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Martin employees participated in United Way’s Day of Caring on June 23, 2022. The project was to paint units and spruce up the landscaping for a 125-year-old RoofOver transitional housing facility. RoofOver is The Easton Area Neighborhood Center's transitional housing program, meaning families can stay for up to a year while they address the issues that led to their homelessness, and save money for their first month's rent and security deposit. With the age of the building and families moving in and out, the units are heavily used and in need of a fresh coat of paint. It was a great experience to share with fellow coworkers and greatly appreciated by the residents and leadership team at RoofOver.

Protecting the environment is of utmost importance to C. F. Martin & Co. Whether it is supporting reforestation projects, using alternative tonewoods, minimizing waste, or saving energy throughout our facilities, we keep sustainability at the forefront of every decision we make. We were the first guitar manufacturer to implement an environmental policy in 1990, achieving Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Chain-of-Custody certification (License Code FSC-C008304). Ever since, we have collaborated with numerous environmental organizations because we strive to be good stewards of the planet and because, at Martin, every day is Earth Day.