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2020 Second Quarter Competitive Grants


We are pleased to announce that $217,716 has been awarded to 11 nonprofit organizations during the second Quarterly Competitive Grant cycle of 2020.


City of Muncie received $25,516 for phase one of improvements to Cooley Park, which includes safety and ADA compliance renovations to the restroom facilities.

Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America received $10,000 to provide after-school STEM Scout programming to more than 100 children at Northview, Southview, Royerton, and Yorktown Elementary Schools.

East Central Indiana Regional Partnership, Inc. received $10,000 to promote the 10-county East Central Indiana region, including Muncie-Delaware County, for new business investment and talent attraction.

Little Red Door Cancer Agency received $12,500 for the Nutrition Supplements Program, which provides supplements to cancer patients to mitigate the negative effects of chemo and radiation treatments like fatigue, unhealthy weight loss, and loss of independence.

Motivate Our Minds, Inc. received $20,000 to support quality academic instruction for more than 200 children in Muncie and Delaware County.

Muncie Arts and Culture Council received $23,000 to provide organizational capacity support. Muncie Delaware Senior Citizens Council, Inc. received $21,700 to replace aging refrigerators and freezers at the Senior Center.

Muncie Home Ownership and Revitalization received $20,000 to defray the cost to build a home in partnership with Muncie Area Career Center Building Trades students that will provide a homeownership opportunity in Muncie’s McKinley Live Learn Neighborhood.

Psi Iota Xi Charities, Inc. received $30,000 to restore the Wolfe Home facility, which houses The Bargain Box.

Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Inc. received $20,000 for Forward S.T.E.P.S., an initiative that builds relationships and connections across the community to increase the economic stability and vitality of under-resourced households.

TeenWorks, Inc. received $25,000 to support wages of 60 Delaware County teens participating in the Summer Employment Program.

Second Quarter Competitive Grants have been awarded from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation and the following funds:

Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund, Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund, Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, Esther Ball Fund, Bassett Family Fund, J. Robert and Joanne N. Baur Fund, Jane Harrell Buckles Fund, Gordon and Pam Cox Fund, John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund, John and Janice Fisher Unrestricted Endowment Fund, Linda and Connie Gregory Fund, Jane E. Hughes Fund, Roni Johnson Fund, KAKATU Foundation/ David and Joanna Meeks Fund, Francis Lafferty Fund, Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, Mid-West Metal Products Fund, Bill and Nancy Mitchell Living Well in Delaware County Fund, MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund, Jim and Mary Rosema Fund, Martin D. and Helen B. Schwartz Unrestricted Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund, Nancy J. Smith Fund, Charles and Claudia Sursa Unrestricted Named Endowment Fund, David and Mary Jane Sursa Fund, Faye Wingate Fund, Youth as Resources Fund.

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