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The Community Foundation is often recognized for its broad grantmaking and for providing scholarships for students. The Community Foundation also provides donors with options to support the specific causes and organizations that matter most to them during their lifetimes and beyond.
Earlier this year, Steve Robert approached The Community Foundation with a desire to provide support to organizations that he felt were doing important work in the community. Steve had been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor that would quickly claim his life. He had been an avid community volunteer during his lifetime, looking at this volunteer work as community advocacy. He wanted to ensure this work would continue even after he was gone.
He expressed an interest in supporting eight unique organizations with a gift that would be realized before he passed away. Working closely with Foundation president, Kelly K. Shrock, Steve determined that his gift would add to five existing funds at The Community Foundation – Larry Dollison Food Cooperative Fund, Motivate Our Minds Fund, Red-tail Land Conservancy Fund, Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Inc. Fund, and the YWCA Fund. His gift would also provide the seed money needed to establish three new funds – Martin Luther King Dream Team Fund, Muncie OUTreach Fund, and NAACP Muncie Branch Fund.
Steve understood that giving is more effective when there is long-term sustainable funding, and that structural issues require structural solutions. Through the establishment of these three new funds, he was creating an opportunity for others to support and strengthen causes that mattered to him.
Steve’s reach extended beyond Muncie. From helping people have clean water by raising money for well-drilling in Sudan through Water is Basic, to visiting Poland with Holocaust survivor, Eva Kor, Steve believed we live in a global community. It is the human connections we make as individuals that make things better for everyone.
“He did good things,” said Steve’s sister, Diane Hoffman. “He was driven to help those who were marginalized or down on their luck. He encouraged others, too. By starting these funds, he was nudging others to continue the work that brings people together.”

Steve was quoted as saying, “Well - I don’t guess this world is going to make itself into a better place - so - I guess that is just gonna have to be our job.”
His financial gift near the end of his life was just one of the many ways that Steve was able to make the world better. Steve passed away on April 21, less than a month after his gifts were realized. Each of these designated funds provides distributions to the organizations named either annually or upon request to provide long-term sustainable support. Anyone may contribute to these funds and to help them grow and provide more support to these important community organizations.
“This organization means so much to me and many others in the community,” said Laura Janney, founder and director of Muncie OUTreach. “It’s important that we are here in Muncie. Steve’s gift will keep us going for a long time, especially as other people build upon what he began.”
No matter the amount, the timing, the charitable interest, or the gift vehicle, the Foundation can help you achieve your charitable goals. Through our more than 300 funds, The Community Foundation can provide donors with the right options that allow them to support the specific causes and organizations that matter most to them during their lifetimes and beyond.