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Planned Gift Extends a Life's Investment
Greg Huffman’s Legacy Gift Continues his Support of Muncie Civic Theatre Forever
“The arts are a really important part of a community and can make a big impact in individual lives,” said Maura Hoff, Board Chair of Muncie Civic Theatre. “As we grow, we can offer more for the entire community.”
The Muncie Civic Theatre has seen growth over the last several years. They successfully completed a capital campaign to renovate their home in the Boyce Block. They persisted through a global pandemic. Most recently, they received a gift to the Muncie Civic Theatre Fund at The Community Foundation, increasing the balance 20-fold. Dedicated leaders, a strong staff, committed volunteers, and devoted supporters will help this growth continue.
Gregory Huffman, a Muncie Civic Theatre board member since the 1980s, was a key player in Civic’s growth.

“Our board has always been a working board, and Greg was a champion of that,” said Laura Williamson, executive director of Muncie Civic Theatre. “I never felt like calling him and asking for his advice was bothering him. It felt like he was happy to be included.”
Greg had a plan to provide continued support for Civic’s growth. He joined The Community Foundation’s Legacy Society by notifying the Foundation of his plan to include the Muncie Civic Theatre Fund at The Community Foundation in his estate plan. The Foundation was listed as a beneficiary on an IRA account belonging to Greg – a simple but effective way to benefit a favorite charity with a planned gift.
Donors who join the Legacy Society build a relationship with the Foundation during their lifetime and can be assured that their contribution will be used as planned once it is realized. When Greg passed away in early 2022, The Community Foundation and Muncie Civic Theatre were notified of a gift that would come from his estate to the Foundation to benefit the Muncie Civic Theatre Fund.
The planned gift was unexpected to Civic’s board and staff. Still, Laura explained, “Knowing what the Theatre meant to Greg, knowing that his friends were there, and all he had put into it over the years, it wasn’t surprising he would continue his legacy where he put such a large investment of time and energy.”
The Muncie Civic Theatre Fund is a designated endowment fund held for the benefit of Civic at The Community Foundation. The Muncie Civic Theatre Board of Directors held a special fundraising campaign to start the fund in 1992. Greg was part of the board when the fund was established and had a chance to see its impact over the years.
“It’s always nice to know there is a steady stream of income, and I applaud the board for being forward-thinking when they started the fund,” said Maura. “It has allowed for different opportunities, especially with the addition of Greg’s gift.”
Designated funds provide benefiting organizations annual, sustainable income distributions. The income distributions are grants from the Foundation that are noncompetitive and generally unrestricted to the recipient organization to help them meet their greatest need. Because the fund is endowed, income will be available in perpetuity.
“We are so grateful to the board who started the Muncie Civic Theatre Fund and to the donors that have contributed,” said Laura. “Every organization sees seasons, and the fund gives us time to balance those seasons.”
Greg’s contributions to Muncie Civic Theatre extended far beyond his financial support.
In 2021, Greg was awarded the David Sursa Leadership Award from The Community Foundation in recognition of his service to Muncie Civic Theatre. Laura Williamson wrote in his nomination, “He is a mild-mannered, consistent, unassuming leader, never looking for accolades and generally being a little embarrassed by them. He is passionately committed to the Theatre and the first
to do whatever needs to be done. He is consistent and reliable. Those aren’t flashy words but specific to the Theatre’s financial sustainability, he has guided us to a place where we are profitable and making regular steps to a sustainable future.”
His choice to make a planned gift to Civic’s endowment fund truly reflects his leadership and commitment to the long-term economic sustainability of an organization that meant so much to him.
While Greg invested much time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of Muncie Civic Theatre, he was known for giving back to the community and for his dedicated service to the Muncie community more broadly. In addition to his service to Civic, over the years, he served as President of the Muncie Salvation Army Board, Vice President for Development at the United Way, President of Community Enhancement Projects, instructor for Indiana University School of Continuing Education, and as a Church Council member of High Street United Methodist Church. His service left an impact on the community and individuals alike.
“Greg had a sense that the theater was a safe space for some people,” explained Laura. “And one of the things that I really love about Greg’s legacy is that he recognized how important it is for there to be a place for all people always.”
Undoubtedly, Muncie Civic Theatre was a special place to Greg Huffman. His legacy gift to The Community Foundation will impact Civic and the community who love the theatre today, tomorrow, and always.