpi" Cfxkeg" Htqo Okmg"Tqyg"cv"59.222"Hggv0fi “Greetings, from somewhere over Colorado. It appears you’re still trying to sell some books on my Facebook page. Personally, I haven’t read them, and based on your marketing strategy, I suspect I’m probably not alone. Since part of your approach seems to involve me, I thought perhaps I might offer you some unsolicited marketing advice. I hope it’s not too presumptuous, but these tips have served me well over the years, and I can’t help but think you and your marketing team might benefit from their immediate implementation.” Rowe went on to detail hkxg"rqkpvu in his response. He encouraged Jim Green to dgikp his posts with a “friendly salutation. “[A] little cordiality goes a long way,” Rowe said.

ies have proven it’s best not to insult your potential customers.” In rqkpv"vjtgg to Jim Green, Mike Rowe suggested skipping the caps and exclamation points, saying, These are excellent choices when warning people about a fire, a volcanic eruption, an Ebola outbreak or a looming tsunami.” He advised that when attempting to persuade “thoughtful people” that Christians cannot cast a vote for the GOP and remain a Christian, one should appear “credible – not hysterical. Lower case should work just fine.” “I’m not an authority on Republicans or Christians, but last I checked,

America is still populated by plenty of both. Unless you wish to alienate a majority of the country, you might consider something a tad more conciliatory. Something like – “There is no “R” in Jesus – But There’s G-O-P in Gospel,” Mike Rowe posted in response to Jim Green’s questions about Christians voting for Republicans. “Hkpcnn{, with respect to your ‘challenge,’ I’m not a registered Republican, but from time to time, I have voted like one. If you really want to know why, ask me in a fashion that incorporates the aforementioned steps, and I’ll try to explain it to you,” Rowe added.

Rcvu{"Enkpg"Tgogodgtgf Celebrate Patsy Cline's greatest hits and discover her life beyond the music! Patsy Cline Remembered is the tribute show that celebrates the life and songs of legendary vocalist Patsy Cline. Get up close and personal as the critically acclaimed C.J. Newsom and the Re-Cliners band share Patsy's hits and unique stories. Learn about the stars who influenced Patsy and who were influenced by her including Judy Garland, Loretta Lynn, and Reba McEntire. Join us on the trip down memory lane at Patsy Cline Remembered, the journey through the music that made Patsy famous. Come see C.J. Newsom and her live band! Tuesday through Saturday in the Hamners' Variety Theater at 3 PM. For more information, call: 417-334-4363 or visit at:

yyy0Rcvu{EnkpgTgogodgtgf0eqo In his ugeqpf" rqkpv" Mike Rowe said, “Think about addressing your audience as something other than ‘racists,’ ‘reptiles,’ and ‘toads.’ I get that you want to be provocative, but if your goal is to sell your book, a number of well-known stud-

Vjg"CEX"ku"cxckncdng"cv< vjg"Dtcpuqp"OQ" Rtkeg"Ejqrrgt

December 2014



o many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry.

by an American Patriot

lish a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good-bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture. Nothing was handed to them.

Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to People like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get Down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning Eng-

U v k n n " Yc v g t u " " Kpvgtpcvkqpcn"" Okpkuvtkgu Waking the World to their Loving Creator

Page 21

No free lunches, No welfare, No labor laws to protect them0 All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity.

ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan . They were defending the United States of America as one people. When we liberated France , no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the GermanAmerican or the Irish-American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country.

Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought alongside men whose parents had come straight over from Germany , Italy , France and Japan .

Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl.

None of these 1st generation Americans

And here we are with a new kind of im-

Okay, so we are not a typical church but we are a training ground to make disciples for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit! Come visit us Sunday morning at 9:45 am and you will see what we mean. What does it mean that “Favor is better than Finance?” Why is it a blessing to “sow seeds in someone else’s field?” “Why does taking one step towards self sufficiency cause God to withdraw one step back from supplying all your needs?” 124 Deer Mountain Road Walnut Shade, MO

*639+ 7;:/3453 7 miles north of Branson on Hwy 160. One quarter mile west of 65. First property on left.

migrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags. And for that suggestion about taking down the Statue of Liberty, it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill. I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.

Qypgtu< Doug & Julie Smart Gockn<" 1045 S. Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO

yyy0UoctvDw{Vktg0eqo A Smart Family!



4944"Uv0"Jy{"46: Dtcpuqp."OQ" Across from Branson Events Center

*639+"766/2428"""""46:rk||ceqorcp{Biockn0eqo Qrgp"Oqp"/"Ucv"33"CO"/";"RO"ß Uwpfc{"Enqugf

We offer Create Your Own and Specialty pizzas. Also Wings, Salads, Cookie Dough, Calzones, Coke Products and Iced Tea. You can bake your pizza right on our special trays so you don't even have to dirty a dish and the pizza is hot and ready on your time. Perfect for Superbowl Parties and other gatherings. Our drive through makes it quick and easy to call ahead and swing by! Fkpg/Kp"pqy"cxckncdng0

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December 2014


Fqnn{"Rctvqp‚u"Fkzkg"Uvcorgfg"ku"c"jqnkfc{"vtcfkvkqp"hqt"vjqwupfu"qh"hcoknkgu#000"from the Front Cover FQNN[" RCTVQP" IKXGU VJG" IKHV" QH" TGCFKPI VQ"EJKNFTGP Fkzkg" Uvcorgfg" Urqpuqtu Kocikpcvkqp"Nkdtct{" Rtqitco"

BRANSON, MO –Fkzkg"Uvcorgfg"Fkp/ pgt"Cvvtcevkqp is a proud sponsor of Fqnn{ Rctvqp‚u" Kocikpcvkqp" Nkdtct{, a free book program for all pre-school age children in participating communities, including newborns, whose parent completes an official registration form. Each child receives a free book each month by mail until age five. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Dixie Stampede, the program serves every child in Stone and Taney counties. The Imagination Library began in Dolly’s home of Sevier County in Tennessee in 1995 and has touched the lives every child and family in that community. The program is funded through the Dollywood Foundation by gifts from Dolly Parton, Dixie Stampede as well as other individuals and businesses. “I hope that every family will experience the joy and wonder of their child’s imagination as they read about the world and learn its many surprises,” Dolly said. Beginning in 2000, Dixie Stampede Dinner Attraction in Branson brought Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to Stone and Taney Counties of Missouri. 27,665 books were provided to these communities in 2013.

There are currently 2,151 children enrolled in Stone and Taney counties. In Missouri, there are 36 Imagination Library affiliate communities with 13,436 children enrolled in the program. 146,115 books were mailed to children in Missouri in 2013. Nationally, a total of 1,600 communities are partnered with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to send out books monthly to

preschool children participating in the program. 765,759 children are currently enrolled in the program. Since its inception in 2000, 60 million books have been provided to children enrolled in the program. In 2013, 8.36 million books were mailed. Despite these grand achievements there is no better reward than the grateful words of a mother. Daily expressions of gratitude pour into the hearts of the thousands of individuals who work to initiate and sustain the Imagination Library. And so grows the fulfillment of Dolly’s vision to share the gift of reading with children everywhere. “If my Imagination Library helps turn the dreams of a child into the promise of a bright future, then one of my biggest dreams will come true,” added Parton. About the Dollywood Foundation The Dollywood Foundation is based in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. It is a 501(c) (3) public non-profit organization. For more information about the Imagination Library, please call 865/428-9606 or visit


Fqnn{"Hwp"hcevu"cpf"Swqvgu • Dolly wrote two of her biggest hits, $Lq/ ngpg$"and $K"Yknn"Cnyc{u"Nqxg"[qw$, on the same evening in 1973. • Although Parton originally agreed to work with Rqtvgt"Yciqpgt for five years, she stayed with Wagoner an extra two years because of her immense respect for him. At the end of the seventh year, Parton and Wagoner argued, because she wanted to go on her own and Wagoner wanted her to stay. Eventually, she decided to write a song to express how she felt and she penned her eventual mega hit, $K"Yknn"Cn/ yc{u"Nqxg"[qw$. • On December 31, 2006, Parton was named by the Vgppguugcp newspaper as 2006 Tennessean of the Year for her work with children's literacy. The newspaper has been naming a Tennessean of the Year since 1994. • Met her future husband, Ectn"Fgcp, at a laundromat who ran an asphalt-paving business; they got married on May 30, 1966 (and they are still together). • She and her husband raised five of her younger brothers and sisters. • In 2009, the Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Vgp/ pguugg" /" Mpqzxknng presented Parton with an Honorary Doctor of Humane and Musical Letters Degree. Parton was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree from Ectuqp/ Pgyocp"Eqnngig in 1990. • Inducted to the Eqwpvt{ Owuke"Jcnn"qh"Hcog in 1999. • The children's television series Ugucog Uvtggv (1969) introduced a character in homage to Dolly Parton. She had purple skin and blonde hair and went by the name of Rqnn{"Fctvqp. • The world's first cloned mammal, Fqnn{ vjg"ujggr, was named after Parton. • One of 12 children; grew up in a 1-room cabin in Tennessee.

Swqvgu< [her motto] Dream more, learn more, care more and be more. [when remarking about her Imagination Library childhood literacy program] If I'm remembered 100 years from now, I hope it will be not for looks but for books. I always love working with children. I never had children of my own. God has his purposes. God didn't let me have children so everybody's children could be mine. That's kind of how I'm looking at it. (...allergy to birth control pill when younger didn't allow her to have children) I just write all the time. In my whole life I've never had what I've heard people talk about writer's block. I've never had that. ... Life is like a song to me. I just hear everything in music, so I have never once thought 'Well, I'm never gonna be able to write again.' I've got thousands of songs. • I can't imagine a thing that people don't already know about me. I think people would be surprised at how really at-home I am. I look like a party doll but I'm very home-lovin'. I'm a homebody, and I'm family-oriented. I don't get out much unless it's a special occasion. So I guess people might be surprised at just how calm I really am. • I'm not offended by dumb blonde jokes because I know that I'm not dumb. I also know I'm not blonde. • If you want to see the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain. • After Momma gave birth to twelve of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her. • "I wake up with new dreams every day. So the more I can do to channel that into things that I love to create is healthier for me and probably for everybody around me. And the older I get, the earlier I get up. The second my feet hit the floor, I'm awake. I'm like hurry, hurry. I just love life. And I feel

December 2014

like we ain't got but a certain amount of time anyway. I want to make the most of all of it." Some of my dreams are so big they would scare you.

I choose to be.

• People don't realize that, you know, we have -- 'we' meaning people in show business have the same problems as everybody else. Money don't change that. Fame don't change that. Sometimes that brings on more problems. You know, it's just a -- different kind of problems. As they say, money ain't everything.

• I figure if I keep my health, I have no intention of retiring. I love to work. I want to be like Dqd"Jqrg. I want to keep on going out and doing what I love to do. Of course, I'm no Bob Hope, but I mean that feeling that you never are old and have things to offer and can be useful to somebody. I always want to be useful, I have no intentions of retiring unless I should get sick or something should happen to my husband. Other than that I'm going to work until I fall over.

• I have loved performing since I was big enough to wrestle my little brothers and sisters into sitting long enough for me to sing them my latest musical masterpiece. I just hope ya'll will come out and see this little girl from the hills of Tennessee walk out there on that big ole stage and make her dreams come true, don't make me wrestle you too 'cause I will if I have to! • I'm just a singer/songwriter and entertainer and I miss people and the energy of the crowd. When I play live it's a lovefest with me and my audience. It's how I get my rocks off. I'm a show-off basically...always have been. I learned early on that I could get a lot of attention by singing and writing little songs, so it was like throwing nuts to a monkey...I just couldn't get enough. • I feel fortunate that I've had a lot of songs recorded by other people, because I take my songwriting very seriously. It's only those people that have followed me over the years and really know my work that know how serious I am about all of it - including the way I look. You can't take my high heels from me, you can't have my long fingernails, you can't take all this hair from me, because it's part of this thing that I've become. I wouldn't want to give any of it up. Do I have to be ugly to be a songwriter? This is the way I am, and it's what

• I'll never harden my heart, but I've toughened the muscles around it.

• It's when you treat people like freaks that you become one yourself. • I feel blessed that I still have the little Dolly in my heart, I'm still the same girl that wants to squeeze every little drop out of life that I can. • I never, ever get involved in politics. With politics you are not allowed to be

Page 23

in the night. Dreams have always helped me visualize my goals and aspirations. When I was a child, I could see me on stage singing my heart out. I could see what I was wearing and where I was going.

Ejtkuvocu" cv" Fkzkg features a seasonal twist with a friendly rivalry between the North and South Poles, full of equestrian feats, music, comedy, and audience participation. Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus is brought to life with Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and a living Nativity of live camels, donkeys, and sheep. No Christmas would be complete without an appearance by Santa himself in his sleigh, as Dixie's 1100-seat arena is transformed into a winter wonderland of fresh fallen snow. I would visit that dream every single day and as I look back, my dreams kept me focused on what I wanted to do and the person I wanted to be.

• Sure I'm in it for the money, but also because I love music. I picture myself in the future as a happy old lady, chubby, rosy cheeks, telling stories to the little kids. When I sit back in my rocker, I want to have done it all. • To me, it's about dreaming in the day and

The entire Christmas celebration is complemented by a four-course holiday feast of a whole rotisserie chicken, hickory smoked barbecue pork loin, herb-basted

• All these fine Christian-type people that seem to think they know what God wants for all of us, that's certainly more of a sin then anything they would claim about us. To judge people is one of the greatest sins. JQNKFC["VTCPUHQTOC/ VKQP."UVCORGFG"UV[NG# Hcokn{"Vtcfkvkqpu"Egngdtcvgf cv"Vqr"Fkppgt"Cvvtcevkqp At Christmas time, Dixie Stampede Dinner Attraction transforms into a beautiful holiday spectacular. Folks who visit Dixie Stampede will be amazed at the unbelievable makeover including the fullscale living Nativity, holiday decorations, music, a visit from Santa, and a four-course yuletide feast.

honest. I don't have time to deal with that. I would rather work with kids.

Dolly Parton. “We celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. I can't wait for folks to experience this special holiday show - it's going to be magical."

The Dixie Stampede Christmas spectacular is the show to see this holiday season if you’re visiting Branson. Families will be mesmerized as “Toys Come to Life”, an amazing musical fantasy. One Christmas night, the Sugar Plum Fairy appears in a sleepy toyshop and magically brings all the toys to life in a musical celebration. Highlighted by a stunning aerial display and set to the unforgettable music of the Nutcracker, that will delight the kid in you and every member of your family! "Christmas is my favorite time of year, full of fond family memories,” says owner,

potato, buttery corn on the cob, creamy vegetable soup, hot homemade biscuit, and special holiday dessert.

Ejtkuvocu"Cv"Fkzkg"Uvcorgfg Christmas At Dixie Stampede runs through January 3rd, 2015. One ticket price includes a unique holiday dinner and show experience set in a giant 35,000square-foot arena featuring 32 magnificent horses, a stampede of buffalo, thrilling horsemanship, romance, and audience participation, all showcased in a friendly rivalry between North Pole and South Pole and complemented by a fabulous fourcourse holiday feast. Guests are encouraged to reserve tickets early for best availability by calling 800520-5544 or visit


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December 2014

Pqcj‚u"Ctm"Rtqlgev"Rtqxkfgu"Jgcnvj"Kphwugf"Eqhhgg from ACV Newsdesk Kp" vjg" swguv" hqt" c" eqhhgg" vjcv" etgcvgu dqvj"ru{ejqnqikecn"cpf"rj{ukecn"dgpg/ hkvu."c"vgco"qh"hqwt"kp/ f k x k f w c n u fgxgnqrgf" ugx/ gtcn" rtgokwo Equvc" Tkecp urgekcnv{" ( Kphwugf" eqh/ hgg)u0 * Ft0" Rcwn" H0 Yqjnhkgn has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, has lived for the past 29 years, part time, in Costa Rica and has had a very definitive commitment toward Costa Rican culture. * Ot0"Nctt{"Ikhhqtf, a renowned coffee roaster with over ten years experience, is defined by his expertise in roasting various coffee’s from all over the world, but has joined Dr. Wohlfiel in the developmental process of Costa Rican coffee during the past several years. * Ft0"Ycnvgt"›Okmgfi"Dknnkpiung{ is a professor at St. Martins College & Seminary. Dr. Mike has been living in Costa Rica full time for the past eight years with an interest and background in organic coffee plantations. * Ot0"Ycf{"\coqtc, a native of Costa Rica, owns several coffee plantations in the fertile higher elevation coffee producing regions of Costa Rica. Mr. Zamor shares with Dr. Billingsley a singular interest in raising only the highest quality organic coffee bean.

spected and when they are acceptable are transported to Springfield, Missouri for processing along with the MACA. RCUUKQP"HNQYGT (P. caerulea): The Passion Flower was named by Spanish explorers who visited Peru and were intrigued by the plant and flower that resembles a crown of thorns on top of a cross. A missionary sent samples of the symbolic flower to Pope Paul V with a suggested name of Christ's Passion also referred to as the Holy Trinity flower. Researchers believe that c e r t a i n flavonoids are responsible for nerve relaxing physical conditions. OCEC< MACA is a Peruvian root plant (Lepidium meyenil) used by Peruvians for over 2,000 years for medicinal purposes. MACA grows in the Andean Mountains above 14,000 feet. The plant’s root is a legendary Inca staple that looks like a tan colored turnip. ICDC<

GABA is an amino acid and herbal supplement that includes kava and valerian. It is referred to as the brain's natural calming agent. GABA is an element often used in reduction attention deficit disorder, dementia, depression and weight gain. Hwukqp"Eqhhgg)u Our Fusion Coffee builds upon the Since I found out the benefits of science of coffee to provide maxi3 Costa Rican Coffee I don’t have to W mum health values. Each give up my one cup a day rule. serving of Fusion Coffee *Vitamins: B1, B2, C & E plus 20 amino offers the following: acids which promote health From the Costa Rica Coffee *Neurotransmitters: Which help synchroBean: *Antioxidants: Molecules which nize both sides of the brain to enhance such activities as decision making and promote healthy cells imagination. - Flavonoids: An antioxidant plant compound which relates to Qwt"Okuukqp< certain illnesses by specific biological The mission of the Noah's Ark Project is to develop pro bono (free) professional modification. services in the evaluative process for - Proanthocyanidins: An antioxidant from mental health, substance abuse and legal condensed tannins which relates to the ef- issues to promote healthy family and perfect of environ- sonal issues. mental stressors. y5equvctkeceqhhgg0eqo *Neurotransmitters: Chemicals that communicate information through the human brain and body by relating signals between nerve cells - Serotonin: An 'Inhibitory' neurotransmitter considered to be a contributor to moods, emotions and memory

Eqhhgg"Dgcpu< Only the first and second picking of coffee beans are acquired for FUSION CEREBRA AUMENTAR. While the beans come from several different plantations in Costa Rica, they are all organically grown in shaded rain forest areas at different elevations on the side of volcanic fertile soil mountains with ideal varying sunlight. FUSION CEREBRA AUMENTAR beans are in-

- Dopamine: An 'Excitatory' neurotransmitter considered to be a contributor to personality. From the Peruvian MACA: *Minerals: Magnesium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, iodine and copper


The ACV is available at: yyy0Dtcpuqp Mtkpingu located in the The Grand Village Shops VtkNcmgu Branson, MO Pgyu0eqo

Cogtkecp"Eqnngig"qh"Eqwpugnqtu (Sponsor of "Noah's Ark Project") Uwphguv"Octmgv."Dtcpuqp."OQ0"/"Yg ctg"rtqwf"vq"qhhgt"vjg"xgt{"dguv"kp dggh."rqtm"cpf"ictfgp"htguj"htwkvu"( xgigvcdngu0"Kh"{qw"ctg"nqqmkpi"hqt fckt{"urgekcnu."htq|gp"hcxqtkvgu."fgnk fgnkijvu"qt"dcmgt{"urgekcnu."{qw"lwuv"cu ygnn"igv"vjg"dguv# Gplq{"{qwt"ewr"qh"eqhhgg"yjkng"{qw tgcf""Cogtkecp"Ejtkuvkcp"Xqkeg *cxckncdng"cv"Uwphguv"Octmgv+

Y5" Eqhhgg to benefit the Noah’s Ark Project available at: Sun Fest Market 225 Cross Creek Blvd #1 Branson, MO • (417) 239-1166

Hcevu"Cdqwv"vjg"Gtke"Ictpgt"Ecug"vjg"Ogfkc" Yqp‚v"Vgnn"[qw by Jim Meyers, World News Service (WNS)


ources in the mainstream media expressed outrage after a grand jury declined to indict a New York City policeman in the death of Gtke"Ictpgt, but there are 11 significant facts that many of them have chosen to overlook: 1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Dgtpctf"Mgtkm put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today. "Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'" 2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an AfricanA m e r i c a n , swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

Ask the Rabbi... with Rabbi Jeremy Storch

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later. 7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid2014, the Ekxknkcp" Eqornckpv" Tgxkgy Dqctf received 1,128 chokehold allegations. Rcvtkem" N{pej, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused." 8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Fcpkgn Rcpvcngq put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Tcoug{"Qtvc, who shot the muchviewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.


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vjg"Ujtkpg"qh"vjg" Jqn{"Urktkv for sale in the gift shop

Page 25

gfkvqt‚u" pqvg< On a flip side of things check out Rush Limbaugh’s observation on page 33.



essianic Judaism is a movement of Jewish people who believe that Yeshua (Jesus' original name in Hebrew) is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world. Yeshua is the most Jewish of Jews. Yeshua was a descendant of both Abraham and King David, was raised in a Jewish home and went to synagogue. He perfectly kept the entire Torah (Galatians 4:4). He taught that He came to fulfill, not set aside, the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19). He was a rabbi who performed unparalleled miracles, bringing great blessing to the nation of Israel. All His early disciples also lived very Jewish lives. The Messianic movement was entirely Jewish at its inception, and continued to exist as an authentic Jewish movement for 700 years after Yeshua’s death and resurrection. Messianic Jews have not stopped being Jewish. On the contrary, we remain strongly Jewish in our identity and lifestyle! The Tenach (the Old Testament Scriptures) provides the foundation of our Jewish faith, and the New Covenant Scriptures (which were also written by Jews) the completion of our Jewish faith. In fact, the Hebrew Scriptures themselves affirm that they are not complete, but that God was going to make a New Covenant

Do you like this magazine? It would be a great blessing to all of us here at the ACV if you took out a subscription. If you already have one maybe you could send out a gift subscription to a friend or loved one!

See ordering information on page 38.

with the Jewish people (Jeremiah 31:3134). We believe that the Sinai covenant, upon which much of traditional (Rabbinic) Judaism is based, is a broken covenant. In contrast, we believe that God already established this New Covenant by means of Yeshua's death and resurrection. He died and rose again to atone for our sins, so that we can enter into this New Covenant relationship with God. We believe that Yeshua ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and is coming back to Earth to reign from Jerusalem over Israel and all the nations of the world. At that time the fullness of the New Covenant will be realized. To contact Jeremy for ministry in your congregation, for a radio or television interview or other special event, or for information on his albums or teachings, please call or email:

Vjg"Vcdgtpceng Dtcpuqp‚u"Oguukcpke" Eqpitgicvkqp 256 Church Road Branson, MO 65616 (417) 334-7373


Sudoku Answers to Page 27

December 2014

Rkem"wr"vjg"CEX"cv< Vjg"Eqrrgt"Eqkp Unique & Inspirational Gifts *639+"773/342: 32;"P0"Eqoogtekcn"Uvtggv"ß"Dtcpuqp


Page 26

December 2014

Yj{"Ejctngu"Dctmng{"Uwrrqtvu"vjg"Hgtiwuqp"Itcpf"Lwt{"Fgekukqp by Husna Haq, Christian Science Monitor


ormer NBA star Ejctngu"Dctmng{ recently called Ferguson looters "scumbags," praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and said he supports the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Fcttgp"Yknuqp in the Okejcgn"Dtqyp shooting. During an interview on ;907"Vjg"Hc/ pcvke" in Philadelphia recently, the day after the Ferguson decision was announced, host Okmg Okuucpgnnk a s k e d Barkley about it and why "black America" doesn't trust the ruling. His response surprised some listeners. "The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and

lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. " He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down peop l e ' s businesses, burning down police cars." And in a marked departure from other prominent black leaders who have questioned tactics used by officers and, in Ejctngu"Dctmng{ some cases, accused officers of racial profiling and outright racism, Barkley supported police officers, especially those who work in black neighborhoods. “We have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods," he said. "We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad.... Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?”

His comments are in sharp contrast with those made by other black leaders on the Ferguson case. Tgx0" Cn" Ujctrvqp and civil rights activist Lguug"Lcemuqp have both criticized the Ferguson decision and racial profiling by police. Rtgukfgpv Qdcoc is scheduled to hold meetings with civil rights groups Monday on law enforcement and how to rebuild trust in black communities. Other black athletes have also reacted to the Ferguson decision. Prior to a recent kickoff against the Oakland Raiders, St. Louis Rams football players Uvgfocp Dckng{." Vcxqp" Cwuvkp." Lctgf" Eqqm. Ejtku"Ikxgpu"cpf"Mgpp{"Dtkvv entered the field with their hands up, referring to the "hands up, don't shoot," rallying cry of Michael Brown supporters. This RDU"Pgyujqwt chart shows that a majority of grand jury witnesses agreed

guson rioters, leftstream media and Obama," said the Tea Party News Network. While Barkley's comments are a departure from that of some of his black colleagues, they shouldn't be surprising to those who know Barkley. In 2013, Barkley famously said he agreed with the Igqtig"\koogtocp acquittal in the shooting of Vtc{xqp"Octvkp. In July of last year, a Florida jury found that neighborhood watch leader Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, was not guilty in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. "That’s probably not a popular opinion among most people. But just looking at the evidence, I agreed with the verdict," he told EPDE host Octkc"Dctvktqoq on CNBC's Closing Bell about the Zimmerman verdict.

“...if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods.” that Michael Brown reached into Officer Wilson's police car, but a majority also testified that Michael Brown had his hands up when he was fatally shot. Barkley immediately drew praise from conservative media and bloggers. "Charles Barkley speaks the truth about Ferguson, calls out the media, and it’s EPIC," wrote Young Conservatives. "Former NBA star Charles Barkley slams Fer-

Vykvvgt lit up with reaction to Barkley's comments,

both angry and supportive. Regardless of the feedback he gets on his Ferguson comments, Barkley made it clear on the Philadelphia radio show that he will continue to share his thoughts on the Ferguson decision and on race in America, telling listeners, "I ain't shutting up and I ain't backing down."

Fkzkg"Uvcorgfg"Jqoguv{ng"Etgco"qh"Xgigvcdng"Uqwr"by Dolly Parton


ost dishes on the menu at my Dixie Stampede are a secret. The chefs let me have this recipe, one of my favorites—after all, I own the place!

3 tablespoons margarine 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon corn syrup 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup chicken broth 1 1/2 cup water 3/4 cup finely chopped cooked vegetables 1 pint (16 fl. oz.) half & half Chopped parsley 1 QUART (32 OZ.)—4 SERVINGS

• In a 3 qt. sauce pot, melt margarine. Add onion, garlic, and corn syrup. Simmer 1 minute. Do not brown. • Add flour, white pepper, salt, chicken broth, water, and vegetables. Simmer 3 minutes. • Add half & half. Simmer until desired consistency. Stir constantly—do not bring to a boil. • Garnish with chopped parsley and serve.

December 2014

Page 27

Christmas Time of Cheer! Online readers, hit “print screen” and print out the Puzzle Page! Answers to Cross-Word Puzzle on Page 6

Answers: 1a OTTAWA 5a FEAST 6a EXERT 7a REASON 1d OFFEND 2d TRAPEZE 3d WITNESS 4d PHOTON Bonus HARRISON FORD Answers to Sudoku Puzzle on Page 25

53 What Israelites ate in desert 55 Popinjay 58 Failure 59 Greenwich Time 61 Recede 62 Traveler's aid 64 “Remember the _” 66 Sum 68 Holy book 70 Dismiss 71 Fear 72 Recess 73 Association (abbr.) 74 Billion years 75 Loch __ monster FQYP 1 Extinct bird 2 First husband of Bathsheba 3 Large (prefix) 4 Sandwich 5 KJV pronoun 6 Snake like fish 7 Little Mermaid's love 8 Be nosey 9 Brother of Moses 10 Unclean animals 11 One time 13 Tower of __ 15 Boredom 21 Sweet potatoes 23 Object 26 Disappointed

28 Charged particle 30 Religious divisions 31 Hymn of praise 32 Tribe of Israel 33 To be in debt 34 Downwind 36 The other half of Jima 38 Often poetically 39 Hubbub 40 Youngest son of Noah 45 Tribe of Israel 46 Father of Abel 47 The __ of God (Jesus) 48 American Kennel Club (abbr.) 50 Block of metal 52 Jewish teacher 53 Beasts of burden 54 John __ (U.S. President) 56 Mosey 57 What Charles is prince of 58 Nineteenth century art philosophy 60 Biblical weed 61 Garden of __ 63 Domestic friends 65 Least amount 67 Pair 69 No room for them in the __

How many times do you see the letter F in the sentence below? Count them only once! Do not go back and count them again! Solution is below (upside-down)


How many letters F did you count? Three? Wrong, there are six! It is no joke!Read again: Almost everyone guesses three. Why? It seems that the brain cannot correctly process the word "OF". The letter F usually makes the "f" sound, like in "fox". However, in the word "of", it makes a "v" sound. Somehow, your brain overlooks the word "of" as it scans for the sound of "f".

CETQUU 1 Dense 5 Ball holder 8 El __ (Texas city) 12 Toothbrush brand 14 She 15 Muscle 16 Formal statement 17 Samuel's mentor 18 Musical 19 Canoe propeller 20 Farewell 22 Central Intelligence Agency 24 Only 25 Book after Daniel 27 KJV possessive pronoun 29 Charity 31 Mexican money 32 Yellow metal 35 Quake 37 He built the ark 41 Veneration 42 Communication Workers of America (abr.) 43 Food and drug administration (abbr.) 44 Feat 46 Coral reef 48 Particle 49 Helps 51 A Gospel



Page 28

December 2014

Yj{"Jcu"Ejtkuvkcpkv{"Vtkrngf"kp"OcpjcvvcpA"by Dr. Jim Denison, President, Denison Forum Cultural Commentary


e began the Advent season recently. "Advent" translates the Latin word for "arrival." This month we will celebrate Jesus' first coming and anticipate his second. When he first entered our world, he came as a servant who would die for our sins. When he returns, he will come as a conqueror who will rule the universe. We are one day closer to the final Advent than ever before. How can we be ready? Consider what God has been doing in New York City. In 1984, the city was in trouble. A murder spree beginning that year culminated with 2,400 homicides 10 years later. The church was fragmented and viewed as irrelevant by the larger culture. In 1984, God led Ft0"Oce"Rkgt to New York City. A native of South Dakota, Mac and his wife Oct{c had been missionaries in India before God called them to New York. Sensing a call to unite God's

people in prayer, he helped organize a concert of prayer, inviting 16 churches to pray together on a Friday night. Seventyfive churches showed up. They met again six months later, then six months after that, then began praying daily. Their movement expanded to included hundreds of pastors and grew from one location to seven. Then came 9/11. The prayer foundation laid for 13 years enabled the body of Christ to respond. Over the years, Eqpegtvu"qh"Rtc{gt"Itgcvgt Pgy"[qtm has gathered more than 2,000 churches and 250,000 Christians to pray for their city. How has God responded? The murder rate has declined from more than 2,400 in the early 1990's to 648 in

2013. Churches are collaborating in unprecedented ways to meet needs in their city. And they have seen the evangelical population on the island of Manhattan triple. Five years ago, Christian leaders in New York City began meeting together to celebrate what God was doing and to encourage each other for even greater cultural impact. At the first "Oqxgogpv"Fc{," they expected 70 percent of the group to be from New York, 30 percent from outside the city. Just the opposite occurred. Leaders from 34 states and 14 countries came to see what God was doing in New York City and to find ways they could join the Spirit at work. Five years later, Movement Day has gathered 6,500 leaders from 360 countries and five continents.

It has been my privilege to be part of Movement Day in New York City and now in Dallas as well. I have never witnessed such a diverse gathering of leaders across the body of Christ. Nor have I seen so many believers working together to advance the Kingdom. In Fcnncu, 450 different churches and ministries are now collaborating on 12 different initiatives in our city, ranging from homelessness to sex trafficking to orphan care. The body of Christ is becoming united as the hands and feet of Jesus. And the Spirit is using us to the glory of God. Please consider joining us for Movement Day in New York City and/or Dallas, and pray about whether believers in your city should join this movement. Jesus is coming back. We have only this day to be ready. With whom will you pray and work today to prove the relevance of God's love in yours?

Uvwf{<"[qwpi."Pqp/tgnkikqwu"Yqogp"Ikxg"Oqtg"Vjcp"Ejtkuvkcpu by Maria Cowell, guest writer Vjg"hgocng fqnnct"cpf"vjg ejcpikpi ncpfuecrg"hqt" ejctkvcdng"fqpcvkqpu0


lder, married couples with strong religious ties used to be the target demographic for charities, ministries, and other nonprofits. But as this generation passes away, making way for a younger generation with weaker ties to religion, organizations worry their donor pools may be shrinking. Will nonreligious Americans (the “nones”) continue to donate? A study released last month, just ahead of the year’s biggest giving season, examines the relationship between faith and charitable giving. Hqt"vjg"qxgtcnn"rqrw/ ncvkqp."ukping"rgqrng"yjq"tgiwnctn{"cv/ vgpf" ejwtej" uvknn" qwv/ikxg" kphtgswgpv ejwtejiqgtu"*d{"oqtg"vjcp"fqwdng+"cpf vjqug" yjq" ctg" wpchhknkcvgf" *d{" 98'+0 But when researchers looked at Americans under 45, the numbers told a different story. Yqogp"ykvjqwv"tgnkikqwu"chhknkcvkqp"ctg vjg"pgzv"igpgtcvkqp‚u"vqr"ikxgtu¤oqtg igpgtqwu"vjcp"tgnkikqwu"yqogp"cpf"wp/ chhknkcvgf" ogp, researchers at Kpfkcpc Wpkxgtukv{‚u" Nkn{" Uejqqn" qh" Rjkncp/

vjtqr{ found. Their levels of giving were at least double most of the other demographics’. The study, Yqogp"Ikxg"4236, was the first to investigate how the conflux of gender, age, and religion affect charitable giving. Researchers measured giving to nonreligious and religious organizations, excluding congregations. While the change in patterns is clear, the reasons behind it are a bit more nuanced, according to Fgdtc"Oguej, director of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute and the director of the study. One possible explanation is that young, female nones are finding avenues and inspiration for giving through social connections outside of religious congregations. A religiously affiliated woman might give to Yqtnf"Xkukqp as a way to fight hunger if others in her church are doing the same; a young woman without religious ties might also give to a secular charity fighting hunger if her friends are part of a campaign for the same group. Indeed, as authors Fcxkf"Ecordgnn and Tqdgtv" Rwvpco report in American Grace: How Religion Unites and Divide Us, it is social connections, not necessarily religious ties or theological beliefs, that spur giving. Among religious congregants, the stronger their friendships in

church, the more likely they are to give. Their research suggests that if secular organizations can create tight-knit connections among their donors, the giving would increase. Nones contribute more to causes than organizations, and as their numbers continue to rise, there will be more opportunities to mobilize around charitable activities outside of the church, through both online and in-person communities. “This is actually good news for charities concerned about donor attrition,” said Mesch. “Even though the trend of declining religious affiliation is occurring, while the number of nones rises, this does not foreshadow the demise of philanthropy. It’s just that these patterns are really different.” Mesch added that prior research shows women tend to give more to education, helping the needy, and youth and family issues—all areas associated with maternal care and nurturing. “Women have been socialized to be care givers and nurturers of their families and communities through their own religious identities,” said Mesch. “Even from this report, you can see that women are more frequent church attenders. You learn a lot of those caring behaviors through your engagement with your religious organiza-

tion.” Given the influence of religion, will giving patterns change in the next few years as fewer women are conditioned to give through their congregations? It is too soon to tell, said Mesch, but both religious and non-religious charities would benefit from by keeping their eye on that demographic and seeing what types of causes they champion. In recent years, non-profits that focus on financial and social empowerment for women have risen steadily, she noted. “The networks of women that are being formed around the country and the world to contribute to causes that resonate with women and girls is proliferating with groups like Yqogp" Oqxkpi" Oknnkqpu. Vjg"Yqogp‚u"Hwpfkpi"Pgvyqtm."cpf Lgppkhgt" Dwhhgv‚u" PqXq" Hqwpfcvkqp0 You don’t have men forming these organizations and groups to donate to their specific causes,” she shares. For full artice see website:

Ejtkuvkcpkv{Vqfc{0eqo Maria Cowell is a writer living in Los Angeles and a regular contributor to Today’s Christian Woman. Follow her on Twitter @HipMamaMedia or at

December 2014

A Minute with a Man


he greatest law book ever written is called Blackstone’s Commentaries, written by Sir William Blackstone in the mid-1700’s. He was

an English barrister whose law book was in every office of

Page 29

by Dee Wampler, Urtkpihkgnf."OQ"Cvvqtpg{"Fgg"Ycorngt"has 50 years trial experience as a Greene County prosecutor and defense attorney, and is the author of “The Myth of Separation of Church and State” and “The Trial of Christ: A 21st Century Lawyer Defends Jesus.” every attorney in both England and the he name Thomas Jefferson is not just will use with perseverance, exerting to United States. associated with the Declaration of their utmost energies all those powers Blackstone wrote about the source of Independence, but is often associated which our Creator has given us, to all of our laws which he believed was with the phrase “wall of separation preserve the liberty which He committed inspired by God. Blackstone wrote that: between church and state.” to us in sacred deposit…the God who “The law of nature is in the will of our Although Jefferson’s faith in God and gave us life gave us liberty at the same maker. For as God, when He created Christianity time, the hand of force may matter, and endured it with the principle has often destroy but cannot disjoin them. of mobility, established certain rules for been Can the liberties of a nation be the perpetual direction of that motion; questioned, thought secure when we have so, when He created man, and endured the fact is that removed their him with free will to conduct himself in his most only firm basis, all parts of life, He laid down certain famous work, a conviction in immutable laws of human nature, “The Declaration of Independence,” the minds of the people whereby that free will is in some contains many references to God. that these liberties degree regulated and restrained, Read the words of Thomas Jefferson: are…the gift of God? and gave him also the faculty of “…we…most solemnly before God They are not to be reason to discover the proport of and the world, declare that the arms that violated but with His those laws.” we have been compelled to assume, we wrath.” Fgg"Ycorngt Pqy"{qw"mpqy"yjcv"qwt"Hqwpfkpi"Hcvjgtu"tgcnn{"uckf0




arrell was born on October 16, 1962 in Salem, Oregon. He was the son of Ernest Kirkland and Lila Edith Weathly (Kneale) Kirkland. He grew up in Salem and graduated from College Park Christian Academy in Salem. He had lived in Louisiana and Golden, MO before moving to Branson and then Walnut Shade. Darrell was a truck driver, most recently driving tanker trucks for Solar Transport. Darrell married his loving wife, Rebecca Brooks on June 28, 1985 in Cassville, Missouri. Darrell enjoyed being with his family and people. He loved singing, laughing and the outdoors. He was a member of Still Waters International Ministries in Walnut Shade. Darrell was preceded in death by his parents, Ernest Kirkland and Lila Kirkland Geirke, his step-father Russ Geirke and one brother Virgil Kirkland.

by his wife, Rebecca “Becky” Kirkland of Walnut Shade; his son, Jonathan Kirkland and wife Nicole of Walnut Shade and their daughter Aubrey; his two daughters, Sarah Kirkland and Keirsten Kirkland both of Walnut Shade; two brothers, Troy Kirkland of Salem, OR.; Kenneth Kirkland and wife Hannah of San Antonio, TX; one sister, LaNett Kirkland and husband Danny Giles of Arizona. He will also be remembered by many children he had adopted into his heart here and around the world. Darrell Kirkland passed away from an accident on Saturday, November 29. editor’s note: Darrell was a friend of our family and we are so encouraged by the love his family has for others. He left a legacy of the gospel to his family and friends of the awesome power

and grace of God through Christ that will bear fruit for eternity. We take comfort in the knowledge that we will all be fellowshipping with each other once again in the Kingdom. As Darrell’s shocking and early passing from this life proved for many of us it could be sooner than we ever could have imagined. The following story is dedicated to Darrell’s memory.


t birth we board a train and meet our parents. We believe they will always travel by our side. However, at some station, our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train, and they will be significant - siblings, friends, the love of your life, children, and many others. Some will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we won't realize they vacated their seats. The train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, good-

byes, and farewells. A successful ride requires having a good relationship with all passengers. We must give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is, we do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey. Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.


He is survived

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Life Extension Expert

Page 30

December 2014

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Hnqqtkpi"Ucngu"( Kpuvcnncvkqp

EJKTQRTCEVKE"ECTG Please let the professionals do it. Do not try this at home!

by Elizabeth Cline


had not been able to turn my head to the right since high school due to an injury and I alway had constant headaches. My immune system seemed constantly low, so I was always catching every cold, sinus infection, flu and on top of that, I was tired. After being physically tired of always being sick, I visited Dr. Bo’s Victory Chiropractic. Have I seen changes? My immune system is 100% improved! I don't catch every illness that comes my way and if I do, the duration has been greatly reduced! I feel so much better now that I see Dr. Bo every week. Most importantly, my quality of life has improved. I am able to get down on the floor to play with my grandson. I now sleep deeper and am more rested than any other time in my life. I've become a firm believer in getting weekly adjustments. I do not get sick very often and I have a lot more energy. I urge everyone to give chiropractic care a try. You will experience an improved quality of life. And it is important to see Dr. Bo on a regular basis to receive the greatest benefit!


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*Includes: Consult with Dr. Bo, Chiropractic Exam AND 1st Adjustment.

800 State Highway 248, Suite 2-B • Branson, MO 65616

Going on a Mission at Home ODEJ Children and Family Ministries (an affiliate of Missouri Baptist Children’s Home) is seeking Christians willing to serve God by supplying foster care for teens. The Therapeutic Foster Care ministry provides a daily rate of pay that allows one foster parent to remain at home and care for the child. Training and licensing is provided for the foster parents at no cost. You can make a difference in the life of a hurting child by “Going on Mission at Home”. For more information about becoming a licensed foster parent, call:

*639+":53/4564"qt"xkukv< yyy0odej0qti

Creation Experience Museum is Free Admission and open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10am to 5pm. It is located seven miles north of Branson on US 65 on the Northwest Access Road off the State Route 160 Forsyth/Reeds Spring exit (the long brown building with the Ship). *639+"783/2972 Come visit us and bring your family – they need to know how loved and valued they are!

December 2014

Page 31

9"Rqukvkxg"Gpf/Vkogu"Ukipu"Wphqnfkpi"Pqy"by Perry Stone qv"cnn"ukipu"tgncvgf"vq"vjg"tgvwtp"qh Ejtkuv"ctg"pgicvkxg"*cu"ctg"yctu. hcokpgu." gctvjswcmgu." cpf" uq" qp+" kp pcvwtg0" Ocp{" ctg" xgt{" gpeqwtcikpi cpf" gzekvkpi0" Vjgtg" ctg" ugxgp" gxgpvu vjcv" jcxg" vtcpurktgf" cpf" ctg eqpvkpwkpi"vq"wphqnf"vjcv"ctg"c"rctv"qh vjg"tguvkvwvkqp"cpf"ikxg"gxkfgpeg"qh"vjg eqokpi"qh"Ejtkuv0"Vjg{"ctg<


ß"Kutcgn"yqwnf"dg"tguvqtgf"cu"c"pcvkqp kp"qpg"fc{"*Kuc0"88<9/:="\gej0"5<;="Jqu0 5<6/7+0 ß"Vjg"ncpf"yqwnf"dgikp"vq"dnquuqo"cpf dg"htwkvhwn"*Kuc0"57<3/:="49<8+0 ß"Ycvgt"yqwnf"dtgcm"qwv"kp"vjg"fgugtv hqt"kttkicvkqp"*Kuc0"57<8/9="63<3:+0 ß"Lgtwucngo"yqwnf"dg"kp"Lgykuj"jcpfu cpf"gzrcpf"kvu"dqtfgtu"*Ru0"324<38+0 ß" Lgyu" htqo" Igpvkng" pcvkqpu" qwvukfg Rcnguvkpg"yqwnf"tgvwtp"dcem"vq"Kutcgn *Kuc0"65<7/8="Lgt0"38<36/38+0 ß" Vjg" gctn{" cpf" ncvvgt" tckpu" yqwnf tgvwtp"kp"vjg"ncuv"fc{u"*Jqu0"8<5="Lqgn 4<45="Coqu"6<9+0 ß" Vjg" ycnnu" qh" Lgtwucngo" yqwnf" dg tgdwknv"d{"uvtcpigtu"cpf"vjg"icvgu"dg qrgp"eqpvkpwcnn{"*Kuc0"82<3/33+0 Israel's restoration process began during the 1800s with the birth of the Zionist Movement, but it was manifested to the world on May 14-15, 1948, when David Ben-Gurion made a proclamation declaring a new state for Jews called Israel. Part of the proclamation read: "The

State of Israel will be open for immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion." Within hours, Arab armies advanced toward the infant nation to abort the plan. Just as ancient Israel had to deal with seven nations living around them in Joshua's time (Deut. 7:1), in 1948 the Jews had to deal with troops from seven surrounding Arab nations who announced the Jews would be "thrown into the sea." A war of independence was waged in which Israel survived against amazing odds. Today they boast one of the most advanced militaries in the world. One of Ben-Gurion's goals was to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah and make the desert blossom with vegetation. In 1953, at age 67, Ben-Gurion resigned as prime minister of Israel to pursue his dream. This former Israeli leader and his wife, Paula, moved into a three-room wooden prefab hut at Sde Boker in the desolate Negev Desert. It was a dry, empty, sunbaked landscape. Years later, Beersheba, the hometown of Abraham, became a large town, and today more than 54 farms are scattered throughout a region called the Arabah—the Negev and the southern part of Israel—producing tomatoes, peppers, melons and a host of fruits and vegetables. Today, the desert is blossoming. Ben-Gurion and other early Israeli settlers were also responsible for laying water

pipelines to assist in irrigation. Years later, U.S. satellites discovered a huge reservoir of water under the desert, which today is pumped out and is the lifeblood used in the drip irrigation process, enabling the desert to blossom with agricultural life. In 1967, Egyptian military forces, headed by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, threatened Israel and were planning an attack. Israel preempted the assault with an air campaign, destroying Egypt's air force while the planes were still on the runway. During this Six-Day War involving Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, Israeli paratroopers seized the eastern (Arab) half of Jerusalem. At this time, this section was known as the country of Transjordan. At the conclusion of the war, Israel annexed both East and West Jerusalem together, forming a united Jerusalem under Israeli control. At that moment Jerusalem was united as one city without walls and became the longpromised capital of Israel. Although from 1948 to 1967 Jews continually immigrated to Israel from surrounding nations, the Russian Jews living behind the iron curtain were forbidden visas to exit the communist stronghold. In the latter part of the 1980s, with the approval of Mikhail Gorbachev, Jews received visas to return from the north country of the Soviet Union back to Israel, thus fulfilling the promises God

gave them through Jeremiah and Isaiah thousands of years ago. Years later, in the early 1990s, there was a sudden return of the physical rains that soaked the soil of Israel, thus replenishing and nourishing the farmland, the deserts and the Upper Golan Heights. As the windows of heaven were opened, oncedry riverbeds were flowing with fresh water. It was a sign of the return of the latter rains upon the land. Today, the old city of Jerusalem is shared by the world's three monotheistic religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Out of the eight gates built in the walls of the old city, only one, the Eastern Gate, remains sealed with large stones. All other gates are opened to citizens and visitors. Children are seen strolling along the streets continually amidst noisy buses and cars, occasionally darting in and out of the crowd that fills avenues throughout the day. Perry Stone is the best-selling author of numerous books, including There's a Crack in Your Armor, The Judas Goat, and Unleashing the Beast, from which this article is adapted. He directs one of America's fastest-growing ministries, the Voice of Evangelism, and lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, with his wife, Pam, and their two children.

Ugpcvg"Fgoqetcv"Ejwem"Uejwogt<"Rcuukpi"Qdcocectg"Ycu"c"Okuvcmg from


emocrats made a mistake by passing Rtgukfgpv Dctcem" Qdcoc’s health-care law in 2010 instead of focusing more directly on helping the middle class, third- ranking W0U0" Ugpcvg" Fgoqetcv Ejctngu" Uejwogt said recently. “Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them” in electing Obama and a Democratic Congress in 2008 amid a recession, Schumer of New York said in a speech in Washington. “We took their mandate and put all our focus on the wrong problem -- health care reform.” Schumer said Democrats should have addressed issues aiding the middle class to build confidence among voters before

turning to revamping the healthcare system. He said he opposed the timing of the health-care vote and was overruled by other party members. “The plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships created by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed,” the senator said. “But it wasn’t the change we were hired to make” in the 2008 election. Schumer’s comments represent an unusual public intra-party critique of the way Obama’s signature legislative achievement was enacted. The senator

spoke at the Pcvkqpcn" Rtguu" Enwd to analyze the results of this month’s election, when Republicans took control of the Senate and increased their majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Democrats’ pro-government posture “has the natural high political ground” when the middle class is frustrated as voters were before this month’s congressional election, Schumer said. At the same time, he said, Republicans were encouraging distrust toward government. “That doesn’t mean we always win,” he cautioned. “When we don’t present a coherent, believable pro-government plan and message -- when we allow government to mess up -- we can easily lose.” To win in 2016, “Democrats must embrace government, not run away from

it,” Schumer said. Voter discontent will continue until one of the political parties convinces middle-class Americans that it has an agenda for helping them, he said. © Copyright 2014 Bloomberg News. All rights reserved.

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December 2014

December 2014

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Pgy"[qtm"Ekictgvvg"Vczgu"Mknngf"Gtke"Ictpgt by Rush Limbaugh BEGIN EDITED TRANSCRIPT FROM RUSH LIMBAUGH RADIO  PROGRAM TWUJ< It just keeps happening. We go from the Okejcgn"Dtqyp case to the Gtke"Ictpgt case in New York, and once again it becomes necessary to sort through all of the disinformation that's out there and try to make sense of it. At the end of the process here, once again, we have a grand jury decision, which, in many sectors of the culture and society, is unacceptable and is thought to have been rigged and is thought to have been unfair. So what do we know about this and what remains confusing? And there's something about this -- this is just me. Or maybe it isn't just me. Upgtf/ ng{ was mentioning this to me earlier today, so maybe a lot of people. Do you realize what this was about? How many times a day do you think the New York PD walks by a shop or a property of some kind or is driving by, sees somebody blowing a joint, and just keeps going? How often do you think that happens? Probably happens so many times a day, you can't count it. Somebody blowing a weed, don't stop. Maybe even wave at 'em, say, "Hey, dude." See 'em selling, it's a different thing, but you see somebody blowing a weed and even if they're selling just a single joint, the cops don't stop for this anymore. And yet this guy ends up dead because the city of New York is hell-bent on driving out the black market cigarette industry from Manhattan. And why is there a black market cigarette industry? Do you know what a pack of cigarettes costs in New York City today? I thought it was 10 bucks. I mentioned that to Snerdley. Snerdley said no, someone just told me $13. Okay, 13 dollars a pack. Back in the late 60's and 70's, a carton of cigarettes in Missouri was barely five bucks. Now, that $13 a pack in New York City, what percentage of that price is taxes? You know that cigarettes and tobacco are not that expensive. You know that transportation's not that expensive. Stocking and all of the "bring it to market" aspects of that price are minimal. The vast majority of the price, 13 bucks a pack, is taxes. Now, as a side note -- and I've made a big deal about this over the years. Smokers in our culture are hated and despised. Smokers, people look down on 'em, don't want anything to do with them. Uoqmgtu"*uqog dgnkgxg+"ctg"tgcnn{"vjg"oqfgtp"kpectpc/ vkqp"qh"gxkn."cpf"{gv"uoqmgtu."dgecwug"qh cnn"vjg"vczgu"vjg{"ctg"rc{kpi."ctg"hwpfkpi oquv" qh" vjg" ejknftgp)u" jgcnvj" ectg" rtq/ itcou"vjg"hgfgtcn"iqxgtpogpv"jcu0"

You may not be aware of that, but the primary funding source for children's health care programs -- now, this was prior to Obamacare. I don't know what kind of changes have taken place since Obamacare, but prior to Obamacare the primary funding source for federal children's health care programs was the taxes on cigarettes. It's always amazed me, the federal government is deriving all of this revenue without producing a thing. The federal government's just sticking their hands in everybody's pocket. And at the same time they're collecting all this revenue, they're out there demonizing these people. I've always thought, and I've said this not intending it to be flippant. I've tried to make a point with this. Smokers, in my mind, in some cases deserve a medal. Because, look, you have a product, and everybody from government officials on down to the lowest life civilian thinks that smokers are reprobates and that nobody ought to be able to smoke, but nobody bans it. Everybody stops short at banning the product. We hear what a killer product it is. We hear what it does to insurance rates. We hear what it does to life expectancy. I mean, it's horrible stuff and it's been banned usagewise, you can't use the stuff. You can buy it. They'll sell it to you. They'll tax the heck out of it, but you can't use it. It's gotten to the point now in certain parts of the country, if you want to smoke in your home and some busybody half a block down the street can smell it, they're gonna call the cops on you and you're gonna get hit up for polluting the neighborhood and causing secondhand smoke and promoting the cause and creation and coming down with cancer. It's just absurd. All the while the tax revenue from this product is used to fund children health care programs and a number of other things. It's not just children's health. The federal government, state governments will not do without that tax revenue no matter what. I've always thought it was one of the most contradictory setups that we have, because everything said publicly about the product is intended to besmirch it, impugn it, and do the same thing to the people that use it. And yet here's the government scoring, I mean, you want to talk about obscene profits, the government doesn't do a d**** thing but stick its hand in. The government taxes tobacco at every stage. It taxes tobacco when the farmer's thinking about planting it. Okay, so now the price of a pack of cigarettes in New York City is almost $13. I got that data from a smoker. So, this has

created, understandably so, and it's not new, this has created a black market. There are black market cigarette smugglers, and they endeavor to get cigarettes from the states where they are manufactured, North Carolina being a prominent one, South Carolina as well. They smuggle them to high-price cities and states like New York and then they openly sell them. The word spreads that if you know this guy or that guy you can go out and buy cigarettes at much, much less than the retail price. This guy -- now, stop and think of this -this guy Eric Garner, for his job, the way he created his living, the way he made his living, sold loosies, single individual cigarettes. And if you're poor that's all you can afford, one cigarette at a time. He's out there selling loosies. Now, if you want to buy a pack I'm sure he'd sell you the whole pack, but he's out there selling loosies, meaning loose individual cigarettes. This is beyond my ability to comprehend. And the sole reason for it, the sole reason why a guy like Eric Garner even has a job selling loosies is that the City of New York is hell-bent on collecting its precious taxes from $13 a pack. So here come all these black market guys trying to take advantage of the fact that people will pay much less than that if they're given the chance. This is what the left, liberals never understand about their idiotic tax policies. They do not understand the dynamics attached to it. Here's a group of people -- this is how the liberals think -- a group of people, smokers, we hate 'em. They're yuk, they're filthy, they're dirty, they spread disease, yuk, but we need their money because we're funding children's health care programs. So we'll gladly get 'em addicted to the product, then we won't let 'em smoke 'em anywhere legally. We're gonna be pursuing these people every which way can but we're gonna make 'em pay for it. Well, you can't afford 13 bucks a pack if you are addicted to cigarettes, and nicotine is the most addictive drug out there. There is no more addictive drug. So the state of New York's got this group of people called smokers, and they know they're addicted, and despite all the efforts to make 'em quit, they know they can't. So they just see a pile of money when they see these people. And they think because they're addicted, they can't not buy the product, so they just keep raising taxes and raising taxes, and they expect people just to come up with the money from somewhere and pay it. They do not appreciate the dynamics of it, that if there is a black market available it's gonna grow and people are

gonna find it because nobody in their right mind is gonna pay 13 bucks a pack for cigarettes unless they have a net worth of at least a hundred million bucks. Who in their right mind is gonna do that? Ergo, gives birth to guys like Eric Garner, who can try to make a living selling loosies! This is the most incredible thing to me. So the City of New York is all out of shape that its 13-dollar-per-pack taxes are not being collected due to the black market for cigarettes that's sprung up due to all of these taxes. So what do they then do? They mandate. They mandate. They call the police commissioner, and they tell him, "You get your members of the force locked and loaded on this. I want people arrested. I want examples made. I want to get these black market cigarettes off the street. I want to get 'em out of town, and anybody selling 'em I want dealt with." So the cops hit the streets with their marching orders, and on the way to catching the guy selling loosies they have to probably pass by some people, you know, who knows doing what with whatever it is, crack or marijuana or what have, 'cause they're hellbent on getting these black market guys out, because that is our precious tax revenue. So Eric Garner, with everything else that's involved here, whatever else happened here, we have a guy who died over a tax collection issue, but nobody will say that out loud. We have a poor guy who died because of a tax collection issue. By the way, over here is Cn"Ujctrvqp who somehow still owes the Feds over $4 million in back taxes and nobody's making a mad dash to collect from him. But this poor guy trying to eke out a living in Staten Island -- selling loosies, single cigarettes. Did you see the number of cops that descended on this guy? Five or six cops on a guy selling loosies? On a guy selling cigarettes? What kind of orders must these cops be under? I guarantee you, I don't care what, human nature, you see somebody smoking a cigarette, come on, you keep driving, you keep walking, it isn't a big deal. You have to be told, you have to be under some kind of really concentrated, concerted order to focus so much energy and so much attention on some poor guy selling individual cigarettes. Full transcript at:


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December 2014



here there is some sort of large problem or disagreement, but everyone would really rather just pretend that it's not there?

It's called having an elephant in the room. And the abortion lobby happens to have a very large elephant in the middle of their living room right now. They would much rather sweep it (or shove it) under the rug, and just pretend that it's not there. Have you ever tried to sweep an elephant under a rug? While I admit that I have not, I would imagine that it doesn't work out so well. They would like to pretend that the life they take when performing an abortion isn't a human being until he or she is born. But here's what they can't explain: If, as they claim, an unborn baby isn't a human being 2 minutes before he or she is born, why would he or she be a human 2

minutes after - or even 2 months after? Of course, you and I know that life begins at conception. But Peter Singer, a so-called professor of "ethics" actually advocates the slaughter of the unborn and the born, purely based on whether or not that child may be "inconvenient" or "undesirable." He believes that Mothers should have a trial period where they decide whether to keep their baby. As repulsive as Singer's vendetta against life is, these post-birth abortions are actually becoming a reality. In a leading medical journal, a physician who participates in these post-birth abortions in Great Britain described the procedure for putting these babies to

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death. Using the already controversial "death pathways" intended for terminally ill patients, unwanted babies, usually born with a disorder or disability, are abandoned to die. That doctor has admitted to starving and dehydrating ten babies to death - exactly what the standards of the abortionists would ultimately lead to. I wish I were making this up -- but I'm not. But the fact is, we already allow the slaughter of 1.6 million unborn children in the United States every year. Which is why you and I cannot ease up on Members of Congress one iota.

Because as a member of the National ProLife Alliance, you recognize like I do that every single life is precious. And why with the help of you and other NPLA members, it's so important to hold every politician's feet to the fire in this Congress. We must make sure that they not only end taxpayer funding of abortion, but most importantly take decisive action on the Life at Conception Act. For Life, Martin Fox, President National Pro-Life Alliance P.S. If you can, please chip in with a contribution your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding.

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December 2014

Cev"[qwt"Ycig"by Dave Ramsey

Page 35

Yjcv" Ecp"[qw" Ngctp" htqo" vjg" ›Qtceng" qh QocjcfiA"This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Fgct"Fcxg. O{"jwudcpf"cpf"K"ctg"hqnnqykpi"{qwt rncp."cpf"yg‚tg"vt{kpi"vq"tgeqpekng"qwt qp/rcrgt"dwfigv"ykvj"yjcv‚u"iqkpi"qp kp"qwt"dcpm"ceeqwpv0"Oquv"qh"qwt"dknnu ctg"fwg"vjg"hktuv"jcnh"qh"vjg"oqpvj."dwv yg"tgegkxg"oquv"qh"qwt kpeqog"fwtkpi"vjg"uge/ qpf"jcnh"qh"vjg"oqpvj0 Ecp"{qw"jgnr"wu"hki/ wtg"qwv"yjcv"vq"fqA Mcvj{ Dear Kathy, If you’re actually making a budget and sticking to it, what you’re describing is a cash flow bind. You are in charge of your budget until it’s on paper. Once it’s on paper, it has to accurately represent reality. In your reality, that means a cash flow strain on the first checks and extra money on the second checks.

month, but there is a long-term solution. Move some of the money from your second checks into the first half of the next month. By doing this, you’ll start running from the fifteenth to the fifteenth instead of from the first to the first. It will help you stay ahead and avoid getting pinched. The second part of this equation is that you are in charge of your budget. The budget does not become the boss of you until you get it done. When everything is written and agreed on by you and your husband, that’s when the budget becomes the boss. You can’t come home with a new shirt or a new purse and hope it fits into the plan. The budget has to be the plumb line by which you build your finances straight and true! —Dave

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cttgp" Dwhhgv, the “Oracle from Omaha,” is considered one of the most successful investors in history. Yet while the investment world may seem complex, Mr. Buffet’s advice is actually pretty simple. Here are a few Buffet quotes, along with some suggestions on putting them to use:


“Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.”

Essentially, this means you should look for good investment vehicles whose price may have dropped. A “bear” market tends to drag down many stocks — even those with strong fundamentals and favorable prospects. These stocks might then be considered “bargains.” One way to determine whether a stock is “expensive” or “cheap” is by looking at its price-to-earnings ratio (P/E). For example, if Company “A” has a share price of $20 and earnings per share of $4, then it has a P/E of 5. On the other hand, if Company “B” has the same share price of $20, but has earnings per share of $2, its P/E would be 10. So it would be considered more expensive than Company “A.” Be aware, though, that the P/E ratio works better as a measure of cost when you are comparing two companies in the same industry. “Time is the friend of the wonderful business, the enemy of the mediocre.”

Be prepared to own quality stocks for the long term; over time, your confidence may be rewarded. On the other hand, if an investment is not of high quality, its flaws will be revealed over the years. “If investors insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.”

Trying to “time” the market — that is, attempting to buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high — is a difficult task. Too many people do just the opposite: They try to “cut their losses” by selling when the market is down and then go after the “hot” investment whose price may already be as high as it’s going to go. Mr.

Buffet clearly is not in favor of a market timing approach, and those who try to do it, he says, are probably better off by going against the crowd. Keep in mind, though, that even when holding investments rather than trying to time the market, investing in equities does involve risk, including potential loss of principal. “When we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever.”

When should you sell good investments? Never, according to Mr. Buffet. And while this endless holding period may not be possible for all of us, you get the idea: the longer you keep a good investment, the better off you may be when you do sell. “The line separating investment and speculation, which is never bright and clear, becomes blurred still further when most market participants have recently enjoyed triumphs. Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money.”

The lesson here? Be an investor, not a speculator. A long run-up in the market can increase your wealth, but it may also make you prone to risky behavior if you think that all your investments will rise indefinitely. As an investor, you may well want to consider Mr. Buffet’s ideas— after all, they’ve sure worked well for him. If you'd like to know more, visit our website to find out what to expect from Edward Jones.


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December 2014

December 2014

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Ocvvjgy"OeEqpcwijg{"Urgcmu"Qwv"Cdqwv"Jku"Hckvj by Diana Tyler,


scar-winning actor Ocvvjgy OeEqpcwijg{"has drawn flak for speaking out about his faith. A few months ago, The Jwhhkpivqp"Rquv published an article on its website titled, "10 Reasons It's Totally Fine to Never Get Married."

strong against the world's attacks on biblical values and views regarding topics like marriage and divorce. Which brings us to The Huffington Post's ninth reason that "it's perfectly fine to never get married" because "plenty of marriages in this country end up in a divorce anyway."

Many of the reasons given are rather ludicrous, and unbiblical to boot.

Number nine seems to be the most reasonable of the bunch, mainly because our nation's divorce rates, even among Christians, are dishearteningly high. Rtqhguuqt"Dtcfng{"Ytkijv, a sociologist at the Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Eqppgevkewv. found that 38 percent of regular church attendees have been divorced, a statistic not much lower than the 40 percent of young couples marrying for the first time who are expected to divorce, according to

For example, take reason one, "Most people aren't in a hurry to get married anymore," which encourages singles to remain unattached simply because everybody else is doing it. Or, look at reason eight, "These days, a happy marriage requires a serious commitment of time and energy that can be hard to maintain," which sounds more like pure laziness than a real reason. The above examples, and many others, fly in the face of biblical teachings on what the article calls an "outdated institution." This is the sort of spiritual warfare the body of Christ is up against. In the New Testament, in 2 Timothy 3:15, the Crquvng" Rcwn wrote to a young disciple named Timothy, warning him about difficult, perilous times in the last days in which men and women would have corrupt minds and be lovers of self. Seven hundred years before Jesus' birth, Isaiah prophesied that during the end times, evil would be called good and good called evil. Marriage, it seems, has become one of the chief foundation stones of our society— and God's Design—that's being shaken by the corrupt minds and perverse perspectives of our generation. Paul's 2,000-year-old words to Timothy speak directly to us today: "But continue in the things that you have learned and have been assured of, knowing those from whom you have learned them ... All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:14, 16-17). If we as Christians fail to spend time in Scripture, the inerrant and unfailing Word of God, we will be ill-equipped to stand

And then there's Hollywood, a place where marriages bomb more often than B-movies at the box office. A place where celebrities seem to have a new mate every time they hit a new film set. Not to point the finger at stars who have accumulated more exes than Oscars, but I think we can all agree that Hollywood is probably one of the last places we'd tell friends and family to look for marital role models. Besides, as Jesus says in Matthew 7:5, we all have planks in our eyes, but it's worth reminding ourselves that our culture, like it or not, does look to Hollywood for more than entertainment. Indeed, many people often become so intrigued by actors' and actresses' lives off-camera that they spend time reading magazines and watching television shows that highlight—and often even glorify— everything about their lifestyles, from what they're wearing to whom they're marrying, and for whom they're ending their marriages. "Divorce" is so commonly read and heard about that, sadly, our culture is becoming more and more disenchanted with the idea of marriage, as evidenced by articles like the one featured in The Huffington Post. Despite this gloomy, do-as-you-please, noncommittal climate, however, it's important for Christians not to focus solely on the darkness. Bring awareness to it, yes. Guard against it, of course. But let's not become so consumed with

pointing out society's failings that we neglect to recognize and commend its successes. When those given a lofty platform say or do something that aligns with Scripture and the teachings of Jesus, it behooves us to bring attention to them and show others, particularly our youth, examples of morality in high places. Matthew McConaughey, an actor who received both a hefty dose of criticism and acclaim for thanking God during his Academy Award speech earlier this year, recently spoke about his faith in relation to his marriage to Ecoknnc"Cnxgu0

He told GQ Magazine that he and Ms. Alves talked about marriage “spiritually,” and “did a lot of reading and talked to a lot of people that had been divorced, a lot of people that had been happily married. [They] talked to their pastor. In the end, their understanding was, ‘Let’s go make a covenant, with you, me and God.’” Mr. McConaughey refused to regard marriage as merely "the thing to do": "I wanted to really want to," the actor said. "You know, I didn't want it to be just a destination; the fun is that we're on the adventure together." At the ceremony, the couple selected Bible verses that McConaughey said "moved" and "[spoke to]" he and his wife as a couple. One such verse is Matthew 6:22, which the actor has engraved on his wedding band:

"The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light." The world is full of lures and snares, all strategically planned and placed by the enemy to distract our eyes from Christ. When we look upon them for too long, our eyes become diseased and our lamps grow dim. Given the increasing popularity of social media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our culture's idolization of Hollywood stars, it's easy to fall prey to secular notions of happiness and success and if and how marriage belongs in this postmodern age. Marriage and the family unit are under attack, perhaps now more than ever before. We would be wise to heed Paul's words to Timothy by searching the Scriptures for God-breathed truth concerning marriage and relationships. Otherwise, we will be ill-equipped, defenseless soldiers trudging through a virtual war-zone of deception, false doctrine and interminable darkness. Actors such as Fgp|gn"Ycujkpivqp, who has been married to the same woman for over 30 years, and Mktm"Ecogtqp. who won't kiss anyone but his wife on camera, are among the few in Hollywood who appear to be taking the sanctity of marriage seriously. As the world becomes more antagonistic toward marriage, it's incumbent upon us, citizens of heaven and not the world, to encourage believers and non-believers alike that what God ordained as holy and good does, and always will, prevail.

Page 38

December 2014

from the editor... Yj{"ujqwnf"{qw"uwrrqtv"vjg"Cogtkecp

Ejtkuvkcp"XqkegA"by John G. Sacoulas


e have subscribers in 20 different states and it continues to grow as a Kingdom unifier. We pray the contents will help us all grow in our journey of faith and wisdom. We are now in our 10th year of printing the only Christian magazine of its kind in the nation that is fun and inspirational wpkswgn{ tgrtgugpvkpi"vjg"yjqng Dqf{"qh"Ejtkuv0" We have served the Christian community to the best of our ability, trying to be fair and balanced to more than one position on the non-essential matters. Of course, it is the human, religious nature to make twigs into trunks. You can imagine the difficult task we have to try to educate and spiritually mature the believer without creating a great offense in the process. If this publication took a left-wing, flaming liberal position or a stinking, right-wing, conservative position (extreme opinions either way), folks on both sides of that spectrum would get pretty generous to support their own ignorant bias. Having a Christian magazine be moderate to conservative usually generates moderate to conservative financial support because it doesn’t get us all fired up. However, we believe a moderate approach to the majority of hot topics is the most prudent and, dare

we say, Christian approach?

Vjg"Dqf{"qh"Ejtkuv"ku gzvtgogn{"fkxgtug"dgecwug"kv o{uvgtkqwun{"ugtxgu"Iqf‚u rwtrqug"vq"dg"vjcv"yc{0 The CEX is a Kingdom paper. We know a $36.00 yearly subscription in this economy is a huge amount. Maybe a friend ink! can split it with you and you both can share it. If that is not possible, could you please try to get the CEX at your favorite vendor? They are mentioned at the bottom of the pages. That’s only $15.00 a year. It would be a shame for this magazine to disappear only to have people saying that had they known our needs, they would have helped out in some way. If we were all ads, we would need no support from the reader, but we hope the contents are a blessing to you and to others and is worthy of your financial assistance.

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Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Do you have any idea how much God loves you right now, exactly the way you are, with all your sins, flaws and shortcomings? Think about it... did you believe you would love your children more when they grew up and were out of diapers and selfish little personalities? If religion has made you believe you cannot measure up, please visit S.W.I.M. this coming Sunday. Info on page 21. It’s not your Momma’s church!

December 2014

Page 39

Ugetgv"vq"Pqv"Urqknkpi"[qwt"MkfuA"Fgrtkxg"Vjgo"Uc{u Eqnwopkuv by Jenn Choi, columnist for the Atlantic


poiling kids may seem like a fun idea when they’re little and cuddly and can’t move around without your help. But eventually, your youngsters are going to grow into independent children and then adults, and if they’re still spoiled at that point, then congratulations — you’ve just ruined society. That’s at least what research shows.

“turned to the best tools I have to make my kids understand: toys.” Choi, who runs a toy review website, admitted it wasn’t easy but felt it was important. “Kids do not know how big or little your paycheck is. Kids do not understand what income tax or health insurance deductibles are either. However, they do know how much a Nintendo DS game cartridge costs. They know how much a Wii costs. Or a slice of pizza or a bottle of Gatorade. This is their vocabulary — their understanding of values in our material world. We can work with that. And to get our kids to understand the meaning of gratitude, we must.”

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Aside from play, she also wanted to exercise this concept in the things that her children ate. To do so, she interviewed pediatric occupational therapist and author of My Kid Eats Everything, Uwucp"Tqdgtvu. Well, actually it “shows” this by demonstrating the positive effects of not spoiling your kids. The research was highlighted in a recent article on the Ycnn Uvtggv"Lqwtpcn"website. Findings showed that kids who understood gratitude had better grades and were less likely to be depressed. Taking that research to heart, a columnist for the Cv/ ncpvke"expanded those thoughts into a full-blown, fully effective parenting technique: deprivation.

Roberts essentially stated that if kids are involved in the food-making process, they are less likely to eat unhealthy diets. “It is such a passive process now,” Roberts said, adding that children once “joined families in the kitchen, helping to prepare food, setting the table, clearing the table, and washing the dishes.” “People eat out much more often,” Roberts said, noting they eat what they want rather than what is available.

By withholding things from your children or giving them less, you will ensure that they understand the power of gratitude, notes Lgpp"Ejqk.

Roberts recommends that parents order food for their children whenever they do go out to eat.

While this is hardly full-fledged deprivation to parents who already “get it,” it’s likely to seem like cruel and unusual punishment to most American parents. Nevertheless, Choi states, it works. Choi said she

“We have to put the parents back in charge of food. Right now, it’s the children who are in charge so of course, they’re going to eat gummy bears and goldfish crackers.” Vjg"CEX"ku"cxckncdng"cv<

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Page 40

December 2014

Dncem"Nkxgu"Ocvvgt"000"by Matt Walsh


’ve been hearing quite a bit about this alleged war being carried out against black people. I’ve been told from numerous sources that the killing of Michael Brown is but another piece of evidence that, in the words of someone on my Facebook page, blacks are ‘hunted’ in this country. Black people are under attack, we’re informed. Cops, especially, are roaming the streets executing innocent black men in cold blood, for no reason, and without ever being held accountable for it. And then out come the statistics: A black person is killed by a cop every day. A black man is 20 times more likely to be shot by a police officer. Law enforcement is responsible for more black deaths than sharks and lightening combined. And so on. Unfortunately, these numbers don’t take into account how many of those black people were killed by a cop while trying to kill a cop. Apparently, in the world of Shocking Statistics Used to Prove a Liberal Argument, such details are somehow irrelevant. Could it be that a companion study might prove that black males are also 20 times more likely to violently attack police officers? Has anyone checked up on that angle? I don’t know this for sure, but I am going to assume that if you take criminals, drug dealers, gang bangers, thugs, and the like out of the equation, and compare law abiding citizens of all races, you’ll find that the ‘killed by a cop’ figures are virtually identical. Michael Brown was killed because he was a violent criminal, not because he had a skin pigmentation displeasing to the officer. In fact, you’ll discover that anyone of any color who obeys the law and doesn’t fight cops will almost certainly avoid being killed by them. Yes, there are exceptions. There are tragic accidents, mistakes, and misunderstandings — like the poor young boy who was shot after brandishing a realistic toy gun on the playground a few days ago — but these are the exception to the rule. For the most part, in the vast majority of cases, if you follow the law and avoid provoking violent encounters with the police, you will not be ‘hunted’ by anyone. The obfuscation here is truly remarkable.

No matter how often it happens, it will always boggle my mind that anyone could site these figures about blacks getting shot by cops without even mentioning that a large number of them were engaged in shootouts prompted by their decision to commit a crime. It’s one thing to try and mitigate these qualifiers, but to act like they have no bearing on the matter at all? Incredible. Simply incredible. And then to take the fate of violent criminals and extrapolate that it’s just as likely to befall any person of color regardless of their law abiding nature? Again, incredible. We have reached a level of intellectual dishonesty never before encountered by mankind. It’s like a self-imposed insanity of sorts, and it makes reasonable conversation impossible. That said, they do have a point, actually. The people who claim blacks are being targeted and erased are, in fact, raising an important issue. The ones who hold signs saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ are making a profoundly necessary statement. It’s just that the shooting of Okejcgn Dtqyp."Lt had nothing to do with it.

after the prosecutor announced a No True Bill in the Brown case. She said it was a miscarriage of justice that the witnesses statements and physical evidence didn’t

support an indictment. I think she meant that it was a miscarriage of mob rule, or a miscarriage of vengeance, or perhaps a miscarriage of injustice, because I can’t see how justice is miscarried when a grand jury fails to indict because the evidence conclusively proves that there is no grounds for indictment. In any case, at some point in her lying, race baiting rant she said this: ‘This decision seems to underscore an unwritten rule that black lives hold no value.’ Wrong again. That rule is written. It’s called Roe v Wade. It is codified into law that all unborn life has no value, only this codification happens to disproportionately impact the black population.

And the cops have nothing to do with it. And nothing that Cn"Ujctrvqp talks about has anything to do with it. And none of the business owners whose buildings were destroyed had anything to do with it — although I’d amend that statement if it turns out that someone set a Planned Parenthood ablaze. Indeed, if you want to protest the one institution ehich kills more black people than any other, head to your local abortion clinic. The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus released a predictably hysterical and disingenuous statement

Dgkpi" eqpegkxgf" dncem" kp" vjku eqwpvt{" ku" c" fcpigtqwu rtqrqukvkqp0"Fkf"{qw"mpqy"vjcv 38" oknnkqp" dncem" dcdkgu" jcxg dggp"uncwijvgtgf"kp"vjg"rcuv"hqwt fgecfguA"38"oknnkqp0"38"oknnkqp0 Fq" nkdgtcnu" tgcnk|g" vjku" ku jcrrgpkpiA"K"cuuwog"vjg{"fqp‚v0 Kh" vjg{" fkf." K" gzrgev" vjg{‚f" dg ujqwvkpi"cdqwv"kv"htqo"vjg"tqqh vqru." ikxgp" vjgkt" itgcv" cpf tkijvgqwu"eqpegtp"hqt"vjg"hcvg"qh dncem"ejknftgp0 Yes, abortion has claimed 16 million black lives in the last 40 years. 16 million

black babies have ended up in dumpsters and hazardous waste containers. Black people are only 13 percent of the population but they account for almost 40 percent of all abortions. Abortion doctors kill more black people in a week than the KKK has in the past century. There are almost 2,000 black lives ended by abortion every single day in the United States, and overall, a black baby is more than 5 times as likely to be executed as a white baby. Try to reflect on this statistic: abortion kills more black people than heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and respiratory illness — COMBINED. Throw cops in there, too, and it’s still not close. Comparing just the two causes of death, it appears that an abortionists kill about 700 times more black people than do cops. It’s a grim picture, to say the least.

Eqpukfgt" vjcv." kh" pqv" hqt cdqtvkqp." vjg" dncem" rqrwncvkqp yqwnf"dg"58"rgtegpv"nctigt"vjcp kv"ku"ewttgpvn{0"Ykvjqwv"Rncppgf Rctgpvjqqf"cpf"kvu"rctvpgtu"kp vjg" Kphcpvkekfg" Kpfwuvt{." dncem rgqrng" yqwnf" dg" owej" nguu" c okpqtkv{" kp" Cogtkec0" Kv‚u cdqtvkqp" vjcv" mggru" vjgkt rgtegpvcigu"uq"nqy0"Kv‚u"cdqtvkqp vjcv"xkevkok|gu"vjgo"oqtg"vjcp cp{vjkpi0 I remember after the Trayvon fiasco when the NAACP asked Obama to press civil rights charges against Zimmerman. Part of their case was, and I’m not kidding here, that Zimmerman infringed on Martin’s ‘right to life.’ What a miracle. The NAACP has suddenly discovered the ‘right to life’ and the Congressional Black Caucus has, for the first time, come to the conclusion that life has inherent value. I guess this means they’ll soon be picketing Planned Parenthood clinics. Thank God. Praise Jesus. Finally the organizations that pretend to care about black civil rights have decided to defend the most important civil right of all.

December 2014

Page 41

Uq"Kv‚u"Vkog"Vq"Qwvncy"Cdqtvkqp"by Matt Walsh,


n New York, a black child is more likely to be aborted than born. Did you get that? More likely to be aborted than born. In the country’s biggest city, there are more black children discarded in waste buckets and toilets than there are placed in nurseries at the maternity ward.

their racist urges. I don’t believe that for a moment. They’re just wiping out the black race for the sake of making a quick buck. This is a holocaust for profit, which makes abortionists like Nazis, but in some ways worse. Regardless, black

And cops are the ones dehumanizing black people? Hundreds of white abortion doctors have become millionaires by killing black babies. Moreover, the abortionist murders black children and never faces so much as a grand jury proceeding. No, all he gets is a fat paycheck and a ‘God bless you’ from Barack Obama. Oh, and 500 million bucks from the federal government. Black teens are sometimes shot by police when they fall into a life of violence and crime. But black infants are dismembered, decapitated, and poisoned just for falling into life in the first place. Now let’s take this deeper. As horrific as Planned Parenthood’s ethnic cleansing is, the full story is much bigger. Side note: please don’t take my ethnic cleansing remark to mean that Planned Parenthood is attempting to wipe out the black race for the sake of quenching

people aren’t just suffering individualized dehumanization and extermination at the hands of the Infanticide Industry; they are being fundamentally weakened as a race, as a people, and as a culture by the mass slaughter of the younger generations.

Cv"vjg"dqvvqo"qh"gxgt{"uqekcn"knn coqpi"cp{"cpf"gxgt{"itqwr"{qw yknn"hkpf"vjg"fgvgtkqtcvkqp"qh"vjg hcokn{"wpkv0 From poor and black to rich and white to every combination in between, we are all at some stage of collective self destruction because we have all allowed the foundation of the nuclear family to decay. But for black Americans the situation is far worse, the disease is more advanced, and the

prognosis is much bleaker. We’ve all heard the numbers. Some 70 percent of black kids are born out of wedlock. A full 50 percent or more grow up in fatherless homes, and for black children in the inner city, that number is close to 90 percent. Yes, you read that right. That’s 90 percent. I’m no anthropologist, but I think it’s safe to say that no group ever before in human history has seen its family structure plummet into such deep disarray. This is one of humanity’s greatest tragedies, and it is greeted mostly with silence.

more grief, more loss. Because of abortion, the idea that black lives don’t matter settles into the minds of many, especially the black mothers who are so much more likely to decide to have their own children exterminated. And just as these things happen because of abortion, abortion happens because of these things. It’s a sad tale. Unbearable to think about, really. And maybe that’s why we don’t think about it. But we need to think about it. We need to do something about it.

Dncem"nkxgu"ocvvgt0"[gu."vjg{"fq0 Cnn"nkhg"ocvvgtu0"Cnn"nkhg"ku"ucetgf0 Dncem"qt"yjkvg0"Dqtp"qt"wpdqtp0 Abortion has helped create this situation as it is simultaneously created by it. It Cnn"nkhg0 both fuels and is fueled by the destruction of the family unit. The two feed each other, like a two headed beast that eats itself from both ends. Because of abortion, there are fewer black men and women available to make a difference. Fewer around to raise families. Fewer in existence to right the wrongs and steer the ship. Because of abortion, the sense that life is worthless has taken hold across the country, but perhaps especially in the hearts of those whose communities are more greatly impacted by it. Because of abortion, there is more death and discord,

All life. So if our society is ready to wave that banner and fight that fight, I will march alongside it. And with a warm smile and tears of joy, I will embrace all of these newcomers to the pro-life cause. Welcome, friends. Glad to finally have you. Now let’s get down to business. We’ve got work to do.

Mkf"Jqnfkpi"flHtgg"Jwiu‚"Ukip"cv"Rtqvguv"Cvvtcevu"Eqr‚u"Cvvgpvkqp0"Yjcv"Jcrrgpu"cv"vjg Gpf"qh"Vjgkt"Gpeqwpvgt"Iqgu"Xktcn by Dave Urbanski qnkeg" Ugtigcpv" Dtgv" Dctpwo was wearing protective head gear and patrolling a protest earlier this week in Portland, Oregon — one of several flashpoint U.S. cities that have seen demonstrations after a grand jury decided not to indict a white police officer who fatally shot a 18-year-old black man in Ferguson, Missouri, in August.


But amid the and anger and loud voices on Nov. 25, something altogether different got Barnum’s attention: A kid with tears in his eyes holding a sign that read ”Free Hugs.” The 21-year police vet motioned over 12year-old Fgxqpvg" Jctv and the pair

chatted about the demonstration, school, art and life, the Oregonian reported. When their chat was over, Barnum reportedly pointed to Hart’s sign and asked, “Do I get one of those?” Here’s the kid’s answer:

Shortly after the Oregonian posted the photo Friday, more than 100,000 Facebook users shared or viewed the image taken by freelance photographer Lqjpp{ Piw{gp, the paper reported. Seven people were arrested during Tuesday’s protest and parts of several highways were closed when pedestrians entered them, ABC News said, citing police reports.

vjgdnc|g0eqo Ocvvjgy"7<;

Page 42

December 2014

Vjg"Iqqf"Pgyu"qh"Ejtkuvocu"by Max Lucado


nd the angel said to the Shepherds, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-12) Familiar verses, aren’t they? So familiar, in fact, that it is easy to miss just how remarkable they are…

Fear not… I bring you good news… A Savior is born… He’s lying in a manger… The birth of Jesus is not the way we

would have planned it. No person, however poor, should have to be born in a stable. No delivery room, no doctor. Hay on the floor, animals all around. And the smell! The mess! This is no place for a royal birth. But God sees things differently. He chose a manger over a mansion. He picked a carpenter over a king. He designed a quiet coming over a worldwide celebration. Why would God the Creator of heaven and earth, send his Son to be born in such a lowly place? Perhaps Jesus, the only Son of God, was born in a stable to give hope to all whose lives look like one. We sure do make a mess of things. Sometimes our actions stink. And though we try to make the best of it, the winter wind still sneaks into the corners of our lives,

and the nights get cold and dark. Too many days too far from God? Too many years too hard on others? Too much mess? God knows…and he has some amazing words for you. I bring you good news… I’ll give you great joy… I sent the Savior, Christ the Lord! Want to know God’s answer to deepest longings of your life? “For God loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal live” (John 3:16). Here we find the answer, in the most unexpected place. Look long at heaven’s

barn-born baby—he’s the Holy One sleeping in the hay—and listen as God whispers: No mess turns me back, no smell turns me away. I was born to live in lives like yours. He knows exactly what you’re like. And still he loves you. He simply awaits your invitation to come in. One word from you and God will do again what he did back then. He’ll place his Son in the stable of your heart. He’ll give you the gift of eternal life. Good News! Great joy! Eternal life! Would you like to receive this gift this Christmas? Will you tell God you do? “Father, I believe you love me. You gave your one and only Son for me –born in a manger, dying on the cross to pay for my sins, rising again to save me. I accept your gift to live with you forever with you. Apart from you, I die. With you, I live. I choose life. I choose you.”

Ecp"[qw"Urqv"vjg"Jkuvqtkecn"Rcvvgtp"kp"Jqnn{yqqf‚u"Hkno"EjqkeguA by Erica Ritz, The Blaze ngpp"Dgem recently said Hollywood is currently making an exceptional number of two types of movies: faithbased movies, and superhero-related movies.


“Even though [Hollywood misses] the mark so often, they are in the business of trying to connect with the mood of the American people,” Beck said. “And I

Beck also said Americans are feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly insurmountable problems of the day, whether it is the economy, the Islamic State, or the numerous violations of the rule of law in Washington. “They’re all powerfully overwhelming and there’s no end in sight,” Beck remarked. “These problems are so huge that we feel helpless. I keep saying that people instinctively know something is coming.”

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“What was happening during that time period?” Beck asked. “Was our economy good? No — Great Depression. Was there a build-up to war where we saw villains beyond our wildest imagination? Yeah. Everything back then seemed insurmountable. Everything was too big to handle, so America needed two things: they needed a superhero, or something that revolved around faith to embolden us.” Beck said that in both time periods, America “tried to elect a savior.”

want you to notice something, a trend in the movies.” Beck said the last time there was an abundance of faith and superhero-based movies was the 1930s and the 1940s.

Rcuvqt<"Cpf{"Jcuugp 1521 E. 24th Street N. Springfield, MO 65803


“How has that worked out?” he asked. “People today laugh at the idea of a common-sense farmer in the White House. But isn’t that exactly what we really need to return to? I think somebody like Ejctngu"Dctmng{ is more fit to be in the White House than most of the Sabbath School: 9:45 am Worship: 11:00 am Wednesday night: 6:30 pm


polished, brilliant politicians and Ivy League scholars that we have today. We need an actual leader that is unafraid to speak common sense truth, unafraid of the mob mentality in public.” “Recognize that history repeats itself,” Beck continued. “We’re searching for a superhero, a saint, religion. We tried the superhero thing back in 2008, didn’t work out. The other option is religion, but is that going to work out? May I suggest it’s faith that we should be looking for.” Beck said America has to recognize that superheroes don’t exist, and that it is time to “return to the values and principles that make us strong.”

A week without a Sabbath is perpetual bondage.

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