American Christian Voice

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Intelligent, Inspirational & Fun!

... and everybody is broken.

American Christian Voice

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Volume 12 No. 2 Contents ABOUT US 4.Yak Bak 27.Puzzle Page!! 36.Subscription Here FROM THE COVER 9.All Throughout History, Man has Failed 12.Flawed, But Called 18. God Uses Broken Leaders...Like Me 22.From Pain to Gain 46.What Does the Bible Say About Brokenness? 45.Turn Curses Into Blessings RELEVANT ECCLESIA 8.God Uses Ordinary People In Extraordinary Ways 37.5 Ways To Wound Immature Believers 42.Jesus Never Told Us to Get People Born Again CULTURAL LIFE 6.Showman-in-Chief 10.Indiana Adopts Law to protect Babies with Down syndrome from Abortions

11.Christianity Thrives in Iran Despite Severe Persecution 14.Six Reasons North Carolina Got It Right 15.Gov. Pat McCrory Stands up to Attacks from both Inside and Outside the State 20.Without Scalia, High Court gives Unions Reprieve 28.Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi, Author of Answering Jihad 30.Canada scraps Religious freedom office 30.Illinois Judge orders Christian Inn Owners to Host Same-Sex Wedding 32,34.News Bites from World News 36.Europe Gives France a Slap on the Wrist over Spanking Support 37.Paypal Outed 47.Musings from Editor: Target Outed

RELATIONSHIPS 38. Let Your Kids Get Dirty! 38.Why Dirt is Good for Kids GUIDES 16. The Latest Trend in Cozy Cottages 26.Don’t Keep Family in the Dark About Your Plans 40.Dr. Hill’s Health Tip 44.Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede Reveals “New Adventure” in 2016! CENTERFOLD 24.The Chaos of Early U.S. Presidential Elections

HISTORY LESSONS 24.The Chaos of Early U.S. Presidential Elections 26.Dwight L. Moody 10.President Andrew Jackson 19.Winston Churchill 20.Theodore Roosevelt (417) 699-1838 Matt Duncan - DJ

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. yak bak Why I like Donald Trump. But first--Do I think he has any social class--No Do I consider him a deep thinker--No Do I approve of his public profanity--No Do I like his campaign style--No Do I think he always knows what he is talking about--No Do I believe he is well read--No However, he is aware that this country is being invaded by illegal immigrants that we should not have to support--and he says he will stop this. I am a grandfather and feel I have a moral obligation to leave my grandchildren the best America I can, and not a Balkanized Multicultural Madhouse. What issue could be more important? Like Trump said: Do we have a country, or don't we? Ralph Filicia, Brooklyn, NY (FaceBook) ______________________________________ Kudos on the Thomas Sowell article, “Young People and the Lure of Socialism”. As usual, Sowell is spot on. Every grandparent that has a millennial grandchild needs to give them a copy! Frank Cottinvich, Mesa, AZ ______________________________________ I was stunned when I read Michael Brown’s article , “Recovering the lost letter of Jacob. I received my PhD and my MDiv. in Biblical Studies and not one was I taught the truth about the name of the book of James being a corrupt translation from the name of Jacob! I am not sure if that is humbling or if I am angry about that. Please do not use my name as I do not wish to embarrass my alma maters. But from this point forward I will bring it up every chance I get!

Feed Back From Our Readers I am a pastor of a somewhat “religious” mindset in the upper midwest United States. I found a copy of the American Christian Voice at a motel in Branson, Missouri when travelling to a ministerial conference. I was impressed with the perspectives in the articles and literally laughed out loud when I noticed a particular story I thoroughly enjoyed was written by a gentleman that I had previously wrote off as apostate. That was followed by an article encouraging Christians to read information from sources you consider “suspect”. I thought that was hysterical. Please accept this check for a subscription but please do not use my name or religious affiliation. I need to ease my congregation in to a less judgemental and more forgiving attitude. There was an admonishment to love and accept a committed monogamous gay man to fellowship and allow God to sanctify him. Even to the point where love covers a multitude of sins. Those are “fighten words” in my neck of the woods and yet it has a ring of truth to it. Seriously, do not use my name or affiliation. God is patient with me and I am being patient with my flock. Fearful in Flint Just kidding,pastor. I know you’re not from Flint because I would have to accuse you of drinking the water. Also, we will mail your subscription in a plain brown wrapper. LOL. On a different note; Recently, CNN did a story on the KKK’s headquarters located outside of Harrison, Arkansas. The American Christian Voice has a strong following of



grace filled folks that abhor this poisonous group but evidently one of these Klan members send us a weekly correspondence.. I assume this person has a lot of angst about their prejudice since they claim to be Christian and reads the ACV on a regular basis. I know this from the references to content. I feel bad for this person because Jesus said you will know them by their love they have for one another. This is the indicator that their delusional beliefs disqualifies them from the fold. They never put a real return address on the letters but I tracked it back to them very easily. It use to annoy me each week as I receive their vitriolic tripe but I am praying that the Holy Spirit will convict them with the truth and they will repent of their hatred (and perhaps jealousy?). If they see something in this publication that is used in that process... how cool would that be? The new Klan is higher tech and less violent but still steeped in the traditions of the endless cycle of generational prejudice and ignorance. ­ed ________________________________________ Send your “letters to the editor” to: or mail to:

ACV • P.O. Box 336 Rockaway Beach, MO 65740­0336 Letters may be edited for space consideration. Please indicate if your whole name may be used. Also, where did you find us?

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ACV Mission Statement love the lost through Christ. Our focus is on, and to, the invisible church which Jesus said, “The gates of hell would not prevail against.” We report the good as well as the bad within our church family as a testament for the necessity of a Savior. Our observations are made from a fairly moderate to conservative viewpoint. We encourage our readers to eschew religion and pursue a relationship with God through Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit, thus allowing an open mindedness to differing opinions on complex matters. We strive not to be the fire alarm, but the fire extinguisher Please be advised that the contents of this publication often do not represent the positions held by many of the sponsors of the American Christian Voice (or for that matter, the publishers). Would you remember to favor the advertisers here in the ACV? They pay for the free issues that we distribute so that the ACV can be found by folks who will eventually become subscribers.

Lorri & John Sacoulas, ACV Stewards

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Past issues are FREE online under “Previous Issues” tab on our website. Subscriptions pg. 36 Do you like this magazine?... It would be a great blessing to all of us here at the ACV if you took out a subscription. *If you already have one maybe you could send out a gift subscription to a friend or loved one!

Joseph Giddens, owner of Endless Images Productions (417) 559-2529

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The American Christian Voice is published with the primary purpose is to edify the body of Christ through inspirational articles of Christian faith and courage, educate the body of Christ through informative articles and by promoting the message that disciples of Christ are not under the penalty of sin or condemnation of it. It is because of what Christ has done... not what we do. Our obedience to the law, and our good works, now is out of our gratitude for that precious gift of grace and salvation; not as a motivation to be in right standing with God. We are dedicated to be Kingdom builders as we realize that our unity can only represent God in our diversity as we

PUBLISHER Lorraine Sacoulas MANAGING EDITOR John G. Sacoulas SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Veeda Smith, Kathy Caruso, Jeremy Storch, Dee Wampler, Marla Woodmansee SYNDICATED WRITERS Max Lucado, Tim Challies STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER George Kurland ARCHIVISTS Marvin & Regina Reynolds GRAPHIC DESIGN Lorraine Sacoulas ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Wes Larson, Sr. (870) 577­2721 Special thanks to all our prayer warriors that intercede regularly for our sponsors. SUBSCRIPTION/CUSTOMER SERVICE see page 36 (417) 336­3636 SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: American Christian Voice P.O. Box 336 Rockaway Beach, MO 65740 FREE SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE: Any downloading fees charged by news wire providers are for its services only, and do not, nor are they intended to convey to the user any Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material, The American Christian Voice expressly agrees to indemnify and to hold these providers harmless from any claims, demands or causes of action arising out of or connected in any way with user's publication of the material."



cultural commentary

Showman­in­Chief hose who have been marveling at Donald Trump's political showmanship were given a reminder of who is the top showman of them all, when President Barack Obama went on television to make a pitch for his unilateral actions to restrict gun sales and make a more general case for tighter gun control laws.



It was beautifully choreographed, like a great ballet, and performed with consummate skill and understated eloquence. First of all, the scene was set with a room full of people who had lost loved ones to gun violence. A father whose son had been gunned down made a long introduction before the president showed up, walked down the aisle and up on to the stage to growing applause.

meeting of the National Rifle Association? They are apparently not that mentally unbalanced. They pick places where people are not likely to shoot back. A mass shooting at a movie theater a few years ago took place at a theater farther away from where the shooter lived than other theaters in the area that were showing the very same movie. The difference was that this theater had advertised that it was a gun­free zone. Who is more mentally unbalanced, those who are doing the shooting or those who refuse to examine the facts about what

As political theater, it put Donald Trump's rantings in the shade. As for the substance of what Obama said, there was very little substance, and much of it false, but one of the signs of great artistry was that the presentation overshadowed the substance. None of the things proposed by the president is likely to reduce gun violence. Like other restrictions on people's ability to defend themselves, or to deter attacks by showing that they are armed, these new restrictions can cost more lives on net balance. The most we can hope for is that the effects of the new Obama-created rules will be nil, rather than harmful. Like most other gun control advocates, President Obama invoked scenes of mass shootings, as if what he is proposing would have prevented those tragedies. But, almost invariably, mass shootings occur in gun-free settings. Yet gun control zealots seem determined to create more gun-free settings. How often have supposedly mentally unbalanced shooters opened fire at a



kinds of places attract such shooters? Schools and religious institutions are sitting ducks, and the shootings there have gone on until someone else with a gun showed up on the scene. That is what puts an end to the carnage, not gun control laws. People who are prepared to defy the laws against murder are not very likely to be stopped by laws against guns. Only lawabiding citizens are likely to be stopped by gun control laws, and to become sitting ducks.

As for facts and statistics, the only ones likely to be mentioned by gun control zealots, including the media, are those on how many people were killed by guns. How many lives were saved by guns will never make it through the ideological filters of the media, the political establishment or our educational institutions.

Yet factual data on how many threats or attacks were deterred in a given year by displaying a firearm have long been available. Seldom is it necessary to actually pull the trigger to get some thug or criminal to back off and go elsewhere, often in some haste. Are the only lives that matter those that are lost, usually because there is no gun immediately available to protect them, but not the lives saved because they did have a gun at hand to protect them? Gun control zealots seem especially opposed to people being allowed to carry their guns concealed. But concealed weapons protect not only those who carry them, but also to some extent those who do not, because criminals have no way of knowing in advance who does and does not have a gun. Muggings and rapes become much more dangerous activities for criminals where many law-abiding people are allowed to carry concealed guns. It can take a lot of the fun out of being a thug. President Obama said that we are the only "advanced" nation with so much gun violence. But there are a number of countries with higher murder rates than ours and stronger gun control laws. But that leaves the definition of "advanced" to Obama — and makes for clever political theater. Thomas Sowell, a National Humanities Medal winner, is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher and author. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

proof that the editor used to do stand足up

No muppets were injured in the production of this photograph



ordinary means broken


God uses ordinary people in exordinary ways for His glory. At first it may seem that that statement isn’t quite right and you may not believe it. After all aren’t only “super Christians” used by God?” You may be thinking, “I’m just a lay person what can God do with you?” Rather than thinking in terms of whether or not you have a seminary degree or extensive ministry experience I want you to go back to the Gospels. Remember the Apostles were uneducated and had no formal theological training before they met Jesus. They walked with Jesus for three years day and night, watching Him perform miracles and hearing Him teach them personally and as He taught others. Do you think that this Jesus the One who called men to follow Him is concerned about titles after one’s name? Don’t get me wrong earning degrees are great, but earning degrees is not ultimate unless they are yielded in submission to King Jesus and used for His glory. God took a shepherd boy and made Him King of Israel. God used a donkey after all to deliver a message. God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways.

FIRST, YOU MAY BE READING THIS ARTICLE AND THINKING YOU CAN NEVER BE USED BY GOD. This is exactly what Satan wants you to think. You may think, “I’m totally unworthy to be used by God.” If people only knew, you say how much of a miserable sinner I am they wouldn’t want to hear from me at all. Hogwash! All of us are miserable sinners. Unless you’ve acknowledged your unworthiness you are not ready to be used by God. The fact that you think that you are “totally unworthy” tells me that you are in fact ready to be used by God. I say this of course because mentioning “you are totally unworthy” tells me that you align yourself with Isaiah who humbled himself before the glory of God in Isaiah 6. Isaiah acknowledged he was a man of unclean lips. You are a sinner in need of God’s grace so the fact you acknowledge that shows me you are ready to testify of His grace at work in and through your life.



SECOND, YOU MAY THINK, “I’M SUCH A FAILURE THAT GOD CAN NEVER USE ME.” Look at the Apostle Peter. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times (Matthew 26:34). Peter’s response was he would not deny Jesus (Matthew 26:35). Here’s the thing, Peter did deny Jesus three times and Jesus saw it (Matthew 26:69-75). Imagine that you are the Apostle Peter the leader of the Apostles and a member of the inner circle of the Son of God Jesus Christ and you deny him three times. You would feel devastated, shame and guilt ridden. You say, “I’m such a failure that God can never use you” but that isn’t true. God uses our failure, hardship and trials for His glory. He turns what was meant for bad and uses it to testify to His grace. You say that you are a failure and yet God says because of the finished work of Christ you are victorious. The Apostle Peter went on to be mightily used of God because He was broken by God. You may be broken right now but in due season God will build you up and use you for His glory. Don’t run from Him run to Jesus. God uses ordinary people for His glory.

THIRD, YOU MAY HAVE MANY DEGREES BUT GOD USES HUMBLE PEOPLE. Look at the Apostle Paul. Paul was one of the most educated men of his day and yet God brought him low in Acts 9. God opened his eyes to the beauty and glory of Jesus. Once Paul knew Jesus all of his education, gifts and talents were directed towards the Gospel. The Lord uses those humbled by a vision of His greatness and glory to testify to the proud and religious of the splendor of His glory. The Lord humbled the Apostle Paul and used him mightily to plant churches, preach the Gospel, write 13 epistles and so much more. God can use

educated people for His glory but He often humbles them of their pride so they will rely on Him.


Think of your favorite biblical character or person from church history. Before they were “well-known” they were unknown. The Lord takes nobodies and makes them somebody all by His grace. At the start of my ministry I experienced a great deal of success. That success got to my head and rather than directing it towards God and giving Him glory, I let it go to my head. Several years later the Lord shows me my pride and arrogance about this and I repented. He showed me in reading His Word that He used those who were broken and humble rather than those who were haughty. He showed me from His Word that He cares about holiness and growth in His grace. You may think you are the biggest thing to hit the Christian scene but if you think that you are not interested in serving others or glorifying God. Ministry is about serving others and making much of God.

EXTRAORDINARY WAYS FINALLY, GOD HAS GIVEN EACH PERSON A GIFT TO STEWARD FOR HIS GLORY. You may not have many gifts, talents or abilities but every single Christian can be mightily used of God. Charles Spurgeon was converted to Gospel under the preaching a lay preacher. Martin Luther was convicted of his sin and came to

saving faith after studying the books of Psalms and Romans. Your story may be completely different than that, but whatever gift, talent, or ability God has given you—use it for His glory. Whatever influence whether great or small use it for His glory. God may not give you a great deal of influence and that is okay. Focus not on the breadth of your ministry but on the depth of your ministry from God’s Word. Remember, it is not the most able who are blessed in their ministry it is the most holy.

GOD USES BROKEN PEOPLE AND MAKES THEM WHOLE. God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways for His glory. God used a lawyer in high school to disciple me to grow in His grace. He’s also used many “ordinary” people with no Bible college or seminary education to disciple me. God uses ordinary

people in extraordinary ways as a testimony for His grace and glory. So, the next time you feel you are a failure, that your sin disqualifies you from service or you are better than someone—remember the Gospel. The Gospel that saved you, is sanctifying you and will one day glorify you is the power of God. God uses all sorts of people with all sorts of gifts, talents and abilities as a testimony of His grace that His name would be made famous among the nations. God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways to advance His Gospel. If you are hungering for more of God, and desire to be used by Him then use whatever gifts, talents and abilities you have and direct them in the right direction towards God, motivated by a desire for His glory by using your God-given gifts and talents in the local Church and beyond to edify God’s people and expand the Kingdom of God. Then you will join the multitude of ordinary saints before you who became extraordinary because they served a God who is glorified not by self-serving people but people who are humbled by His grace and holy before Him. As Robert Murray McCheyne once said, “A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God.” In other words, if we are constantly making our own spiritual progress, advancing in Christlikeness, growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18), we will find to whatever degree God has determined, His blessing will follow in our wake. Entrust whatever ministry and whatever gifts you have to God, and use them in His power energized by His Spirit for His glory. Watch as God grows you in His grace and uses you in extraordinary ways in the lives of His people for His glory.

All throughout history, man has failed. He has fallen short, messed up and sinned. But, the good news is; God's grace, He has provided us with a savior, Jesus, who remit us of all sin when we accept Him in to our hearts. So God does not base His love for us upon our acts or "goodness" although, we should live with the intent to honor Him every day with our actions. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Did you know... - Abraham was too old - Sarah laughed at God’s promises. - Moses stuttered and questioned God's judgment in picking him. He killed a man. - David’s armor didn’t fit and was too young. He also killed a man & had an affair. - Hosea’s wife was a prostitute. - Amos’ only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning. - Jacob was a liar. - Lazarus was dead. - John was self-righteous. - The Apostle Paul spent his life murdering Christians. - Jeremiah was depressed & suicidal. - Samson didn't wear a suit and had long hair. - Noah got drunk. Did I mention Moses had a short fuse? None of those people were perfect. They were just ordinary but used by God for an extraordinary purpose.

ABOUT DAVE JENKINS Dave is the Executive Director of Servants of Grace, and the Executive Editor of Theology for Life. He and his wife, Sarah, are members of Ustick Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho, where he and his wife serve in a variety of ministries. Dave received his MAR and M.DIV through Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. You can follow him on twitter at Dave Twitter, Facebook: Dave Facebook, Google plus: Dave Google Plus, or read more of his writing at Servants of Grace.

We are all ordinary BUT God still can use us! He loves to turn ordinary into extraordinary. Being used by God for His Kingdom is not about being flawless. It's about being willing and surrendering our hearts to Him.



Indiana is amazing... again Indiana adopts law to protect babies with Down syndrome from abortions


(WNS)--Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on March 24 signed a bill into law protecting babies from abortions based solely on genetic conditions such as Down syndrome. “When it comes to genetics, it’s easy for us to say ‘if it isn’t perfect let’s abort,’” said Len Reynolds, the president of Indiana Right to Life’s Lake County affiliate. “I have had the opportunity to meet many families with Down syndrome children. Yes, they have an extra chromosome, but there is something truly special about them. I think these kids have an extra love gene.” The new law, set to take effect in July, says abortionists can be held liable for wrongful death if they know the mother is seeking an abortion solely because of the baby’s disability, gender, race, or other physical characteristics. Indiana joins North Dakota as the second state to enact such protections. Indiana’s version of the law takes it one step further than North Dakota. Indiana gave credence the civil rights of unborn babies, attaching them to current protections to prevent discrimination. The measure will place an expectation on doctors to provide clear information to women about their pregnancies. In the past, some doctors advised women only to have an abortion if their baby had potential genetic abnormalities. Under the law, women are not held responsible for the baby’s death, even if they make it clear they want an abortion for the nowprohibited reasons. But abortionists who decide to terminate a pregnancy based on a baby’s disability, gender, or race can face civil liability and professional discipline. Indiana already bans terminating a pregnancy after 20 weeks of gestation. New forms of prenatal tests allow physicians to determine a baby’s gender or possible disability as early as 10 weeks. Under the new law, the window of opportunity for women to terminate their pregnancies could shrink depending on the mother’s reason for wanting an abortion. “Every part of this bill really plays to supporting the dignity of human life,” said Christina Francis, an OB-GYN physician in Fort Wayne, Ind.


According to Francis, about 75 percent of women decide to get an abortion after they find out the baby may have Down syndrome or another permanent disability. But many families under these circumstances don’t think about abortion until after the diagnosis. For some, a Down syndrome diagnosis is scary and may compel them to make a rash decision.

“Ever console or scold people hurt in human relationships that satisfaction comes from God alone? Stop. Adam's fellowship with God was perfect, and God Himself declared Adam needed other humans.” ― John Ortberg Jr., Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them

“So many women just come looking for answers, and they put a lot of trust and faith in what their physician says,” Francis said. “That’s why I like this law—because it reestablishes dignity to the baby when an abortion sounds like the easiest option.” She explained that some women who really want an abortion go straight to an abortion center, and this law might not affect them if they don’t meet first with their physician. Pence issued a statement after signing the law saying history will judge society on how it protects the most vulnerable, which includes the disabled and the unborn. The bill originally started as two separate pieces of legislation, one to protect the rights of unborn babies with genetic abnormalities and the other to respect the remains of deceased babies who sometimes end up in landfills or 31-gallon drums. The law Pence signed requires cremation or burials for the bodies of babies after an abortion or miscarriage. The law does not prevent abortions for lethal fetal anomalies if the baby will not survive the birth or poses a significant health risk to the mother. But for families who receive a diagnosis of a lethal fetal anomaly, the law will require their doctors to inform them about perinatal hospice care and other options for a high-risk pregnancy. “I think this bill strengthens the patient-to-doctor relationship because it requires us to do more counseling,” Francis said. “I think doctors should be held to a higher standard.”


YOU ARE OLD AS DIRT Would You Vote For This Guy? f Donald Trump won the popular vote but lost the election through party politics, was involved in multiple gun fights, suggested that a political foe be publically executed and then shot and killed a rival? ... Oops, sorry, that was President Andrew Jackson. By the way, he was the only president in history that paid off the national debt during his term.


"Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. [...] Laws have to be backed up with resources, and political will; and deep­seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed." ­Hillary Clinton

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BY DR. MARLA WOODMANSEE, Radio Host, Speaker & Writer

Kindom Xperience

Flawed, But Called “How could I teach and explain the word of God?” I asked God that question when he called me to preach His word. In fact, I gave God a list of reasons why I couldn’t and shouldn’t teach his word. “How could I represent God? I’m imperfect with an imperfect past. I’ve disobeyed. I’ve sinned horribly. I’ve made many wrong choices. Besides that, I’ve been divorced and remarried. I’m certainly and completely flawed.” But, that list does not surprise God. Scripture says that he knows every hair on my head, so I know that my excuses and flaws certainly didn’t surprise God. Everywhere I go I encounter people who think they are too flawed to be used by God. There’sa list of reasonswhy they couldn’t represent Him. They feel too inadequate to tell others about Him. Scripture is full of people who struggled with this same thing. But, in spite of all of their imperfections, God chose to use them anyway. That is the same for you. You are flawed, have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God; but, God wants to use you anyway. Three people in Scripture who God used in spite of their imperfections included David, Moses, and Peter. David, who is currently considered to be one of the greatest king’s in history, had many flaws. During his reign as king, David lusted after a married woman named Bathsheba. He lusted after her so much that when her husband was out of town fighting in battle, David ordered for her to come to the palace and into his bedroom. David slept with her and Bathsheba got pregnant with his baby. After battle, David tried to get Uriah, her husband, to go home to be with her so he would think the baby was his. But, Uriah wouldn’t sleep with her. So David decides to order Uriah to go to battle and be on the front line during combat to assure his death. During combat, her husband was slaughtered and killed. King David was now an adulterer and a murderer. Shortly after this, David repented and


relented over his sins. And, although he had sinned horribly, God forgave him and used him anyway. Later, God considered King David to be “a man after His own heart.” God asked Moses to lead his people, the Hebrews, out from slavery in Egypt and back into their Promised Land, Canaan. But, when God approached Moses to tell him that he wanted him to be his spokesperson and leader, Moses replied with a list of excuses of why he couldn’t do it. Moses pointed out his flaws, which included being “slow of speech.” Some scholars suggest that this meant that Moses had a speech impediment. But, when Moses denied his own capability, God was displeased and very angry. Prior to God asking Moses to be his spokesperson, he had also murdered an Egyptian. God wasn’t interested in choosing Moses to be his spokesperson because of his great strengths. God chose Moses in his weaknesses, because God delights in taking where we are weak, and by His power, making us strong. Peter was one of most courageous and passionate followers of Jesus. Peter displayed this when he was the only disciple out of the 12 to step out of a boat onto a body of sea water to follow Jesus. When Jesus said, “come,” Peter went. Peter also displayed deep revelation. When Jesus asked the disciples who people say that he is, once again, Peter was the only one who said, “You are Christ, the son of the living God.” Jesus said, “Blessed are you Simon Peter, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.” But, when Jesus was arrested and his life was at stake, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus, three times! But, after Peter denied that he knew Jesus and messed up terribly, God chose him to start the Church. Peter preached a message to 3,000 people. They all accepted his message and were baptized, as they chose to make Jesus their LORD and Savior. King David, Moses, and Peter were human: flawed, imperfect, and weak. You may think that you’re too flawed to do anything for God because of your imperfections and mistakes. God wants you


to know that He wants you to be his representative and spread his good news regardless of your past: in your workplace, with your family, your friends, and neighbors. Every person is flawed and imperfect. So, how is anyone used by God? God’s word has the answer: “God’s grace.” Second Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Nobody is insignificant and too flawed to be used by God: murderers, adulterers, betrayers, and poor speakers were significantly used by God. Open your mouth and trust that God will fill it. You are not too flawed or imperfect to be used by God. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of faith, where the imperfect and flawed are empowered by the Spirit of Almighty God to do his work. You may be flawed, but you are called to spread the good news about Jesus.

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faith under fire

Christianity thrives in Iran despite severe persecution

“Thousands upon thousands” of people in Iran are becoming Christians annually, according to Open Doors USA spokeswoman Emily Fuentes. “The house churches are causing such rapid growth in conversions it is unmatched by any other country in the Middle East,” she said. According to Mohabat News, estimates suggest the underground church network could include as many as 1 million people, but Fuentes said it is difficult to accurately quantify its size. Operation World recently ranked Iran as the country with the fastest growing evangelical population in the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran, a Shi’a Muslim theocracy, is ranked ninth on the 2016 World Watch List of most severe persecutors of Christians. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has urged the designation “country of particular concern” for Iran since 1999 because of the regime’s persecution and discrimination against its citizens on the basis of belief.

of being a Christian, God gave her peace and took her fear away, she said. BY JULIA A. SEYMOUR

(WNS)--Although Iran is one of the most difficult places in the world to be a Christian, the underground house church movement there is exploding.

Fuentes and Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs both said the severity of persecution in Iran is part of the reason for the church’s dramatic growth. “I have talked to an Iranian Christian who called Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, the greatest Christian missionary in the history of Iran because he established the Islamic Republic which is now pushing people to Christ,” Nettleton said. Dissatisfaction with the Islamic regime also is bringing people to Christianity. Iran Alive Ministries broadcasts into Iran and ministers to unbelievers and the underground church. According to Iran Alive’s founder, more than 32,000 people have prayed with them to become Christians since 2001. “[I]nto that void in the hearts of Iranians, the gospel message of a Savior who loves them enough to die for them is like sweet music,” Nettleton said. “And it is coming on radio waves, over satellite television, online, and even in supernatural means like dreams and visions.”

“The government continues to use its religious laws to silence reformers, including human rights defenders and journalists, for exercising their internationally protected rights to freedom of expression and religion or belief,” USCIRF reported. Iran’s Christian house churches are illegal and participants can face jail time, especially if they are not an ethnic minority, Fuentes said. Because they are considered Muslim, Farsi-speaking Persians are not allowed to go to Christian churches at all. They face reprisals, including violence, from authorities, the community, and even family members if they convert to Christianity. “One of my biggest fears is that the secret police would come one day and they would rape me,” a female house church planter in Iran told The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. A former Muslim, she said she is high on the secret police’s wanted list. But after years

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the voice of reason


Six Reasons North Carolina Got It Right Lies are born the moment someone thinks the truth is dangerous. Apparently, a good number of business and sports executives think the truth about North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” (HB2) is dangerous, that’s why they are lying about it. Well, perhaps I should be a bit more charitable: some may not be overtly lying about it, but they are expressing their disapproval without knowing what the bill actually does. Recently, Lt. Governor Dan Forest, who helped call the special session to pass HB2, called the executive in charge at one large protesting company and simply asked if him if he or anyone there had a actually read the bill. He admitted they had not. They just labeled it “discriminatory” without even reading it.

protection” from predators in public bathrooms!)

2. People are equal, but their behaviors are not. Good laws treat all people equally, but not all of their behaviors equally. In fact, the very reason laws exist at all is because all behaviors are not equal and must be treated differently for the benefit of individuals and society. HB2 discriminates against no one who identifies as LGBT. The law merely sets a safe public bathroom use (behavior) for everyone, and keeps employment law consistent across the state (more on this below).

3. Your identity is not in your feelings but your biology. I can’t believe there is actually a need to say this, but many on the Left are living in their

Who needs the truth when you make so much “progress” by ignoring the truth and engaging in the very bigotry and namecalling you claim to oppose? The truth is they, like other companies who haven’t bothered to read the bill, are simply taking their marching orders from the misnamed “Human Rights Campaign,” who have the audacity to claim that men have a human right to have access to women and girls in public bathrooms, and that any acknowledgement of the biological differences between men and women is somehow discrimination against people who prefer same-sex relationships.

No one is being discriminated against with HB2, which discriminates against the behavior of a man using the women’s restroom. If any law is wrongly discriminatory it is the bad law passed by the Charlotte City council to create this controversy. It actually discriminates against women and children by making public restrooms unsafe for them. (The ACLU has already filed a lawsuit alleging HB2 does not provide “equal protection” to some folks. Ironically, it’s only because of HB2 that women and children get “equal


Moreover, HB2 actually accommodates people who have had so-called “sex change” operations. They can use the bathroom of their choice provided they’ve had their birth certificate changed. It also affects only public restrooms. Companies and other private organizations can adopt any policy they want for their workplace. Does the NBA and the NFL allow men in women’s bathrooms? Does Apple? Cisco? Marriott? Lowes? Then why are they insisting the government force everyone to do so? Why do they think North Carolina is wrongly discriminating when they are doing exactly the same thing in their businesses? And why aren’t these holier-than-thou folks threatening to pull their business from Iran and Saudi Arabia where they are actually murdering homosexuals? Their moral outrage is not only misdirected, it shows that they’re willing to put women and children at risk by kowtowing to a deceptive special interest group, but they’ll sacrifice nothing to save the people they say they care about by confronting real evil abroad.

4. The danger is real from sexual predators in women’s restrooms. If you don’t think so, then log on to the You Tube Video at: WLtQ& Just the first six minutes are chilling enough.

In the name of diversity, I’d like to offer a different view in six points:

1. All good laws discriminate against behaviors not people.

the physical safety of women and children because an extreme few have a preference for a different bathroom.

own invented reality and they are demanding that we live in it too. The reason we’ve always had separate bathrooms is because of biological sexual differences, not because of feelings or “gender identity.” HB2 simply says that people will use public bathrooms that align with their biological sex as found on their birth certificate. How could this possibly be controversial? Are we to risk the safety of millions of women and children in public restrooms because an extremely small number of people are experiencing a mismatch between their psychology and their biology? Good public policy does not risk


5. Race and LGBT are not the same: Race is not a behavior and race has no impact on someone’s behavior. But homosexuality is a behavior and LGBT political goals are all about imposing certain leftist behaviors on others, from forcing people to participate in same sex marriage ceremonies to allowing men in women’s restrooms. The Human Rights Campaign also wants to use the strong arm of government to force companies to give employment preference to a long list of sexual orientations. This would mean that someone who claimed a homosexual orientation—or someone who

commentary exhibited the behavior of cross-dressing at work for example—would have more job security than John or Jane Doe. How so? Because if a company has to downsize, who are they going to let go—one of the helpless Does, or the person who can bring a costly lawsuit alleging “discrimination”?

6. Opposition to harmful behavior is not bigotry. It is wise. Unfortunately, some on the Left and in business falsely equate opposition to a behavior as prejudice toward people who engage in that behavior. That’s the central fallacy in virtually every argument the Human Rights Campaign puts out—if you don’t agree with every aspect of LGBT behavior or their political goals, you are somehow bigoted against people who identify that way. If political opposition is bigotry, then the activists at the Human Rights Campaign are bigots for opposing conservatives. The truth is conservatives have good reasons based in public health and safety for not wanting to advocate same-sex marriage or men in women’s bathrooms. But it’s much easier for the Human Rights Campaign to ignore those arguments and call people names. The truth is just too dangerous. Frank Turek is coauthor of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, and the author of Stealing from God: Why atheists need God to make their case. See more of his work at

By Evan Wilt (WNS)--Republicans in North Carolina rallied in late March to overthrow a city ordinance forcing businesses in Charlotte to allow transgender customers to use the restroom of their choice—but the fight has just begun. In the days since lawmakers flushed the ordinance, opponents within the state and from across the country have launched a flood of attacks. “Some have called our state an embarrassment,” said Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican. “The real embarrassment is politicians not publicly respecting each other’s positions on complex issues.”

On March 28, two transgender men, a lesbian, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina, and Equality North Carolina filed a federal suit against McCrory and other state officials. The suit claims North Carolina violated federal antidiscrimination laws. And yesterday, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced he won’t defend the state in court. Cooper, McCrory’s Democratic challenger in this year’s gubernatorial election, is using the controversy to bolster his campaign. He claims McCrory has legislated discrimination, which he calls a national embarrassment. Cooper’s opposition highlights the tension within the state that could permeate discourse during the ensuing months of court battles, right up to Election Day. McCrory called Cooper’s announcement a violation of his duties as attorney general, a post Cooper has held since 2001. “As the state’s attorney, he can’t select which laws he will defend and which laws are politically expedient to refuse to defend,” McCrory said. “When you are the state’s lawyer, you are a lawyer first and a politician second.” Other North Carolina Republicans share McCrory’s position. “Roy Cooper’s refusal to defend the law makes clear he wants the ACLU to win,” said North Carolina Senate Leader Phil Berger in a statement. “His zeal for pandering for the extreme left’s money and agenda in his race for governor is making it impossible for him to fulfill his duties as attorney general—and he should resign immediately.”

state agencies to review all requests for state-funded or sponsored travel to North Carolina. And it bars any publicly funded travel that is not essential to law enforcement or public health and safety. “In New York, we believe that all people— regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation—deserve the same rights and protections under the law,” Cuomo said. “We will not stand idly by as misguided legislation replicates the discrimination of the past.” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, also a Democrat, issued a memo yesterday to join Cuomo and the mayors of Seattle and San Francisco in banning non-essential travel to North Carolina. Inslee said McCroy’s actions revoke “civil rights protections” for the LGBT community and the travel ban supports “our state’s approach to tolerance, fairness, and a lack of discrimination.” Cuomo made a similar move in 2015, banning travel to Indiana after its governor signed a bill to protect the religious freedoms of the state’s business owners. McCrory called Cuomo’s actions hypocritical because he did not prohibit travel to Texas last year when Houston voters overturned a measure similar to Charlotte’s. “Syracuse is playing in the Final Four [this weekend] in Houston where voters overwhelmingly rejected a nearly identical bathroom ordinance,” said Josh Ellis, McCrory’s communications director. “Is Gov. Cuomo going to ask the Syracuse team to boycott the game in Houston? It’s total hypocrisy and demagoguery if the governor does not.”


Gov. Pat McCrory stands up to attacks from both inside and outside the state

McCrory spoke out after fellow governors began issuing travel bans to North Carolina because they disagree with the state’s actions. But that might be the least of McCrory’s troubles.

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But Democrats from outside the state are rushing to Cooper’s side and joining in an effort to demonize North Carolina for not accommodating homosexuals and transgender individuals. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned all non-essential state travel to North Carolina on Monday. The order requires New York VOL.12 #2 | WWW.AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VOICE.COM


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The Cozy Cottages in Morningside’s Peaceful Valley, are located just a short drive from Branson, Missouri, on Highway 86 at Highway 13, in Blue Eye, Missouri. For more information call 417 779­9000 ext. 341 or email

each cottage is built on the lot of your choice. You may choose to cuddle up in your Cozy Cottage next to the wood burning fireplace or sit on your deck enjoying the loveliness of nature surrounding you. You’ve heard the saying ‘the best things come in smaller sizes.’ These affordable and charming Cozy Cottages are built with the highest of quality and the unique interior is designed by Tammy Sue Bakker. Most of the cottage owners at Morningside


Lori’s House, the Morningside Farm and the RV sites are also close by. There are many opportunities for gathering with friends and engaging in activities such as fellowship dinners, chili-cook-offs, ice cream suppers, game nights, movie nights, Gospel singings, Bible studies, conferences and other events. The Morningside Church services are held each Sunday morning, and evening as well as Wednesday night services. You can also join Zach Drew for Revelation Teaching every Tuesday night.


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transparency is powerful



“Seriously doctor, what the heck is wrong with me?” I had been in this office five times in the past 3 months. I had struggled with a bad case of shingles (I know, most of the time only old people get shingles, thank you very much). I was over that but still was just feeling off; tired, anxious and excessively worried. My doctor asked if I was suicidal. “Of course not!” I responded. “But I feel pretty miserable.” He looked at me and said, “Shane, you are struggling with depression and an anxiety disorder.” depression, anxiety, and fear “What? Nope, not me.” Yes, I actually said that to my doctor. I began to argue. I like order, I hate the word disorder, and a really smart guy just used it to describe me. There’s no way. I’m not that guy. I’ve heard that guy share and teach about his struggles with depression. That’s not me. I’m a leader. And a leader has their stuff together. I mean, no way. Right? Wrong. For much of my life I have operated with the idea that leaders (which I have learned is another way of saying servant or follower) have it together. Leaders are strong. Leaders know what to say and when to say it. Leaders help others, they certainly don’t need help from others. Wrong again.

anxious. It took a little while, but I am so glad I did. A few months after I was on the mend I met up with a friend to surf. I don’t even remember if the waves were good, and I always remember if the waves are good. But I do remember that I was able to minister to my buddy who was struggling with some similar things.

I shared my brokenness and my weakness, though it did not (and doesn’t right now as I type this) feel natural for me. I’m glad I did. Honestly, that was one of the more fruitful conversations and opportunities I can ever remember. Since then I have seen how my own struggles, and not hiding them, will be used by God to encourage others. Showing weaknesses, living it out in front of others, can be so difficult, don’t you think? And you know what? God uses them. The Bible is full of messed up and broken people. Show me someone in the Bible who has their stuff together. Go ahead. Keep looking. That’s right, there is no one. What about Jonah? God used him to save the entire city Nineveh. He also complained and argued with God constantly. Instead of going to Nineveh Jonah went to Tarshish. That’s like saying you feel called to go to Uruguayn and you run off to Iceland instead.

Dr. Leonard Sweet in his book, I Am A Follower, works me over by telling me the truth of leadership:

Moses? Moses led God’s chosen people toward the promised land. Yes, and he was also a murderer.

“We bless others naturally through our strengths. But we bless others supernaturally through our weaknesses…and Scripture makes this clear: God’s power is made perfect in weakness.” (162) Though I didn’t want to accept it (this happened 2 years ago), I finally embraced my weakness of being depressed and

King David? David literally chopped the head off a giant so that, “the whole earth will know that there’s an extraordinary God in Israel.” He was revered for his leadership. That’s right, but he also murdered a man, committed adultery, and lied



constantly. Peter? Peter preached at Pentecost and saw thousands come to believe in Jesus. Peter was a leader in the New Testament, but he also was an emotional roller-coaster, constantly putting his foot in his mouth, and denying Jesus three times. We could go on and on about how God uses broken people to accomplish his purposes. Honestly, I like seeing these examples in God’s word. I like seeing that God can and will use me and my brokenness. Following Jesus and leading others to Him is meant to be done with our weaknesses and our brokenness in front of us. Even those we “lead.” I recently saw my doctor. We reviewed my health history (the joy of being in my early forties) and he commented on my bout with depression and anxiety. This time I didn’t argue. Question: Are you willing to live out your weakness and brokenness in front of others? If you say no, then I can relate. Also, how have you seen God use your weakness to help others? Shane is a national director with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), a doctoral student at George Fox Evangelical Seminary, father of four, husband of one. He likes to surf, read, read about surfing, and encourage people to follow Jesus. Shane writes more on servant­ leadership

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great loss

Without Scalia, high court gives unions reprieve


Even split between justices upholds Christian teachers’ lower court loss (WNS)--On March 29 the U.S. Supreme Court gave a reprieve to public sector unions, which before the death of Justice Antonin Scalia faced their own imminent mortality. In a one-line per curiam opinion in a case challenging the California teachers’ union, the high court acknowledged it was divided 4-4— a result that affirms the lower court ruling in favor of the union without resolving the question nationwide.

that covers basic operations like collective bargaining. The Christian teachers in this case argued the agency fee still pays for speech they disagree with, including public relations campaigns against merit pay or union arguments for pay raises when the state budget is a mess. Before Scalia’s death, the court likely had five votes to strike down the required agency fee as an infringement of free

This the likely the beginning of a number of tied decisions for which Scalia would have been the deciding vote. The Little Sisters of the Poor cases, in which religious nonprofits are challenging the contraceptive and abortifacient mandate, also seems headed for a tie—another case religious groups likely would have won with Scalia’s vote. But another case challenging public sector unions could come before the court after it returns to a full nine justices. And SCOTUS blog reports some of the lawyers involved in the Christian teachers’ case plan to ask for a rehearing when the court returns to its full justice quota.

The case came from 10 California public school teachers and the Christian Educators Association International (CEAI), an organization for Christian teachers in public schools, who argued their payments to the union were supporting speech they disagreed with. Six of the 10 teachers in the case were members of CEAI. The California Teachers Association (CTA) spends union money on political activities, including more than $1 million for campaigning against Proposition 8, the state’s traditional marriage law. But public school teachers can opt out of those overt political payments, instead paying an agency fee

strongly disagree,” Kennedy said. He described the teachers as “a whole class of persons whose speech has been silenced.”

speech. Scalia had previously supported unions in a limited way, but at the January arguments he was on the Christian teachers’ side. So was Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Some conservatives responded to the ruling Tuesday by urging Senate Republicans to continue to hold off confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.

“The union basically is making these teachers compelled riders for issues on which they

“The court’s 4-4 decision demonstrates just how much rides on the next justice confirmed to the Supreme Court,” said Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino in a statement. “If the Senate confirms Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, it will be creating a new liberal majority that will dominate the court’s decisions for a generation.”

The quote is authentic but some of the wording is different than the original from Teddy Roosevelt. Also, it was not a quote from 1907 but was written in a letter by then former president Roosevelt on January 3, 1919 to the president of the American Defense Society. It was read publicly at a meeting on January 5, 1919. Roosevelt died the next day, on January 6, 1919.



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pain is God’s megaphone


FROM PAIN TO GAIN There I was – lying on the floor when just an instant before, I was on my feet! I knew I would be healed, but as my friends gathered around and began to pray, I got scared. When the instantaneous miracle didn’t come, I began to fear and beg Jesus to be okay... I have been healed many times before and I really knew I would be. Long after the others gave up and left me, I stayed and waited but fear and doubt won the day. I ended up in the

While I know that Father doesn’t cause pain, He doesn’t waste it. He uses it to teach us about His great love. hospital with a partial hip replacement. I don’t think I was a very good patient because I wanted to be anywhere else. I particularly gave the dieticians a lot of trouble as I didn’t like the food. I am certain that the painkilling pills didn’t help me to stay in peace. I was broken. For many years, I have been very healthy and this was foreign to me. The nurses and doctors were very nice and I am

A short version of the history of Christianity:

grateful to them. One of my joys was giving out the most recent edition of American Christian Voice to people who had never seen it and some who had. They liked it and I was asked for more copies even after they were gone.

Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.

Once the initial rebellion was over, ministering to others was a joy. I came in contact with many awesome people and some of them were without Christ. I planted and watered seed. Since I have been on my feet again, I know that God didn’t cause my pain. God is good and only does good. It was just one of those things. Perhaps a little demonic imp tripped me to slow me down. It has had the opposite effect – although it took some time of isolation and introspection. The Scriptures have come alive and I now know in a new way that “God is my refuge and my strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” He is leading me to the right places at the right times. I find that my horizons have broadened and my influence is greater than it ever was before. What the enemy meant for harm, God is using for good. I am on my feet and getting stronger every day. One of the definitions in the Scripture of the word ‘broken’ is ‘to be made stronger.” I am stronger and more in love with Jesus. I am more aware of His love and His Presence than I have ever been. While I know that Father doesn’t cause pain, He doesn’t waste it. He uses it to teach us about His great love. “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”



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there is nothing new under the sun

The Chaos of Early U.S. PResidEntial ElecTions The elections of 2000 and 2004 were nothing short of amazing considering how hotly contested they were. Unfortunately, that’s more of the rule than the exception. It seems this political cycle is more vicious than anything in history. But is it? Here are a few scenarios which will make you question the American electoral system.

1796: John Adams Thomas Jefferson


In 1776, the mutual respect of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was so strong, that each thought the other should write the Declaration of Independence. Ultimately, Jefferson wrote it, but it was Adams who defended the document in front of the Continental Congress. During the American Revolution, the two men shared a common purpose; to free America from the tyranny of Great Britain. Sadly, it would be political exploits during George Washington’s presidency which would ultimately drive these two into one of the most bitter political rivalries in American history. Once the nation was established, Adams and Jefferson had opposing views on the role of the federal government and foreign policy, with Jefferson opting for states’ rights and an alliance with France, while Adams supported a strong central government and an alliance with Britain. It also didn’t help that Jefferson was George Washington’s first Secretary of State, while Adams was Washington’s Vice President. So, the stage was set for a showdown when Washington decided that he would not seek a third term in 1796. In the first contested election in U.S. history, John Adams won by only by three electoral votes! Strangely, election rules at the time stipulated that each member of the Electoral College got two votes, but they had to cast them for separate people. Thus, whoever received the 2nd-highest number of votes would be Vice President. Jefferson, being the 2ndplace vote getter ended up becoming Adams’ VP, which didn’t bode well for the Adams Presidency.


1800: John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson (Part II) For four years, Mr. Adams set about strengthening the federal government, as well as ties with Great Britain, much to the chagrin of Mr. Jefferson. One major point of contention was the Alien and Sedition Acts, which greatly expanded the power of the federal government. So great was Jefferson’s opposition to this legislation, that despite being Adams’ Vice President, he set out to undermine him by cowriting the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. These resolutions stated the opposition to a strong federal government and laid the groundwork for future states’ rights arguments. After four years of undermining the President, Jefferson decided to run again, but this time his political party was better organized. While jockeying for electoral votes, he asked that any elector who cast a vote for him, cast a vote for his running mate, Aaron Burr, with one elector abstaining. This was to prevent what would have likely been a Jefferson presidency with Adams as VP. However, due to miscommunication, every elector who voted for Jefferson also voted for Burr, creating the only tie in U.S. history. Ultimately, the House of Representatives had to resolve the debate, and they chose Jefferson as president. This debacle led to the creation of the 12th amendment, which stipulated that each elector had to cast a distinct vote for President and VP. It was also the pinnacle of the Jefferson-Adams rivalry, which was so strong that Adams didn’t even attend Jefferson’s Inauguration.

1824: John Quincy Adams


vs. Andrew Jackson The Era of Good Feelings was a time of strong national unity and little to no partisanship in government. In fact, James Monroe ran effectively unopposed in 1820 and got all but 1 electoral vote. Four years later, though, it would be a different story,

as four men, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford would jockey for the presidency. When the dust settled, Andrew Jackson had won a plurality of the popular vote, as well as the electoral vote, but he had not won the majority, which was necessary to assume the presidency. Per the rules of the 12th amendment, the vote goes to the House of Representatives, but they could only choose between the top 3 vote-getters, which left out Clay. Conveniently for Adams, though, Henry Clay was a bitter enemy of Andrew Jackson, in addition to being Speaker of the House. Clay threw all of his support behind Adams, who would win the presidency in

just one round of voting. Adams subsequently made Clay his Secretary of State, prompting Jackson supporters to accuse the two of a corrupt bargain, which would cast a pall over Adams’ entire presidency. The Era of Good Feelings was officially over.

upper midwest, which had the majority of the electoral votes. Sadly, barely six weeks after the election, South Carolina seceded from the Union, leaving Lincoln to preside over the most difficult period in American history.

1876: Rutherford B. Hayes 1860: Abraham Lincoln vs. vs. Samuel Tilden Everyone Else This was the most disputed election in U.S. The 1850s saw the deterioration of U.S. politics, as the country become increasingly

partisan, with many regional rivalries. It also didn’t help that the 14th and 15th Presidents, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, respectively, did very little to try to prevent the slide into civil war. Thus, the stage was set in 1860, as the upstart Republican party, led by Abraham Lincoln, took on the fractured Democratic Party, which presented three separate candidates. Needless to say, the lack of unity among the Democrats was their downfall, as Lincoln was able to take a majority of the electoral votes despite winning only 39.8% of the popular vote. Southern states quickly cried foul, as Lincoln had no support in the south, and won by carrying the northeast and

history, and the first election in which the winner of the popular vote did not win the electoral vote. With all but 20 electoral votes counted, Tilden held the lead 184165, but the count was delayed in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida due to allegations of fraud and voter intimidation. The vote ultimately had to go to the Electoral Commission, which was made up of 5 representatives, 5 senators, and 5 Supreme Court Justices, 8 of whom were Republican, and 7 of whom were Democrat. Voting along party lines, the commission determined that the 20 disputed votes should go to Hayes, and in exchange, Hayes ended Reconstruction. By the way, this election wasn’t settled until 2 days before the Presidential Inauguration, the closest call in U.S. history. 1884, 1888, & 1892: The Elections of Grover Cleveland In 1884, a young, Democratic upstart from upstate New York shocked the country when he defeated Maine Senator James Blaine for the presidency. Cleveland’s political career was more of a rapid rise to political stardom, as he didn’t get started until 1882, when he was elected Mayor of Buffalo. Then, in 1883, he was elected Governor of New York, before being elected President of the United States in 1884. What’s also amazing about Grover Cleveland is that he was the first Democrat elected after the Civil War, and the only one between 1860-1912. Unfortunately, he could not parlay that early success into another victory in 1888, and he was voted out after just one term, despite the fact that he had won a plurality of the popular vote. Nevertheless, he didn’t give up, and ran again in 1892, this time winning both the popular and electoral vote. This makes Cleveland the only president to serve split terms. He also holds the distinction of being one of only three people (the others being Andrew Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt) to win the popular vote 3 times. Interestingly, though, Cleveland never won a majority of the popular vote, ironically coming the closest in 1888, when he lost the presidency.

Just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap.

Apparently it’s no longer politically correct to direct a joke at any racial or ethnic majority, so: An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Ghurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, two Kiwis, a German, an American, a South African, a Cypriot, an Egyptian, a Japanese, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a dane a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian, a Liyan, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist and an Ethiopian went to a night club. The bouncer said, “Sorry, I can’t let you in without a Thai.”



♪money money money♪


Don’t Keep Family in the Dark About Your Plans ou might work diligently at building a financial roadmap for your retirement years and a comprehensive estate plan. But you can’t just create these strategies – you also have to communicate them. Specifically, you need to inform your spouse and your grown children what you have in mind for the future – because the more they know, the fewer the surprises that await them down the road.


Let’s start with your spouse. Ideally, of course, you and your spouse should have already communicated about your respective ideas for retirement and have come to an agreement on the big issues, such as when you both plan to retire, where you’ll live during retirement, and what you want to do s retirees (volunteer, travel, work part time and so on). But what you both might have let slip through the cracks are the important specifics related to financing your retirement. You’ll need to answer several questions, including these: When will you each start taking Social Security? Are there strategies for maximizing both of your Social Security payments? When will you need to start tapping into your respective retirement accounts, such

as your IRA and 401(k)? And, once you do start withdrawing from these accounts, how much should you take out each year? You may want to work with a financial professional to address these issues, but however you proceed, you and your spouse need to be “on the same page” regarding the key financial components of your retirement. Now, consider your grown children. You need to clearly communicate your estate plans to them, not only for the sake of openness and honesty, but also because they may well play active roles within those plans. So when talking to your children, make sure you cover these areas: Durable power of attorney – You may well decide to give one of your grown children the durable power of attorney to pay bills and make financial choices on your behalf if you are unable to do so. Estate executor – An executor is the person or entity you name in your will to carry out your wishes. An executor has a variety of responsibilities, so you’ll want to choose someone who is honest and capable of dealing with legal and financial matters. Again, you could ask a grown child to serve as your executor, but, to avoid potential conflict of interests among your children, you might want to go outside the family.

Talk with an attorney about how best to name your executor. Status of will and living trust – Assuming you have already drawn up a will, share it with your grown children. The same is true with a living trust, a popular estate-planning tool that may allow your survivors to avoid going through the time-consuming, public and expensive process of probate. A will and a living trust will obviously contain a great deal of information your children should know about – so take the time to explain your thinking when you created these documents. You want to enjoy a comfortable retirement, and you want to leave a meaningful legacy through your estate plans. To help accomplish both these goals, you need to include your loved ones in your arrangements – so open those lines of communication. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should con­ sult your estate­planning attorney or quali­ fied tax advisor regarding your situation. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Ad­ visor.

1856 A committee at Mount Vernon Church, Boston, reluctantly accepts Dwight L. Moody into church membership, having already rejected him once because of his complete ignorance of Christian truth. Moody will develop into an evangelist of international fame. 26


puzzle page

Across 1. Astonishes 5. Trips around the track 9. Take action at an auction 14. ''I smell __!'' 15. Nautical adverb 16. Casual 17. Kicking back 18. Wherever you are 19. Hosni's predecessor 20. AARP member 23. Prominent pachyderm feature 24. Traditional knowledge 25. Pollen spreader 28. Former JFK visitor 29. Pose a poser 32. Permission 34. Cast forth 37. Mauna Loa output 38. Future first-stringers 42. Himalayan legend 43. Uprising 44. Folk-blues singer 47. Rolling Stones label 48. Vermont hrs. 51. Hr. fraction 52. Scandinavian capital 55. Donnybrook 57. Second-year pro's bad luck 61. Computer command 63. Renown 64. Annual checkup 65. ''Amadeus'' star 66. Compared to 67. Give as a reference

68. ''Ghosts'' writer 69. Sensible 70. ''Jurassic Park'' beast Down 1. Belted areas 2. Things to fill 3. Waldorf-salad ingredient 4. ''The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas'' author 5. Cowardly Lion portrayer 6. Sir __ Guinness 7. Jeopardy 8. Be responsible for 9. Raging fires 10. Actress Skye 11. Jazz magazine 12. NAFTA signatory 13. __ capita income 21. Giraffe cousin 22. Writer Levin 26. Green feeling 27. LAX info 30. Sign of success 31. ''The King and I'' actress 33. Skirt feature 34. Bad mood 35. ''__ Maria'' 36. Letterman nickname 38. Luke Skywalker, for one 39. Spoon, fork and knife 40. CD-__ 41. Gunky stuff 42. __ Kippur 45. ''Billboard'' list

46. Bat wood 48. Magic potion 49. Capitol group 50. Spicy cuisine 53. Art workshops, often 54. Cornhusker State city 56. Throw out 58. Without repetition 59. Middle East sultanate 60. Russo of ''Tin Cup'' 61. Upsilon follower 62. Difficulty

Answers to CrossWord Puzzle on Page 42 Answers to Sudoku Puzzle on Page 23



inside insight


Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi, author of Answering Jihad This sponsored post was prepared by Zondervan and Nabeel Qureshi. NABEEL QURESHI is the New York Times bestselling author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. His latest book, Answering Jihad, released earlier this month and provides a personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. Last week, his USA Today op­ed was one of the most read and shared articles following the attack on Brussels.

Q: Tell me about your reasons for writing Answering Jihad.

been taught about “the religion of peace.” What was particularly difficult was trying to walk the line of sharing this truth about Islam while conveying my heartfelt belief that people should be compassionate towards Muslims. If we overemphasize one aspect, it could appear that we are neglecting the other. In today’s polarized political and social climates, people are staking their positions on either tolerance or truth, but rarely both. I cannot afford to compromise either; my country is under attack by jihad, yet my family remains Muslim. Q: As a child, you grew up in a Muslim home with several family members having served in the U.S. Military. What values did that ingrain in you? Answering JihadNABEEL: Our allegiance was to God and country; we were Muslim, first and foremost. As with Americans of

Q: But then September 11, 2001 comes along. How did that change your thoughts on jihad? NABEEL: On September 11, I was confronted for the first time with the stark reality of jihad. It was not as if I had never heard of jihad before; I certainly had, but I knew it as a defensive effort buried deep in the pages of Islamic history. That is how our imams alluded to jihad, and we never questioned it. As American Muslims we rarely, if ever, thought about jihad. When the twin towers fell, the eyes of the nation turned to American Muslims for an explanation. I sincerely believe September 11 was a greater shock for American Muslims like my family than for the average American. Not only did we newly perceive our lack of security from jihadists, as did everyone else, we also faced a latent threat of retaliation from would-be vigilantes. It

NABEEL: My primary purpose in writing Answering Jihad was to respond to the present climate of confusion in the West. Terrorist attacks occur continuously, and yet our Muslim neighbors whom we know to be kind insist that Islam is a religion of peace. How can we understand this apparent contradiction? Is Islam truly a religion of peace, and if not, why do our Muslim neighbors keep telling us it is? The book is not intended to be a detailed treatise on jihad, but a necessary first step in responding to the present crisis of Islamic violence that I do not think will stop. It is my prayer, as the U.S. and other nations seek a way out of the current confusion and begins to answer jihad, that this book points a better way forward. Q: You tell the story of your conversion from Islam in your memoir Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Now that you are a Christian, how did you approach writing this book? NABEEL: Writing the book, I wanted to make sure that I accurately depicted the feelings and beliefs of Western Muslims so that I could write a book that would be informative to them as well as to Westerners at large. In order to do that, I had to revisit how I felt as a Muslim investigating jihad for the first time; I truly was shocked when I discovered for the first time that the foundations of Islam were indeed quite violent, contrary to what I had


other religious backgrounds, our faith was in no way exclusive of our devotion to our nation. According to my parents’ teaching, it was Islam that commanded me to love and serve my country. Islam taught me to defend the oppressed, to stand up for the rights of women and children, to shun the desires of the flesh, to seek the pleasure of God, and to enjoin the good and forbid the evil. By my teenage years I enthusiastically proclaimed Islam to all who would listen, and I usually started by informing them of a teaching that was knit into the fiber of my beliefs: Islam is the religion of peace.


felt as if we were hemmed in on all sides. In the midst of this, while mourning our fallen compatriots and considering our own security, we had to defend the faith we knew and loved. We had to assure everyone that Islam was a religion of peace, just as we had always known. I remember hearing a slogan at my mosque that I shared with many: “The terrorists who hijacked the planes on September 11 also hijacked Islam.”

Q: This led you to studying the history of Islam, in which you

discovered a lot of violence in what you were taught was the “religion of peace.” How did you respond to that? NABEEL: After years of investigation, I had to face the reality. There is a great deal of violence in Islam, even in the very foundations of the faith, and it is not all defensive. Quite to the contrary, if the traditions about the prophet of Islam are in any way reliable, then Islam glorifies violent jihad arguably more than any other action a Muslim can take. This conclusion led me to a three-pronged fork in the road. Either I could become an apostate and leave Islam, grow apathetic and ignore the prophet, or become “radicalized” and obey him. The alternative of simply disregarding Muhammad’s teachings and continuing as a devout Muslim was not an option in my mind, nor is it for most Muslims, since to be Muslim is to submit to Allah and to follow Muhammad. Apostasy, apathy, or radicalization; those were my choices.

Q: You make a point of drawing a distinction between Islam and Muslims. Why is that important? NABEEL: Especially because of the great diversity of Islamic expression, it bears repeating that Islam is not Muslims, and Muslims are not Islam. Though Muslims are adherents of Islam, and Islam is the worldview of Muslims, the two are not the same, as too many uncritically want to believe. On one end of the spectrum, many assume that if the Quran teaches something then all Muslims believe it. That is false. Many Muslims have not heard of a given teaching, some might interpret it differently, and others may frankly do their best to ignore it. For example, even if we were to demonstrate through careful hermeneutics that the Quranic injunction to beat disobedient wives (4:34) is meant to apply to all Muslims today, it would still have zero bearing in my family. My father will not beat my mother. On the other end of the spectrum, criticism of Islam is often taken to be criticism of Muslims. That is equally false. One can criticize the Quranic command to beat disobedient wives without criticizing Muslims. Islam is not Muslims, and one can criticize Islam while affirming and loving Muslims.

Q: Why do you say that the idea of jihad has violent roots in Islam? Qureshi QuoteNABEEL: Although the average American Muslim agrees that the Quran and hadith are the ultimate basis of their faith, many have not critically read either and would be surprised to find violent, offensive jihad shot through the foundations of Islam. The Quranic revelations reflect the development in Muhammad’s life as he moved from a peaceful trajectory to a violent one, culminating in surah 9 of the Quran, chronologically the last major chapter of the Quran and its most expansively violent teaching. Surah 9 is a command to disavow all treaties with polytheists and to subjugate Jews and Christians so that Islam may “prevail over every faith.” The scope of violence has no clear limits, so it’s fair to wonder whether any non-Muslims in the world are immune from being attacked, subdued, or assimilated under this command. Muslims must fight, according to this final surah of the Quran, and if they do not, then their faith is called into question and they are counted among the hypocrites. If they do fight, they are promised one of two rewards, either spoils of war or heaven through martyrdom. Allah has made a bargain with the mujahid who obeys: Kill or be killed in battle, and paradise awaits.

Q: What is the relationship between Islamic and Christian views of Jesus, specifically in terms of violence?

Islamic eschatology. In common Muslim views of the end-times, he personally wages war on behalf of Muslims, breaking all the crosses and killing all the swine. In this war Muslims will kill Jews and defeat them, and Jesus will destroy the anti-Christ for their sake. By contrast, in Christianity, Jesus shows Christians how to answer persecution with love. Although this suggestion might seem impossible to some and ridiculous to others, Jesus’s teachings were always radical, and they are only possible to follow if the gospel message is true. If we will live eternally with God in bliss, then we can lay down this life to love even our enemies. In the face of jihad, the Christian Jesus teaches his followers to respond with love.

Q: What do you think is the best way we should answer jihad? NABEEL: By being proactive, not reactive. It means living life with people who might be different from us. It means stepping out of our comfort zone and loving people unconditionally, perhaps even loving our enemies. We need something that breaks the cycle, and I think that can only be love. Not love as wistfully envisioned by teenagers and songwriters, but love as envisioned by Jesus, a decision to put the needs and concerns of others above our own, even at the cost of our own. My suggestion is that we engage Muslims proactively with love and friendship while simultaneously acknowledging the truth about Islam. This is not the final step in answering jihad, but it is the correct first step, and it offers a better way forward.

NABEEL: Jesus is surprisingly prominent in

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opposing worldviews

Canada scraps religious freedom office

Religious Freedom was able to have a hand in various efforts in countries such as Nigeria and Pakistan. It focused on promoting religious tolerance through education and helping religious minorities under threat in hostile areas.

As more groups face persecution for their faith, Canada abandons office established to protect them

“That office was punching above its weight,” said Phil Horgan, president of Canada’s Catholic Civil Rights League. “The decision by the Liberals to effectively shut it down in favor of, well, nothing, is rather disappointing.”

(WNS)--Canada’s new Liberal government decided the country no longer needs an office dedicated to religious freedom, allowing it to expire on March 31.

Trudeau’s foreign affairs minister, Stephane Dion, said on Tuesday that closing the office does not mean Canada doesn’t care about religious freedom. He said the Liberals will continue to defend all human rights, including the freedom of religion and belief, “tooth and nail,” but did not mention any new initiatives.

“We now have one less strong partner and one less voice for religious freedom,” Katrina Lantos Swett, commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, told me. “This is a very unfortunate message to send out to the rest of the world at this time.” Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper advocated for an office dedicated to international religious freedom, finally opening it in February 2013. But newly elected Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau quickly shut the door on the operation. Trudeau’s administration vows to take a broader approach to global issues of human rights—devaluing a focus specifically on religious freedom. With a budget of $5 million and only a handful of employees, Canada’s Office of

Harper originally dedicated the office to Shahbaz Bhatti, a Pakistani politician who stood up to Muslims on behalf of Christians and Hindus in his country. In 2011, militants assassinated Bhatti in Pakistan shortly after returning from a visit to Canada. On March 21, Canadian Conservatives brought a motion in the House of Commons to renew Harper’s mandate for the Office of Religious Freedom. The Liberals easily quashed the motion, winning the vote 225 to 90. Conservative


Member of Parliament Garrett Genius wrote on his Facebook page the new government had it out for the office, regardless of its good work: “They are planning on running a deficit approaching $30 billion, yet religious freedom wasn’t important enough to keep open an office that costs $5 million.” Both Swett and Horgan praised the work of Andrew Bennett, who served as the office’s first and only ambassador. Without Bennett and the Office of Religious



Freedom, Canada will no longer have a focal point for international religious issues or someone to send to engage in foreign talks. “Religious freedom deserves unique focus, particularly in this time in history,” said Bruce Clemenger, president of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He said the office was a go-to place for many organizations concerned about international religious freedom: “We lost an important capacity today.” Swett said she is hopeful the Trudeau administration will make good on its promises to keep religious freedom a priority going forward. But until a new plan arises, she fears Canada is taking a step backward, much to the consternation of those persecuted for their faith. “Both the enemies and the friends of religious freedom will view this decision as an effort to downgrade the importance of this fundamental human right,” Swett told me. “The world is kind of on fire, as it relates to religious freedom. So the timing, in my humble opinion, couldn’t be much worse.”

Illinois judge orders Christian inn owners to host same­sex wedding By Bonnie Pritchett (WNS)--An Illinois administrative judge has given the owners of a bed and breakfast one year to provide their facility to a gay couple “for an event celebrating their civil union.” The order, part of a decision handed down March 22 in a discrimination case filed by the two men, also includes an $80,000 fine. In September, Illinois Human Rights Commission Judge Michael Robinson declared Jim and Beth Walder, owners of Timber Creek Bed and Breakfast near Paxton, Ill., in violation of the state’s Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination in public accommodation based on sexual orientation. In a 2011 email exchange with Todd Wathen, Jim Walder said because the Bible “contains the highest laws pertinent to man,” his inn would never host a same-sex wedding or civil union. Walder’s attorney, Jason Craddock, said compelling the couple to do what it had refused to do out of Christian conviction is “out of bounds.”

“I was disturbed by the idea that someone practicing their faith could be seen as an outrageous act,” Craddock said.

The decision also requires the Walders to “cease and desist” their continued violation of the non-discrimination statute and begin accommodating weddings and civil unions for same-sex couples. But Walder insisted they wouldn’t comply. “To be absolutely clear, we cannot host a same-sex wedding, even though fines and penalties have been imposed,” he wrote in a response to the ruling. The judge’s ruling did not indicate the consequences for non-compliance. The Wathens filed the discrimination complaint in February 2011 following the email correspondence with Jim Walder. During testimony, Todd Wathen said he and his partner were looking for a venue for the ceremony they were planning once the Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act went into effect June 1, 2011.

But Craddock insisted his clients were not motivated by hate.

“Evidently, religious freedom does not exist within the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act or the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act,” Walder wrote after the ruling. “We may be out of step with an increasingly anti-Christian culture, but we are in compliance with God’s design, and that is what ultimately matters.”

“He simply was following the dictates of his faith,” Craddock told Robinson during a November hearing. “And, actually, although you may find it ironic, was showing love for the Wathens in his communication and in his action.”


Craddock will request a stay of the penalties while his clients appeal the case to the full commission. The $80,000 fine includes $15,000 each to Todd and Mark Wathen for emotional distress and $50,000 in legal fees. The American Civil Liberties Union is representing the gay couple.

“[Mark and Todd Wathen] have provided direct evidence of Walder’s discriminatory animosity towards their sexual orientation, and that such animosity played an operative role in respondent’s refusal to schedule same-sex civil unions at its facility,” he wrote in his decision.

Robinson dismissed the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection Act as applicable in the case because, by his analysis, the Walders did not explain how hosting a same-sex civil union ceremony is tantamount to a public endorsement of the event and “a substantial burden on [their] exercise of religion.”

In his client’s defense, Craddock argued Todd Wathen only made a general inquiry about civil unions hosted at Timber Creek and never requested a reservation. Walder told him the inn only hosted weddings. Wathen wrote back and accused the proprietor of discrimination based on sexual orientation. Walder responded that his convictions were grounded in what the Bible, not human law, says about sexuality and marriage and for that reason the inn could not host same-sex wedding ceremonies. In a final email, Walder quoted Romans 1:26-27, the apostle Paul’s admonition about homosexuality. “[God] is loving and kind and is ready to forgive all men their trespasses, including me,” he added. Robinson judged Walder’s statements and scriptural citations as evidence of discrimination.




opposing worldviews Utah could be first of many FDA bows to abortion industry states to declare porn a pressure on RU­486 regulations health crisis (WNS)--The Food and Drug Administration

executive director Chris France. Abortion advocates expect abortion providers in other states to adopt the new guidelines shortly.

(FDA) has loosened its guidelines for the administration of the abortifacient RU-486, a move pro-life advocates say puts abortionists’ profit margins ahead of women’s health and safety.

Nancy Northrup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said the protocol change proves state regulations on chemical abortions were “unnecessary and politically motivated.”

The agency notified RU-486 manufacturer Danco Laboratories about the guideline change in a letter sent March 29. It claims the new rules will allow effective and safe termination of pregnancies.

But pro-life advocates disagree.

(WNS)--A resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis landed on Utah Gov. Gary Herbert’s desk in midMarch after unanimously passing the state House and Senate. The bill, Senate Concurrent Resolution 9 (SCR9), marks the first time a state has called pornography a “public health crisis,” language more often used for smoking, drunk driving, and epidemics like Ebola. Although the nonbinding resolution does not change law, experts say the bill is part of a concerted effort to start framing the issue as not merely a “moral” crisis, but one that affects entire communities. “For years people have been discussing the issue of pornography from a moral perspective—right and wrong,” said Dawn Hawkins, executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), the organization that drafted the bill. “But while that is still important, what’s changed now is there is a plethora of research showing pornography has long-lasting and deep impacts psychologically, developmentally, and socially on the individual using it and on society as a whole.”

Under the previous guidelines, established in 2000, an abortionist could only administer RU-486, also known as mifepristone, within 49 days from a woman’s last menstrual cycle. And the second drug, misoprostol, had to be administered at the abortion facility. But abortionists routinely used their own guidelines for prescribing the drug— essentially developing the same protocol now approved by the FDA. Under the new guidelines, abortionists can administer a smaller dose of RU-486 up to 70 days after a woman’s last menstrual cycle. And the second drug, which causes the woman to expel the aborted baby, can be taken at home. As RU-486 became more popular with abortionists, several states passed legislation mandating adherence to the original FDA protocol, as a safeguard to women’s health. Ohio, North Dakota, and Texas have such laws on the books, while courts blocked similar laws in Arkansas and Oklahoma. A county judge in Arizona ruled the regulation unconstitutional there. Abortion advocates never liked the FDA rules, and some pro-life advocates expected the government agency would change the guidelines in response to the criticism. “Many suspected that today’s announcement by the FDA was a long time coming,” said Randall O’Bannon, director of education and research at National Right to Life (NRLC). Preterm, Ohio’s largest abortion provider, began using the new guidelines on March 30, according to



“The FDA has bowed to pressure from drug companies and abortion advocates,” said Grazie Pozo Christie, advisory board member with The Catholic Association. “The ones who will feel the deplorable effects of this change will be the women sent home to endure a painful and shocking process by themselves, and of course their babies.” Women undergoing chemical abortions endure significant cramping, bleeding, and other side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Women also will now face alone the psychological effect of expelling a 10week old baby that already has tiny arms, legs and facial features, Christie said. And though abortion advocates tout chemical abortions as “safe,” at least 14 women have died after taking the drugs, with thousands of others suffering negative side effects, O’Bannon said. “It is obvious that the FDA’s new protocol serves only the interests of the abortion industry by expanding their base of potential customers, increasing their profit margin, and reducing the level of staff and amount of resources they have to devote to the patient,” he said. The FDA’s decision likely won’t impact abortion rates, said Eric Scheidler, executive director of Pro-Life Action League. But it will increase profits for abortion providers who charge as much for a chemical abortion as a surgical procedure, despite the drugs’ lower cost. And chemical abortions often fail, forcing women to undergo surgical abortion as well. “With this deplorable decision, the FDA has abdicated its responsibility to safeguard women’s health and defend human life,” Scheidler said.

common sense and the senseless


Court seems tied in religious nonprofits case (WNS)-­The nuns in the Little Sisters of the Poor, who run nursing homes for the elderly poor, had been praying around the clock for their case when they arrived at the Supreme Court early on March 23 and sat down for breakfast in the court’s cafeteria. Two Catholic University of America law students, Jason Miller and Will Russell, had camped out in sleeping bags all night to get a seat in the arguments. The nuns, the students, and plaintiffs from seven total cases came together to hear arguments in their Supreme Court cases challenging Obamacare’s contraceptive and abortifacient mandate on behalf of religious nonprofit organizations. A Supreme Court ruling in favor of the government has the potential to significantly weaken protections under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which is why even religious groups who don’t object to contraceptive and abortifacient drugs have filed on the nuns’ side. The nonprofit petitioners face millions of dollars in penalties if they do not comply with the mandate. After the arguments in Zubik v. Burwell, the court seemed headed for a 44 tie, given Justice Anthony Kennedy’s strong sympathy for the religious objectors. A tie would be a sort of victory for the nonprofits because it would not set a national precedent against their conscience rights, but it would affirm the lower court rulings in which all the petitioners here lost.

North Carolina flushes Charlotte’s transgender restroom policy (WNS)--North Carolina legislators held an emergency session on March 23 to overturn a Charlotte ordinance forcing businesses to allow transgender customers to use the restrooms and locker rooms of

their choice. “This new government regulation defies common sense and basic community norms,” Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican, said in a statement after signing the bill overturning the local law. “The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated.” Charlotte’s city council passed the divisive ordinance in February to update rules for local businesses. The update, which would have taken effect on April 1, added gay, lesbian, and transgender classifications to existing non-discrimination provisions for race, age, religion, and gender. McCrory quickly vowed to intervene.

Pediatricians’ group: Transgender kids need help, not new hormones (WNS)--The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has issued a statement urging educators and legislators to reject all policies that encourage chemical or surgical gender reassignment for children. The ACP is a socially conservative, national medical association of pediatricians and health care providers not affiliated with the larger American Academy of Pediatrics. The ACP has been inundated with emails from professionals supporting its stance, said the group’s president, Michelle Cretella. But liberal, LGBT-supporting publications such as Think Progress, have accused the ACP of being a hate group attacking transgender youth. “We are not encouraging hate,” Cretella insists. The ACP statement reflects its members’ concern that parents and schools are inflicting harm on genderconfused children by encouraging them to seek medical interventions that often place them on life-long, risky hormone treatment and starts them on a path that eventually leads to mutilating their otherwise healthy

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bodies to re-assign gender.

Will NFL interference block Georgia’s religious liberty law? In its continuing effort to quash religious liberty legislation across the nation, the National Football League (NFL) last week threatened Georgia with the loss of a Super Bowl bid if Gov. Nathan Deal does not veto the recently passed Free Exercise Protection Act. This marks the fourth time in two years the NFL (whose teams are worth an average of $1.97 billion each, according to Forbes) has threatened to pick up its ball and multi-million dollar economic windfall and go elsewhere if a state enacted conscience protection laws. “[The NFL] told Georgia, ‘If you build a new stadium, the Super Bowl will come. If you build a new parking complex, the Super Bowl will come. If you give five certain tax breaks, the Super Bowl will come. And now, if you’ll veto the religious freedom bill, the Super Bowl will come,” said an exasperated state Rep. Kevin Tanner, one of the bill’s sponsors.

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Hillary says it takes a village...


Europe gives France a slap on the wrist over spanking support (WNS)--The French government is taking a stand on spanking a year after getting a reprimand from Europe’s top human rights body. In mid-April, the Family Ministry of France issued a 16-page pamphlet on various parenting recommendations, including an insistence that “beating a child has no educative property.” Every expectant French parent will receive a copy of the pamphlet between the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy.

but maintains a “right to discipline.” The government is set against criminalizing corporal punishment—French lawmakers have proposed bans on multiple occasions in the past to no avail. Successive polls continue to show French parents overwhelmingly support the right to spank their children. When a legislator tried to pass a ban on spanking in 2009, a TNSSofres poll found 82 percent of respondents opposed the bill, and 67 percent said they had given their child a une fessée, or a

originally filed by a British advocacy group, the Association for the Protection of All Children, which wants to end corporeal punishment for children all over the world. In addition to France, the group accused Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, and Slovenia of violating the charter. Advocates for a spanking ban argue parents need to be aware of the adverse effects of corporal punishment.

The pamphlet is a step toward compliance with the Council of Europe’s rebuke, but is not the outright ban the council requested—something experts say would not fare well in a country where spanking remains generally acceptable.

“Our scientific knowledge has become more and more refined and parents should understand the consequences it can have on a little child or a budding adult,” said Cecile Grosjean, an advisor at France’s Family Ministry.

Last March, Europe’s human rights body rebuked France for its lack of legislation on spanking. The council’s ruling, a public shaming with no real penalties, said there was “no sufficiently clear, binding, and precise prohibition of corporal punishment set out in French law.” France is a signatory to the European Social Charter. The 47member council said France was in violation of Article 17, which guarantees children’s rights, including protection against violence.

smack on the bottom, according to The Economist.

But French parents are not convinced. Dominique Lesieur, a French father of two, said after last year’s rebuke he is “not for it and not against it.”

Of the 47 countries in the Council of Europe, 27 have spanking bans. Sweden was the first country to ban spanking in 1979.

“A tap on the butt never killed anybody. Red cheeks for a half-hour, and it’s finished,” he said. “A slap in the face is another matter. I’m against it.”

French law bans violence against children,



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be careful

aking fun of immature Christians has turned into quite the lucrative market. The more mature Christians among us seem to have discovered this, as more and more spoof sites are cropping up. I find myself enjoying some of these and laughing along at some of the innocent humor. It’s good to be able to laugh at ourselves at times. But I also found myself quite convicted as I read through Christopher Love’s little book, Grace: The Truth, Growth, and Different Degrees. A powerful wave of conviction flooded over me as I thought about the many times I’ve rolled my eyes and silently mocked some well-meaning Facebook posts.


what wells up in my heart in these moments—oversuperliciousness. That isn’t a fancy word for holiness. It’s a fancy word for being filled with abominable pride and strutting around like a foolish peacock. It isn’t a mark of holiness to mock the weak. Instead, “the strong should cherish the weak. Angels despise not the poorest of Christians, but minister unto them”. Is it possible that our oversuperliciousness is wounding the faith of some weaker Christians and stunting their growth? Isn’t there a better way than ridicule to lovingly spur them onto a more grounded faith? I find myself guilty of some of these. Here are five ways to injure and discourage weak Christians: 1) Raise the bar far beyond their strength and growth. Christopher Love actually warns his audience, encouraging them “not to put them to read such authors as are above their capacities.” (So maybe John Owen isn’t a good start for new Christians). 2) Be quick and harsh in your reproof of them. The unwise will think it their duty to stamp out every instance of sin when they see it. But grace will call us to be patient with every infirmity and work on winning the bigger battles at first. 3) By pridefully setting the strength of your gifts against theirs. This is like a senior in high school thinking he is Michael Jordan because he can dominate a second grader on the basketball court. It might make you feel good about yourself but its likely to crush the spirit of the second grader. The same thing can happen spiritually when we try to brighten our torches by comparing them to the weaker flames of immature Christians.

Yes, it’s frustrating that some believers feel the need to like and share a photo of an American looking Jesus in order to show their devotion. Yes, when compared to the believers being slaughtered for their faith it seems like a pretty paltry form of devotion. But what if it truly is a mark of grace that somebody who once would have never identified with Christ found the courage to hit that “like” button and identify themselves with Jesus—even if a crude representation of the Son of God?

5) Give them a terrible example. “Weak Christians are more apt to be led by example than by precept.”

Christopher Love had a great word for

I’m discovering that my pride likely places

4) Puzzle them with doubtful disputes. Rather than basking in the simple gospel make every issue about some sort of disputable matter of doctrine.

me in the position of a weak and immature believer, and so I take great comfort in the Lord’s patience with me. I appreciate these gracious words of Love: God considers that we are but dust; and the wise Physician of our souls will mercifully weigh every grain of every dose, and will not outmatch their strength whose strength is small.



PayPal does business with 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about allowing men into the women’s bathroom? U.S. Representative Robert Pittenger, in a Facebook post, on PayPal’s decision to cancel a planned expansion in North Carolina after the state overturned a transgender bathroom ordinance. _______________________________________________ Keep in mind, the idea of allowing “true transgender men” (an incredibility small amount of our population) into a women’s bathroom is not what is at stake here. It is the scary amount of men that exist in our over sexualized culture and society that will use this provision to act out aberrated sexual fantasies and molestations. The left always is willing to sacrifice the safety of a the masses for the indulgences of the few. ­ed



unthinkable 4. Children who play outside laugh more, which means they’re happy! It also means their blood pressure and stress levels are lower. (Did YOU know that those are two physical benefits of laughter? We could all probably stand to laugh a little more!) 5. Kids who play outside grow in their character development: they become more adventurous, more self-motivated, and they are better able to understand and assess risk.

WHY DIRT IS GOOD FOR KIDS By Tom Purcell Get this: Prisoners spend more time enjoying the outdoors than modern children.

Let your kids get dirty! On a typical afternoon these days, you might come over to my house and discover a scene very much like the one pictured above. My daughter is almost three years old, and she currently has a fascination with dirt – the dirtier, the better. She can literally spend hours playing in the dirt, moving it around, making dirt cakes and mud pies, and covering herself in earthy brown goodness. I suspect she is not alone in her fascination; it seems that both boys and girls are drawn to play with dirt from the very youngest of ages. At our home, there have been a few observers who objected. “Ewwww!” “Yucky! Don’t play in the dirt!” I simply smile and say, “That’s what childhood is for—getting dirty. It’s good for her.” And believe it or not, it is good for her – body and soul. Dirt: It does a body (and soul) good Here are just five ways (of many) that dirt can benefit your children.


1. Did you know that studies have shown dirt to be good for your brain? Apparently, there are types of bacteria that are naturally found in soil which activate the neurons that produce serotonin – a key chemical in many bodily functions, as well as a natural anti-depressant. In other words, dirt can actually help make you feel happy. (And I’m not just talking about the mud wraps at the day spa.) 2. Dirt is also great for the immune system, especially in children. Research has shown that early exposure to the naturally occurring microbes in soil will help build stronger, more diseaseresistant kiddos. In our germaphobic culture where we have entire aisles of cleaning products at the grocery store, some children are being raised in “overhygienic” conditions. Without enough exposure to different bacteria and microbes, it is thought that the immune system doesn’t learn to recognize its own cells, and this could be a reason for higher rates of asthma, eczema, and other diseases. 3. If you’ve read The Last Child in the Woods, you’re familiar with the term “nature-deficit disorder.” In our technologically savvy generation, kids just aren’t getting enough time to play outside, and that has now been linked to attention disorders, depression (yes, in children), and obesity.


That is the finding of a global survey commissioned by the “Dirt Is Good” Child Development Advisory Board in the U.K. According to the survey, about 75 percent of children are spending less than an hour outside on an average day — and 10 percent of children do not play outside at all. I wish they could grow up the way I and millions of other kids did in the ’70s. Unlike modern kids, we didn’t sit inside air-conditioned homes playing video games and texting our pals. We were out in the hills roaming, exploring and creating all day long. We collected discarded wood at new housing sites and built shacks. We dammed up the creek to go swimming and catch pet minnows and crayfish.

buy the house below

As soon as the spring weather broke, we were on our bikes trying to rack up mileage on our speedometers. Our mothers allowed us to ride to South Park, as long as we kept within 5 miles of home — though we’d ride 20 miles or more until exhaustion finally set in. Jumping our bikes off warped plywood platforms also was a favorite pastime. We took our bikes to the top of Marilynn Drive — a hill so steep it may as well have been a cliff — and pedaled like mad as we turned left on Janet Drive and hit until liftoff. The typical bike jumper was covered with scrapes and bruises. When a kid went down especially hard, a mother in a station wagon would arrive, the moaning kid would be loaded in the back next to his bike and off he’d go to St. Clair Hospital for stitches or a cast. Sure, we got into some occasional mischief, but nothing too bad. I sometimes plucked pears off a tree by Horning Road and whipped them at cars. Every now and then, a car would screech to a stop and an irate man would chase us. We’d duck into a 5-foot-wide creek conduit that sat 15 feet under the neighborhood.

You haven’t experienced adrenaline until you’ve run through a pitch-black creek drain while adult footsteps are splashing right behind you. In any event, it turns out that the actionpacked ’70s childhood I experienced outdoors was very good for me because it unleashed all five senses. “We don’t yet know why it happens, but when all five of a child’s senses come alive, a child is at an optimum state of learning, and creative and cognitive functioning go way up,” said journalist Richard Louv, author of “Last Child in the Woods.”

essential to their healthy growth and progress, particularly during periods of rapid brain development.” Hey, spring has arrived. A little dirt could do all of us some good, but especially our kids. —– ©2015 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, author of “Misadventures of a 1970’s Childhood” and “Sean McClanahan Mysteries,” available at, is a Pittsburgh Tribune­Review humor columnist and is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. For info on using this column in your publication or website, contact or call (805) 969­2829. Send comments to Tom at


One summer, we built a motorized gocart with scrap items from a junked riding mower, a piece of Formica and a handful of old two-by-fours. Despite having no brakes, it had plenty of power and was one of the great engineering feats in my neighborhood’s history.

Louv said that the consequences of withdrawing a child from nature are not good. Kids lose their sense of being rooted in the world. They’re more likely to experience stress, hyperactivity, attentiondeficit disorder and other modern maladies. Sir Ken Robinson, a leading expert in education, creativity and human development and chairman of the Dirt is Good board, concurs. “Academic research shows that active play is the natural and primary way that children learn,” he said in a board press release. “It is

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DR. HILL’S Weight Loss You first must ask the question, “Why do I want to lose weight?” Some answers might be: “To look good, to feel better about myself or to ensure others will like me more.” I challenge you to find a deeper reason to motivate you! It is important to have a healthy fat to muscle ratio on our body, and we need to take the time to understand what too much fat does to our body. Having too much fat greatly affects our function/abilities and ultimately has a big impact on how we can be used by our LORD God to serve others! (Our spouse, kids, friends, church, community, ministry etc.) 1 Corinthians 6:19­20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” In 2007, the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research found more evidence showing that an increase in body fat increases cancer, especially associated with breast, colorectal, pancreatic, gall bladder, esophageal, kidney, endometrial, lung and liver cancers. Too much fat on the body also increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and nearly every chronic illness. Consequently we can experience a decrease in our energy, our clarity in thinking, effectiveness in our job/ministry… everything. When our health is affected, it not only affects the number of years we live, but the quality of those years. What do we do to lose the fat? It’s all about balance. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind [well balanced and selfdisciplined]. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” It’s not like you can never have a piece of cake again! Moderation is the key. I look at it like budgeting money. For example, it is not bad to spend money to go on a vacation with your family and create great memories. But it is bad if you do it more than you can afford and you get overdrawn at the bank. Your body is like the bank. How many deposits are you making (healthy clean foods, exercise, positive thoughts and scriptures) compared to how many withdrawals (harmful chemicals, junk foods, lack of exercise, negative thoughts and mental stress) are you making? Before we know it, we are overdrawn! But thank God, His mercies are new every morning, and we can become balanced…even flourishing in our health again! Where to start: 5 basic steps to help fill up with clean powerful fuel. 1Decrease sugar and anything that breaks down into sugar (yes that includes rice, potatoes, pasta and even organic whole grains). 2Increase your green leafy and cruciferous vegetables to 60-70% of your diet (kale, spinach, mixed greens, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, etc.). 3Decrease bad fats (vegetable oil, canola oil, peanut oil, trans fats). 4Increase good fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, almonds, cashews, pecans, and fish oil). 5Avoid harmful chemicals (high fructose corn syrup, artificial additives and colorings, aspartame, NutraSweet, Splenda, carrageenan, etc.). Your body will actually hold on to fat to buffer from toxins as a protective measure. When it comes to exercise, most everyone knows we need it! Movement is life. Our bodies are designed for movement, so if we don’t get enough, there are consequences and increased body fat is



HEALTH TIP one of them. Not only does exercise help us lose body fat, but it improves our health in many areas: it flushes out toxins, oxygenates our brain, releases positive “feel goodâ€? hormones, and we gain more strength, endurance and energy. To get your metabolism into fat burning mode, I recommend burst/high intensity workouts 2-3x/wk. On average it takes less than 12 minutes and it maximizes the anti-aging hormone (HGH) which increases muscle and decreases body fat. To expect your body to perform, you must feed it the fuel it needs; the food God has provided for us from the land we cultivate. To get these healthy foods into our daily diets takes some planning! The key to staying on track is preparation. The old clichĂŠ “failing to plan is planning to failâ€? is so true. The more you can plan your meals and shop for the week in advance, the better. Spend a couple of hours on the weekend cleaning and cutting your veggies and any other food prep. This time invested will help you stay on track with a healthy diet when things get crazy during the week. And for exercise, dedicate a time to do it, put it on your

schedule, and don’t let anything interfere with that time! We are called to be good stewards, and that includes our bodies! One of the most important investments you will ever make is in your health! There is another key factor involved in weight loss. It is very sad to me to see some individuals being so strict in their diet and

working so hard in their exercise with very little results when it comes to weight loss

I fight this thought daily: If I take care of myself, I'm selfish and conceited. I certainly don't want to be a "lover of self." Is there anything more un-Jesus-like than: "me first" and "it's all about me!" But where does the balance lie? Because not taking care of myself and consequently loathing myself, is not honoring to God either! In fact I heard it said that, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but it's thinking of yourself less." I had an a-ha moment here: God loves me and He created me. This overwhelms me with gratitude and I want to know Him more. I set aside time with Him because I love Him and it is the #1 most beneficial part of my life. So it only makes sense that (in His wisdom and love) He is continually

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or even improving their health. One of the most common reasons (most people are unaware of) is the importance of a properly functioning nervous system. The central nervous system controls and coordinates ALL functions of the body! This includes our metabolism and hormones. From various stresses and traumas throughout our life, we can have postural distortions of the spine. The spine is like armor protecting the CNS, and when it is out of balance, it interferes with nerve transmission. This is called a spinal subluxation. Your body must get maximum nerve power and strength flowing through your nervous system to operate at its best. How do you know if you have a subluxation interfering with your health potential? This is what I specialize in! When you are ready to see how we can help you function better and reach your full God-given potential, give us a call at 417-339-3978. We have the technology and the team ready to serve you!

guiding me to take care of my body as well. I have experienced that when I've spent time with God AND excercised and eaten well...I am much more likely to have the strength and God-confidence to reach out to others. (Mind, body and spirit working together)! When I take the time to do these things, I'm a more effective worshipper, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and worker! I really am able to think of others more and forget about myself. God is transforming the way I think. See, I don't want to take care of myself to be acceptable to society, or to cater to my own vanity and pride...because those reasons are so empty. Been there, done that. I want to do it because God is leading me. And He always has our best interest in mind. Always â?¤ Carolyn Hill is passionate about worshiping Jesus and serving with her husband, Dr. Jerod Hill. Together they encourage and equip people to reach their full đ&#x;’— potential in Christ. Carolyn is also passionate about being a wife and a mother to 2 boys. Along with the family dog, "Red," life is a constant adventure



as the Spirit leads

Jesus Never Told Us to Get People Born Again


Christ tells us to go and make disciples. "What? Heresy!" I can hear the cries already. Stay with me. "'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen" (Matt. 28:19-20). Jesus told us to make disciples. Being born again is the first step, but discipleship is a process. Notice the command of Jesus in Mark's Gospel. "He said to them, 'Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned'" (Mark 16:15-16). Jesus told us to preach the gospel. Then those who believe should be baptized. Then signs would follow those who believe (Mark 16:17-18). The true believers are identified by these signs: If you compare the Great Commission in both gospels above, the only similarity is in water baptism. Water baptism is the beginning of discipleship and being a follower of Jesus Christ. This Christian practice has been underestimated in the church today. I was baptized in water the day I got saved. It made a huge difference for me. It stuck to me. It was real. I was alive from the dead. The old man died when I was immersed in the water (symbolic I know, but there's a reason Jesus commanded it) and the new man reigned when I came up out of the

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water. Water baptism is similar to the laying on of hands. It is a doctrine of Christ (Heb. 6:12). It helps our faith. There is a reason why more people were healed under the ministry of Jesus through the laying on of hands than anything else. They had faith in it. It was easier to believe. The physical touch and relating with something people can feel and see helps them grasp it and apply their faith to it. Water baptism is the same way. It is to be a bridge between the new birth and discipleship—a first step of observing the commands of Jesus. Jesus commanded us to make disciples— baptizing them first and then teaching them to observe His commandments. He never told us to get people born again. He told us to preach the gospel and then baptize those who believe, and then make them disciples. Sinners are saved and called by the preaching of the gospel. The foolishness of preaching is what God has chosen to save those who believe (1 Cor. 1:21). But the proof of true believing is in observing and obeying the commandments of Jesus (Mat. 28:19). In the West we have focused on getting a confession or a prayer out of sinners, and then chalking it up as a new birth. A few years ago I did an outreach at a church where 200 names were amassed of people who prayed the sinner's prayer. Weeks later none could be found. None were a part of any of their lives and gatherings. Microwave salvation failed miserably again. It takes time and relationship to make disciples. It takes patience and a laying down of our lives. But what joy when you see them grow! I have been mentoring a new believer in my home town for the last four years. He is a married man and father of two teenagers. Because of his night job he has not been able to attend any church services on a regular basis. Nonetheless, he is growing. He reads his Bible, prays in tongues, heals the sick, casts out devils, and bears witness

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of the gospel every chance he gets. Yet he has not attended church very much. I am discipling him, but once he got filled with the Holy Spirit his learning capacity multiplied manifold as the Spirit truly became His teacher. Once someone is water baptized he should be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Remember this is another doctrine of Christ called baptisms (Heb. 6:1-2). "And these signs shall follow those who believe ... in My Name they shall speak with new tongues" (Mk 16:17b). In the West we are taught to turn new believers over to the church system instead of personally disciplining them ourselves. If you lead them to the Lord, you are responsible for them. If you invite them to a church service and they receive Christ, you are responsible for them. Jesus commanded you to make a disciple out of them. The Ephesians 4:11 equipping ministry gifts in no way excuse us from our personal responsibility of making disciples. This is the work of every church member. There has to be a greater responsibility shift in the process of discipleship from the ministry gifts to the believer. Until that transfer happens, we will have more converts than disciples, more fans than followers, more false converts than true. Jesus never told us to get people born again. He commanded us to make disciples. Being born again and baptized in water is the first step in the process. Bert M. Farias, revivalist and founder of Holy Fire Ministries, is the author of several books including the newly released My Son, My Son—a beautiful father­son journey co­ written with his son Daniel for the purpose of enriching and empowering parents to train their children in God's ways. He is also the co­ host of the New England Holy Ghost Forum, a school of the Spirit. Follow him at Bert Farias and Holy Fire Ministries on Facebook or @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.

If the Arabs layed down their arms today, there would be peace in the Middle East. If Israel layed down their arms today, there would be no more Israel. -Benjamin Netanyahu

CrossWord Answers to Page 27

the best gets even better DOLLY PARTON’S DIXIE STAMPEDE REVEALS “NEW ADVENTURE” IN 2016 Yanni Sacoulas recommends the Stampede!

Dolly Parton said. “This amazing technology has allowed us to really take our guests on a ‘new adventure.’ I

top-notch trick riders remain the heart of the production while also providing guests a rousing display of equestrian skill and family-friendly comedy.

just know families are truly going to love it!” Transformation iscomplete at Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede in Branson, Missouri as the dinner attraction debuts its

Dixie Stampede’s creative team promises a new must-see experience, guaranteedto delight guests of all ages. New visitors to Branson will be wowed at the scope and scale of Dixie Stampede’s new production and past guests have a reason to return and see the substantial enhancements. The new LED wall backdrop is so immense; guests will feel like they are being transported to some of the country’s most beautiful vistas. State-of-the-art sound and lighting techniques paired with the new set really enhance this already powerful show.”

single largest show enhancementsince opening in 1995.

Celebrating its 22nd season, Dixie Stampede continues to build on the tradition of quality entertainment and impressive showmanship. Dixie Stampede’s 32 magnificent horses and talented cast of

Dixie Stampede’s must-see, must-eat reputation is enhanced with this season’s additions, creating an all-new immersive experience for guests. Impressive new technology becomes part of the familyfavorite show through a dazzling new LED wall backdrop. Along with an innovative scenic set change, state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems can be expected to enrich the existing show elements. An amazing new aerial act and new music are also included in the changes to Branson’s “Most Fun Place to Eat.” “I’m so excited to announce the changes we are making to my Dixie Stampede,” owner,



In addition to the spectacular show, every ticket to Dixie Stampede includes a delicious feast! Renowned as “The World’s Most Visited Dinner Attraction,” Dixie Stampede’s signature four-course meal includes its original creamy vegetable soup and hot homemade biscuit, a tender whole rotisserie chicken, hickory-smoked barbequed pork loin, buttery corn on the cob, herb-basted potato, Dixie Stampede’s own specialty dessert and unlimited beverages. Vegetarian meals are available upon request. Guests are encouraged to make early reservations to assure the best seats in the house. Shows are performed daily; show times and reservations are available by calling 1-800-520-5544 or visiting Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede Dinner Attraction operates in Branson, Missouri and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Pirates Voyage, another Dolly Parton Company, operates in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Also, this year Dolly Parton’s Lumberjack Adventure Dinner and Show opens in in Pigeon Forge.

ask the rabbi

Turning Curses into Blessings

I will give you an example from the Bible, when Jacob blesses his sons (the Twelve Tribes), including Simeon and Levi who committed a massacre in Shechem: “Simeon and Levi are brothers… I will disperse them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel” (Gen. 49:5-7). Who would like to get such a “blessing” from their father? Wouldn’t we blame our

The Tribe of Simeon later vanished, just as Jacob had predicted. Throughout his life, Simeon nurtured enmity toward this curse. But what did his brother Levi do, who had received the same“after blessing” from his father? When Moses came down from Mount Sinai holding the two Tablets of the Law, he saw his people worshipping the Golden Calf. Broken hearted, he shattered the tablets and called out to this rebellious people: “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” (Exodus 32:26). Who answered the call? The sons of Levi. The decision to go this one step toward Moses changed the outcome of Jacob’s blessing. Moses chose the children of Levi

to be servants in the Temple, the Priests. While Simeon missed out, Levi became a bridge between the Almighty and His people. Levi stopped holding others responsible for what went wrong in his life. He took his life into his own hands, which is what God intends for all of us. Levi transformed the curse into a blessing, making all his descendants blessed as well. We, too, can do what Levi did. It is just a matter of choice. To contact Jeremy for ministry in your congregation, for a radio or television interview or other special event, or for information on his albums or teachings, please call or email:

Reprinted from: Israel Today

These excuses paralyze us. They prevent us from expressing our talents and achieving personal success.

parents for our failures, for everything that goes wrong in our lives, for forcing us up a oneway street with such an oath?



ot everything in our lives is perfect. How often do we want to do something but we lack that deep faith in ourselves to actually start? It could be learning a new language, or starting a family, or beginning a business. But the thought is so overwhelming that we look for excuses: “I can’t because my parents…” – “I don’t have the money…” – “I have to take care of the kids so I don’t have the time...”

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where grace abounds


What does the Bible say about brokenness? Answer: In this world, broken things are despised and thrown out. Anything we no longer need, we throw away. Damaged goods are rejected, and that includes people. In marriage, when relationships break down, the tendency is to walk away and find someone new rather than work at reconciliation. The world is full of people with broken hearts, broken spirits and broken relationships. “The Lord is close to the b ro ke n hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). There is something about reaching a breaking point that causes us to seek the Lord more sincerely. King David was once a broken man, and he prayed, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me… The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:10, 17). There are some things in our lives that need to be broken: pride, self-will, stubbornness, and sinful habits, for example. When we feel our brokenness, God compensates: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit” (Isaiah 57:15). The Bible says that God breaks those who are proud and rebellious. The mighty Pharaoh set himself against God, but God broke him and freed His people from bondage and shame. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high” (Leviticus 26:13). God punishes all those who proudly resist Him. “My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit” (Isaiah 65:14). To us, broken things are despised as worthless, but God can take what has been broken and remake it into something better, something that He can use for His glory.


Broken things and broken people are the result of sin. Yet God sent his Son, who was without sin, to be broken so that we might be healed. On the night before He died, Jesus broke the bread and said, “This is my body, which is broken for you.” He went all the way to Calvary to die so that we can live. His death has made it possible for broken, sinful humanity to be reconciled to God and be healed. Without the broken body of Jesus, we could not be made whole. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Only when we surrender to Christ can we be restored and transformed. Such surrender requires a brokenness on our part (Luke 9:23). Romans 6:1-14 describes how believers become dead to sin and alive to God in Christ. Claim the promise that cannot be broken: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). “A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. … The Lord redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:19-22). Jesus viewed all things in the light of eternity, and so should we: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:23). God draws us, He calls to us. He longs for us to come to Him so He can heal us. Often, we are unable to hear His call because we’re so busy with other things – our lives, our families, our work, our own problems and un-


happiness. Sometimes we must be broken before we realize our need. And our deepest need is to be reconciled to God. Only then can we be made whole (Matthew 5:5). The solution can never come from our own efforts or striving, but comes only from Him. Only when we recognize our need for God are we able to take our eyes off ourselves and focus them on God and Jesus Christ. Only when we stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about what Jesus did for us can we begin to heal. Only when we admit our need and ask God into our life, can God begin to make us whole. Only when we confess that we are broken can God make us into what He wants us to be. Once we let go of self and place God at the center of our lives, everything else falls into place (Matthew 6:33). During the final week of Jesus’ life, He was eating a meal, and “a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head” (Mark 14:3). The woman’s action of breaking the alabaster jar was symbolic of a couple of things: Jesus would soon be “broken” on the cross, and all who follow Him must be willing to be “broken” as well. But the result of such costly brokenness is beautiful, indeed. Surrender to God and allow Him to make you whole, to give your life meaning, purpose and joy. Trust Him. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

musings from a disgruntled editor


Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi and North Carolina they will be forced cave to the demands of the intolerant bullies who are forcing there wealthy, guilt complex on to the decent family oriented populace.

Many believers alienate potential converts by offending them with their positions on illegal immigration, abortion, transgender bathroom access, nationalism, handling ISIS, LBGT rights, political party affiliation, climate change issues and, well, you get the idea.

I had a policy of not calling for boycotts in this publication but I flat out just don’t care anymore. I love Disney and the NFL but I will not anytime soon add a dime to their bottom line. I will buy previously owned merchandise from private people if I can’t live without it.

My personal pendulum has swung slowly from taking no position on political or social issues to using these very topics to point non Christians to the hope found in salvation through Jesus Christ. Christians need to learn how to love the unsaved by getting them saved by letting God doing the cleaning and judging. We don’t have to enable them in order to do so.

So here you go... The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women's restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.

Since there is an intrinsic value to all of God’s directions and values that He has instilled through His Word, there is a benefit to following them whether you are a believer or not. We do not have to discuss illegal immigration, abortion, transgender bathroom access, nationalism, handling ISIS, LBGT rights, political party affiliation, or climate change from a Christian World View. Our concerns for these issues can be just common sense.

On its web site Target announced, "[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. ...Everyone deserves to feel like they belong." This means a man can simply say he "feels like a woman today" and enter the women's restroom...even if young girls or women are already in there. Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?

We can’t complain against these social ills as a Christian because we have Christians that have made it possible for Barrack Obama to be elected president. Twice! It’s going to have to be from a united group of Americans standing up to the pandering, politically correct, bleeding heart liberals.

Clearly, Target's dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.

The fly in the ointment is, unless tons of people favor the persecuted states like

One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of

transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex option should be provided. Take Action, Sign a pledge to boycott Target now! On line at:­alerts/sign­the­ boycott­target­pledge Target should not allow men to enter the women's restrooms and dressing rooms. After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you've signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at: 1­800­440­0680. Share your concerns on their Facebook page at When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget. ____________________________________________ Here are examples of what Target's policy can lead to: NY Daily News: Seattle man undresses in women's locker room at local pool to test new transgender bathroom rule... Life Site News: Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter... DA: Cross­ Dressing Man Secretly Taped Women at Macy’s... Western Morning News: Cross­ dresser branded 'high risk' to women... NBC Connecticut: Teen Coerced Into Food Court Bathroom for Sex... POLICE: CALIF. LOCKER ROOM SUSPECT USED DISGUISE... Purdue University: Purdue police investigate report of man taking photographs in women's restroom.


here has always been tension between politics and social issues vs. preaching the Gospel without contaminating it’s message with politics and social issues.

Target will not provide unisex bathrooms to accommodate transgenders because their flaming, left wing execs that brought us “Holiday Trees” soothes their guilty conscious of their excessive wealth by pandering to the minority of the emotionally challenged. ­ed



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