1 minute read
The legacy of our founders, Gordon and Freda Lindsay, is “Training World Changers to impact humanity with the gospel of Jesus Christ through Worship, the Word and World Missions.” They knew that for anyone to become successful and strong in the world, they would need a foundation of prayer, the word of God, and worship.
Our resolve is to see those who have embarked on an educational journey with our school and have experienced God’s transforming power in this place, be encouraged and challenged to preserve the mantle they were given during their time at Christ For The Nations.
This is why we are committed to building and strengthening our relationships with our alumni community, by creating tools and resources that offer opportunities for connection, encouragement, spiritual refreshment and support to all those within our network. We know the future of our growth depends on the success of our past; therefore, we need alumni like you to help us continue our mission. Whether you graduated 40, 10, or 2 years ago, we would like for you to visit and take a look at the alumni tools available at cfni.org/alumni We would love to hear from you and know that you are getting our latest updates and news of what’s happening with our CFNI ALUMNI.
Krissia Lindsay
Alumni Director - Visit our Alumni Business & Ministry Directory - Sign up to receive our Alumni Newsletter - Update your information with us - Follow us on social media