12 minute read
Donors & Gifts
from Serving the Community: 2020 Annual Report - The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County
by cfmdin
2020 Donors
A.E. Boyce Co.
Carly Acree-King
Jane Adams
Robert E. and Jana S. Adams
Peggy Adams
Shawn Adams
Gary Addison
Jay and Susan Allardt
Joseph and Maraby Allardt
David and Teresa Alley
American Electric Power Foundation
Ms. Hazel Amos
Stefan and Joan Anderson
David and Toni Annis
Anonymous Donor
Edward Armantrout and Bonita Ramirez
Monique Armstrong and John Makeni
Lynn C. Austin
Dr. Stephen and Mary Avila
David and Joan Bahlmann
James and Nancy Bailey
Nancy Baker
Ted and Gail Baker
Ball Brothers Foundation
Rudy and Candy Ballard
Linda Barb
Lindsey Bard
Todd Barile
Michael and Patricia Barlow
J. Neal Barnum
Carrie Barrett
Brenda Bartlett
Gary and Kathy Bartlett
Steve and Amy Bassett
Chase Batt
Daniel and Carolyn Beard
Karen and David Beard
Kenneth Beard
Mary Ann Beard
John and Jane Beekman
David and Mary Benbow
Judy Benken
Daniel and Janet Benson
Andy and Jamie Bergan
Kevin and Teresa Bergan
Edward Besser
Vicki Bicket
Ken and Patti Biller
Derron and Charity Bishop
Dennis and Tanya Blair
Michael Blake
Sandra Bottoms-Seals Jane Botts Cara and Zac Bow Forrest and Mary Bowers Chris Bowles Trina Bowling Jo and Scot Boyce Judy Bracken William and Margee Bracken Ann Briggs Ken and Peggy Briner Rob and Mary Brodhead Sally Brodhead Libby Brown Mike and Lisa Brown Ms. Donna Browne Patricia Brunette Juanita A. Bruns Buck Creek Church Craig and Cynthia Buckles Jack Buckles Burkhardt Designated Fund Jon and Karen Burkhardt Susan Burns Michael and Kimberly Burrell John and Donna Burton Robert and Lydia Burton Ruby Cain Chris and Bettie Caldwell James and Maryann Campbell Care Animal Hospital John and Nancy Carlson Ann Carney Jama and David Carter Richard and Elizabeth Carter Kristen Castelloni Peggy Cenova Peggy and Christopher Cenova Christian Student Foundation Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC. City of Muncie Patricia Clark Mary Foster and Tom Clark Richard and Raquel Clasby Susan Cline Michael and Susan Cloyd Phil and Carolyn Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Cox Sharon Cox and Family Sharon L. Cox Larry and Connie Crabtree Ryan and Amber Crabtree John and Pamela Craddock James and Janice Craig Laura Crampton Allie and Juanita Craycraft Marlin B. and Mary Ann Creasy Linn and Susan Crull Carolyn Cullison Ted Cunliffe Charles and Mariam Curtiss Mary Curts Loyal and Floramae Cutforth Gerard Cyranowski
Daleville Athletic Boosters Dick and Jenifer Daniel JoAnna Darda David and LuAnn Bennett Selina Davis Wil and Cindy Davis Chris Day Jim and Cheryl Decker Defur Voran Mike and Lucinda Delaney Delaware County Farm Festival, Inc. Delaware County Historical Society Jason and Melissa Delk Jack and Patty Demaree Jack and Patty Demaree Lesley Devine Cherilynn Dollison Cornelius and Mary Dollison Mary Dollison Anonymous Donor Keith and Edie Doudt Richard and Melinda Douglass Anthony Dowell Anthony Doweel Larry and Gloria Durham Rick Edmundson Jennifer Edwards Bill and Barb John and Anne Eliades Charles Anthony Elliot Sr Damon Elmore Sue Errington Mark and Molly Ervin Estep Burkey Simmons, LLC Lance and Mary Jo Estep Lance and Mary Jo Estep Arnold Everett Eddie and Anissa Faulkner Ed and Ermalene Faulkner Andy Fauquher Jennifer Fauquher Ronald and Cheryl Fauquher Jeff and Susan Felton Nancy Fike Jim Finan James and Ellen Finan First Muncie Corporation Fisher Family Fund Donna Fisher Jud and Carey Fisher FlatLand Resources, LLC Mark and Molly Flodder Molly Flodder Larry and Donna Fouch Donald and Marilyn Friddle Michael and Sue Ellen Friddle Bill and Vicki Gaddis Jean Gadziola David and Nancy Galliher Mike and Cathy Galliher R. Paul and Vickie Garrison Keith and Debbi Gary George & Frances Ball Foundation Richard Geupel Robert and Lynn Gibson Tisha Gierhart Roger and Linda Gilcrest Donna Gilkison Barbara Gillian Richard and Nikole Gillis Pat Gillis
Richard and Renee Gillis Marlene Girton Paul and Mary Glore Shelly Glore Stuart and Sue Godfrey Marilyn K. Goldman Chella Gonsalves Barbara Gooden Jim Gooden James Gooden Ajanta Goswami Douglas and Judith Grasso Wayne and Linda Gray Greater Muncie, IN Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Keith Greenwalt Terrie L. Greenwalt Connie Gregory Della D. Gregory Linda Gregory Suzanne Gresham Michael and Carolyn Grieves Ron and Mary Groves Frederick and Mary Haas Halteman Villas Association, Inc. Hamer D. and Phyllis C. Shafer Foundation Frederick M. Hamilton Jacqueline Hanoman Dr. Linda K. Hanson Mark and Cathy Hardwick Bill Harris Richard Harris Gayle and Jeannine Harrold Jeannine and Gayle Harrold Ashley Hastings and Barbara Wheatley Ken and Milli Hatch Brian Haughn Hawk Farms INC Brandee Heeter Dave and Deb Heeter Larry and Sandy Helms Steven and Kristen Herbst Timothy and Lisa Herd Charlie Hetrick Richard and Carrie Hill Bill and Jackie Hill Hillcroft Services Inc. Diane and Chuck Hoffman Jeffrey Hoffman Home Savers of Delaware County Hood Life Agency Sue Hoogenboom R. David and Suzanne Hoover Lindsey Horan Dan and Mary House Aileen Howard Gloria Huffman Gregory Huffman William and Roseanne Hughes Virginia Hunter Scott Huntsman J. Thomas and Erin Hurley Maria Iacullo-Bird Independent Colleges of Indiana Indiana Michigan Power Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Foundation Innovation Connector Inc. Mitch and Rebecca Isaacs Wanda Isenbarger Brian Ison Howard and Sharon Jackson William and Jan Jackson James and Joan McKinley Susan Johnson Roni Johnson Jane Adams Michael and Jackie Johnston Jones Locksmiths Holly Jones Jonathan Jones Mr. Paul Judy KAKATU Foundation Stanley Keil John and Marcia Kelly Laura Kelly Betty Kendall Martha Kendrick Pat Kennedy Tiffany Kerrigan Mr. Robert Kersey Martha E. Kersey Jeff and Ruth Kiger Darrell and Sheila King Jack and Mary Ann King James King and Shirley King Thomas and Nancee Kinghorn Kirby Avenue Church of God Jeffrey and Margaret Sikora Tom and Anita Kishel Kirby and Kristi Koriath Dr. John Koumoulides Dennis and Carolee Kramer Ronald and Carol Kratky Steven M. Krug Lee Ann Kwiatkowski Robert La France Emily Lamb Bruce and Eleanor Lamm David Land Jack Mulkey Jeffrey and Beth Lang Patty Lang and Howard Hammer Jan Largent Philip and Jeane LaSpina Doris Lawhead Philip and Ella Mae Lawson Susan Leffler Lilly Endowment Inc. Dale and Teresa Lindley John and Kathy Littler Kathleen Locke Rachel Lovett Mary Bess Lunsford Mary B Lunsford Mike and Nicci Lunsford Mike and Nikki Lunsford Greg Lusch Meryl Mantione Maplewood Animal Hospital Amy Marsh John and Jenni Marsh Dick and Liz Marshall John and Lynn Marshall Jay and Mary Ann Matchett Mike and Connie Mauck Jason May John and Cynthia McCabe Mike and Elizabeth McClinchie Allen McCormick Bill and Jan McCune Jane McDowell Joann McKinney Geoffrey and Jennifer Mearns Edge Mentoring Small Group- Supporting Cara Bow Family Meeks Mortuary Connie Denney Meier Todd Merickel Bea Mertens Melinda Messineo Malcolm and Ann Metzler Dr. Fred A Meyer Jr. Michael and Tina Meyer Mid-West Metals Products Hank and Terri Milius Nancy Millard Nancy H. Millard Betty Miller Estate Keith and Elaine Miller Kevin and Sherri Miller William Miller and Annemarie Voss Jason and Marcy Minton James E Mitchell James E. Mitchell Missy Modesitt John and Nancy Moll Marta Moody Bruce and Sandra Moore Norman and Pamela Morford Bailey Morgan Daryl and Linda Morrical Tom and Kathryn Morrison Motivate Our Minds, Inc. Doug and Sheri Mowbray Sarah Muhlenkamp Muncie Altrusa Foundation Muncie Central High School Alumni Assn. Muncie Endurathon Board of Directors Muncie Power Products Steve and Lisa Murphy Ryan and Jennifer Murray Todd and Jan Murray Murray's Jewelers MutualBank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rick and Eva Muzzy Myron and Carla Earhart Ed Mysogland Paul Neubauer and Elizabeth Riddle Normandy Flower Shop Northwest Bank Akilah Nosakhere John and Margo Oesterle Michele Ogle Old National Bank Old National Bank- Muncie Oren and Mary Ann Olinger William ONeal Kathie Onieal Betty Orebaugh Don and Claire Park Don and Claire Park Paul and Stacia Partezana Ruth and Wayne Payne Richard and Regina Peck Richard and Regina Reck Jack and Thelma Peckinpaugh Sue Peden Jerry and Jan Peirson Patricia Pelizzari Kent Persinger Sandra Peterson Bill Peterson Adelaide Petrucco Frank and Angela Petty Luke and Dianne Philippsen Tamara S. Phillips Ana Pichardo Karen Pickering John W. Pingry Prime Trust Federal Credit Union Psi Iota Xi - Alpha Chapter Judi Putt Jim Pyle Bryan Rausch David and Rebecca Readle Charles and Jackie Rector Ervin and Carlee Reed Steve and Amy Reed Gabriel and Susanne Reising Stephen and Debra Rhodes Richard's Kitchen and Bath Center Dan and Sherry Ridenour Nancy Riegle Sherry Riggin Robert Cooper Estate Tracy Whelan R. Donn and Freida Roberts Harold and Rita Roberts Roche Diagnostics Mary Rose L. David and Anne Marie Ross Rotary Club of Muncie Jerry and Nanette Rushton S.A. Boyce Corporation Tania Said Tania Said Dr. Charles and Sarah Sanders Jr. Linda Santoro Marilyn Scales Patricia Schaefer Judith Schell Eric and Alexis Scherrer Neil and Jane Schmottlach Kay Schnuck Carol E Seals Sara Shade and Brandon Hamilton Terry and Michelle Shaffer Kerry and Donna Shaw Randall Shepard Shawn Sherfy Sherman and Marjorie Zeigler Foundation, Inc. Juanita Harry Shrieve Joel and Kelly Shrock Kent Shuff and Steve Fennimore Siewert Farms Inc. Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni Corporation George and Mary Sissel Marvin Sites Natalie Skarbeck O'Hara Julie Skinner E. Scott and Tara Smalstig Janet Smith Holmes Dr. Nancy Smith Greg and Sandie Smith Jeffery Smith John Smith Kevin and Jennifer Smith Les Smith and Marla Boatwright Leslie Smith Steven M Smith Tom and Pam Smith Van and Margaret Smith Robert and Marilyn Smitson Robert Smitson Mary Ann Snider Randy and Cindy Sollars Larry and Jeanine Souders Genet Soule William and Isabelle Will and Isabelle Sowers William and Isabelle Sowers Timothy and Carol Spangler William and Sandra Spatta Cindy Spears Joseph Speece Rich and Sheila Spisak Sharon Spoerner The Stachler Family Daniel and Lynne Stallings Daniel and Lynne Stallings Casey and Jennifer Stanley Family Kelly and Donna Stanley Don and Ramona Stetson Cathy Stewart Catharine Stewart Daniel and Cathy Stewart James and Gail Stewart Bob and Janet Stratton Robert and Janet Stratton Thomas and Sue Stults Alex and Kallie Sulanke Kallie and Alex Sulanke Charlie and Claudia Sursa Raymond Taylor Jessica Tebben Robert Terhune Honor Stride Allan and Carolyn Thomas Charles and Jane Thomas Gary and Amy Thomas Larry and Jo Ann Thomas Wayne and Carolyn Thomas Dennis and Melinda Thompson Don and Sharon Stamper Thompson Chad and Brandyn Towell Harold and Sandra Towell Eric Cornett and Amy Tuttle Steve and Lisa Tuttle Rob and Julie Tyler United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph Counties James Updike and Munjot Sahu Warner and Judy Van Fleet Timothy and Shelley Vasalakis Greg Vaught Victoria Veach Russ Vernon and Anita Martin Jim Vincent Susan Volbrecht Marianne Vorhees Marianne and Skip Vorhees Annemarie Voss Melissa Voss Rex and Rhonda Waldo Steven and Marilyn Waldo Chris Walker Terry and Cheryl Walker Mr. Daniel K. Wantz Amy Ward Carol Watkins Bob and Kelly Weaver Webster Gladstone Foundation, Inc. Thomas Weidner and Lauren Bishop-Weidner Thomas Weidner Dr. Thomas G. Weidner Larry Wesley Art and Sue Wessel Westminster Village Residents Association Don and Sue Whitaker Doug and Kathy White Susan Whitehair Eunice and Ron Whitlock Leland and Mary Wilhoite Erin Williams Heather Williams Larry and Elizabeth Williams Rock and Judi Williams Pam and Jim Wingate Suzanne Wingate Betty Wingrove Bruce and Kathleen Wolf Ann Wolfe John and Sandra Worthen Marianne Wright John D. Wulff Yorktown Swim Club Delynn Young Leonard and Pat Zeabart Rick and Jeanne Zeigler
Genevieve and Roni Allen Tiffany Arnold Chuck and Ellie Ball Bob and Joanne Baur Goddaughter Eileen Bengert Eileen Bengert's Birthday Jean R. Blake Susan Bourne Martha Calloway Wil and Cindy Davis The wonderful DCHS volunteers whose stories brought the history of our community to us this year The Whitley Pantry/Larry Dollison Tony and Carol Elliott Mike Farrell Ermalene Faulkner Susan Faulkner Fred Feick Dylan Fickle James Finan John and Debbie Foster Bill and Vicki Gaddis David and Nancy Galliher Nancy Galliher Donna Gilkison Erma L. Green Linda S. Gregory Suzanne Gresham WaTasha Barnes Griffin Alex and Megan Haltom Bronwyn Haltom Crick Haltom Jeannine Harrold Local Healthcare Providers Patrick and Susan Helfrich Susan Helfrich Rev. Dr. Daren Hofmann Chris and Kathy Hottinger Jeff and Anne Hunter Steve and Kim Hunter Mitch Issacs Betty Kendall Jeff and Ruth Kiger Doris Lawhead Kerry and Lori Ledbetter Jacob and Elizabeth Ludwick Steve and Audrey Lunsford Tim and Rachel Lunsford Michael Lunsford Nicole Lunsford Michael and Ellen Maggiotto David and Linda McGalliard Malcolm and Ann Metzler Thomas Midanek J. Kenneth and Beverly Miller James Mitchell Jon Moll & Nancy Barefoot Wedding Katherine Onieal Stefanie Onieal Colleagues and Friends of the David Owsley Museum of Art Colleagues and Friends at the David Owsley Museum of Art Don and Dana Randall Thomas A. Sargent Patricia Schaefer Shafer Leadership Academy Van and Margaret Smith Van P. Smith John Smith Willie Spry Kelly and Donna Stanley Andrew Stratton Scholarship Funds for High School Students Bill Summers The Community Foundation Staff Steve and Lisa Tuttle Mark and Lyn Varner Jim R. Williams Patty Williams Tim Williams Colby Wingate
Millie Abram John A. Abrams Tiny Adams Brenda Applegate Terry Gene Austin Al Baker Martha Barb Joel Barrett Christy Bilby John Blackburn Jacqueline Bodine Patrick Botts Margaret Bow Colma Bowlin Stephen and Beatrice Brademas Patricia and Franklyn Brinkman Alyx Brinkman Michael T. Brodhead William Bruns Kyle Buczek Richard and Dorothy Burkhardt Mary Calkins Patricia Callard Charles Van Camp Nancy Carver Robert Chico Mrs. Barbara Clark Adam Cline Richard H. Cole Michael L. Cox Paul Cox Mary Dannar Maureen Daugherty Christopher Day Molly Day Tom Devine Patsy Donn Judy Elam Sue Elliot All Family Melanie L. Ferguson Melanie Ferguson Patricia Mitchell Fields WH (Dub) Fike George and Martha Fisher Matthew Fisher George Floyd Dr. Ray T. Foster Mrs. Rita Foster Charles H. Freeman William Garrett Rex Goen DeWayne R. Goldman Muggs Gooden
Linda Goodman Zach Greenwalt Julian Gresham Ned Griner Clarence W. Gullion John Haack A. Harriett Harkrader Harriette Harra Sue Ann Harris George Harris Everett Butch Hayden Charlotte Hedrick Dennis R Hensley Charlotte Hetrick Charolette Hetrick Gregory C. Hill Mike Hirons Jon Hunter Nina Huxhold Wanda Quinn Isenbarger Jack Isenbarger Charles R. Dick Jaggers Lucy Jarvis Mike Jester Dr. Lathrop P. Johnson Lathrop P. Johnson Dorothy S. Johnson Sally Johnson Donald R. Johnson Ann Roberts Keener Rodney Keesling Kathleen Kiefer Keil Patricia Ducy Kelly James and Violet King Anastasios and Sophia Koumoulides Jane Kramer Thomas Lamb Susan Land Grammy (Susan Land) Betty Larimore Betty Lightle Alma Lippitt John B. Lotz JB Macon Morry E. Mannies Thomas McCarthy Sudha Mehta David Middleton Gary Lee Miller Pat Mills Ronald and Dorothy Moon Diana Lee Morris J Barbara Murray Jean Nation Ellen Payne Osborn David Palm John K. Parker Marge Parks Jane Peterson Jill Pickart Bill and Kate Pingry Bill Putt Betsy Pyle Charles A. Ray Oscar, Mae, and Rose Rector Bob Rehse Dr. John Reno Bob Reynard Mary U. Rhorer Rodney J. Richard Steve Robert Steve Robert and Tracy Whelan Al Robinson Donald Rodeffer Elizabeth Ann Roos Zenobia Roundtree-Faulkner Marianna Rubush Tom Schnuck Cathy Schrecongost Howard Schroeder Uno Shrock Al and Julie Simmons Julie Skinner William Skinner Dixie Smith Jeanne Smith Kay Snider Betty Sollars Barbara Sparenberg Carolyn Starnes Patricia Strahan Wanda M. Strauch David and Mary Jane Sursa Carol Trimmer Elaine Tudor Rex Waldo II Rollin E. Ward Jim Warrner Georgie White Charles Whitehair Ben Grady Williams Angie Wilson Gary Wooten Tommie Jo Wright DeVon Yoho Spencer Tony Zachary