ISSUE 11 | JUL_OCT 2011 | FREE
pastor’s message
“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like the cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.” PSALM 92
We started this year with a declaration that 2011 would be a “Year to Flourish”. A time to plant ourselves firmly in relationship with God and His word, and a time to grow together as we move forward in the vision of our church. A time to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit who empowers each one of us to live significant and joy filled lives. And that is exactly what we are seeing! Each weekend our Guest Lounge is one of the most exciting places to be with new people being consistently “blown away” by the sense of joy and worship in our meetings and the warm and genuine welcome they feel from all our people. New people are finding faith, joining volunteer teams and connect groups and starting to become real “followers of Christ”. In all departments we are seeing strong momentum with new leaders and teams expanding and a growing sense of God’s favour to keep reaching out and to help others experience His goodness and love. And of course this season of flourishing is not limited to our local congregation and community. At our recent Change the World Mission Conference we were able to see our Faith Promise giving significantly increase which will have a real impact in nations all around the globe. People continue to express high levels of interest in going on our planned mission outreaches meaning many more people will soon discover the excitement of actually going as well as giving! I want to thank you for embracing the vision and heartbeat of Bridge Church. These are some of our greatest days and Sally and I, and the entire leadership team are humbled and encouraged to witness what God is doing in all our lives and the significant impact we as a church are having. None of this can be done in our own strength, but as we keep growing closer to God and keep following the direction of the Holy Spirit, He will continue to cause us to flourish and grow for His glory. Take the time to read the personal stories and get inspired by all that is happening in this edition of “Encourage”. If you are not already in a volunteer team or a local connect group – Now is the time! We are launching our new Connect Network and are working hard to make sure no one misses out and everyone can be firmly “planted in the house of the Lord”. Thanks for always being willing to make the difference.
Ps David Doery
David Doery : Connected Community An interview with Ps David
12-13 14 24-25
Relationships That Last A Moment With Sally
p. 10
Carriers of God’s promise
You Can Change Your Life
p. 12-13
Pastors’ Message Words for the church
Are You New?
Information for guests and new people
Harvest (Bible College) Fasting
Sunday Best
Your Say
Like a child
Everything that’s happening at Bridge
p. 41
Ministry contacts
Are you looking for exposure for your business? Do you want to put your message in front of 3000+ readers from Richmond and surrounds?
get in contact with us today to talk about how we can help.
EMAIL: for details.
My Story
Knowing my God
Soul Sisters (Women)
Ushering: the face of Bridge Church
Embrace your uniqueness
Connect Groups
Ushers Volunteers Life changed through serving
Ignite (ages 18-27)
Fusion (27-35)
Empire (ages 12-18)
Why connect?
The Cause (Training)
I was changed
My life as an intern
Momentum (Men) Conquest
Pastoral Care Prayer works
Local Mission Impacting the community — who me?
Global Mission
Links (Cultural Groups)
Regeneration (ages 50+)
Road trip
Teen Church
Life Choices
Why do you go to Teen Church?
Dealing with issues together
Reflections (Bookshop) Reviews
Eternal investment
Where I’ve come from
Living to the full
Kids Alive & Families Testimonials and SOAP devotion
Creative Ministries
Leading in media
7 questions with Dawn Mackay
Encourage Magazine 10 Griffiths Street, Richmond, Vic, 3121 T: 03 8420 0900 F: 03 8420 0999 E: Editorial // Editorial Oversight Editorial Assistant Art // Art Director Graphics Photographers Cover Design
Rob Morris Louise Ratcliff Cathy Fransisca Ai Ling Ong, Ariya Dickinson, Asteria Setiono, Megan Boonstra, Stephanie Widjaja Jonathan Siebert, Teh Aik Thai, Sayher Heffernan, Stephanie Widjaja
The material in Encourage Magazine is subject to copyright and all rights are reserved. We reserve the right to change and/or edit articles. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. All information is correct at the time of printing. All material sent to Encourage Magazine, solicited or unsolicited, will not be returned, unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Encourage Magazine upon receipt and we may use the material in all media worldwide without further consent or payment. Encourage Magazine does not accept or assume responsibility for such material. We do accept unsolicited material, written or photographs. Please contact Encourage Magazine for submission enquiries. You can reach us at Bridge Church, 10 Griffiths Street, Richmond, VIC, 3121. T: 03 8420 0900 // E: Richmond Assembly of God Inc. ABN: 27 036 472 702
background: adapted from thedesktopwallpaperproject
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What is your view on authentic, biblical community? To be in authentic community there are absolutely no short cuts. You have to spend time together and be able to share the highs, lows and real experiences of life. Sometimes someone will be supporting you, other times you will bring the support and encouragement they need. It is also an opportunity to be able to stretch; build faith, grow and encourage each other to keep going in Christian faith and service together. When you are in authentic community you can achieve so much more together than you can individually. Given the pace of life, and the pressures people deal with today, do you think biblical community is relevant in the 21st century? Community is more relevant now than ever before. Statistics tell us that, as a consequence of being so busy in our lifestyles we are one of the most isolated generations in history. The busier we are, the more in danger we are of an unbalanced life. Scripture says that we are called to be in relationship. The demands of life put us at risk of becoming isolated so we have even more reason to make building biblical community a high priority. We are hearing a lot about a re-launched connect group network, can you tell me why we have done this and what is different from what we have done up until now? The main reason that we are expanding our connect group network is because we have realised that there are quite a lot of people who are part of our church but who are still largely unconnected. What we have been saying to people is that if you are part of a volunteer team, come into a connect group or are serving in a department in the church then you will enjoy the benefits of community. Yet there are a lot of people who are outside of those avenues of care. So, we are asking our connect groups to start caring for, reaching out to and connecting with people who are, at the moment, outside those support vehicles. Why are you so passionate about this? I absolutely love connect groups. They were part of my spiritual heritage from a very early age as a new Christian. For many years, Sally and I would open up our home and we saw so much of the life of the church worked out in those relationships
and in those meetings at home, people finding Christ, people being filled with the Holy Spirit, people receiving miracles and people growing in their faith. I love connect groups because they are the grass roots of our Christian faith and one of the most significant ways of making a large church small enough to care, for everybody to find a place of community and where people can grow and connect with others. What would you say to someone who says, ‘I’m too busy’ or ‘I don’t do connect groups’? If you are too busy for authentic relationships then you are probably too busy! We are called to grow in our relationship one with another as well as our relationship with God. The reality is if you are not able to enjoy that kind of relationship then you are missing out on what others can pour into your life and on an incredible opportunity to give into other people’s lives as well. Why is attending a church service on the weekend not enough? In a church the size of Bridge, if you limit your involvement to a weekend service you limit yourself to just being part of a crowd. As wonderful and as God-encountering as our weekends are, you can come into a crowd and you can leave the way that you came in. God called us to be part of a community. If you only come on weekends you will never know that sense of community. If you could project ahead two years, what would you expect to see in terms of the number of people who call Bridge Church home and are also actively involved in the connect network? Our goal is to close the gap so that everybody who comes on the weekends is part of the connect group network. We want to make sure that someone knows who they are, is building relationship with them and is doing as much as possible to help them grow in their faith and get involved in the vision. My prayer is that more and more people will get involved in the connect network and see it as integral to church life.
my story
GOD By Jack Matthews
Our God, who is He and what does He want? It seems He must be after something and it has to be pretty important after all the effort He puts into getting our attention.
Who is God and what is it that He wants? There is a simple answer to this question which is in no way underwhelming. In a word, He wants relationship…WITH US! I decided to start the discipleship course starting with My God because as with any relationship it is vital to know about who you are in relationship with. The My God course creates the opportunity to ask questions and explore the Word. This opened up a deeper understanding and personal relationship with God. Not only does God want us to be in relationship with Him, but also with the people around us. It was an amazing opportunity to talk, share, discuss, and hear some of the ways in which God enters into people’s lives. If you think about your loved ones, when you hear the sound of their footsteps as they walk down the hall, you can probably tell what mood they are in by the way they close a door. You know these things about them because you understand them, you know how they move because of your relationship with them. The My God course is a fantastic way of being able to do the same with God, understanding the things He has done for us, the way He moves in your life, and the absolute thrill of a thriving relationship with Him. The My God course is for anyone who wants to learn, grow, share, understand and encounter the Holy Spirit and move into a deeper relationship with God. A relationship that knows no limits and is strengthened every day.
MY STORY is the discipleship pathway of Bridge Church; a disciple
learns, lives and accepts as their own, the teachings of Jesus. MY STORY pathway also includes My Purpose, My Church and My World courses.
The next MY STORY program runs Monday nights – July 21, 28, August 4 and 11. My God Connect Group meeting at Bridge Church for new Christians from August 7. We are introducing My God in a relaxed small group format that will run from August 7. The format will allow more discussion and flexibility to suit the unique situation of people seeking to grow in their faith in Jesus. TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MY STORY PICK UP A BROCHURE AT THE INFORMATION DESK OR CONTACT PASTOR ROBBIE CETTOLIN OR NATALIE CONSIDINE AT THE CHURCH OFFICE ON 8420 0900.
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are you new?
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During the service pick up a WELCOME PACK because it’s filled with valuable information about the life of the church.
Visit our GUEST LOUNGE near the foyer and have a chat with one of our Pastors or Guest Lounge Hosts over a hot or cold drink.
Register for the BRIDGE INTRO PARTY at the information desk so you can hear about the vision of the church and meet the Pastors.
Sign up for the MY GOD course to learn about God and how to grow as a Christian.
Join one of our CONNECT GROUPS around Melbourne.
Join one of the VOLUNTEER teams so you can connect with others who love to serve God.
Welcome To Your Local Church. 10
DABBS 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM
11 September Reggie speaks all around the globe at schools and churches and has seen countless numbers of people come to know Jesus through his incredible testimony and life changing message. This is a perfect opportunity to invite your friends along.
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The hot question on the lips of every person considering a serious relationship seems to be “how do I choose the right life partner” or perhaps “how do I avoid choosing the wrong one?” Marriage must be based on more than infatuation. It must be based on aspects of love that can grow stronger over the years. Here are seven questions that may be helpful to ask yourself when deciding if your relationship has the foundations upon which to build a strong and lasting marriage. Do you want to share the rest of your life with this person? Marriage is about two individual people who have been leading individual lives, coming together and sharing everything. Marriage does not allow you to remain as two independent people. Marriage means being ready to share your whole life with another person. Are you ready to share your time, agenda and money? Does the thought of doing so fill you with excitement or uncertainty? Does your love give you energy and strength or does it drain you? If the relationship is healthy, you shall feel more alive when you are together and more motivated to live to your full potential. The other person’s love should set you free to be the person you were created to be. Our closest friends and family are often the people who recognise most accurately the effect of the relationship on us.
Do you respect this person? Respect goes much deeper than mere attraction. Do you respect this person’s character and the way they relate to others? Do you respect their judgement and the decisions they make regarding career, money and family? Are you compatible in your core beliefs and values? It would be unwise to marry someone with opposing views on the things you hold most dear. For example, do you agree on matters of faith, ethical issues, children? Would you be proud to be attached to this person and have them as the mother or father of your children?
4 5 6 7 *
If you are a Christian, the Bible’s instruction not to “be yoked with an unbeliever” (2 Corinthians 6:14) is important for those considering marriage. Does this person want to follow and serve God wholeheartedly in every aspect of their life? Does he or she look to God as the one who has a plan and purpose for their life and your life together? Do you accept this person as they are? We all have our weaknesses and bad habits. You need to be sure that you could live together and love each other even if none of these things were to change. We must not get married on the instalment plan, hoping to change this or that about our partner once married. That is God’s job, not ours. Are you able to admit your mistakes, apologise and forgive one another? When you hurt one another you need to be able to bring it out into the open, let go of your pride, say sorry and forgive. This requires good communication. Have you as a couple settled disagreements between you in a constructive way? The point of this test is not the existence or absence of conflict but your ability to resolve it. Do you have interests in common as a foundation for friendship? Have you found interests that you both enjoy and derive pleasure from doing together? It will be important to continue with these and other joint activities within marriage to keep your friendship growing. Have you weathered all the seasons and a variety of situations together? Only sufficient time together will reveal the real person. Have you known each other not only when things are going well but also when times are difficult? How do you each respond under stress or in a crisis? Above all seek God to guide you in this decision. It is better to be single and using your freedom to serve God and reach your full potential in Him than to suffer the consequences of an ill chosen husband or wife. Make sure you are focussed on being the right person, not just finding the right person. It takes great courage to tie the knot and say words that will affect the rest of your lives. Marriage can be an incredible blessing, when it is built upon a strong foundation. Above all seek God to guide you in this decision.
Excerpts from “The Marriage Book” by Nicky and Sila Lee
How do I choose the right life partner?
How do I avoid choosing the wrong one?
picture courtesy of
soul sisters
By Ps Sally Doery
Caleb was an incredible promise-carrier. In the book of Joshua he speaks these words : “ Now then, just as the Lord promised, He has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time He said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the desert. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.” I love Caleb’s faith and his resolve, his capacity to keep his promise alive over forty-five years. I wonder if Caleb knew how long he would have to nurture his God-promise when he received it? God’s promises are always so incredible that when we receive them, we want them now! There is much we can learn from Caleb. Firstly, Caleb carried the promise in his heart all that time; he did not forget it, he did not allow forty years of desert wandering to diminish or destroy it, he carried it carefully, keeping it alive in the midst of adversity which was not his fault. Secondly, Caleb kept his relationship with God as his first priority; on more than one occasion we are told he received his promise because he followed the Lord whole-heartedly.
Finally, I believe it was the promise that sustained Caleb in the desert despite the faithless behaviour of the Israelites and the fact that it must have seemed he was being punished with them even though he had not sinned. Caleb chose to carry the promise in his heart instead of the negativity, death and disillusionment he saw around him.
as you carry it carefully in your heart and determine to keep it alive in the midst of adverse circumstances. May we see the God-promises for our church, and for us as individuals, come to pass as we stand together and believe God for His destiny to be revealed at Bridge Church.
When it came time for Caleb to inherit his promise, he was ready and prepared to fight for it, an eighty-five year old man, strong, vigorous and willing to say “now give me this hill country the Lord promised me.” I pray this passage encourages you to keep alive the God-promises you have been waiting to see fulfilled. May you also see the power that lies within the promise to keep you strong and vigorous and expectant,
soul sisters
Embrace Your Uniqueness
By Natasha Mashakada Photography by Emma Jane Mckenzie We live in a world that rarely embraces us to be ourselves. You hear in the media that to be accepted you need to have a certain profession, a certain size, a certain look and the list goes on! To be frank, I have tried to measure up to the list and have failed to do so. Praise the Lord! I failed so miserably because I am not designed to conform to this world but to the lover of my soul, Jesus. Thanks be to God, who has fearfully and wonderfully made you and I! As I walk with the Lord, He places in my heart these ‘change challenges’ and one challenge I work at every day is to love being me. As I sought God to answer the question of ‘who am I really?’, I prayed continuously and fasted occasionally. One night, I finished a novel I had been reading and it included a prayer at the back and as I read it, something hit home. It was more than a prayer, it was a declaration and at that instant I took a pen and paper and wrote what was spoken in my heart. As I wrote, it became clear to me, God was placing in my heart a declaration of who I am. I was determined to memorise it and so I have. Earlier this year, I had a revelation. This year, Natasha will acquire perseverance and love with passion, purpose and strength. My faith will flourish as I trust in the Lord. Now that does not mean I am accomplished in life but rather the opposite. There will always be challenges in life but there will always be my loving saviour by my side! God bless and I hope that you too will embrace your uniqueness!
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:1
LEADER // Ps Sally Doery Enquiries // Laura Latianara T: 03 8420 0900 Bridge Church, 10 Griffiths Street, Richmond (off Bridge Road)
connect groups
connect groups
GET CONNECTED! Make some friends! Find community! At Bridge Church
we love connect groups! Meet in homes All over the city and suburbs Experience the life transforming power of community Be impacted by the Word of God, friendship, food and fun Discussions Stories of God’s work in people’s lives Request prayer Groups for different age groups and interests Grow in faith Fellowship with others Function as a passionate follower of Jesus
Why Connect?
Adult groups comprising of singles, couples, and families from different cultures, backgrounds, professions, nationalities and age groupings.
For people with specific interests such as books, sports, motor-cycling, prayer, business and professional.
Focus on particular national or ethnic groupings, such as African, Filipino, Chinese, Indian & Sub Continent, Italian, Pacific Islands, Russian, Ukranian and Hungarian.
For teenagers, run on alternative weeks to the combined Empire youth program.
FUSION For young professionals in the 26-35 age group: meets fortnightly in connect groups with regular combined gatherings.
IGNITE For university students and young professionals between 18-27 age group: meets fortnightly in small groups with combined meeting on alternative weeks.
PRAYER GROUPS For a people with special interest in prayer and intercession.
For women of all ages. Fortnightly meetings.
MOMENTUM CONNECT GROUPS Mens Connect Groups coming soon. Contact church office for more details.
Need help finding a Connect Group for you?
Contact the church on T: 03 8420 0900 E: Raef.Soliman@ or Check out ‘What we’re doing/ Connect Groups’ on our website
By Bee Choo Ng
After I made decision to follow Christ, it was at Connect Group that my growth as a Christian really began to take place. The nurturing and personal care invested in me allowed me to build my faith and exercise my gifts. Through our shared experiences as a group, we grew together spiritually and leaned on each other for prayer, practical help and for encouragement through various trials. To me, Connect Group has always been my safe place where I am allowed to make mistakes yet I am loved all the same. As a married couple, Connect Group has been an incredible blessing to both my husband Kevin and I. It is the place where we have grown closer to God and His people, been challenged to increase our faith, forged lifelong friendships and as CG leaders, been privileged to see the growth in the lives of those placed under our care. God has also blessed our group incredibly this year by bringing many new people to join us. It is most gratifying to see the blend of personalities and gifts resulting in a Connect Group that has become so multi faceted. The beauty about Bridge Church is that it is part of our DNA to treasure the fact that we “get to” rather than “have to”. Connect Groups exist simply because a bunch of people appreciate that they get to come. Give the church a call to find out what connect group is closest to you. You will never look back.
the cause
“Since being involved in the Guest Lounge I have been impacted by fellow volunteers who have added to my life via their friendship, newcomers who I have seen regularly since and the joy of serving God regularly in such a practical and relevant way.”
I WAS CHANGED By Gill Roebuck I have been volunteering in the Guest Lounge here at Bridge Church since January. Training was provided as a part of The Cause Ministry School at Bridge Church one Saturday morning. It was great to receive training by Pastor Robbie and Pastor Daniel who oversee the area of ‘New People’. We were reminded of the importance of being part of a team, the logistics of receiving and talking with guests and all the relevant information that we can pass on to newcomers about what they could become involved with at Bridge.
Since being involved in the Guest Lounge I have been impacted by fellow volunteers who have added to my life via their friendship, newcomers who I have seen regularly since and the joy of serving God regularly in such a practical and relevant way. The decision to be a part of the team and be trained in this area was driven by Pastor David’s call to get involved in the life of the church. The reason I chose this specific area was because being welcomed in the Guest Lounge had such a positive impact on me when I first came here. It is great serving alongside fellow Christians in a vibrant environment.
MY LIFE AS AN INTERN By Simon Azon-Jacometti
Hey there, my name is Simon Azon-Jacometti and this is my life! I’m from a country far far away known as Tasmania! I recently left my church along with the youth group in which I was a leader and moved to Melbourne at the end of January for the Internship at Bridge Church. At the end of 2010, I was seeking the direction and call that God had for my life. After hearing of the Internship from my brother who was already attending Bridge Church, I decided to pursue it. I did this with the thought that there was no way on earth that I would want to leave my comfy nest to do an Internship interstate. Leading up to the interview in Melbourne, I’d just turned 18 and still hadn’t decided that it was something I wanted to do or that God was calling me to do. It wasn’t until I was accepted as an Intern I knew that this was something God had in store for me and I just needed to go along with it. The Internship path I chose was Creative Ministries, specifically the Production area. I have certificates in live theatre and events doing lighting design which directed me towards doing something in this area. I now want to see the change that God will do in my life and my character.
Bridge is currently taking applications for those interested in serving as a Bridge Intern for one year. Our ‘internship’ is an awesome opportunity for you to position yourself in an environment where you will develop your ministry gifts, expand your leadership capacity and discover what serving in the local church is all about. IT GIVES: • Powerful teaching • Discipleship and mentoring from some of our senior leaders • An opportunity to serve in a variety of key ministry areas YOU WILL GAIN INVALUABLE EXPERIENCE , BE CHALLENGED AND STRETCHED IN AREAS YOU NEVER IMAGINED WERE POSSIBLE. ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE USED BY GOD IN THIS YEAR OF SERVICE. To find out about Bridge Church internship for 2012: • Pick up a brochure from the information desk today • Contact Pastor Robbie Cettolin on 8420 0900 or APPLICATION DUE: 1 DECEMBER 2011
I highly recommend doing the Internship. The spiritual growth that takes place along with making awesome friends and getting to have input into the church, makes it an amazing experience. I am hanging to look back at the end of the year and see where I have come from compared to where I will be then.
MAN VS WILD, THE GENERATIONAL MINISTRIES 2011 MEN’S EVENT HELD IN MAY, WAS MUCH MORE THAN AN EVENT. THE 225 MEN WHO ATTENDED WERE MAKING A DECLARATION THAT WE AS THE MEN OF BRIDGE CHURCH ARE EMBARKING ON A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY, HEALING, RECALIBRATING, RELATIONSHIP, GROWTH AND MUCH MORE. By Ps Michael McCauley It was great to see the fathers who came with their sons, the mix of generations and the diversity of cultures. The evening was a buzz of activity and testosterone levels were high. Dinner and dessert was full on just the way men like it. The men that came for the first time said “they felt very comfortable”, something that we often hear from people who visit and end up calling Bridge home. The men moved upstairs and a tug of war battle soon separated the boys from the men (I won’t tell you who won, but know this - there will be a rematch). After some awesome music from Steve and the band, everyone was inspired by Jaxon,
Families Department Intern 2011, and David Ratcliff, a pillar of the church community, as they shared their stories in an interview. It showed how God not only helps us in the early stages but also helps us all throughout our Christian journey to honour Him with everything we have. Daniel Abdelmalak shared an incredible story of how he survived an elephant attack when he was in Thailand. Pastor David rounded off the evening and shared an inspirational message on not allowing where we start to determine where we finish. Don’t think that this is it for the year, Boot Camp 2011 is just around the corner commencing Thursday the 21st of July
for four consecutive weeks. At Boot Camp Pastor David will be investing into the lives of the men of Bridge Church. Men’s connect groups will be starting after that and will be a great way to sharpen each other to live for God. For further information please feel free to contact the office. MoMENtum also has a face book page which is a great way to keep in the loop. Finally, nights like this do not just happen, thanks to the many on the staff team and volunteers for their support prayers and input to make the event such a success.
pastoral care
PRAYER WORKS Testimony submitted by Marissa Mamon who is one of our Service Prayer leaders, and with her husband Rai and children have been attending Bridge for nearly 20 years. In March 2011, a couple from Indonesia came to visit our Maribyrnong Connect Group, led by Francis and Rosemary Sydamah. They are friends of Janette Gan, one of the regular attendees. They testified of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His words spoken through Pastor Jimmy Mutebi a few years ago. In 2007, Janette had invited them to attend a church service where Jimmy was speaking. Nearing the end of the service, Pastor Mutebi asked for people who want to have children, to come to the front for prayer. They were one of a few people who came forward. They were prayed over and Pastor Mutebi prophesied over them that they would have a child the following year. The words spoken came to pass as Heriyato Kartono and Lily Rundyan, his wife, had a baby boy Samuel the following year.
VISITATION To join our team or for more information on visitation call Ps Barry or Margaret Clarke on 8420 0931
Prayer Network
Contact Ps Barry and Margaret Clarke on 8420 0931 or Dee Mawby on 9819 4807
EVERYONE IS WELCOME to participate in our PRAYER NETWORK program. “Join-Up” and enjoy being part of this army of dedicated PRAYER WARRIORS. Be blessed daily as you stand before the Lord in prayer for others. God is pleased when we intercede for one another in prayer. Twelve Team Leaders receive allocated weekly prayer requests. They then delegate by phone or email their requests to their respective team members who put these needs to the Lord in prayer. So many scriptures direct us to PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER we can bring a smile to God’s face as we take before HIM these sometimes desperate needs for HIS help. PRAYER is a gift to us from God let us not be neglectful of it. Your church family needs you - let us join together in praying for one another with thanksgiving.
If you would like to join the Prayer Network please call: Ps Barry Clarke on 8420 0931 email
1 - 21 AUGUST 2011 As a church we will be joining together in prayer and fasting for 21 days! We encourage you to join us on this journey as we seek to go Deeper in God.
What are you believing for?
Praise Notes from Deeper : 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting focus in 2010
Praise God for helping us to re-settle in Australia. -R Praise God for restoring my confidence and reminding me that what matters the most is not how much I have, but how much I entrust Him with the things I have. -J Praise God for providing me with funds enabling me to get out of debt. -M
Praise God for restoring peace in my marriage and granting me permanent residency. -I I had been praying about my dad submitting to Christ all year and then during Deeper, dad just called out of the blue and told me about some pretty miraculous things that had happened that day and that it all began when he knelt beside his bed and said, Take my life and use me! -B
Thank God for bringing salvation to my colleague, also for His presence being so real at work. More and more people are talking about and thanking God at work throughout the fasting period. My manager who does not go to church is passing me prayer requests to pray for her. -G
FASTING By Robbie Cettolin Most people find fasting a challenge and a discipline. I find that I need a proper attitude to prepare for it. Basically, biblical fasting is refraining from food and/or liquids for a spiritual purpose. There are many different types, lengths, circumstances and purposes of fasts that are recorded in Scripture. Fasting is an opportunity to get closer to God and focus your prayer more. These fasts are always done in conjunction with prayer, not as a diet or self punishment! The following are some of the theological aspects of fasting noted in Scripture: • It is a voluntary & deliberate abstinence from food for the purpose of concentrated prayer - but it is still important to drink lots of water. • Jesus taught His disciples about fasting on the Sermon on the Mount. He made it clear that motives are very important. It should never be done to impress others. The importance of heart attitudes towards God and people is also referred to in the Old Testament (Isaiah 58:6-9). Jesus expected His disciples to fast. In Matthew 6:17 says, “When you fast …” not if. • The early Church got the direction and will of God through times of prayer and fasting (Acts 13). They started new churches and appointed leaders after fasting (Acts 14: 21-23). From these examples we see some clear benefits for God’s people in biblical fasting. Here are just a couple: • We gain direction and clarity of mind during a fast through hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. My personal experience is that the first few days my body demands food but after that my body adjusts and I get clear thought and freedom in prayer. • Fasting causes us to be more spiritually sensitive to the Lord. It results in increased intensity as we combine our most basic natural desire for food with spiritual desires toward prayer. • Finally, the benefits in answered prayer, spiritual breakthroughs and intimacy with the Lord outweigh the minor inconveniences and initial pain. Why don’t you embark on the adventure of fasting and prayer and see what God will do in your life!
City Campus at Bridge Church Richmond SEMESTER 2: 2011 Classes commence: Monday July 18 – Thurs 22 Evening Units Only: 6:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Monday evening: Justice, Poverty and Development/ Old Testament Thursday evenings: Hermeneutics/ Personal Development & Teamwork For further enquires and registration forms, please see Information Desk. Contact Ps Robbie Cettolin at: T: 03 8420 0923 // E: robbie.cettolin@ Contact Harvest Bible College at: T: 03 8791 5200 // E:
Every believer should regularly revisit their personal devotional life. At Bridge Church we encourage everyone to partner with us in SOAP journaling to ensure that there is an opportunity to read the Bible through each year and journal and pray on a regular basis. If you are regularly SOAP journaling, I am sure you are finding it a rewarding experience that enriches your life with God. But beyond the SOAP, there is a need in certain seasons to go deeper in our devotion. The central aim for every believer is to become like Christ and the only way we can do that is to follow Him in the overall lifestyle that He exemplified. In John 10:10, Jesus states that He came to give us an abundant life. If we believe that Jesus knew how to live in the full sense of what He was offering us, then would it not follow that in as many ways as possible, we should adopt the activities that Jesus practiced? There are so many lifestyle habits that made up Jesus’ life,
things like prayer, silence, solitude, fasting, sacrificial living, study and meditation and service to others. However, with all this, I never get the sense that Jesus lived anything but a fulfilling life. Yet when people think of the spiritual disciplines, there can be a tendency to see it as burdensome. The term “discipline” in this context does not engender the idea of something harsh. Nor should the idea of entering into something or abstaining from something for the sake of spiritual growth be seen as sacrificing ‘real’ living. Actually, our human body is our primary resource for expressing spiritual life, which is who we really are! Should we not therefore look for every opportunity to engage in expressions of who
we are in Christ? Surely, this is what real life is all about. William Ralph Inge, a minister/author once wrote; “A more reasonable estimate of human costs and values will lead us to think that no labour is better expended than that which explores the way to the treasurehouses of the spirit...” How true, but it is not until you begin to unwrap this thing called Christianity that you really begin to benefit from its riches. The two sides to spiritual discipline maintain the balance in Christian life. They are the inbreathing and the out breathing of existence. On one side are the disciplines of abstinence, where you might withdraw to some degree from things that you would consider normal life activity. On the other side are the disciplines of engagement, where you will enter into something in order to fulfil life and bring balance.
DISCIPLINES OF ABSTINENCE. SOLITUDE AND SILENCE// Withdrawing from personal human interaction to allow God to confront the soul. It might be an hour on the beach with just you and God or an occasional day alone but imagine what it can do for your life in God. The key in our kind of society is finding a quiet place and then staying quiet! Try it. It’s not easy but in the moments where we don’t speak, God often does!
FASTING// In fasting we abstain significantly, if not totally, from food and most drinks for a period of time. The benefits are undeniable. In these moments, sustenance is not found in food, but in God alone. FRUGALITY// We live in such a consumer world that I believe this is a discipline we need to operate in and teach to our children. It is a need versus want discipline where we choose not to gratify a hunger for status, glamour or luxury. While we appreciate the blessings that come from living in Australia, practicing frugality helps keep perspective.
DISCIPLINES OF ENGAGEMENT. STUDY// Engaging in the written and spoken Word of God. This is the primary discipline of engagement. This is where we take the truth and meditate on it and delve into its riches. It is a thought that comes when you are journaling, or a Word through the preacher in a weekend service that grips your heart. Take it, meditate on it and grow from the riches God reveals.
WORSHIP// Dallas Willard says, “in worship we engage ourselves with, dwell upon, and express the greatness, beauty, and goodness of God..... alone as well as in union with God’s people. To worship is to see God as worthy, to ascribe great worth to Him.” Worship is key to a balanced Christian life.
CELEBRATION// This is the completion of worship where we celebrate the greatness of God. In celebration, we engage in enjoying the presence of God. Celebration is the coming together of God’s people to declare and share testimony of the great God of heaven and what He has done in our lives.
Spiritual Discipline. It’s not so scary is it? Note: Some of the thoughts for this article were derived from Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard Harper & Row, San Francisco 1988
local mission
IMPACTING THE COMMUNITY, WHO ME? Sunday: six people saved
SALLY, ONE OF BRIDGE CHURCH’S STAFF AT THE CHURCH PLANT, HAS BEEN WORKING WITH A 28 YEAR OLD ABORIGINAL MAN, WHO GAVE HIS LIFE TO JESUS ON THE STREETS AND HAS NOW STARTED ATTENDING THE CHURCH PLANT SERVICE. Last Sunday he brought to church his Muslim girlfriend, and two other friends. Boxer told us this service was his girlfriend’s first time in a Christian church. The three people Boxer brought all responded to the Gospel call and with tears, gave their lives to Jesus. Boxer is a leader in this community and knows that God has a call on his life.
We met Joe on Victoria Street, over three months ago, engaged with him straight away and shared the Gospel. He then visited the church plant and gave his life to Jesus at that first meeting. Joe has a history of drug dependency and crime, and is currently facing criminal charges, however Joe has a strong desire for God and is starting to take steps to change. For the first time in years he is looking for honest work and a more positive environment to live in. Joe attributes this change to his relationship with Christ and the church family.
Andy was brought up as a Christian in West Paupa and has been living in the Estate for the last four years. He has been part of the church plant family for over a year. Andy has grown in God and in his relationship with his church family. He always helps with the pack up at the church each week. Andy also enjoys volunteering in the New People’s department at Church.
BRIDGE CHURCH PLANT at THE RICHMOND HOUSING ESTATE Our purpose is to impact our local community and see God move powerfully WHEN: 2:30 pm, every Sunday WHERE: Community Lunch & Service: The Community Hall, 106 Elizabeth Street, Richmond IF YOU WANT TO GET INVOLVED, CONTACT: Ps Daniel Hunt T: 03 8420 0900 E: 26
global mission
ETERNAL INVESTMENT By Louise Ratcliff hen I think of Mission I think of eternal investment, opportunity, the Great Commission. Often we have misconceptions about Mission. We think that Mission is only for certain people, or perhaps we are intimidated by other people, or think that we have nothing to offer. We may think that Mission is just about putting money in the Mission offering. I see that Mission is not just for certain people in the church. It is an opportunity God gives all of us to make an eternal investment in the lives of people everywhere. It is so easy to feel intimidated by people who are doing great things in Mission and compare ourselves, I know I have. This intimidation only robs us of what God wants to do through us. You might be thinking, ‘what do I have to offer?’ I am inspired by my seven year old nephew. He went to a funeral of a woman who had given so much of her life out to others and when he came home he decided to give $20 of his pocket money that he had saved up, to a school building project in India. If God can do this through a little boy with his pocket money, imagine what He can do through you! Sometimes we can also think that just because we have given in the Mission
offering, we have done our duty. Mission is so much more than money. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He doesn’t need our money to bring people into His Kingdom but He gives us the privilege of being a part of what He is doing. Don’t see Mission as a duty to perform. Look at it as an opportunity to make an investment that will not rot or fade away but will last for eternity. God doesn’t just want your money, He wants your heart! What does Mission mean to you? What opportunities will God give to you when you open your heart to Him and make available your time, money, skills and resource?
Upcoming Mission Events:
UPCOMING OUTREACH DATES: 6 – 21 August 2011 Thailand Leader: Miree Tommasini
9 – 22 October 2011 Thailand Leader: Pey-Li Lim
27 November - 8 December 2011 Thailand Leader: Luke Connaughton
Mission: Up Close & Personal 21 July 2011 with Chad Irons
26 Nov – 8 December 2011 Africa (Kenya/Uganda)
Cross Cultural Training 21 & 28 July, 4 & 11 August 2011
Quench Poverty (Fundraiser for Impoverished Vietnamese) 7 August 2011
December 2011 Darwin January 2012 India
Community Blitz 10 September 2011
World Changers 2 October 2011
Leader: Joe Mwangi
Mission: Up Close & Personal 17 October 2011
For more information, please contact Bridge Mission Department on 8420 0938 or email
Leader: Ps Michael McCauley
Leader: Rob Morris
April 2012 Africa
Where I’ve come from By George Soriano
What was your original homeland and what special memories do you have from there? My wife, Divina, and I were born in the Philippines, a beautiful country in Southeast Asia. Even though we both grew up in the same town and went to the same schools from grade school to university, we only got to meet after uni at a bank where
When did you migrate to Australia and what factors contributed to bringing you here? My wife migrated to Australia in 1993 while I was working in Saudi Arabia. I followed her here a year later. Reuniting with my wife, better living conditions and lots of opportunities were the main reasons why I came here.
What have you found your family life and work life to be like in Australia and what has helped you integrate? I have found Australians here to be friendly and fair dinkum. My wife and I have loved this country from day one. The overwhelming support from our friends and relatives helped us a lot in settling here. We found employment easily and I continued to work as a computer engineer and my wife as an accountant.
George and Divina Soriano have been regular attendees at Bridge Church and have been actively involved in our church life for in excess of seven years. George currently serves as leader, with his wife as assistant, to the Filipino Links Fellowship. Divina also serves as a Team Leader at Destinos. In the past, they have both ministered as DKALs.
We were blessed with a son, Jonathan, in March 1998, followed by another son, Jared, in October 2001. They were both dedicated at Bridge Church and have since grown up in a Christian environment, attending regular Church services and studying at a Christian school.
What roles do you find that the church and cultural ministries play in your spiritual growth? We’ve been attending Bridge Church ever since we arrived here in Australia and it has helped us to grow spiritually. The church family has given us opportunities to serve God and reach out to others. I always look forward to our fortnightly Connect group meeting where I’ve been the worship leader and assistant leader. Our Connect Group has become our extended family where we share a lot of things.
We value the various cultures that call Bridge their church home. A number of groups meet on a monthly lunch basis for mutual encouragement and inspiration. To find a group that suits you please call the church office on 8420 0900.
Living Life to the Full Introducing Cheng and Jenny Hooi..
Cheng and Jenny Hooi on the celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary, Oct.9, 2010
DURING THEIR EMPLOYMENT YEARS, CHENG AND JENNY WORKED AS A LIFE INSURANCE MANAGER AND TYPIST, RESPECTIVELY. THEY RETIRED IN 1980. IT WOULD BE INAPPROPRIATE FOR US TO DISCLOSE THEIR CURRENT AGE EXCEPT TO SAY THEY ARE BOTH BEYOND CELEBRATING THEIR 80TH BIRTHDAYS. They have adjusted well to the postemployment years keeping themselves busy in a variety of activities and being thankful to the Lord for good health to enjoy the freer schedule and new opportunities that are now theirs. In addition to their delight in taking care of their grandchildren, Cheng and Jenny find pleasure in looking after the house and garden with the many challenges of being a handy man / woman in response to the variety of jobs that call for attention. They are so faithful in attending and being a positive influence in the many church activities they make it a priority to be
part of; this includes the Connect home fellowships, Church services, and of course Prayer Focus and ReGeneration monthly activities. They have a love for God, His Word, and this church family. They have contributed well to the ministry of ushering as recently as in the 90s and aspire to continue to be the dependable, influential, and encouraging servants they have matured to be since first attending Bridge Church in 1986. For many years, they have been keen financial and prayer supporters of the mission vision of the church. We esteem Cheng and Jenny and are thankful the Lord has gifted them to us. Cheng and Jenny have been regular attendees at Bridge Church and directly involved in our church life for more than 25 years. They continue to actively and enthusiastically participate in our ReGeneration and Prayer Focus ministries.
Development of friendship is complemented by a range of interesting monthly events centred around meals, interaction and excursions. Get-togethers are held during the usually on the first Wednesday of each month. CAN YOU HELP WITH? Transportation Meeting setup and pack down Kitchen and meal assistance Home and hospital visitation PLEASE CALL Ps Barry or Margaret Clarke on 03 8420 0931 for more information DATES First Wednesday of each month July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5
young families
the faces behind
Kids Alive Jaxon Calder I’m glad to say that I am an intern for Kids Alive and the Families Department. Making the decision to become an intern was the greatest decision I have ever made. I came to Bridge Church for the first time in April 2010. During the first service I attended, God touched my heart and I knew that I wanted to follow Christ and that Bridge was going to be my home. I started serving as a DKAL (Dedicated Kids Alive Leader) straight away. The welcome I received from Ps Michael really helped with stepping into such a new environment. When it came to the end of the year I felt God speaking to me about taking my walk and commitment deeper so I decided to do the Kids Alive internship.
Sandrine Sydamah I started serving on the Kids Alive Outreach team about four years ago and I have never looked back. I started off in the Kids Alive ministry helping out with Tiny Tiger’s (children 1-3). After a few months of volunteering in Tiny Tigers, I felt God’s strong call challenging me to step into a different area. After speaking to some of the team members in KA Outreach, I found myself eager to join the team. The children in the outreach program live at the Richmond Housing Estate. They get picked up from
Some people thought I was crazy because I gave away my personal training business and my wife had just left work to have our little baby boy Hunter Lee. I had this strong and comforting feeling that once I took the step to do the internship, God would take me to fulfil my true purpose and I have grown so much. This internship would not have been as influential without the amazing leadership from Ps Michael and continual support from Ps Joe. The internship has helped me to be a better Christian, husband and father. It still blows me away how God moves you to exactly the place you are meant to be at that point in time.
“I had this strong and comforting feeling that once I took the step to do the internship, God would take me to fulfil my true purpose and I have grown so much.”
“It’s an honour to be serving the next generation of young leaders.” their homes and are driven to church every Sunday morning. They come equipped with their Bibles and smiles each morning, while I struggle to get out of bed! I admire how they are ready to go and are full of energy. At least 10 children who attended the outreach program have moved onto Teen Church as a result of what was planted when they first attended Kids Alive. It’s rewarding to see the seeds that you sow grow before you. I’m excited to see the next generation of Christians walking strong on God’s Word and His promise. It’s an honour to be serving the next generation of young leaders.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
young families
S.O.A.P Devotion
Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forever.”
Three things I can do differently today: 1. Make a commitment to follow God’s plan for my life – because it’s better than all my plans and ideas.
Proverbs 23:18 “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”
2. Do my best at everything e.g. studies, sports, being a good friend, quiet time with God.
3. Don’t worry about the future – when I do my best, God will do the rest!
1. God has promised that He surely has a great future for me. Not just any future, but full of hope and joy!
2. God will show me where I should walk. 3. I can’t tell the future and I only know a small bit about life. But God knows e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. because He has planned my life every step of the way.
Baby Dedications
If you would like to have a baby dedication at Bridge Church, please contact: Deina Sydamah
Father God, I choose to give You all of my life today because I don’t want to take one step without You. I know my future is secure in You because You have a great life plan for me. Please help me hear Your voice and focus on You so I can keep to the plan You have for me. Please help me to do my best in school, at home and in church so Your purposes can be fulfilled in my life. I thank you for the great future You have for me and I look forward to it. In Jesus name, Amen.
T: 03 8420 0900 E: deina.sydamah @bridgechurch.
Next Baby Dedications: 24 & 25 September
Our Dedicated Kids Alive Leaders (DKALs) provide the following exciting programs: Teenie Tigers Creche for ages 1-2 Tiny Tigers Nursery for ages 2-4 Junior Kids Alive (JKA) Kinder - Grade 2 Senior Kids Alive (SKA) Grade 3-6 Bridge Tweens Grade 5-6
Religious Educations in School if you can help, pls contact Ps Michael McCauley at families@bridgechurch. or call 8420 0900
At Bridge Church on Saturdays 5:00 PM & Sundays 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM T: 03 8420 0900 Fax: 03 8420 0999 Email:
However there is a greater importance to media than information and advertising alone. The power of leading media is not in the camera, the tools, the sound and lighting.
By Branka Milovic
In Australia there are two national and 10
state/territory daily newspapers, 37 regional dailies and 470 regional and suburban newspapers. With each paper containing back to back prints, it is safe to say that news happens quickly, stories come and go. The importance of media, much to our surprise, is not mass advertising. In fact, media is the most powerful tool a community has to deliver information and build awareness both locally and globally.
The power is in the people and the stories they bring to us. The power of media gives a chance for those to share their stories, who in other circumstances may not find the opportunity to do so. It captures raw emotion and takes us to the centre and surroundings of a story as it unfolds. When we go to communities in Australia, Thailand, India or Africa we are there to capture people’s stories and make sure they are heard. Media allows us to remember
those we cannot be with, and to be in the places we cannot physically be. It allows us to come together and share experiences, lives and most importantly, allows us to support one another. Today leading media in the Church enables us to see the difference that God is making in the lives of others. Media and production gives us an outlet to stir up and receive inspiration that ultimately results in action. At Bridge Church we use media and production to inspire and awaken hope and a greater purpose.
Are you snap-happy and enjoy capturing videos? Love the way sound and light works and want to play a part in creating the right atmosphere in church?
If you have the heart and skills for Media and Communication then we want you!
Hop on the Production crew and get involved! Spaces are available for: • • • •
Camera operators Vision mixer Cue caller Producer
Sign up at the information desk or contact Pey-Li at: T: 03 8420 0946 E: 32
You will add to your experience, media planning, brainstorming ideas and post production. From graphic design to video editing, put your creative skills to use through various media (magazine, videos, fliers, posters, etc) to communicate the heart and vision of the church! Following skills required: • Adobe CS (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) • Adobe After-Effects • Final Cut Pro • Macromedia Flash Contact Details: Graphic design – Cathy T: 03 8420 0920 E: Video Editing - Ralph T: 03 8420 0911 E:
oversees our vocal teams and vocal arrangements, and is an anointed worship leader. We asked her seven questions about her life.
Q Relationship Status: Married for three months to A Nic Mackay “Loving God is a daily activity, not just something we do when we get to church over the weekend.”
Q How would you define
Matthew 22:37 reads “Love the Lord God A with all your heart and with all
your soul and with your entire mind. I believe that worship is living this scripture on a daily basis. Loving God is a daily activity, not just something we do when we get to church over the weekend. Loving God can be shown through spending time with Him, knowing Him through the Word as well as through song, loving all God’s people, loving our local church, etc. This love in all its different forms is worship.
Q Last album you purchased: A ‘Hello Fear’ by Kirk Franklin &
Q What do you do five minutes
Q Best piece of advice you
‘Something Big’ by Mary Mary
have ever received:
I was born in South Africa during the apartheid era. In 1997, for the first time in South African history, black kids were allowed to attend the same schools as white kids. On my first day of school my grandmother said, “God made you in His image and likeness and thought you were the most beautiful and precious being He’d ever created. Never ever let anyone make you think, believe or feel otherwise. Who you are transcends your gender and skin colour. Before you are a girl and before you are a black girl; you are God’s daughter – and that matters more than anything.”
before you go on stage:
As a team we pray together backstage A and as we get on the stage I repeat “for your glory Lord”.
Q How do you stay sharp: With regards to my music, I A purposely sing every day for an hour.
I am continuously listening to people with great vocal ranges and I refuse to believe that I can’t sing something without trying it. With regards to my spiritual walk, I am because He is. I invest a lot of time studying the Word, reading faith based books and listening to podcast sermons from my favourite preachers on my way to and from work.
Q One encouragement to people who are interested in joining the Creative team:
CM is an incredible place for you to A discover and cultivate the gift God has
given you for His glory.
ORSHIP &PRODUCTION PRODUCTION ORSHIP & THE CREATIVE MINISTRIES TEAM IS PASSIONATE ABOUT SEEING PEOPLE ENTER INTO GOD’S AMAZING PRESENCE THROUGH WORSHIP. We offer a variety of areas to serve including vocals, band, sound, lighting, media, graphic design and dance. If you are passionate about any of these areas, we would love to meet you! Please contact Teni on 8420 0940 or email creative@ ENCOURAGE
THE FACE OF BRIDGE CHURCH EMMA MOONEY I came away from my first church service at Bridge Church over a year ago thinking how friendly everyone was, due in no small part to the ushers who welcomed me to church that day. Having been at Bridge Church for almost a year, I was inspired by the amount of time and effort so many people volunteered on a weekly basis and wanted an avenue to serve where I could. I was drawn toward ushering as it would allow me to develop strong relationships with new people and regular attendees, it’s flexible and allows me the opportunity to be that friendly face to someone else. I didn’t know anyone on my first day of ushering but was introduced to a fantastic group of people of all ages in the church who were to be my regular team. I have been able to meet a wider group of people through ushering and feel much more connected as a result. I find that I am now more appreciative of all that Bridge works so hard to provide to our community and
on Desk Informati e th t a p u ders , sign die at: hers or lea 0 0900 or email Bri s u e th f o e 42 Talk to on ce at 03 8 hurch offi c e u th h c ll e a g c d ri or b @ n naughto Bridie.Con
would wholeheartedly recommend others to get involved. Not only does it offer the opportunity to develop close relationships with a multitude of people in the church but it allows me to serve our community in a real and interactive way.
Not only does it offer the opportunity to develop close relationships with a multitude of people in the church but it allows me to serve our community in a real and interactive way. I have been ushering at Bridge Church for over three months now and really feel that I am developing in my walk with Christ as a consequence. Our church is a fantastic place to come and worship our God and meet like-minded people but it becomes a fuller experience when you become involved in giving your time to the church itself.
Did you meet a new friend, or perhaps you spotted an old one in the crowd? Don’t want to rush away after the service? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then Destinos is the place to hangout, catch up with your friends and while you’re there, enjoy a delicious coffee and cake. Not only do we have the best coffee on this side of Bridge Road but we also have amazing cakes made fresh in house by our talented volunteers. At Destinos we pride ourselves on friendly service with a huge smile thrown in for free. So come along, experience it yourself and see what everyone is talking about.
We started volunteering at the Information Desk one year ago. We soon realised that being active and getting involved in church made the experience not only fun but also gave us a passion to serve God and His people. Volunteering made us feel responsible and committed to the heartbeat of Bridge Church which is always facilitating people towards the kingdom of God. We now feel like we are part of the family and we have one voice. Serving at the Information Desk doesn’t end with helping people by directing them towards the Guest Lounge or signing them up to upcoming events. There are also opportunities to pray for those who hand over their prayer requests. At the Information Desk we meet people who are happy and sometimes people who are sad. It is our privilege to ask them what has made them happy or sad.
Volunteering changed us from being passive to being active in encouraging people to receive God’s message. Volunteering changed us from being passive to being active in encouraging people to receive God’s message. We are not only serving at the Information Desk but we have become part of the face of the church. We love our Senior Pastors, ministry team and our family, our church.
Volunteering is one of the most fulfilling ways to make friends and serve God at the same time. There are hundreds of different volunteer opportunities at Bridge Church and there is one for you. We encourage you to engage with one of our fantastic teams and
If you would like to volunteer simply: 1. Talk to a leader about getting involved 2. Ask at the Information Desk 3. Call the church office on 03 8420 0900
sign up as a volunteer!
Live the life you were designed for! ENCOURAGE
BY TENI ST JOHN Making a Fusion connection in 2011 has been one of the most rewarding steps I’ve taken this year.
Being heavily involved in church life has caused me to be specific about focused investments of time and resources. I have to be honest and say that I had reservations about being a part of anything extra including ‘Fusion’ in the New Year. I was strongly looking to ‘slow down’ instead of making more commitments at Bridge Church. I am so glad that I took that first step in joining Fusion this year! It was the right decision.
While work and life commitments in general can leave you wondering where your time really went, I am certain that Fusion is the right place for me in 2011. I encourage you, that even if you feel time poor, there’s nothing comparable to the immediate sense of empowerment, community and purpose that continues to linger even as you walk out the door. There is a pronounced freshness about the leadership, vision and team within Fusion. I see a level of ownership whose practice and enthusiasm is hot on the lips of all who have already bought in. Its renewed strength and planning was evident in the first few connect groups and social events held this year. Create space in your calendar to be a part of this group this year. There will not be one ounce of regret in coming along to Fusion. Fusion is already promising to be like that iPhone application you just can’t live without. Hmmm, maybe iFusion is around the corner? Fusion is a ministry for the mid 20’s to mid 30’s and runs fortnightly connect groups and events every two months. For a connect group near you, or to come along to a Fusion event, call church on 8420 0900.
To kick off the beginning of school
holidays, Empire Youth piled into a heap of mini buses and set off on a Road Trip. Destination: Willow Grove. Where exactly that was, we didn’t really know but what we did know was that we were about to encounter some crazy adventures, light fires and make awesome friends along the way. When we finally arrived at our location, which was well and truly off the beaten track, instantly the fun began! It was straight into a BBQ dinner by the camp fire and then games that went long into the night. Despite a slow start in the morning, it didn’t take long for everyone to get into team spirit. Faces were painted and Tribal Wars were a hit with a barefooted race through the raging river only to be greeted on the other side by a field infested with 3 corner jacks. After a few injured limping soldiers from playing ‘capture the flag’ and ‘kill the infidel’ it was time to head back for a well deserved lunch.
It was during the feast however when mistakenly the electric fence was discovered, this amused most for hours trying to see how far along the human chain the effects could be felt. But just as soon as it felt we had arrived it was time for us to pile back into the busses and head back home, although before we could leave, it wasn’t camp without the famous Milk Run. A well deserved congratulations to Bronte Shinkfield and Luke Taynton who won the respect from Empire for themselves and their 9/10 Delta group by winning the run after drinking 3L of milk. So make sure you come along to our next Empire Camp for 2011 where we intend to encounter God through His word and His presence. It will be held in the September school holidays. Mark 26 – 28 September in your diary; you don’t want to miss out on it. We would LOVE to have you there! If you don’t yet attend Empire on Friday nights, what are you waiting for?
Empire is our high school youth ministry here at Bridge Church. If you want to come out for the biggest night ever, meet amazing young people and get into God, then Empire is the place for you! Empire is held every week on a Friday night in our upstairs hall. Come along at 7pm for hang out time and then an encounter with God through praise, worship and the Bible. Website: Blog: 38
regular section
By Allegra Ebbott
WHY DO YOU GO TO TEEN CHURCH? “I love going to Teen Church because I’m surrounded by awesome friends that are always there for me and I get to learn more about God while just chilling out.” ELIZABETH BACUSMO
“I love coming to Teen Church because it is a casual time where we can hang out and get to know friends and it helps my relationship with God grow stronger.” KIARA MACK
regular section
“Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life.” Proverbs 9:11
Has something gone wrong?
We were once entertained by the elegance of Audrey Hepburn and chivalry of Cary Grant, but are now subjected to the teenage pandemic that is Bieber Fever and follow the rollercoaster life of former child star Britney Spears. Something shifted, ever so slightly but perceivably so, and now we worship youth and even nip and tuck our bodies in a desperate effort to preserve it. We live in a culture that is increasingly flippant about consequences and increasingly keen on “living in the moment”. Why? Do the highs of a wild night linger past the morning? Will all this fast living satisfy your soul? The Word of God says that long life is a blessing, and that grey hair is a crown of splendour attained through righteous living (Proverbs 16:31). As such, I decided to turn my camera to some of the long-standing champions at Bridge Church to capture their style, but more importantly, to ask them for some words of wisdom for the younger generation.
Anne, 70 // Attending Bridge Church for 30 years
“Do what you feel like, enjoy your fashion, nothing too outrageous, and try to be coordinated.”
Kym, 62 // Attending Bridge Church for 35 years
“Stay committed to the Lord and be open to His direction. Pray and ask the Lord to direct your paths.”
“Put God first in your life and then everything else will fall into place. As a younger person I might have felt that I wasn’t as good as I could perhaps be, but now I realise that God made me the way I am, there is nothing wrong with that, and I should be myself and God made me this way for a reason. God will use me to reach people just the way I am.”
2 4
Christine, Senior Member // Attending Bridge Church for 25 years
Matthew, Senior Member // Attending Bridge Church for 25 years
“One of the most important things for young people is to make a commitment to Jesus Christ at an early age. That commitment is so important because it follows you right through your life. This is the reason why we are here today and enjoying the presence of God in our lives. My wife and I have always sought Him first and we’ve been able to enjoy 54 years of a happy married life.”
Words & Photography / Musing Mutley /
life choices
Living the life God designed for us is an exciting journey. But what happens when the issues of life seem too big to deal with? What about when those issues seem to hinder you from living in wholeness and fruitfulness in God? + By Bev McInnes _ Counsellor
There are many significant benefits in dealing with issues in a group setting. This may be drawing encouragement from the community in a Connect Group or learning how to deal with issues in courses offered by the church. But sometimes there are deeper issues that are best dealt in a specific counselling group. These deeper issues can include sexual trauma, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, anger management, low self-esteem, parenting challenges, sexual addiction, physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse issues. Counselling groups encourage people to look at their past so they can begin to see that they have a present future to live in and learn to not allow their past to dictate their present and future. In order for this to happen effectively, these groups must be based on the foundation of confidentiality and trust.
In facilitating many groups, I have personally seen how people flourish when working through issues together with others. There are many benefits including: • • • • • •
Please contact the church office on 8420 0900 if: • You would like to become part of a connect group • You would like to find out what courses are offered by Bridge Church • You have some deeper issues that you would like to work through with others. Insight: Recovery from Abuse is a counselling group offered by Bridge Church. Please ask to speak with Bev McInnes.
People begin to trust each other and are willing to share openly and honestly People are so encouraged when they see breakthroughs in each other’s lives People are kept accountable by each other whilst taking responsibility for their own growth People learn to give and receive honest reflections by building each other up and cheering one another on the journey of healing together They learn important life skills, choosing to change negative thinking to positive thinking People come to the realisation that they can stop letting their past abuse dictate their present and future They begin to see that there is hope and a future for them (Jeremiah 29:11)
It is important when dealing with issues in a specific Conenct Group to also be attending a Connect Group to provide that prayer support and encouragement needed. You may think that you have to deal with issues on your own but the good news is that you don’t. You are not alone. You can journey with others to become whole and healed and live the life God intended you to live.
your say
WHY DOES GOD WANT US TO COME TO HIM LIKE A CHILD? I asked this as I watched the little
+ By Nastasha Park
boy play cheerfully without a care in the world. I almost forgot that his condition was the reason why he was here. We were in a specialist unit of the hospital, and this boy was very sick. He couldn’t see, so the puzzle on the wall was a lot harder for him. Yet, he was enjoying himself. There was not a hint of defeat as he tried to guide the ball on one side through the maze to the other end. When he got stuck, he asked his father to help him out by giving verbal instructions. His attitude was full of energy and life. True, he had a disability, but he did not focus on it or allow it to dictate how much he was going to enjoy the rest of his abilities. He was not the picture of a person hardened by life, neither the other extreme of one who is surrendered to hopelessness waiting to deteriorate. He did not complain about the task
being too difficult. He did not throw a tantrum when he found himself going in circles. Finally, and most profoundly, he had complete trust in his father. He did not doubt that his dad would give him correct directions. We all face times in our lives when we feel below capacity. Sometimes, the environment around reeks of despair making it hard to stay positive. Other times, the task ahead of us is just too daunting. Like a child, let us remember to keep hope alive, maintain a sweet spirit, and still find a way to enjoy the journey whilst going forward. Sometimes we cannot see the answer or are frustrated because we are moving forward slowly. It’s in those times that we need to trust in God who can see clearly the end from the beginning and is looking to bring us closer to Him during the trials of life. Have faith and trust in God, because it’s safe when God is with us every step of the way.
reflections BOOK & DVD/CD REVIEW
POWER THOUGHTS // Joyce Meyer Price: $17.95
LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS // Vujicic Nick Koorong’s Price: $24.95
> Life Without limits is the story of an amazing young Australian, born without arms or legs who is now an internationally successful motivational speaker. Packed full of wisdom, testimonials of his faith and laugh-out-loud humour, Nick tells of his life in his ‘Chesty Bond’ body, his visit to Africa and how he learned to surf, skateboard, dive and more. Noting that ‘perfection isn’t always perfect’ and that ‘brokenness can be a good thing’, Nick shows how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could. With an infectious zest for life, Nick encourages readers to find their life purpose, whatever their obstacles, and go for it! His story is also available on DVD where you find him doing his own stunts.
Joyce Meyer has a knack for coining phrases - her fans call them ‘Joyceisms’ - and one of her best loved is ‘where the mind goes, the man follows.’ This was the basis for ‘Battlefield of the Mind’, and in her latest book, Joyce provides ‘power thoughts, bringing the reader to a new level of ability to use the mind as a tool to achievement. In Power Thoughts, she outlines a flexible program to turn thoughts into habits, and habits into success. Sections include: ‘The Power of a Positive You’, ‘5 Rules for Keeping Your Attitude at the Right Altitude’ and ‘More Power To You’. Nobody has more of a ‘can-do’ attitude than Joyce Meyer. Now you can, too.
OPENING HOURS: Saturdays: 3:30 pm - 5 pm; 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Sundays: 9 am - 1:30 pm
LAUGH YOUR WAY TO A BETTER MARRIAGE // Gungor Mark DVD Price: $59.95 Paperback: $18.95 > This DVD set captures the entire life-changing Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage Seminar by Mark Gungor! In his unique and hilarious way, Mark explores the underlying dynamics of male/ female relationships, combining striking clarity and practical solutions to common relationship woes. Mark’s entertaining illustrations are so hilarious and original, you’ll be sharing them with all your friends. His humour makes his teaching enjoyable, effective and memorable, helping husbands and wives remember these insights and immediately put them to work. The sessions on the DVDs are: “The Tale of Two Brains”, “Why Does He/She Do That?”, The #1 Key to Incredible Sex, “How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody” as well as Mark answering frequently asked questions on the bonus DVD. Get a copy and laugh your way to a better marriage!
Exciting new Hillsong Release ‘God is able’ in store from early July. Available on CD, DVD & Blu-Ray
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7 PM The Cause/ My Story
7 PM Empire
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9:30 AM Weekend of Power with Andrew Kubala (Mission Weekend)
5 PM Weekend of Power with Andrew Kubala (Mission Weekend) 11:30 AM Weekend of Power with Andrew Kubala (Mission Weekend)
7:15 PM Creative Ministries
7 PM The Cause/ My Story
7 PM Delta Groups
2 PM English Classes 5 PM Weekend of Power with Rick Shelton
9:30 AM Weekend of Power with Rick Shelton 11:30 AM Weekend of Power with Rick Shelton
7:15 PM Creative Ministries
11 AM Prayer Focus 7 PM Ignite
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7 PM The Ca use/ My Story 7 PM Mission: Up Close & Pe 7 PM Empire
2 PM English Classes 5 PM Saturday 5pm Service
9:30 AM Sund ay 9:30am Serv ice 1:15 PM 11:30 AM Su nday 11:30am Bridge Intro Service
7 PM Empire
2 PM English Classes 5 PM Weekend of Power
9:30 AM Weekend of Power 11:30 AM Weekend of Power
22 23
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24 25
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27 28
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7 PM Delta Groups
2 PM English Classes 5 PM Saturday Service (Worship Weekend/Baptisms)
9:30 AM Sunday Service (Worship Weekend/Baptisms) 11:30 AM Saturday Service (Worship Weekend/Baptisms)
29 30
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7 PM Mission: Up Close & Personal
7:15 PM Creative Ministries
11 AM Prayer Focus 7 PM Ignite
7 PM Pre-Marriage Course
7 PM Delta Groups
2 PM English Classes 5 PM Saturday Service (Build the House)
9:30 AM Sunday Service (Build the House) 11:30 AM Sunday Service (Build the House)
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24 25
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26 27
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2 PM English Classes 5 PM Saturday Service
9:30 AM Sunday 9:30am Service 11:30 AM Sunday 11 AM My God 11:30am Service
47 27
10 Griffiths Street, Richmond 3121 T: 03 8420 0900 F: 03 8420 0999 E: Service Times Saturdays: 5:00pm Sundays: 9:30am & 11:30am
Senior Pastor – David Doery – 03 8420 0929 Church Plant – Daniel Hunt – 03 8420 0941 Connect Groups – Raef Soliman – 03 8420 0942 Corporate Services – Rob Morris – 03 8420 0900 Empire & High Schools (ages 12-18) – Peter Hordern – 03 8420 0945 English Class – Barry & Margaret Clarke – 03 8420 0931 Events & Volunteers – Bridie Connaughton – 03 8420 0916 Fusion (ages 25 – 35) – Church Office – 03 8420 0900 Harvest Bible College – Robbie Cettolin – 03 8420 0919 Ignite (ages 18 – 27) – Jesse Winchester – 03 8420 0900 International Students – Church Office – 03 8420 0900 Internships – Robbie Cettolin – 03 8420 0900 Links (Cultural Groups) – Barry Clarke – 03 8420 0931 Media & Production – Pey-Li Lim – 03 8420 0946 Mission – Naomi Ainge – 03 8420 0929 New People – Robbie Cettolin/Daniel Hunt – 03 8420 0941 Pastoral Ministries – Angelo Cettolin – 03 8420 0914 Prayer Focus – Barry & Margaret Clarke – 03 8420 0931 Regeneration (ages 50+) – Barry & Margaret Clarke – 03 8420 0931 Reflections Bookshop – Barbara Pilch – 03 8420 0928 Soul Sisters (Women) – Sally Doery – 03 8420 0900 Training – Robbie Cettolin – 03 8420 0900 Ushers – Bridie Connaughton – 03 8420 0916 Visitation – Barry & Margaret Clarke – 03 8420 0931 Worship – Amanda Winchester – 03 8420 0940 Young Families & Momentum (Men) – Michael McCauley – 03 8420 0915