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Bell Education Grants: Reason to Celebrate
from The Sky's the Limit: 2016 Annual Report - The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc
by cfmdin
Bell Education Grants: Reason to Celebrate
Salud! Students in Amy Cullum’s Wes-Del High School class cracked confetti eggs in celebration of another year of learning.
A $50 Robert P. Bell Education Grant allowed Cullum to purchase supplies for a creative and innovative project that brought the study of Mexican geography and culture to life for her students. In preparation for a spring fiesta, students made and decorated cascarones. These confetti eggs are a Mexican tradition during spring parties. Cracking a cascarón over the head of a friend is said to bring good luck.
The grant covered the cost of the eggs, which students carefully cracked and cleaned, egg decorating supplies and lots of confetti!
Supporting Delaware County teachers is worth celebrating. During the 2015-2016 school year, The Community Foundation awarded more than $13,000 to teachers through 45 Robert P. Bell Education Grants. The year also marked the establishment of the Robert P. Bell Teacher Grant Fund, a permanently endowed fund at The Community Foundation, which will ensure the program will continue to support teachers forever.
The Robert P. Bell Education Grants program, established in 1992, will celebrate its 25th anniversary in the coming year. As part of the celebration, The Community Foundation will host a Bell Grant Birthday Party and kick off a campaign to grow the Robert P. Bell Teacher Grant Fund to $25,000.

During a classroom fiesta, students in Amy Cullum’s Spanish class decorate and break confetti filled cascarones.