2010 Annual Report - Community Foundation of Louisville

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The Community Foundation of Louisville 2010 Annual Report

Table of Contents 6 How you can be a Philanthropist 8

Funds of the Foundation

17 Community Partnerships 23 Regional Partnerships 25 Leadership of the Foundation 27 Financial Summary

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Vision To be the leader, catalyst and resource that inspires philanthropy, in order to build more vibrant communities now and for generations to come.

Mission To strengthen our region through inspired philanthropy and outstanding stewardship by: • Partnering with donors and others to ensure lasting impact • Leveraging our knowledge of communities • Offering our constituents an unmatched level of personal engagement

Values • Excellence • Inclusiveness • Integrity • Leadership • Passion • Stewardship

Letter from Board Chair and President


lmost two years ago, when our communities were entering a challenging economic climate, our Board and staff began looking to the hope and promise of the future. Over several months we conducted a self-examination of where the Replace: Community Foundation was then, and where we Marcus’ color corrected would like to be.

AR inside page background should The end result is both affirming and inspiring. replace this background color.

Our vision is to be the leader, catalyst and resource that inspires philanthropy, in order to build more vibrant communities now and for generations to come. We will achieve this vision by following a five-year road map built on the core values of excellence, inclusiveness, integrity, leadership, passion and stewardship. Our new strategic plan has provided both staff and Board members with a renewed spirit of enthusiasm for philanthropy. This spirit is embodied in the concept that Anyone Can Be a Philanthropist. Our annual report is dotted with stories of people from all walks of life who have partnered with the Community Foundation for their charitable giving. You don’t have to be wealthy to be philanthropic, and you don’t even have to be an adult yet! You just need a giving heart. We also recognize the power of collaboration to make a greater impact on important community issues. Through our partnerships with funders like the Annie E. Casey Foundation, nonprofit organizations such as Metro United Way, as well as individual donors who have Community Foundation funds, we are able to pool our financial and human resources to make a real difference in our community. Our strategic plan has some ambitious goals, so we have aligned the Community Foundation staff to carry out the plan. You’ll see a new Community Leadership team, which conducts our leadership and grantmaking activities, as well as some new names in Development & Stewardship. Our staff will continue to evolve during this time of transition, with full support by our Board of Directors. Through our work we are fortunate to have daily reminders of the amazing generosity of our community. It is truly our honor to partner with over 1,200 individuals, families, groups and organizations to achieve their charitable goals. At the Community Foundation, we believe – and demonstrate – that Anyone Can Be a Philanthropist.

Henry M. “Sonny” Altman, Jr. Chair, Board of Directors 2010 annual report

Susan A. Barry President & CEO

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can be a philanthropist Andrew Noland When Andrew Noland walked through the doors of the Community Foundation in the summer of 2008, he had a fistful of cash to open his personal charitable fund. It was money he earned through various summer jobs, and Andrew was 20 years old. “My parents taught me that it’s important to give Replace: back. It doesn’t matter how old you are, and the size of Marcus’ color corrected the gift doesn’t matter. But we can all do something.” AR inside page background Now a first-yearshould law student at the Brandeis School replace this background color. of Louisville, Andrew wants to of Law at the University encourage his classmates to think about others as well. “It’s so easy to get wrapped up in your own world when you’re studying all the time and thinking about tests and deadlines. But in the grand scheme of things, our pressures and worries really aren’t that big of a deal. We all can find a little time or money to help those who are facing real problems.”

Dona O’Sullivan Fund to Fight Homelessness Dona O’Sullivan was known as a tireless advocate to reduce homelessness. After retiring from Louisville Metro Human Services in 2008, she volunteered at organizations such as the Coalition for the Homeless, St. John Center and Winterhelp. As she lived out her final days in 2010, her friends Cathy Hinko and Aggie Noonan collaborated with her to create a charitable fund that would continue her work on behalf of Louisville’s homeless community. In a letter regarding the creation of the fund, Dona wrote, “I am humbled that my friends will allow my life’s work to be celebrated by contributing to this fund…. [It] will continue to work toward a community where no one is without a safe and stable place to live.” Dona died just two days later. “The Community Foundation made it Had Burdick, Aggie Noonan and Cathy Hinko created the Dona O’Sullivan possible for us to honor Dona and continue Fund to Fight Homelessness. her work,” explains Had Burdick, Dona’s husband. “You don’t have to be wealthy to set up a fund here. People of all means can pool their resources and make a real difference. Our fund has received over 80 gifts ranging from $5 to $1,000. Once again, Dona has found a way to inspire us.”


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Future Philanthropists Children get to experience the fun – and challenge – of giving away money through the Community Foundation’s Future Philanthropists program. The Foundation arranges a visit to a local nonprofit organization, and the kids get a unique behindthe-scenes tour. Replace: Parents allocate a small amount of money for their children corrected to donate, and the Community FoundationMarcus’ matchescolor those AR inside page background should contributions (up to $100 per child). The kids then make some replace this background color. tough and thoughtful decisions – with adult assistance – on where they would like to see their charitable dollars at work. The Future Philanthropists program was launched in 2010 with a visit to the Louisville Zoo. Eight kids saw the zoo from the zookeepers’ view and learned about the research and sensitivity that goes into each exhibit. A visit from a bearded dragon and chinchilla, two “animal ambassadors,” was the hit of the tour! At Kosair Children’s Hospital, five future philanthropists experienced a unique view of the region’s only stand-alone hospital specifically for children. They learned about art therapy for patients and their families, visited an educational “kitten scanner” to learn how a CAT scan works, and heard how the tiniest patients are cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit. Contact Shannon Kisselbaugh at shannonk@cflouisville.org for more information on the Future Philanthropists program.

2010 annual report

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can be a philanthropist Mary Agnes Lenihan Mary Agnes Lenihan was known for her devotion to her church, her community, and her older brother, Joe. They grew up together in Louisville, worked in this community and eventually lived out the rest of their lives here. When Joe passed away in 1993, she used part of his estate Replace: to establish some modest endowment funds at the Community Foundation to support causes that were important Marcus’ color corrected to them both. The Joseph L. Lenihan Memorial Fund supports AR inside page background should St. Xavier High School, the University of Louisville Louis D. replace this background color. Brandeis School of Law and St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Mary Agnes Lenihan Fund supports those same organizations, plus Boys’ Haven and Maryhurst. Grants to these organizations have ranged from $250 to $2,500, based on the structure of each fund. When Mary Agnes passed away in early 2010, she did not have any heirs. But she left a lasting legacy through a $4 million bequest to the endowment funds she had set up more than 17 years ago. This gift will increase the amount of each annual grant more than tenfold, and will significantly impact the work of these organizations for many years to come.

Lalit and Patricia Sarin Family is important to Lalit and Patricia Sarin. After moving with Lalit’s work several times, the Sarins settled in Louisville in 1980 to be closer to Pat’s family. He joined his father-in-law’s business, Prospect Boat Works, and soon acquired Shelby Industries. Today the familyowned-and-operated company is led by their son, Vivek. Lalit and Pat support many charitable organizations through their current Community Foundation fund. They have also made arrangements to create a new fund for their children, Vivek Sarin and Anita Sarin Miller, through their retirement plan assets. “We’ve had a wonderful experience working with the Foundation to support a number of charities that are important to us, particularly in education,” says Pat. “We want our children and grandchildren to experience the joy of giving as well.” “When I left my native India in 1955, I never imagined putting down roots in Kentucky,” adds Lalit. “But Louisville is our home. We’ve raised our children here, established a family business here. It’s wonderful that we can partner with the Community Foundation to create a lasting legacy that will support our favorite causes long after our lifetimes.”


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

you can be a philanthropist Give G iv e N Now ow You have multiple ways to maximize your giving and support the charitable causes that you care about most. With your gift to the Community Foundation, you can: Have an immediate impact in Louisville by giving to the Community Leadership Fund, which Replace: supports the Foundation’s community grantmaking and leadership activities.

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Simplify your giving by creating AR a new fund thatbackground supports your personal charitable interests. inside page should

background Support an existing charitable replace programthis by making a giftcolor. to an established Community Foundation fund. The Community Foundation accepts a wide variety of assets, including: Cash

Closely-held Securities

Life Insurance

Publicly-traded Securities

Retirement Plan Assets

Certain Non-liquid Assets

Real Estate

Tangible Personal Property

Because the Community Foundation is a public charity, you receive the maximum tax benefit allowable.

Give Later Based on your personal financial needs, as well as your long-term charitable goals, you may wish to create a charitable fund in the future. The Community Foundation enables you to give later through wills, trusts, bequests, or other giving options. You can even create a fund that pays you (or a loved one) an income, and then creates a charitable fund after your lifetime.

Give Forever You create a personalized endowment fund to support the communities and causes you care about most. We offer an unmatched level of personal engagement and knowledge of the community to ensure your philanthropy has lasting impact. Your fund will support your charitable interests… forever.

Contact a member of our Development & Stewardship team at 502.585.4649 or giving@cflouisville.org to start planning your personalized philanthropic fund.

2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

w Ww Ww W. C c Ff Ll O oU u Ii S sV v Ii Ll Ll E e.O oR rG g


your personal fund g n i t a e Cr Whatever your passion, you can maximize your giving through your customized charitable fund. • Make tax-deductible contributions when you need them and support all your giving goals. • Enjoy flexibility to support your favorite charities whenever you want. • Organize your giving and easily plan every step, from the assets you donate to the charities you support. • Rely on local experts to provide you with personalized, professional service.

Compare the Options

Replace: Marcus’ color corrected CFLinside Fund page background Outright Gift to AR should Single Charity replace this background color.

Private Foundation

PHILANTHROPIC SERVICES AND OPTIONS Giving strategy assistance and information on community issues

CFL provides


Responsibility of PF


Donor protected from public/charity disclosure

No – may generate additional fundraising solicitations

No – may generate additional fundraising solicitations

Donor control of grant distributions

Recommendations for approval by CFL Board of Directors+

May place restrictions on use of gift by charity prior to making contribution

Direction by PF Board of Directors

A few days


6-9 months



Varies; may include legal and accounting fees

ADMINISTRATION Set up time Start-up costs



$5-10 million **

Minimum payout (5% req.)

Initial gift minimum




Separate tax return and record keeping




Excise tax on investments Governance & oversight Investment decisions



Yes – up to 2%

CFL Board of Directors

Charity Board of Directors

Independent Board of Directors

Advice; CFL Board makes final decisions

Charity Board of Directors

Directed by PF Board of Directors





Appreciated property – publicly traded (long-term)

30% - Fair Market Value

30% - Fair Market Value

20% - Fair Market Value

Appreciated property – closely held

30% - Fair Market Value

30% - Fair Market Value

20% - cost basis

+ Endowed Funds (Non-endowed Funds are donor directed) * Non-endowed Funds (Endowment minimum = $25,000) ** Source: Council on Foundations

Contact a member of our Development & Stewardship team at 502.585.4649 or giving@cflouisville.org to start planning your personalized philanthropic fund.


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Funds of the Foundation Funds that are part of our affiliate foundations are indicated as follows: GRCF: Green River Area Community Foundation; NCCF: Nelson County Community Foundation; OCCF: Oldham County Community Foundation; SCCF: Shelby County Community Foundation; THCF: The Heartland Community Foundation; WTCF: Wilderness Trace Community Foundation.

Depository Funds Flexible and convenient, you receive an immediate tax deduction when making a gift to your fund, but can take your time in selecting the charitable organizations to support. It’s like having a charitable checking Replace: account!

Marcus’ color corrected 2010 Depository Funds:…………………………………………… 19 AR inside page background should Total Depository Funds:… …………………………………………526 replace this background color. Market value of Depository Funds:…………………… $11,008,906

The following persons established a Depository Fund between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. The complete list of Depository Funds is available on our website, www.cflouisville.org. James W. and Norma K. Barnett (WTCF) Henry D. Bickel Dennis Brown John E. and Jane R. Chilton Glenn Cohen Bernard S. Fineman William H. Hollander and Lisa C. Keener W. Bryan and Julia Hudson Craig H. Oeswein and Jenny S. Kute Joseph R. Peters James and Patricia Schory (THCF)

Jitendra S. and Kathryn L. Shah (GRCF) Thomas W. Shwab Tom and Linda Speed Franklin F. and Noell M. Starks, Jr. Richard Thurman Michael J. and Susan P. Walter John H. and Phyllis B. Ward IV 1 Anonymous Donor

Corporate Depository Funds

This is an easy way to manage gifts from several donors, which are distributed later to a few charitable organizations. 2010 Corporate Depository Funds:… ………………………… 12 Total Corporate Depository Funds:……………………………… 96 Market value of Corp. Dep. Funds:…………………… $7,071,114 The following Corporate Depository Funds were established between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. The complete list of Corporate Depository Funds is available on our website, www.cflouisville.org.

The Academy at St. Andrews MotesBooks Kentucky Voices Fund Sara Brown Musselman Memorial Fund Oldham County Directors Fund (OCCF) Dona O’Sullivan Fund to Fight Homelessness Rotary Club of Savannah South

2010 annual report

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Scholarship Fund for St. Francis High School Shelby Co. Parks & Recreation Board Fund (SCCF) Smart Chicks with Spare Change St. Augustine School General Benefit Fund Women’s Global Cancer Alliance (WGCA) Fund WGCA: Gonaives Cervical Cancer Program


Funds of the Foundation Funds that are part of our affiliate foundations are indicated as follows: GRCF: Green River Area Community Foundation; NCCF: Nelson County Community Foundation; OCCF: Oldham County Community Foundation; SCCF: Shelby County Community Foundation; THCF: The Heartland Community Foundation; WTCF: Wilderness Trace Community Foundation.

The following endowment funds are those established by June 30, 2010. New endowment fund names are in blue. Additional information on certain endowment funds is available on our website, www.cflouisville.org.

Fund for Louisville

Replace: Marcus’ color corrected Created by visionary philanthropists who want to support their community beyond their own lifetimes, AR inside page background should these funds are part of the Fund for Louisville, which allows the Foundation to respond to emerging replace this background color. community needs.

2010 Named Endowments:……………………………………………2 Total Named Endowments: ………………………………………… 29 Market value of Fund for Louisville:… ……………… $10,372,985 as of 6/30/10

John H. and Doris Owen Bickel Fund Edie and Barry Bingham, Jr. Fund Judge Alexander G. Booth Memorial Fund Dabney Family Fund Helen Gibson Dean Fund Mary Cummings Paine Eudy Fund Katherine Fischer Fund Jane G. Flener Fund Mildred Means Frost Fund Charles and Teresa Grosscurth Fund Henning and Mary Hilliard Fund Mary Wallis and Baylor Landrum, Jr. Fund Louisville Locally-Owned Fund Charles I. McCarty Fund Kate Schmidt Moninger Fund Darrell and Joyce Murphy Family Fund Sara Brown Musselman Fund

Jean H. Stewart Ogden and Squire R. Ogden Fund Major John B. Pirtle Fund Dennis and Kitty Riggs Family Fund J. Clifton and Jeannette S. Rodes Fund Barbara Moore Runquist Fund Martin F. Schmidt Fund Stephen Memorial Fund Woodrow M. and Florence G. Strickler Fund Richard E. Thielen Memorial Fund

Thelma “Teddie” Thielen wanted to support the changing needs of our community, so she left a bequest in her will that created this endowment fund, named after her husband.

Lowry R. Watkins, Jr. Fund Charles Weisberg Fund Anne and Wilson W. Wyatt, Sr. Fund Unrestricted General Fund

When Sara passed away at the age of 40, her family established this fund as a lasting legacy that would honor her memory and support her hometown.

Designated Endowment Funds Designated Funds support specific charitable organizations chosen by the donor. Total Designated Funds:… ……………………………………… 80 Market value of Designated Funds:… …………… $31,943,611 as of 6/30/10

Market value range:… …………………… $25,000 – $5,275,303 American Pearl Endowment Fund Janet Arentsen Endowment Fund Donald H. Balleisen Memorial Fund Marguerite Montgomery Baquié Memorial Trust


Louis M. and Florence G. Benn Family Fund Martha and Melvin Bernhard Fund Mary and Barry Bingham Endowment Fund Robert Worth Bingham Oratorical Fund t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Florence Y. Mason Fund (THCF) Charles C. Boyer and Jane S. Boyer Fund John Walker Moore, Jr. Endowment Fund Barney Bright Memorial Sculpture Endowment Fund Ethel H. O’Brien Designated Fund Brown-Pusey Fund (THCF) Oertel-Nuetzel Memorial Fund Dorothy Norton Clay Fund for the Bluegrass Julius J. Cohen Fund (GRCF) Thomas and Joan Pike Fund Robert L. Corrigan Fund for the Homeless Planned Parenthood of Louisville Endowment Fund Karl Daubert Fund Arthur R. and Lucille M. Ploetner Fund Robert B. Diehl Fund Sallie W. Pusey Fund (THCF) Ellen Thomas Dunbar Fund for Denison University William A. and Sallie W. Pusey Fund (THCF) Ellen Thomas Dunbar Fund for Spalding University Gen. Dillman A. Rash Fund for the Louisville Free Public Library Georgia M. Ellinger Fund Gen. Dillman A. Rash Fund for the Louisville Orchestra Replace: Robert Faller Fund Gen. Dillman A. Rash Fund for the Speed Art Museum Marcus’ color corrected Family Heritage Fund Rodes Fund Jane G. Flener Fund Harold andshould Susie Saunders Fund (SCCF) AR inside page background Jane G. Flener Fund for Libraries Margaret Stewart Schmidt Fund for Locust Grove replace this background color. Fund for the Louisville Ballet Robert Shadwick, Sr. Endowment Fund (GRCF) F. A. and Loretto A. Gulledge Fund for U of L School of Medicine Sister Ceciliana Skees Fund for the St. Benedict Center for Early Childhood Education F. A. and Loretto A. Gulledge Memorial Fund Vertner D. Smith, Jr. Endowment Fund Mary Ellen Hackworth Memorial Fund (SCCF) St. James Episcopal Church Choral Music Fund John and Marjorie Hager Endowment Fund (GRCF) Woodrow M. and Florence G. Strickler Designated Fund Dr. Olive Reid Harris and Iva E. Harris II Fund Sullivan Foundation Healing Place Endowment Fund Angela Dawn Sydnor Memorial Fund John L. and Julia M. Helm Fund The Thistle Fund Marguerite Henderson Memorial Fund (SCCF) Frank B. Thompson, Jr. Endowment Fund Robert C. Hobson Memorial Fund Carl A. Warns, Jr. Labor and Employment Law Institute Fund Holbert Family Fund for the Brown-Pusey House (THCF) Wilson W. and Anne D. Wyatt Bellarmine University Endowment Fund Dr. & Mrs. I. W. Hughes Family Fund Wilson W. and Anne D. Wyatt Debate Endowment Fund The Janos Fund Wilson W. and Anne D. Wyatt University of Louisville Distinguished Connie Thrasher Jaquith Fund for Women 4 Women Speakers Fund Samuel G. Jenkins, Jr. Fund for KET (THCF) Wilson W. and Anne D. Wyatt University of Louisville Foundation Maurice D. S. and Kathryn C. Johnson Fund Endowment Fund Harriet M. Jones Fund Mary E. Yarbrough Fund Mary C. and William L. Jones Fund Zee Caring Fund Susette S. Key Memorial Fund Zee Cash Fund Emmett and Mildred Kottke Fund 2 Anonymous Funds Joseph L. Lenihan Memorial Fund Mary Agnes Lenihan Fund Louisville Male High School Fund

Field of Interest Endowment Funds Created by generous donors to invest in specific issues that are important to them. 2010 Field of Interest Funds:……………………………………… 2 Total Field of Interest Funds:… ………………………………… 40 Market value of Field of Interest Funds: … ……… $11,896,981 As of 6/30/10

Market value range:… …………………… $25,000 – $3,760,735 Affordable Housing Fund

Offers support to nonprofit entities or programs that provide affordable housing for low-income individuals and families in Metro Louisville, including construction and foreclosure prevention programs.

African American Empowerment Foundation The AIDS Project Fund

Created by the dissolution of a separate nonprofit organization, this fund provides grants to support HIV prevention, education and testing.

Heidi Badgett Fund for the Greater Madisonville Area

The Owen K. Badgett Teachers’ Awards Fund Marvin and Joyce Benjamin Fund (THCF) Winston N. and Nancy H. Bloch Educational Fund C. E. & S. Endowment for the Parks Fund W. Stewart Cobb Fund Ruby N. Deitchman Fund (THCF) Delta Dental of Kentucky Foundation du Pont Manual High School Alumni Academic Fund (Continued on next page)

2010 annual report

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Funds of the Foundation (Field of Interest Endowment Funds continued) W. Norris Duvall Leadership Fund Boyette and Edna Edwards Fund The Fund 4 Women & Girls Diller B. and Katherine P. Groff Fund for Pediatric Surgery George and Mary Alice Hadley Fund Hardin County Cares Fund (THCF) The Historic Preservation Fund Belle S. and I. M. Kimmelfield Memorial Fund for Education Klempner Family Fund Irving B. Klempner Fund Lee Look Fund for Spinal Injury Anna Marble Memorial Fund Holland N. McTyeire IV Fund Nelson County Community Fund (NCCF) Oldham Legacy Fund (OCCF)

Dr. W. Barnett Owen Memorial Fund for the Children of Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky Owensboro-Daviess County Community Fund (GRCF) Dennis Reker Fund Bobbye M. Robinson Fund James D. Ryan Memorial Fund (GRCF) Seneca Gardens Greenspace Foundation Shelby Community Partnership Grants Fund (SCCF)

Created to accept donations to the Foundation’s community

Replace: grants program. The following permanent endowments are component funds: Marcus’ color corrected H. Augustus and Austine T. Barnett Fund AR inside page background Mary Ellenshould Hackworth Fund Moses Ruben Fund for Shelby County replace this background color.

Overseen by the Board of Directors of the Oldham County Community Foundation, this fund supports emerging community needs in Oldham County, Kentucky. Rita D. Osborn Fund

John Evarts Speed Educational Fund Madi and Jim Tate Fund Vogt Invention & Innovation Fund Robert and Clarita Whitney Fund Wilderness Trace Community Fund (WTCF) T. Bert and Bertha Wilson Fund

Donor Advised Endowment Funds Allows donors to actively participate in grantmaking. An excellent way to involve the entire family in philanthropy. 2010 Donor Advised Funds:… …………………………………… 6 Total Donor Advised Funds:………………………………………161 Market value of Donor Advised Funds:… ………… $124,148,626 As of 6/30/10

Market value range: …………………… $25,000 – $19,051,814 Robert L. and Sue Ellen Ackerson Charitable Fund Alden Donor Fund Artemis Fund John E. Beam Fund (GRCF) Beechmont Neighborhood Association Endowment Fund Geneva Blue Family Fund Ina Brown Bond Fund Bodley Booker Family Fund Bramco Foundation Owsley and Christina Brown Fund Barbara H. Brown Fund Evan Brown Fund W. L. Lyons Brown III Fund B. L. Brumleve Family Fund BTT Fund Garry and Donna Burry Family Fund George A. Bush, Jr. Holbrook Fund Nancy Bush Fund Al and Guy Campisano Family Trust Charis Fund City of Louisville Public Art Trust Fund


Clanton-Dowds Family Fund Dorothy Norton Clay Fund Elizabeth “Lillie” Cecil Clay Fund George Washington Norton Clay Fund Ann and Stewart Cobb Family Fund Cochran Foundation Pike and Marie Conway Family Fund (NCCF) Crawford Charitable Fund Joan Cralle Day Fund Delta Dental of Kentucky Foundation Martha and Frank Diebold Fund Anne S. Dorsey Fund Samuel M. and Betty Jean Dunaway Fund (GRCF) Emke Family Fund Clyde Ensor Family Fund Jonathan Everett Dunbar Fund Edwards Family Foundation Excelsior Fund (GRCF) Fleur-de-Lis Fund John and Charmaine Francis Family Fund Glen Entry Fund Godfrey Family Foundation (THCF)

Rhonda K. Goodall Fund John and Carol Gray Fund Mary Ann and John R. Gregory Family Fund Sharon D. and Robert O. Harris III Fund Harshaw Trane Foundation Albert and Leona Haydon Family Foundation (NCCF) Elizabeth Helm and James R. Voyles Fund Hendler and Martin Fund Lila and Hunter W. Henry, Jr. Fund Hercules Fund Henry V. Heuser, Jr. Endowment Fund Hollbrook II Fund Gerald and LaVerne Howard Fund Sylvia S. Johnston Fund Jones Family Fund Harriet S. and Warner L. Jones, Jr. Fund Harrison H. and Juliamae Jones Fund Lawrence LaValle Jones, Sr. Fund Warner L. Jones, Jr. Fund Kane Family Donor Advised Fund Kane Fund Sheeran Howard King Family Fund

t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Kirchdorfer Charitable Fund Willis Klein Foundation KPAK Foundation Larry and Patti Kunkel Charitable Fund Lancaster Family Fund Landrum Fund C. G. Lawrence Family Fund Leadership USA Fund Robert I. Lerman Family Fund Louisville Jaycee Charities Fund Louisville Kiwanis Club Endowment Fund Susan Thomas Mahan Fund Ellen K. Marshall Fund Ernest and Ona Marshall Fund John and Carolyn McBride Fund McClure Family Fund Kenneth and Barbara Merrick Fund George and June Merrifield Fund Marie and Don L. Miller Family Endowment Fund L. P. Moore Fund (GRCF) James and Kay Morrissey Fund Betty Kilgore Moss Family Fund Layla and W. Austin Musselman, Jr. Fund William and Mary Nash Fund Scott and Viv Neagli Fund Nixon Family Fund J. Van Dyke and Alice Norman Fund Ethel H. O’Brien Fund O’Grady Family Fund Lyn and Michael Page Family Fund J. A. Paradis, Jr. Fund Peace Fund

Charlotte and Charles B. Price, Jr. Endowment Fund Progeny Fund of Owensboro (GRCF) Wanda and William J. Receveur, Jr. Family Fund Nora L. Redman Endowment Fund Reily Family Fund Stephen Reily and Emily Bingham Fund Donald J. Ridings Fund Rowland Family Charitable Fund (WTCF) RossReplace: Ruffra Fund RyanMarcus’ Fund (GRCF) color corrected Sandford Family Fund AR inside page background should Margaret Stewart Schmidt Fund replace thisand background color. Martin F. Schmidt Kate Schmidt Moninger Fund Schwartz Family Fund Johann and Maria Agatha Senn Foundation Severs Family Fund The Reverend Al and Mary Shands Fund Shannon Family Fund (SCCF) Gary Spivak Family Fund Stanley Family Fund Franklin F. Starks, Jr. Family Charitable Foundation Stegner Fund Sterett Family Fund (GRCF) John Clay and Charlotte Stites Fund Walker and Alice Stites Fund Barry and Eileen Walsh Stokes Fund Stoll-Ballard Fund George and Lorena Stoll Memorial Fund Dace Brown Stubbs Family Fund Swope Family Fund (THCF)

Sam Swope Fund Tatum Family Fund Taylor Family Fund Eric and Elizabeth Taylor Fund Becky and Eddy Thomas Fund Elizabeth C. Thomas Fund Margaret L. Thomas Memorial Fund Brig. Gen. Ronald R. Van Stockum and Susanne de Charette Van Stockum Fund (SCCF) Clifford C. and Edith J. Vatter Endowment Fund Veeneman Fund Eric Vetter Memorial Fund Bob and Ella Mae Wade Fund (THCF) Larry J. and Kathleen S. Walker Fund D.D. Williamson Fund Wimsatt Family Fund John C. Wright Family Fund Joseph P. Zoeller Fund Zoeller Company Donor Advised Fund Zoeller Family Fund 12 Anonymous Funds

Scholarship Endowment Funds Donors help students achieve their educational goals through scholarships. Donors are involved by defining eligibility requirements, selection and use of the awards. Scholarships may support any level of education, from ABC’s to Ph.D.’s. 2010 Scholarship Funds:…………………………………………… 1 Total Scholarship Funds:………………………………………… 84 Market value of Scholarship Funds:… …………… $16,946,357 As of 6/30/10

Market value range:… …………………… $25,000 – $2,658,019 100 Black Men of Louisville Scholarship Fund AEGON/Vogt Scholarship Fund Alden Scholarship Fund Helen “Heidi” Badgett Scholarship Fund Rachel Caroline Baker Memorial Fund Shelby Pepper and Elizabeth McCubbin Bale Scholarship Fund Colonel Michael Baymor Scholarship Fund (THCF) Doris Owen Bickel Charitable Endowment Fund

Darcy Blair Memorial Educational Fund Mary Belle Bloch Fund David Brown Vocal Music Scholarship John E. Brown Fund Ellen Morris Buchart Nursing Scholarship Fund MG Benjamin J. Butler “Century Division” Scholarship Fund L. J. “Butch” Charmoli Scholarship Fund Dr. L. L. Cull Health Care Scholarship Fund (Continued on next page)

2010 annual report

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Funds of the Foundation (Scholarship Endowment Funds continued) de Paul School Student Assistance Fund Harriet Poynter Musician Scholarship Fund (SCCF) Harriet Poynter Scholarship Fund (SCCF) Dunaway Scholarship Fund (GRCF) duPont Manual High School Scholarship Fund Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Charles A. Reid Memorial Scholarship for Brescia University (GRCF) W. Norris Duvall Fund for Todd County W. Norris Duvall Scholarship Fund Rowland Family Scholarship Fund (WTCF) Eastern High School Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund Rubbertown-Shively Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships to residents of all ages who live within a Educational Opportunity Scholarship Fund two-mile radius of the local plant site of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. J. R. and Carrie Lee Edwards Scholarship Fund (THCF) Scholarships may be used for a variety of post-secondary education Replace: programs, including two- or four-year college/university studies, Elizabethtown High School Class of 1966 Scholarship Fund (THCF) vocational or technical training, or any training that will help sustain Leon and Helen Ennis Scholarship Fund (THCF) Marcus’ color corrected or expand employability. Artist Bill Fischer Foundation for Working Artists AR inside page background should Danny Sherman Memorial Scholarship Fund Thaddeus Colson and Isabelle Saalwaechter Fitzpatrick Harry Isaac Shrader Scholarship Fund replace this background color. Memorial Scholarship Fund Brice Simpson Memorial Scholarship Fund Flaget Alumni Scholarship Fund Laura Lea Sipes Memorial Scholarship Fund Denise Fleck Memorial Scholarship Fund C. L. Smith Scholarship Fund Jenny Caldwell Ford and Marguerite Geneva Ford Scholarship Fund Students for Success (GRCF) J. Clinton Foshee Fund Sullivan Scholarship Fund Jack Freeman Scholarship Fund (WTCF) Margaret and Lee Thomas Fund George and Georgella Geile Scholarship Fund Brandon Ray Tong Memorial Scholarship Fund Clair L. Hicks Food Science Fund M- H- Tuggle Scholarship Fund Howard Hill Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund (SCCF) UFPC Scholarship Fund Scott and Ruth Holder Scholarship Fund (GRCF) Valley High School Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund Steve Hughes Memorial Scholarship Fund (GRCF) Brig. Gen. R. R. Van Stockum Marine Corps Brian Jennemann Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund (SCCF) Kute Family Scholarship Fund Susanne de Charette Van Stockum Scholarship Fund (SCCF) Waverly F. Lee Scholarship Fund Vogt Achievement Scholarship Fund Louisville Advertising Education Foundation Marian Kincaid Warns and Carl A. Warns, Jr. Scholarship Fund H. L. Lyons III Memorial Scholarship Fund Clay V. and Jennie Ree Watson Scholarship Fund (GRCF) Mason Family Foundation (GRCF) Percy White Memorial Scholarship Fund Garland and Thelma May Scholarship Fund (WTCF) William Tolbert Whittenberg Scholarship Fund Edward E. and Beverley H. McDonald Scholarship Fund Dr. Hugh Williams Traveling Scholarship Fund in Surgery David C. and Emma W. Miles McElvaney Memorial Women’s Second Chance Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Jennifer Zimlich Memorial Scholarship for Assumption High School Pat Mickle Scholarship Fund Zoeller Company Scholarship Fund Phillip “Duke” Owen Scholarship Fund (THCF) Louis B. Payne Scholarship Fund (SCCF) Nelle Peterson Memorial Art Scholarship Fund Portland Promise Scholarship Fund

Education Counts Scholarship Program: This scholarship supports students with financial need who graduate from a public school in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Students are chosen by a community-based volunteer committee overseen by the Community Foundation. A gift of only $5,000 will create a separately named fund which supports Education Counts. The funds supporting the Education Counts Scholarship Program are: Corhart Louisville Scholarship Fund Education Counts General Fund


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Nonprofit Agency Endowment Funds These funds provide investment support to area charitable organizations. Total Nonprofit Agency Funds:…………………………………… 62 Market value of Nonprofit Agency Funds:… ……… $17,176,831 As of 6/30/10

Market value range:… …………………… $25,000 – $5,545,877

Replace: Marcus’ color corrected Locust Grove Founders Fund Alzheimer’s Association, Louisville page background should Audubon Society Trust Fund American Lung Association – Woody and Lucille Stephens AR insideLouisville Lung Disease Research and Education Fund replace this background color. Louisville Free Public Library New Book Endowment Fund Arts Club of Louisville Baptist Hospital Foundation: Baptist East - Center for Behavioral Health Fund Belle of Louisville Endowment Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana Bingham Child Guidance Center – Ruth Mellor Fund Brooklawn Child & Family Services Cabbage Patch Settlement House Cedar Lake Foundation Chamber Music Society of Louisville – Macauley Fund Christian Care Communities Community Foundation of Louisville Operations Fund de Paul School General Endowment Angela BecVar Memorial Scholarship Fund David Holtman Memorial Scholarship Fund Elizabethtown Community College (THCF) English-Speaking Union, KY Branch Robert Worth Bingham Endowment Joshua B. Everett Endowment Scholarship Fund Family & Children’s Place Farnsley-Kaufman House First Presbyterian Legacy of Faith Fund (THCF) Goodwill Industries of Kentucky Heart of Kentucky United Way (WTCF) Historic Homes Foundation Historic Locust Grove Holy Cross High School Home of the Innocents Hosparus, Inc. Independent Industries, Inc. Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Foundation Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Foundation Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana Kentucky Council on Economic Education Kentucky Real Estate Education Foundation Kentucky School for the Deaf Foundation Fund (WTCF) Leadership Louisville Foundation – Bingham Fellows Endowment Legal Aid Society

2010 annual report

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Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy Louisville Visual Art Association – Frank Weisberg and Mary Louise Schrodt Fund Mental Health Association of Kentucky Metro United Way Morton Center National Center for Family Literacy National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Kentucky Chapter Patriots Peace Memorial Planned Parenthood of Kentucky Portland Museum School Choice Scholarships Endowment Fund Senior Care Experts Seven Counties Services, Inc. Shelbyville/Shelby County Parks & Recreation Marguerite Henderson Family Memorial Fund (SCCF) Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Speed Art Museum Summit Academy – Jeffrey T. Thornton Memorial Fund Volunteers of America of Kentucky Wayside Christian Mission Wellspring YMCA of Greater Louisville


your legacy e t a e r C Plan Your Legacy for the Future

You can plan your legacy fund now, but defer your charitable gift for your lifetime or a number of years. • Bequest Through a Will or Trust: Retain the use of your assets or property during your lifetime, and create perpetual support for your favorite charities after death. • Retirement Assets: Simply name the Community Foundation as the beneficiary of all or part of your retirement assets. • Life Insurance Policy: You can name the Foundation as the owner and/or the beneficiary of a life Replace: insurance policy. In some cases, you may receive an immediate tax deduction, and all subsequent premiums are tax deductible. Marcus’ color corrected ARmakes inside page background should to the Foundation for a • Charitable Lead Trust: This gift vehicle annual income payments number of years to build your legacy fund and then is distributed to replace this background color.your chosen beneficiaries at a future time.

Create Your Legacy and Get a Life Income

A life income fund enables you to have a stream of income today and create a charitable fund in the future. • Charitable Remainder Trust: You and/or someone you love receive income for life, then your ultimate gift creates your legacy. You may receive income tax and estate tax deductions by giving through a charitable remainder trust. • Charitable Gift Annuity: You receive a fixed annual payment for your lifetime in return for a gift to create your legacy. You may begin receiving payments immediately or defer them to a later time. • Pooled Income Fund: This life income vehicle combines your gift with others in a single investment portfolio. Net income is paid to you or your chosen beneficiaries, with the assets ultimately creating your legacy to support your charitable interests in perpetuity.

Affiliate Legacy Society Nelson County Community Foundation David D. Crenshaw Mrs. Albert Haydon Sara DeLong Trigg

Green River Area Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Davis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis Mary E. Duke Dr. Gerald G. Edds Wanda Harper Henry Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holder Mrs. L. P. Moore Thomas H. Pope

Dr. George M. Weller 2 Anonymous Legacy Donors The Heartland Community Foundation D. Michael Coyle Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Roy Keith Mr. & Mrs. Bob Owsley Mr. & Mrs. F. William Swope William T. and Susanne R. Tinsley Mr. & Mrs. David Willmoth Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Wilson Anonymous Legacy Donor

Oldham County Community Foundation Roberta Nelson Shelby County Community Foundation Benton H. Kinsolving IV Clarence L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Phillips Urban Rademaker 3 Anonymous Legacy Donors Wilderness Trace Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Mount

(New Affiliate Legacy Society members are in bold blue)

For More Information or Resources The Community Foundation of Louisville is happy to work with you and/or your professional advisors to plan your charitable legacy fund for the causes that are important to you. Contact the Community Foundation at giving@cflouisville.org or 502.585.4649 to set up a personal consultation.


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Baylor Landrum, Jr. Society Baylor Landrum, Jr. is the founder and heart of the Community Foundation of Louisville. In the early 1980’s, Baylor made it his personal goal to create a community foundation that would serve as a professional, permanent philanthropic resource for the Louisville area. Under his thoughtful leadership and personal commitment of time and resources, that vision became a reality. He helped a fledgling organization develop the fundamental tools to become the largest community foundation in the region today. Baylor has not only encouraged others to partner with the Community Foundation, he has personally had a fund since the Foundation opened its doors over 25 years Replace:Foundation to streamline his current charitable giving, ago. He uses the Community Marcus’ color and he has made arrangements for a legacy gift that willcorrected carry out his charitable wishes in perpetuity.

AR inside page background should

To honor his unwavering integrity, outstanding leadership and personal replace this background color.devotion to the Community Foundation of Louisville, the Community Foundation Board of Directors created the Baylor Landrum, Jr. Society. This society recognizes persons who have made arrangements to create a fund in the Community Foundation through their estate plans, which will support their charitable interests in perpetuity.

Michael Ackerson William O. Alden, Jr. Nolen C. Allen Dr. Barbara M. Baker Mr. & Mrs. H. William Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Barnes Edith S. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Blahnik Delwin K. Blair Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby C. Blocker Bruce F. Boldt Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Boram Dr. & Mrs. McHenry S. Brewer Sarah Wilder Brice Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Brown Owsley Brown II Jewell B. Brownstein and David A. Brownstein Ben L. Brumleve Leslie H. Buddeke Thomas F. Buetow G. Richard Burks II Mr. & Mrs. Garry S. Burry Mr. & Mrs. David B. Chick Doug and Gena Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Alec Covington William W. Crawford, Jr. S. Gordon Dabney, Sr. Anne Cooper Dobbins and Sanford Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Dayton Edie Mrs. William E. Edwards, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Ewing, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Fox Mike French Dr. & Mrs. Salem M. George, Jr. Claudia K. Grenough Stephen D. Grissom Susan Ford Grissom Carmen C. Hayes Frederick G. Heath Mrs. T. Kennedy Helm, Jr.

In nM Memoriam em mor o ia am

2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

David A. Hess Louis F. Hettinger Henry V. Heuser, Jr. Patricia A. Hinchey Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hori Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Horton J. Marshall Hughes Florence Hume Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. Thomas James III Connie T. Jaquith Dr. & Mrs. Maurice E. John Sylvia Johnston Jack M. Kersey Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kirwan Jay and Karen Klempner Emmett W. Kottke Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kral Baylor Landrum, Jr. Bernard S. and Rae Lewis Frances M. Luckett Allison J. Maggiolo Ellen K. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. James B. McArthur Beverley H. McDonald William C. Meglemry, Jr. Elise Meyer Clarice J. Mitchiner Brian and Anne Monell William R. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Porter Nash Doris Jean Nelson Roberta Nelson Dr. & Mrs. Alton Neurath, Jr. Nick and Susan Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Nixon Rita D. Osborn Paul M. Pankratz Nancy Klempner Patton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peel

John E. Beam am Clyde F. Ensor, Ens nsor, or, Sr. Sr. Sharon D D. Harri Ha Harris rris s Morris Mor r ris s A. Le Lee e

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George Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Popoff Sharon A. Receveur Jessica M. Redmon Dennis Reker Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rigby Linda A. Riley Dan and Mary Rivers Phillip W. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. James J. Roth, Sr. D. A. Sachs III Mr. & Mrs. Lalit K. Sarin Lisa Scherer Dr. Robert and Debra Schroering Mr. & Mrs. Hubert A. Schuwey Cornelia A. Serpell Lucille Severance Dr. & Mrs. Mutyam V. Sharma Robert and Sarah Shaw Dr. Kenneth W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sniegocki Ernie and Barbara Stroxtile Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Summers, Jr. Samuel G. Swope J. Clifford Todd Mr. & Mrs. Grayson L. Tucker Scott L. Tudor and Helen T. O’Leary Roger Vincent Robert H. Wade II Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Weinrich Elizabeth J. Welsh Jo H. Whittenberg Dr. & Mrs. Horace D. Wilder Frances H. Wilson Ronald and Elizabeth Wiseman Mimi Zinniel Carl J. Zoeller 38 Anonymous Legacy Donors (New Landrum Society members are in bold)

Mary Agnes Lenihan h Augusta W. Lyon Lyons y s L.P. M Moore oorre M Mar Martin tin F. Schmidt

Hor Ho Horace ace ce L. TTe Temple mp ple e Thelma Thielen The n


partnerships y t i n u m Com 55,000 Degrees In the fall of 2010, a new public-private partnership was formed to dramatically increase the number of people in Louisville with college degrees by 2020. This new group, called 55,000 Degrees (www.55000degrees.com), will work to increase the number of people in our community with bachelor’s degrees by 40,000 and associate’s degrees by 15,000.


This organization is the Marcus’ color corrected direct result of the Greater AR inside page background should Louisville Education replace this background color. Commitment, which was signed on May 13, 2010. This visionary document was signed by over two dozen business, education, civic and community leaders, including the Mayor, Superintendents of Jefferson County Public Schools and the Archdiocese of Louisville, presidents of regional colleges and universities, and representatives of diverse business and civic groups. The Community Foundation has made a twofold commitment to 55,000 Degrees. First, we are making a grant of $50,000 a year for three years (a total of $150,000) to support its general operations. Second, we are serving as the fiscal agent and “incubator” of this new organization, with its staff housed in the Community Foundation offices. This close relationship will create continued opportunities for collaboration and creativity as we work together to increase Louisville’s educational attainment.

Philanthropy … a big word for big-hearted people™ We believe that anyone can be a philanthropist. What better way to illustrate this than through the remarkable stories of children who have helped others? Philanthropy … a big word for big-hearted people, was written by Louisville entrepreneur Jan Helson and her daughter, Rachel Annette Helson, an actor and producer who now lives in Los Angeles. The book features real-life examples of children throughout the U.S., including Louisville, who are recognized as a BigHearted Person™ for their acts of kindness, generosity and giving back to their communities. A Community Foundation board member, Sharon Receveur, brought the prototype of this delightful book to staff for their review in early 2010. After enthusiastic support from the Foundation’s Strategic Initiatives Committee, the Community Foundation made a $25,000 grant to support the first edition printing of Philanthropy. We have donated a copy of this book to every public library branch and public elementary school library, and provide it to donors and community organizations as a way to spread the message that truly anyone can be a philanthropist.


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Philanthropy Center at Sam Swope JA Biztown® Fifth-grade students who participate in JA BizTown at Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana learn about the free enterprise system by having a job, earning a paycheck, even electing public officials. Now, for the first time, students can also learn about charitable giving. Replace:

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At the new Community Foundation Philanthropy AR inside page background should Center, students have the opportunity to make replace this background color. a charitable donation and then spin a colorful wheel to help them choose a cause to help. When a student makes a large donation, a photo booth commemorates him or her as a BigHearted Person. Each participant will learn about philanthropy and that it can be fun!

Fifth-grade “employees” of the Philanthropy Center at JA BizTown cut the ribbon to open the newest store in the simulated community.

Jan Helson, Annie Oyler and Rachel Annette Helson. The Helsons co-authored Philanthropy ... a big word for big-hearted people, and Annie Oyler raised money to build the Philanthropy Center.

The design of the Philanthropy Center is based on the book, Philanthropy … a big word for big-hearted people. To encourage other communities to incorporate charitable giving into the BizTown experience, the concept and design for our Philanthropy Center are being shared with other community foundations so they can create a partnership with their local Junior Achievement. We want this innovative philanthropic learning experience to expand beyond the Louisville area.

The Philanthropy Center at JA BizTown.

A Commitment to Education Louisville has a renewed commitment to education. Identified as one of the three Deep Drivers of Change by the Greater Louisville Project (www.greaterlouisvilleproject.org), we know that increased educational attainment can move our community into the top tier of our peer cities. To accomplish this transformation, our community must build a widespread understanding of the link between education and future prosperity, and must prepare students for success in college, career, citizenship and life. As one of the founders of the Greater Louisville Project, it was natural for us to align our community grantmaking and leadership activities with this critical issue. We have committed significant human and financial resources to these community partnerships. Each is creative and unique, but has the common thread of supporting the overarching priority of education in its various stages and forms.

2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

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partnerships y t i n u m Com Partnering with Donors for Greater Impact An important element of our mission is to partner with donors and others to ensure lasting impact. While the Community Foundation has some discretionary resources available for grants in our community, we can have a much greater influence on emerging issues by pooling our grantmaking dollars with others, especially Community Foundation donors. Most recently the Replace: Community Foundation Marcus’ color corrected and two dozen donors AR inside page background should made grants totaling $250,000 to support replace this background color. education programs during “out of school” time – before school, after school and during the summer. Rather than 12 organizations received grants totaling $250,000 from grants made in partnership with support the creation of Community Foundation donors. new programs, these grants were designed to help sustain and build excellent programs already in operation, or enable programs that were suspended due to a lack of funding to resume their work. Please refer to our website, www.cflouisville.org, and click on “2009 LEAP Grants” under Grants & Scholarships for information on the 12 programs that were supported by the Louisville Excellence in Action Program (LEAP).

Creating a College-Going Culture The new public-private partnership, 55,000 Degrees, is focused on the “treetops” view of educational attainment. They want to see Louisville have 55,000 more bachelor’s or associate’s degrees by 2020. In response to this call for action, the Community Foundation embarked on a new grantmaking partnership that supports the vision of 55,000 Degrees at the grassroots level. The Community Foundation of Louisville joined with Metro United Way to support local programs by area nonprofit organizations that help create a college-going culture in our community. The goal of this partnership is to create a movement that changes the language from “if you go to college” to “when you go to college.” Research has identified five critical “tipping points” that can either propel a student forward to success or set them back to failure. These tipping points – early childhood, early grade reading (by grade 3), middle school transitions, high school graduation, and transition to college or career – are keys to preparing students for success in their educational journey and beyond. The Community Foundation and Metro United Way allocated a total of $250,000 to provide grants to nonprofit organizations in a seven-county area for programs that address at least one of the tipping points. This partnership is committed to existing programs that have deep roots and a successful track record, as well as fresh and innovative new ideas.


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

5x5 Arts Initiative Experiencing and appreciating the arts is a vital part of every student’s education. That’s why the Community Foundation is proud to support a new arts initiative called 5x5, which will provide five live arts experiences to elementary school students before they complete the fifth grade. The Community Foundation has committed a total of $125,000 ($25,000 a year for five years) to support this unique and exciting partnership.


This initiative is more than just a field tripMarcus’ to see an artscorrected performance; color it is a holistic program that involves the entire familypage and background is incorporated AR inside should into the school-day curriculum. For example, second graders will have replace this background color. an in-classroom workshop with dancers from the Louisville Ballet, and students in 3rd grade will make masks with artists from the Louisville Visual Art Association. The 5x5 program is part of the broader Fund for the Arts “Every Child” Arts Education Initiative.

5x5 means EVERY CHILD experiences our Arts in EVERY YEAR of their public education. Regardless of means - every child. We should accept and expect no less! Major support provided by: Chase & The Community Foundation of Louisville Teacher Arts Grants Program sponsored by: PNC Additional support provided by: AT&T & Brown-Forman Presentation of 5x5 is made possible by your contribution to the:

“Our donors entrust us with their charitable dollars to make wise philanthropic investments in our community,” explains Susan Barry, President & CEO of the Community Foundation. “What better investment than a program that will enrich our children’s overall education through the power and creativity of the arts.”

Change Makers Partnership “The whole is better than the sum of its parts.” The wisdom of this saying is illustrated by the success of the Change Makers Partnership, a grantmaking collaboration between the Community Foundation of Louisville, the UPS Foundation in Atlanta, Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation and its local initiative Making Connections Louisville.

Th C The Community ommunit ity F Found Foundation dati tion cel celebrated leb bratted d it its Ch Chang Change eM Maker ake k rP Partnership artner t ship hi in September.

When the Community Foundation approached the other two foundations in 2006 to discuss a grantmaking collaboration, all three were already making grants in four particular Louisville neighborhoods. It seemed natural to pool resources and find a way to leverage grant dollars even more. But more than just the financial resources, Change Makers sought to bring together the intellectual and human resources of not only the funders, but also the grant recipients.

The results of this partnership have been remarkable. The initial success has been an investment of $1.8 million to improve the education of residents in four inner-city neighborhoods: California, Phoenix Hill, Shelby Park and Smoketown. But the lasting success has come in the lives that have been improved and resources that have been created with the Change Makers grant recipients: the California Collaborative, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Norton Healthcare Foundation and the Presbyterian Community Center. Read more about these programs on the next page. They will continue to improve residents’ lives long after the grant dollars have been spent. 2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

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partnerships y t i n u m Com Presbyterian Community Center 2008 grant - $150,000 2009 grant - $150,000 2010 grant - $150,000 Total Change Makers grants - $450,000

The California Collaborative

The Presbyterian Community Center (PCC) uses its Change Maker grants to support YPECC – Young People Replace: Engaged in Community Change. This program provides personal academic and leadership development activities Marcus’ color corrected for 50 youngshould adults, ages 17 to 25, who live in the AR inside page background Smoketown and Shelby Park neighborhoods. replace this background color. For neighborhood residents, PCC is the focal point The California Collaborative is about building on what is for education, social service and recreational needs. right in the California neighborhood, not just fixing what YPECC lets young people explore their career interests is wrong. A true collaboration of multiple residential while pursuing academic attainment and participating groups, nonprofits, churches and other stakeholders, the in leadership development activities, such as the California Collaborative is committed to making California Smoketown/Shelby Park Quality of Life Action Plan (QLAP). a neighborhood of choice in Louisville. These young “change makers” become leaders and The California Collaborative is implementing a role models in the community, and help transform their revitalization plan based on the Neighbor Works model neighborhoods. Over 100 young people in the community, of neighborhood management. The project is designed ages 6 to 16, have benefited from programs developed and to mobilize community efforts to make the neighborhood offered by the YPECC participants. “green” and wireless with vibrant cultural arts programs. 2008 grant - $150,000 2009 grant - $150,000 2010 grant - $150,000 Total Change Makers grants - $450,000

Current programs include working with Breaking New Grounds to guide neighborhood teenagers to grow vegetables and sell them at the Farmers’ Market at Victory Park, and ArtsReach community arts programs being held at sites throughout California. Additional efforts include improving the physical conditions and appearance of the neighborhood, and preserving and promoting home ownership to provide a full range of housing choices.

Norton Healthcare Foundation 2009 grant - $151,000 2010 grant- $160,000 Total Change Makers grants - $311,000 While certain work opportunities are shrinking, the healthcare industry is a growing field. However, certain training and education are required to be eligible for jobs. Norton Healthcare, one of Louisville’s largest employers, is located adjacent to the inner-city neighborhoods of Phoenix Hill, Shelby Park and Smoketown. The Norton Healthcare Foundation has a pilot education and workforce development program for 75 residents from the four neighborhoods and the Family Scholar House program. Participants receive one-on-one assistance to obtain the education they need to be employed by Norton Healthcare, as well as receive on-the-job mentoring and coaching after they are hired. This ongoing support enables participants to maximize their work readiness and education so they can climb the “career ladder” in the healthcare profession.


Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) 2008 grant - $150,000 2009 grant - $200,000 2010 grant - $200,000 Total Change Makers grants - $550,000 More Louisville residents start their college career at JCTC than any other higher education institution in Kentucky. Yet their student retention and graduation rates have been far below other local colleges or universities. The JCTC Change Maker program seeks to identify and remove barriers that are preventing students from completing their degree program. JCTC has implemented a three-year pilot program, which has already greatly improved retention rates among students from the California, Phoenix Hill, Shelby Park and Smoketown neighborhoods. The retention rate for the 68 students participating in this program was 65% compared to 42% of all JCTC students from the same neighborhoods – an increase of over 50%. The program has also revealed that changes are needed by JCTC itself, not just the students. Over 93% of faculty and staff mentors reported “doing things differently” in their classrooms and/or jobs as a direct result of Change Makers and their improved relationships with students, staff and faculty. Moving forward, JCTC’s goal is to achieve systemic change based on the Change Makers initiatives on a college-wide basis. t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

for a grant Types of Grants The Community Foundation makes three general types of grants to IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charities: (1) grants that are awarded competitively by the Board of Directors; (2) grants that are recommended or designated by donors to achieve their charitable goals; and Replace: (3) grants from endowment funds created by and for nonprofit organizations.

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Competitive Grants Grants from the Fund for Louisville As the Community Foundation continues to implement its new strategic plan, our Board of Directors is reviewing its process for awarding competitive grants from the Fund for Louisville. Please refer to our website, www.cflouisville.org, for more information regarding any Request for Proposals that may become available throughout the year. You may also contact Ms. Alex Spoelker, Vice President of Community Leadership, at alexs@cflouisville.org or 502.585.4649.

Field of Interest Grants The George and Mary Alice Hadley Fund awards grants for the arts and humanities with an emphasis on the visual arts, crafts, theater and the Louisville Free Public Library. The Historic Preservation Fund supports the preservation of historic resources in Jefferson County.

Applications for the 2011 grants from these funds will be available on our website, www.cflouisville.org, in April 2011 with an application deadline of June 15, 2011. For more information on these funds and how to apply for grants, please contact Gail Sanders, Community Leadership Officer, at gails@cflouisville.org or 502.585.4649.

Scholarship S cholarshiip Gra Grants ants Over 80 endowment funds award a variety of scholarships with different criteria and deadlines. A detailed description of these funds is available on the Community Foundation’s website. On our website you’ll also find a searchable database of all scholarships and application deadlines. Questions about how to apply for scholarships should be directed to Gail Sanders, Community Leadership Officer, at gails@cflouisville.org or 502.585.4649.

2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

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partnerships l a n o i g e R For communities outside the Louisville area, we provide access to the benefits and services of a community foundation through relationships known as affiliate and supporting foundations. Affiliate foundations are locally governed and directed toward meeting local needs. The Community Foundation of Louisville serves as fiduciary and mentor, and provides all back-office support. Supporting foundations have many of the advantages of a private foundation, plus certain benefits of a public charity. Donors and their families can concentrate on their philanthropic interests, and the Community Foundation takes care of the administrative, investment and grantmaking details.

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Affiliate Foundations Green River Area Community Foundation

Oldham County Community Foundation

( Serving Daviess, Hancock, McLean, Ohio, Union and Webster Counties)

Year Founded: 2010 Number of Funds: 11 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 26,395 Current Charitable Assets: $ 83,969 Known Future Gifts: $ 500,000 Total Committed Assets: $ 583,969 Contact: Lambert Franklin, Board Chair 502.376.5826

Year Founded: 1994 Number of Funds: 32 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 646,346 Current Charitable Assets: $ 5,435,657 Known Future Gifts: $ 13,371,000 Total Committed Assets: $ 18,806,657 Contact: Jiten Shah, Board Chair 270.926.4433

The Heartland Community Foundation Year Founded: 1994 Number of Funds: 36 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 316,342 Current Charitable Assets: $ 6,022,343 Known Future Gifts: $ 6,718,778 Total Committed Assets: $ 12,741,121 Contact: Terry Bennett, Board Chair 270.351.4404

Nelson County Community Foundation Year Founded: 1998 Number of Funds: 16 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 110,100 Current Charitable Assets: $ 415,180 Known Future Gifts: $ 479,201 Total Committed Assets: $ 894,381 Contact: Byron Corbett, Board Chair 502.348.6032


Supporting Foundation Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation (Serving Muhlenberg County) Year Founded: 2008 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 1,732,890 Current Charitable Assets: $ 44,966,460 Contact: Lindsey Ransdell, Program Officer 270.977.9194

Shelby County Community Foundation Year Founded: 1995 Number of Funds: 18 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 96,550 Current Charitable Assets: $ 1,524,497 Known Future Gifts: $ 1,195,000 Total Committed Assets: $ 2,719,497 Contact: Leon Mooneyhan, Board Chair 502.647.3533

Wilderness Trace Community Foundation (Serving Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln and Mercer Counties) Year Founded: 2002 Number of Funds: 14 Grants Paid in FY 2010: $ 116,231 Current Charitable Assets: $ 1,751,268 Known Future Gifts: $ 300,000 Total Committed Assets: $ 2,051,268 Contact: Julian Gander, Board Chair 606.365.7855 t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Learn more at www.felixmartinfoundation.org.


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The Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation, a supporting organization of the Community Foundation, was created in 2008 by a $50 million bequest from the estate of Felix E. Martin, Jr. (1927-2007). Mr. Martin was a native of DIFFE G A RE IN N Greenville, Kentucky, the county seat of Muhlenberg County, and K the Foundation supports the educational, civic and cultural needs of the County – both today and for generations to come. Each Replace: year over $1.5 million will be distributed to benefit Muhlenberg Marcus’ color corrected County. To date, the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation has awarded AR inside page$5.3 background N over 90 grants totaling more than million. should T M UH



In 2010, the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation awarded three particularly innovative grants that will impact the community:

Muhlenberg Community Hospital Walk-In Clinic

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

The grant to the Muhlenberg County Hospital will help renovate the building and equip a new primary care clinic across the street from the hospital ER. The primary care clinic will provide basic medical care to children and adults at reasonable rates, with a minimal wait time, and close to home. Up to five full-time jobs will be created in the clinic setting. In addition to providing scheduled primary care services like routine health screenings and work and school physicals, this clinic will offer extended and weekend hours to manage illnesses and minor injuries on a walk-in basis.

$50,000 This grant is being used by the Muhlenberg County Public Library to bring Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to the children in Muhlenberg County. Through this program, each month a brand new, age-appropriate book is mailed to every child in Muhlenberg County, from birth through age 5, at no cost to his or her family. The free books cover many different subjects to help the children be prepared for kindergarten. The free books available from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library are appropriate for their age on different subjects like rhyming, nursery rhymes, letters, safety, diversity and school preparation.


Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan $82,000 The Foundation’s Task Force of Local Advisors believes ongoing consolidated and unified parks programming and better parks facilities are key to improving the vitality of Muhlenberg County, attracting new businesses, and giving young people healthy and positive activities. The Foundation hired the architecture firm of Brandstetter-Carroll to create a 10-year Master Plan for establishing a Parks & Recreation Department and improving and building facilities in Muhlenberg County. 2010 A aN nN nU uA a Ll R rE eP pO oR r tT

w Ww Ww W. C c Ff Ll O oU u Ii S sV v Ii Ll Ll E e.O oR rG g


p i h s r e d a e L Board of Directors

Terry L. Singer, Ph.D.


Eric W. Taylor

Henry M. “Sonny” Altman, Jr., Chair

Altman Insurance

Mimi Zinniel, Vice Chair

Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy


University of Louisville Kent School of Social Work Griffin Taylor Co., LLC

Denise V. Troutman

The Center for Women & Families through March 2011

Jefferey M. Yussman

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Maria Hampton, Secretary

Waytt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP

J. David Flanery, Treasurer Papa John’s International

Board Committees

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Louisville Region

F. Gerald Greenwell, Chair Emeritus Frost Brown Todd, LLC

Directors Cara Bernosky IMC Licensing

Bonita K. Black

Frost Brown Todd, LLC

Marshall Bradley

Old National Bank

Carl Brazley

Mo’ Better Marketing

Pedro A. Bryant

The Louisville Community Development Bank

Adel S. Elmaghraby, Ph.D.

University of Louisville - Computer Science Dept.

Michael B. French Brown-Forman

Jacqueline C. Gibbs-Wetherby Private Client Services, LLC

Julie LaValle Jones Mayin, LLC

Executive Henry M. “Sonny” Altman, Jr., Chair Bonita K. Black Marshall Bradley J. David Flanery Michael B. French Jacqueline C. Gibbs-Wetherby F. Gerald Greenwell Maria G. Hampton Susan E. Moss Elizabeth S. Peabody Sharon A. Receveur Dorothy S. Ridings Terry L. Singer, Ph.D. Jefferey M. Yussman Mimi Zinniel

Board Development Bonita K. Black, Chair Marshall Bradley Jacqueline C. Gibbs-Wetherby Deborah Moessner Jefferey M. Yussman

Charles J. Kane


William Mapother

Jacqueline C. Gibbs-Wetherby, Chair Henry M. “Sonny” Altman, Jr. Mimi Zinniel

2nd Generation Capital, LLC Cruise and Wagner Productions

Daniel W. McMahan

BB&T Insurance Services

Deborah Moessner

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kentucky

Susan E. Moss

Kindred Healthcare

Elizabeth S. Peabody

Stegner Investment Associates

William O. Price

Owensboro Symphony Orchestra, Inc.

Finance & Audit J. David Flanery, Chair Henry M. “Sonny” Altman, Jr. Pedro A. Bryant Adel S. Elmaghraby, Ph.D. Curtis R. Ladig* William O. Price Eric W. Taylor

Terry L. Singer, Ph.D., Chair Mark A. Campisano* John W. Huggins* Anthony R. Kemper* Jay L. Klempner* Romano L. Mazzoli* Susan E. Moss Walter Munday* Marie E. Porter* Robert N. Shaw David Tachau* Deborah Williams* Mimi Zinniel

Investments Elizabeth S. Peabody, Chair Neil Heppler, Investment Consultant H. Scott Davis* Jacqueline C. Gibbs-Wetherby Martha D. Hall* Charles J. Kane William O. Rudd* Jefferey M. Yussman

Marketing Susan E. Moss, Chair Cara Bernosky Carl Brazley

Strategic Initiatives Sharon A. Receveur, Chair Cara Bernosky Bonita K. Black Marshall Bradley Carl Brazley Michael B. French Robert R. Goodin* Maria G. Hampton William Mapother Daniel W. McMahan Deborah Moessner Dorothy S. Ridings Denise V. Troutman *Advisory member

Sharon A. Receveur

Records Storage and Retrieval Solutions, LLC

Dorothy S. Ridings

Council on Foundations (retired) Civic volunteer

Robert N. Shaw

Norton Cancer Institute


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Foundation staff

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Finance and Investment

Susan A. Barry

Susan V. Nicholson, CPA

Krista L. Ryan

Rachel L. Adkins

President & CEO

Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Administrative Assistant

Frances VanMeter

Office Services Coordinator

Kathy Steward Jacobi, CFP

President, Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation

Anne E. Monell

Vice President, Communications & Marketing

Development & Stewardship

Finance & Operations Officer

James R. Hill, Jr. Controller

Bo Manning

Operations Associate

Richard A. Rosenberry Staff Accountant

Bryan Taylor

Finance Assistant

Regina Rapier Beckman, J.D. Director of Gift Planning

Shannon Kisselbaugh

Director of Stewardship

Steve Milburn

Director of Development

Melody Raidy

Development & Stewardship Associate

Community Leadership Alexandra M. Spoelker

Vice President, Community Leadership

Lindsey Ransdell

Community Leadership Officer

Gail Sanders

Community Leadership Officer

Meredith Spann

Community Leadership Associate

Mark Stewart

Director of Community Partnerships

Susan Barry accepts the Transformational Force Award, which the Community Foundation of Louisville received at the Greater Louisville Inc.’s 2010 Inc.credible Awards luncheon.

2010 annual report

w w w. c f l o u i s v i l l e . o r g


l summary a i c n a n i F 2010 AT-A-GLANCE year ended 6/30/10

Assets at year-end:

$294.2 million

Total grants:

$35.6 million

Number of grants: Replace: 7,531

Marcus’ color corrected Total gifts received: $54.3 million

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New funds created: 51background color. replace this Administrative expenses: $2.1 million

Investment Performance The Community Foundation of Louisville applies a long-term approach to investing endowment funds, including maintaining sound investment practices and diversified investment portfolios. Utilizing a long-standing balanced investment approach has resulted in investment returns consistent with appropriate benchmarks. In addition to evaluating asset allocation policies, our Board of Directors continues to evaluate our distribution policy for grants from endowments. The Foundation’s Investment Committee meets quarterly with our independent investment advisor, Fourth Street Performance Partners, to evaluate investment managers and their performance. They also review potential investment vehicles that would further the diversification of investments and protect the long-term purchasing power of our endowment funds. You may find a description of the investment options available for endowment funds, as well as a summary of investment performance, at www.cflouisville.org.

Audit In keeping with industry best practices, the Community Foundation of Louisville, its affiliate foundations and supporting foundation once again engaged the services of an independent public accounting firm to perform an annual audit of the Foundation’s records and financial statements for fiscal year 2010. As a part of this review, the public accounting firm also conducted a review of the Foundation’s internal controls and reviewed the findings with the Foundation’s Finance & Audit Committee, comprised of Foundation board members and community leaders who are experienced in accounting, finance and technology. Mountjoy Chilton Medley has completed its audit of both the fiscal year 2010 combined financial statements for the Community Foundation of Louisville, as well as the underlying supporting records. Copies of the comparative 2010 and 2009 combined audited financial statements, including the independent public accounting firm’s opinion, may be found on the Foundation’s website, www.cflouisville.org, or may be obtained by calling 502.585.4649.


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Total 2010 Grants by Purpose Religion (recommended by donors)

Replace: Health & Human Services Marcus’ corrected Arts,color Culture & Humanities AR inside page background should General Community & Environment replace this background color. Education & Scholarships

TOTAL 2010 Grants

$ 3,515,315


$ 6,454,613


$ 6,595,549


$ 6 ,688,897


$ 12,314,326


$35,568,700 100%

Total 2010 Grants by Fund Type Field of Interest Funds

$ 509,699


Nonprofit Agency Funds




Fund for Louisville

$ 897,710


Scholarship Funds



Designated Funds

$ 1,238,208


Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation

$ 1,732,889


Corporate Depository Funds

$ 5,170,225


Depository Funds

$ 7,527,382


Donor Advised Funds

$ 16,712,336


TOTAL 2010 Grants

2010 annual report


w w w. c f l o u i s v i l l e . o r g


$ 35,568,700 100%


l summary a i c n a n i F Total 2010 Assets by Fund Type Fund for Louisville




Field of Interest Funds










Replace: Nonprofit Agency Funds $ Marcus’ color corrected Scholarship Funds $ AR inside page background should Plannedthis Gifts $ replace background color. Depository & Corp. Dep. Funds




Designated Funds




Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation




Donor Advised Funds




TOTAL 2010 Assets

$ 294,197,226 100%

Asset Growth (in millions) 300 45.0
















The Community Foundation of Louisville Supporting Organization (Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation)


t h e c o mm u n i t y f o u n d a t i o n o f L o u i s v i l l e

Replace: Marcus’ color corrected AR inside page background should replace this background color. The Community Foundation of Louisville includes three separate entities, each with its own Tax Identification Number as listed below: The Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc. #31-0997017 The Community Foundation of Louisville Depository, Inc. #31-1140889 The Community Foundation of Louisville Corporate Depository, Inc. #61-1100993 The Internal Revenue Service has classified the Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc., as “tax exempt” under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; as a “publicly supported” organization under Section 170b(1)(A)(vi); and as “not a private foundation” under Section 509(a)(1). The status ensures donors the maximum tax benefit allowed by law.

Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Design: New West, LLC Printing: Vivid Impact Photography: David Modica: Cover, pages 2, 3, 5 (bottom) p. 26 (top photo); Chris Freitag, p. 5; Brian Bridges, p. 19 (bottom); Nelson Augé, p. 21 Editor: Anne Monell FSC certified with 100% post consumer fiber

The Community Foundation of Louisville 325 W. Main St., Suite 1110, Louisville, KY 40202-4251 502.585.4649 / www.cflouisville.org

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The Community Foundation of Louisville 325 W. Main St., Suite 1110, Louisville, KY 40202-4251 Phone: 502.585.4649 Fax: 502.587.7484 www.cflouisville.org

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