Capital Football Strategic Plan 2012-2015 – Supporting Activities Strategic Priority 1 – Enhancing our Sport Objective – Build on our capabilities to be more sustainable (provide a high level of service and support to the football community)
Participation- Provide diverse and quality products and services that meet the demands of our stakeholders o o o o o o o o o
Provide a safe, friendly and respectful environment Focus on retention and provision of quality experience in addition to the recruitment of new players Keep participation affordable and actively manage expectations of our stakeholders – educate those participating in our sport as to what they pay for and what they receive Grow our market share within the Capital region Increase female participation in Futsal Continue to monitor the optimum number of participants across all leagues to ensure quality is appropriate to level of the sport Promote transition from junior to senior in all forms of the game, particularly in refereeing Draft a development plan for Futsal – growth, resources and facilities Draft a business case for the retention, transition, education and training of referees
Clubs - Help build the capacity of our clubs o o o o o o o o o o
Implement the FFA club accreditation program Facilitate UC internship programs to support club administrators Explore joint club models and shared services and facilitate dialogue and joint planning between junior and senior clubs Enhance relationships between Futsal and the clubs and better coordinate the scheduling of the season and development pathways Develop strong relationships with schools and linkages to clubs Explore a grading/point system for clubs that recognises quality on and off the field and rewards good all round club performance and highlights issues with others (eg spectator behaviour) Provide clubs with model structures tools, templates and frameworks that support the volunteers to undertake their administrative roles, building capacity and capability of our clubs Explore paid roles for club administration services Aim for maximum level of coach accreditation and ongoing support Continue development of coaches though the coaching curriculum
Final Version - 23 November 2011
Competitions - Ensure quality of all competitions o o o o o o o
Ensure quality of competition is supported by sufficient and appropriately skilled referees and assistant referees Review current competitions to clarify the different ‘drivers’ for each level of competition and different requirements – eg masters vs premier league Explore more flexible approaches in timing and structure of games to better service players and use of facilities, and free up potential referees Explore options for implementing a program to focus attention on the issues surrounding recruitment, retention and quality participation of referees Encourage FFA to provide national leadership in the area of refereeing Facilitate 2 way communication and promote a sense of belonging Ensure the CF structure supports development and needs of referees
Talent Development – Focus on ongoing development for players via the FFA talented player pathway that includes ACTAS and AIS programs, as well as coaches, referees and administrators o o o o o o o
Provide development pathways for players, coaches, referees and clubs beyond Capital Football Review the competition structure in line with FFA to ensure we have a competitive premier product and appropriately service other levels Provide a regional centre of excellence for players, coaching, referees and administrators Continue to build on the success of Canberra United Explore the active recruitment of Asian players to promote greater interest in the game and international regional links Support clubs looking into options to play in NSW leagues Explore the development of inbound camps from the Asian region
Strategic Priority 2 – Growing our Business Objective - Broader reach, better resourced, better connected Leadership - Ensure leading practice governance models, structures, management processes and sustainable financial practices at all levels o o o o o o o o
Clarify and communicate terms of reference and roles and responsibilities of committees, clubs and other stakeholders to ensure they understand their purpose, responsibilities and position in the bigger picture of the sport Develop a simple induction kit for new club committee members to educate them of their roles, rights and responsibilities and their position in the bigger picture of the sport Ensure compliance with FFA requirements Review the CF structure to ensure it supports the strategic plan Review the roles and skills of the staff to ensure they meet the requirements of the strategic plan Provide ongoing professional development for our staff Carry out regular management performance reviews Ensure that our governance structure is appropriate to a business of our size
Final Version - 23 November 2011
Influence, Alignment and Relationships - Provide leadership to effectively position football with government, the corporate sector and other influencers o o o o o o o o
Put CF forward as a role model within the ACT sporting and broader community Capitalise on our influence within government (federal and local) and the community Promote to the FFA our ability to connect with the Federal Government and the ASC Continue to develop strong relationships with licensed clubs Ensure alignment with FFA and ACT Government’s Strategic Plan Active 2020 CF to effectively position football with government and the corporate sector Capitalise on opportunities presented by the 2015 Asian Cup Explore regional opportunities with Football NSW
Commercial Development - Ensure our business facilitates development and delivery of quality products o o o o o
Diversify our income streams and adopt a coordinated approach to sponsorship acquisition and management Promote our brand Develop innovative products and services that meet the demands of our customers and spectators Leverage our products for mutually commercial benefit – eg Kanga Cup Explore membership structures that allow for greater reach and flexibility into market segmentation – supporters, fans, unaffiliated groups, etc
Communication - Provide effective facilitation in the sharing of information o o o o o o o o
Remove blockages in the communication systems to ensure accurate and timely two way communication Explore innovative contemporary IT solutions to improve our communication including social media, apps, etc Develop stronger two-way communication with FFA and with our clubs Promote information sharing between clubs – case studies, good examples Ensure activities are synchronised within the sport to reduce duplication and avoid clashes Provide more ‘targeted group’ communication from CF to clubs Ensure CF website provides balanced communication for football at all levels Hold regular zone meetings to improve communication and share information
Final Version - 23 November 2011