Toast to the Future! Ring in the Holidays Sponsors
We’ll toast our sponsors, donors, grantees, and guests who contribute so much to our vibrant region. Attendees enjoy a lavish selection of holiday hors d’oeuvres, as well as an open bar.
Toast to the Future Sponsor Synergy Periodontics & Implants Lillie Pitman, DMD and Thanos Ntounis, DDS, MS Bar Sponsor Access Eye / Arash and Michele Mansouri Tasting Room Sponsor Cooper Financial Group Douglas Cooper & Joshua Cooper Tent Sponsors Hagerman Group Mary Jane O’Neill Platinum Anonymous BB&T Beveridge Seay, Inc. / Nicky Seay Bruce and Sandy Davis John and Sharon Fick Germanna Community College Hirschler Fleischer Kaeser Compressors PBMares, LLP Sands Anderson The Sprinkle Family Stafford Printing Union Bank & Trust Wack General Contractor Wells Fargo Gold Dynovis Edward Jones Investments / Ben Maxwell The Gemini 3 Group, Inc. Goodloe Asphalt, L.C. Heritage Wealth Advisors Cindy and Tim Hughes In the Red Catering Parties by Dori
Newsletter Fall/Winter 2017
Thank you for supporting The Community Foundation and our mission to advance local philanthropy – now and for generations to come! Thank you to our merry event committee! Matt Caspersen, Elly Cooper, Dori Eglevsky, Sally Harman, George Harvey, Tim Hughes, Kelly Johnson, Michele Mansouri, Greg Mueller, Chris Repp, Jamie Scully, Nicky Seay and Jon Van Zandt.
SimVentions, Inc. Stifel / Don Newlin Surgi-Center of Central Virginia Wagner Wealth Management of Davenport & Company Silver Atlantic Builders Heather and Jason Cohen John C. Cowan Cox Family Dental and Orthodontics Featherstone LLC Field at Snowden Farm Dr. and Mrs. Howard Heppe Hilldrup Properties, Inc. Hope Springs Marina Kelly and Fitz Johnson The Keddie Group of Davenport & Company LLC Anne and Carl Little Tricia and Charles McDaniel Missy and Steve Norair Parrish Snead Franklin Simpson PLC Payne Trucking Co. Doug and Betsy Quarles Janny and Shane Sims Stone Center Van Zandt Restorations Christopher and Jodie Vaughn Virginia Partners Bank Bronze Affordable Suites of America Fredericksburg, Quantico Mona and Jack Albertine Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg Jon Mozena MD, Jonathon Posthumus MD, Mark Wenger MD, Bonita Wilson MD Bankers Insurance, LLC Rob Billingsley / Wealth Management Advisor Northwestern Mutual Bishop, Farmer & Co., LLP
Ginnie and Jim Branscome Cary Street Partners / Andre G. Pineda, Walter D. Bayne, Daniel W. Clendenin Stephanie and Matthew Caspersen Rappahannock Orthodontics Kostas Constantine Fredericksburg Orthopaedic Associates, P.C. Dameron Home Builders Kate and Matthew DuMont Jenny and Dudley DuPuy First Citizens Bank Flair Communication Mary Carter Frackelton Fredericksburg Smile Center Wilson Greenlaw, Jr. CCIM Hallberg & O’Malley Financial The Hoffman Family / Fredericksburg Stacy and Andrew Horne Dee and Eddy Hwang JON Properties Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa Jason Kunkler Patti and Bill Lynch Melissa and Wayland Marks Brooke Miller Real Estate, LLC Lloyd F. Moss, Jr. DDS and Lloyd F. Moss III DDS Charmaine and Greg Mueller Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy Associates Quarles Petroleum Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Rappahannock Restoration Roxbury Mills Salon 730 George Solley and Mari Kelly Shirley and David Swisher Tulip Salon & Spa / Aveda Utility Professional Services, Inc. Fred & Tanya Howe Vista Eye Specialists / Binoy R. Jani, MD Kitty and Ben Wafle Waterloo Farm
Foundation News
Save the Date! Wednesday, November 29, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Sponsorships are still available. Contact Teri McNally at 540.373.9292 to discuss opportunities.
The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region
The Mahon Family Legacy in Caroline
The Mahon Mahon Family Family is is committed committed to to our our The community. community. Growing up up in in idyllic idyllic Bowling Bowling Green, Green, Walton Walton (Walt) (Walt) Growing Mahon has been a neighbor and friend his entire life. Mahon has been a neighbor and friend his entire life. As a young man, he met and married his wife, Lacy As a young man, he met and married his wife, Lacy Mahon (1931-2015). (1931-2015). Lacy Lacy moved moved from from Halifax, Halifax, Virginia Virginia Mahon and found a new hometown love in Bowling Green. and found a new hometown love in Bowling Green. Here they they raised raised their their two two children children Laura Laura and and Bern. Bern. Here During Walt’s Walt’s loyal loyal and and remarkable remarkable career career at at Union Union During Bank and Trust, he transitioned from teller to Bank Bank and Trust, he transitioned from teller to Bank President to Director. Union was an education in President to Director. Union was an education in community philanthropy. Walt recalls, “Being the only community philanthropy. Walt recalls, “Being the only bank in the county, everyone called upon us for help. bank in the county, everyone called upon us for help. There were so many opportunities to be involved. It’s There were so many opportunities to be involved. It’s amazing to me how many people had a feel for helping amazing to me how many people had a feel for helping something like the fire department and rescue squad.” something like the fire department and rescue squad.” To Walt and Lacy, community focus was a matter of To Walt and Lacy, community focus was a matter of course. As active lifetime members of Bowling Green course. As active lifetime members of Bowling Green Baptist Church, Walt served as a Deacon and Lacy both Baptist Church, Walt served as a Deacon and Lacy both taught Sunday school and served as Woman’s taught Sunday school and served as Woman’s Missionary Union president. Civic organizations were Missionary Union president. Civic organizations were near and dear to their hearts as well. Lacy served as near and dear to their hearts as well. Lacy served as president for the Junior Woman’s Club and as treasurer president for the Junior Woman’s Club and as treasurer for the Caroline Historical Society. Walton has been a for the Caroline Historical Society. Walton has been a Ruritan Club member for over 50 years. Ruritan Club member for over 50 years.
Preserving the the beauty beauty of of Caroline Caroline County County is is yet yet another another Preserving passion. Lacy was a charter member of the Caroline passion. Lacy was a charter member of the Caroline Garden Club Club and and Walt Walt has has led led efforts efforts to to plant plant more more trees trees Garden throughout Bowling Green. “He loves trees,” Bern says of throughout Bowling Green. “He loves trees,” Bern says of his father. “I asked him to come help me cut down a tree his father. “I asked him to come help me cut down a tree one time time at at my my house. house. He He agreed, agreed, but but in in order order to to cut cut that that one one down, we had to plant five more.” one down, we had to plant five more.” The Walton Walton and and Lacy Lacy Mahon Mahon Family Family Legacy Legacy Fund Fund of of The The The Community Foundation will support historic preservation, Community Foundation will support historic preservation, recreation, youth, youth, and and beautification beautification in in Bowling Bowling Green Green recreation, and Caroline County in perpetuity. It will honor Walt and and Caroline County in perpetuity. It will honor Walt and Lacy’s hometown and make way for their children and Lacy’s hometown and make way for their children and grandchildren to to continue continue their their commitment commitment to to community community grandchildren involvement. The fund is a beautiful tribute to the Mahon involvement. The fund is a beautiful tribute to the Mahon family’s love for our region and will serve neighbors and family’s love for our region and will serve neighbors and friends forever for good. friends forever for good. Your vision can help ensure a vibrant future Your vision can help ensure a vibrant future for our region. for our region. A legacy fund at The Community Foundation is A legacy fund at The Community Foundation is tax-wise, flexible, permanent and most importantly, tax-wise, flexible, permanent and most importantly, personal. personal. Visit or contact Visit or contact Teri McNally at 540.373.9292. Teri McNally at 540.373.9292.
Philanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speaks The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’sannual annual luncheon luncheonevent eventhighlighting highlightingthe thebest best investments investmentsinincommunity. community. On OnTuesday, Tuesday,November November14th, 14th,the thefoundation foundation presents presentsPhilanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speakswith withJohn JohnO.O. “Dubby” “Dubby”Wynne WynneofofGO GOVirginia. Virginia.This Thisannual annual luncheon luncheonevent eventwill willfeature featurethe theVirginia Virginia Initiative Initiativefor forGrowth Growthand andOpportunity. Opportunity.GO GO Virginia Virginiauses usesincentives incentivestotopromote promoteregional regional cooperation cooperationamong amonglocalities localitiestotoadvance advance economic economicdevelopment. development.This Thiseffort effort interconnects interconnectswith withMr. Mr.Wynne’s Wynne’spassion passionfor for giving givingand andhis hisleadership leadershipexperiences experiencesasasaa donor donorand andchair chairofofthe theHampton HamptonRoads Roads Community CommunityFoundation. Foundation. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationshares sharesideas, ideas, convenes convenesleaders, leaders,and andadvances advances collaboration collaborationfor forthe thevitality vitalityand andwell-being well-being ofofthe theRappahannock RappahannockRiver Riverregion. region.Contact Contact Teri TeriMcNally McNallyatatterimcnally cfrrr.orgoror 540.373.9292 540.373.9292totoreserve reserveyour yourspot spotatatour our annual annualluncheon. luncheon.
New NewFaces Faceson onthe theFoundation Foundation Board Boardof ofGovernors Governors Philanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speaks isismade madepossible possibleby: by:
John JohnO.O.“Dubby” “Dubby”Wynne Wynne
Tuesday, Tuesday,November November14, 14,2017 2017 Complimentary ComplimentaryLuncheon Luncheon 11:45am 11:45am- -1:00 1:00pm pm
Samer SamerShalaby, Shalaby,Development DevelopmentConsulting Consulting Services, Services,PLC PLC
Nicky NickySeay, Seay,Beveridge BeveridgeSeay, Seay,Inc. Inc.
Maria MariaFranklin, Franklin,Union UnionBank Bankand andTrust Trust
Aaron AaronDobynes, Dobynes,Shiloh ShilohBaptist BaptistChurch Church(Old (OldSite) Site)
University UniversityofofMary MaryWashington Washington Jepson JepsonAlumni AlumniExecutive ExecutiveCenter Center 1119 1119Hanover HanoverStreet Street Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg,Virginia Virginia22401 22401
“The “TheFoundation FoundationMakes MakesItItSo SoEasy” Easy” “Before “Beforeyou youfully fullyunderstand understand[the [the Education EducationImprovement ImprovementScholarship Scholarship Tax TaxCredits Creditsprogram], program],you youmight mightthink, think, “Do “DoI Ireally reallyhave have$1,000 $1,000totogive?” give?”But But with withthe theprogram, program,I can I canmake makethis this meaningful meaningfulgift giftbecause becauseI Iget getsosomuch much back backthrough throughthe thetax taxcredit.” credit.” Patti PattiBricken Brickenfirst firstlearned learnedabout about The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’s Scholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram programthrough through this thisnewsletter. newsletter.According AccordingtotoPatti, Patti,her her friend friendFelix FelixFraraccio Fraraccioread readthe thearticle articleand and said, said,“This “Thisisisaareally reallygood gooddeal.” deal.”The Thetwo two were wereamong amongthe thefirst firstcontributors contributorstotothe the program programininitsitsfirst firstyear. year.
“My “Mychurch, church,St. St.Mary’s Mary’sofofthe theImmaculate Immaculate Conception, Conception,shares sharesnews newsabout aboutstudents students ininneed needatatHoly HolyCross CrossAcademy Academyand andthe theopopportunity portunitytotosupport supportscholarships,” scholarships,”she shetold told the thefoundation. foundation.
Virginia VirginiaEducation EducationImprovement Improvement Scholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram program Give Giveususaacall callfor fordetails detailsabout abouthow how individuals individualsororbusinesses businessesmay maysave savemoney money while whilehelping helpinglow-income low-incomestudents studentstoto access accessindependent independentschool schooleducation. education. AliAliThomas, Thomas,Scholarship ScholarshipManager Manageratat 540.373.9292. 540.373.9292.OrOrvisit visitour ourwebsite websiteatat education
Felix FelixFraraccio Fraraccioand andPatti PattiBricken Bricken
“The “TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationmakes makesititsoso easy. easy.This Thisyear yearit’s it’spart partofofmy mytax taxplanning. planning. And Andseeing seeingthe thefaces facesofofstudents studentsininthe the bulletin bulletinand andthe thefoundation foundationnewsletter newsletter–– ititjust justmakes makesyou youfeel feelgood.” good.”
Over Overthe thelast lasttwelve twelvemonths, months, the thefoundation foundationhas hasawarded awarded 40 40VAEISTC VAEISTCscholarships scholarships totaling totaling$154,127 $154,127toto33local local independent independentschools. schools.
Thank Thankyou youfor foryour yourService! Service! Kelly KellyJohnson, Johnson,Veronica VeronicaKelly Kellyand and Cinde CindeHoffman Hoffmanhave haveeach eachmade madesignificant significant contributions contributionstotoThe TheCommunity CommunityFoundation. Foundation. Thank Thankyou youfor foradvancing advancingphilanthropy philanthropyinin our ourregion! region!Having Havingserved servedtwo twoconsecutive consecutive three-year three-yearterms, terms,ititisistime timefor forthese theselocal local leaders leaderstotorotate rotateoff offour ourBoard BoardofofGovernors, Governors, but butwe weare areassured assuredthey theywill willcontinue continuetoto bebeinvolved involvedininthe thefoundation’s foundation’smission missionfor for years yearstotocome. come.
Kelly KellyJohnson, Johnson,Veronica VeronicaKelly Kellyand and Cinde CindeHoffman Hoffman
The TheLasting LastingUkrop UkropLegacy Legacyinin Fredericksburg Fredericksburgand andRichmond Richmond “Every “EveryUkrop UkropScholar Scholarhas has been beenoffered offeredemployment employmentinin Richmond RichmondCity CitySchools,” Schools,”says says University UniversityofofMary MaryWashington Washington Provost ProvostNina NinaMikhalevsky. Mikhalevsky. “This “Thisisisaagreat greatprogram programthat that helps helpsUMW-trained UMW-trainedteachers teacherstoto thrive thriveininthe theclassroom.” classroom.”
Win WinWin WinWin WinWin Win The Thefoundation’s foundation’sScholarships Scholarships Tax TaxCredits Creditsprogram programisisaawin winfor for students, students,aawin winfor fordonors, donors,aawin win for forprofessional professionaladvisors advisorsand andaawin win for forthe thecommunity. community. Carolyn CarolynIrwin, Irwin,tax taxmanager managerwith withPBMares, PBMares, provides providestax taxand andconsulting consultingservices servicestoto individuals individualsand andsmall smallbusinesses, businesses,including including area areanonprofits. nonprofits.Ms. Ms.Irwin Irwinhas hasrecommendrecommendededaasimilar similartax taxcredit creditopportunity opportunityininthe the past, past,but butthe theprocess processwas wascumbersome cumbersomefor for donors. donors.“I“Ilike likeknowing knowingthat thatthe theCommunity Community Foundation Foundationhas hasthe theinformation informationand andprocess process ready. ready.Then Thenit’s it’ssimply simplydone.” done.” “With “Withthe theScholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram, program, you youget getaacharitable charitablecontribution contributiondeduction deduction like likeyou youwould wouldwith withany anygift gifttotocharity,” charity,”says says Irwin, Irwin,“on “ontop topofofthat, that,you youget getthe theVirginia Virginia credit, credit,which whichisis6565percent.” percent.” These Thesecredits creditswork worklike likecash cashfor forthe thetax tax payer. payer.For Forexample, example,aagift giftofof$10,000 $10,000made made through throughthe theprogram programresults resultsininaa$6,500 $6,500 tax taxcredit creditvoucher voucherthat thatthe thedonor donorcan canuse use toward towardstate statetax taxthey theyowe. owe.
Brothers BrothersBobby Bobbyand andJim JimUkrop Ukrop
The TheUkrop UkropEndowment EndowmentFund Fundofofthe the Community CommunityFoundation Foundationisishelping helpingboth both Richmond RichmondCity CitySchools Schoolsstudents studentsand andUMW UMW education educationmajors majorsthrough throughThe TheUkrop Ukrop Scholars Scholarsand andFellows FellowsProgram. Program.The Theprogram program provides providesdiverse diverseplacements placementsfor forUMW UMW education educationstudents studentsininRichmond, Richmond,addressaddressing ingthe theneeds needsofofK-12 K-12children childrenininunderunderresourced resourcedschools schoolsininananurban urbanenvironment. environment. Jim JimUkrop, Ukrop,co-founder co-founderand andmanaging managingdirecdirector torofofNRV, NRV,aaventure venturecapital capitalfirm firminvesting investing ininVirginia Virginiaearly earlystage stagegrowth growthcompanies companies told toldthe thefoundation, foundation,“Our “Ourrenewed renewedcomcommitment mitmenttotothis thisprogram programsupports supportsboth boththe the Fredericksburg Fredericksburgand andRichmond Richmondcommunities.” communities.” Ukrop Ukropisisalso alsothe theformer formerchairman chairmanofofUkrop’s Ukrop’s Super SuperMarkets Marketsand andFirst FirstMarket MarketBank. Bank.“By “By preparing preparingMary MaryWashington Washingtonstudents studentstoto serve serveininananurban urbaneducation educationsystem, system,we weare are bringing bringinghigh-quality high-qualityteachers teacherswith withcreative creative curriculum curriculumtotothe theRichmond Richmondschools.” schools.” 66
The TheUkrop UkropScholars Scholarsand andFellows FellowsProgram Program has hasalready alreadyrecruited recruitedmore morestudents studentstotothe the
teaching teachingprogram programbybyhelping helpingthem themovercome overcome financial financialbarriers. barriers.The TheRichmond Richmondschools schools expect expecttotoincrease increaseteacher teacherretention retentionasaswell. well. The TheUkrop’s Ukrop’sEndowment EndowmentFund Fundwas wasestabestablished lishedbybybrothers brothersBobby Bobbyand andJim JimUkrop Ukropinin 2000, 2000,the theyear yearthey theyopened openedaalocal localUkrop’s Ukrop’s grocery grocerystore. store.The Thehigh-impact high-impactfund fundbrought brought critical criticalclout cloutand andresources resourcesatataatime timewhen when The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationwas wasemergemerging ingasasaasignificant significantcommunity communityasset. asset.The The Ukrop’s Ukrop’sfamily familyare areicons iconsofofcorporate corporatesocial social engagement engagementwho whocontinue continuetotobebeengaged engaged ininour ourcommunity communitythrough throughtheir theirannual annual grantmaking. grantmaking.
According AccordingtotoIrwin, Irwin,donors donorsare arepaying paying very verylittle littleout outofofpocket pocketwhile whilemaking makingaa significant significantdifference differenceininour ourcommunity. community. “This “Thisisisespecially especiallytrue truefor forhigh-income high-income individuals individualsand andbusinesses businessesthat thatare arepaying paying taxes taxesininthe thehighest highesttax taxbracket,” bracket,”she shesays, says, “and “andit’s it’seven evenbetter bettertotogive giveappreciated appreciated stock stockbecause becauseofofthe theadditional additionalsavings savings when whenaadonor donoravoids avoidscapital capitalgains gainstax.” tax.” The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’slargest largesttax tax credit-qualified credit-qualifieddonation donationtotodate datecame came from fromaabusiness businessininthe theform formofofstock. stock.InIn Carolyn’s Carolyn’spractice, practice,however, however,she shehas hasmany many ofofthese theseconversations conversationswith withindividuals. individuals.Her Her advice adviceis,is,“Don’t “Don’tgive givetotocharities charitiessimply simplyfor for tax taxbenefits, benefits,but butififyou youknow knowyou’re you’regoing going totogive, give,absolutely absolutelydodoititininaatax taxefficient efficient manner.” manner.” “Often “Oftenmy myclients clientsreally reallyaren’t aren’taware awarejust just how howmuch muchdifference differencetax taxcredits creditscan canmake make until untilthey theyexplore exploreaalittle littlefurther. further.They Theysay, say, ‘That’s ‘That’ssosoeasy! easy!Why Whyhas hasnonoone onetold toldme me about aboutthis?’” this?’”
Carolyn CarolynIrwin, Irwin,Tax TaxConsultant ConsultantPBMares PBMares
While Whiledonors donorsare aresaving savingmoney, money,they theyare are helping helpinglocal locallow-income low-incomestudents studentsaccess access education educationatataaschool schoolofoftheir theirchoice. choice. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationsupports supportsthese these students studentsupuptotothe theamount amountthe theDepartment Department ofofEducation Educationwould wouldnormally normallybudget budgetfor forthe the student’s student’spublic publiceducation. education.With Withindividual individual and andbusiness businessdonors donorssupporting supportingthis this process, process,the theresult resultisisaanet netsavings savingsfor for Virginia. Virginia.
““As Asaasingle singlemother motherIIhad hadno noidea ideahow howII was wasgoing goingto tomake makeititpossible possible[financially]. [financially]. …We …Weare areso sograteful! grateful!She Sheabsolutely absolutely loves lovesFCS FCSand andisisdoing doingamazing amazingin inclass. class. Again, Again,we wecan’t can’tthank thankyou youenough!” enough!” Scholarship ScholarshipRecipient’s Recipient’sParent Parent
ToTolearn learnmore moreabout aboutestablishing establishingaa Donor DonorAdvised AdvisedFund Fundthrough throughThe The Community CommunityFoundation, Foundation,contact contact Executive ExecutiveDirector DirectorTeri TeriMcNally McNallyatat 540 540373-9292, 373-9292,terimcnally cfrrr.orgoror visit visitour ourwebsite charitable-impact.
Visionary VisionaryGrants Grants
AACertain CertainTrumpet Trumpet
The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fund
“The “Thevery veryessence essenceofofleadership leadershipisisthat that you youhave havetotohave havevision. vision.You Youcan’t can’tblow blow an anuncertain uncertaintrumpet.” trumpet.” - -Theodore TheodoreHesburgh Hesburgh
Anyone Anyonewith withaapassion passionfor forour our community communitycan canbecome becomepart partofof The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationand andgive give through throughThe TheCommunity CommunityFund. Fund. The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fundisisour oursignature signaturefund fund for forlocal localgrant grantmaking. making.ItItwas wasestablished established inin2003 2003and andhas hasbeen beenananessential essentialresource resource for forarea areanonprofits nonprofitssince sincethen. then.Directed Directedbyby the thefoundation’s foundation’sBoard BoardofofGovernors, Governors,this this fund’s fund’sdesign designisisflexible flexibleand andresponsive. responsive. The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fundensures ensuresthat thatthe the foundation foundationcan canact actononthe themost mostpromising promising opportunities opportunitiesfor forimpact impact----efficiently efficientlyand and effectively. effectively. We Weunderstand understandthat thatour ourlocal localcommunities communities face facereal realchallenges, challenges,and andthe thesolutions solutionsare are not notalways alwayssimple. simple.We’re We’rehere heretotohelp. help. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationoffers offersaa powerful powerfulway waytotocome cometogether togetherand andmake makeaa significant significantdifference differencethrough throughThe The Community CommunityFund. Fund. AsAsproud proudcitizens citizensofofthe theRappahannock Rappahannock River Riverregion, region,we welove loveour ourcommunity communityand and we wewant wantCaroline, Caroline,King KingGeorge, George,FredericksFredericksburg, burg,Spotsylvania Spotsylvaniaand andStafford Staffordtotogrow grow and andthrive. thrive.
Where Wheremight mightthe theRappahannock RappahannockRiver River region regionbebeinin2020years? years?Over Overthe thelast lastnine nine months, months,The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationand and other othervisionary visionarynonprofits nonprofitstook tooksteps stepstoward toward aafuture futurethat thatisishealthier, healthier,wealthier wealthierand and wiser. wiser.ToTocelebrate celebratethe thefoundation’s foundation’s 20th 20thanniversary, anniversary,the theboard boardofofgovernors governors and andstaff staffare aredemonstrating demonstratingthe thepower powerofof unrestricted unrestrictedgiving givingthrough throughThe TheCommunity Community Fund Fundand andlooking lookingforward forwardtotothe thenext next2020 years. years.
To Tosupport supportfurther furthergrant grant initiatives initiativeslike likethe theones onesdescribed described here, here,consider considergiving givingthrough through The TheCommunity CommunityFund. Fund.Each Eachyear year The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’s board boardofofgovernors governorsmobilizes mobilizesthis this flagship flagshipfund fundtotorespond respondtotothe the most mostpromising promisingopportunities opportunitiesfor for impact. impact.Call CallTeri TeriMcNally McNallyatat 540.373.9292 540.373.9292ororsimply simplygive giveonline online
June,Germanna GermannaCommunity CommunityCollege College InInJune, wonthe the$20,000 $20,000Education EducationVisionary Visionary won Grantfor fortheir their“meta “metamajors” majors”initiative, initiative, Grant whichaccelerates acceleratesstudents’ students’progress progress which reachmeaningful meaningfulcertificate certificateand and totoreach degreegoals, goals,and andultimately ultimatelythe thejobs jobs degree theirchoice. choice. ofoftheir
The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationinvited invitedarea area nonprofits nonprofitstotoshare sharetheir theirfuture futurevision visionfor for our ourregion regionand andthen thenpresent presentaaproposal proposalfor for aaone oneyear, year,$20,000 $20,000grant grantproject projecttotolay lay the thefoundation foundationfor forthis thisvision. vision.Read Readonontoto learn learnmore moreabout aboutthe thegrant grantwinners winnersininthe the categories categoriesofofEnvironment, Environment,Education Educationand and Health/Human Health/HumanServices. Services.AAfourth fourthgrant grantfor for ananArts Artsvisionary visionaryproject projectwill willbebeannounced announced the theweek weekofofNovember November20th. 20th. September,Lloyd LloydF.F.Moss MossFree FreeClinic Clinic InInSeptember, receivedthe the$20,000 $20,000Health/Human Health/Human received ServicesVisionary VisionaryGrant Grantfor forthe the Services Medical-LegalPartnership Partnershipthey theyplan plan Medical-Legal withLegal LegalAid AidWorks. Works.With Withthis thisgrant, grant, with theclinic cliniccan canadd addlegal legaladvice adviceand and the socialsupports supportstotothe themedicine medicineand and social carethey theyalready alreadyprovide providetotoclients clientswith with care complexmedical medicaland andsocial socialissues. issues. complex
Giving Givingtotoand andthrough throughThe TheCommunity Community Fund Fundisisaapowerful powerfulway waytototake takeaction action for forthe thegreater greatergood. good. Simply Simplymake makeaagift giftonline donate-now donate-nowororsend sendaacheck checkmade madeout outto:to: The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fund ofofthe theCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundation PO POBox Box208 208 Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg,Virginia Virginia22404. 22404.
InInMarch, March,Friends Friendsofofthe theRappahannock Rappahannock received receivedthe theEnvironment EnvironmentVisionary VisionaryGrant Grant ofof$20,000 $20,000for foraaRiver RiverReport ReportCard Cardon on water waterquality quality- -an anessential essentialtool toolfor for building buildingaaregional regionalculture cultureofofclean cleanwater. water.
Visionary VisionaryGrants Grants
AACertain CertainTrumpet Trumpet
The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fund
“The “Thevery veryessence essenceofofleadership leadershipisisthat that you youhave havetotohave havevision. vision.You Youcan’t can’tblow blow an anuncertain uncertaintrumpet.” trumpet.” - -Theodore TheodoreHesburgh Hesburgh
Anyone Anyonewith withaapassion passionfor forour our community communitycan canbecome becomepart partofof The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationand andgive give through throughThe TheCommunity CommunityFund. Fund. The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fundisisour oursignature signaturefund fund for forlocal localgrant grantmaking. making.ItItwas wasestablished established inin2003 2003and andhas hasbeen beenananessential essentialresource resource for forarea areanonprofits nonprofitssince sincethen. then.Directed Directedbyby the thefoundation’s foundation’sBoard BoardofofGovernors, Governors,this this fund’s fund’sdesign designisisflexible flexibleand andresponsive. responsive. The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fundensures ensuresthat thatthe the foundation foundationcan canact actononthe themost mostpromising promising opportunities opportunitiesfor forimpact impact----efficiently efficientlyand and effectively. effectively. We Weunderstand understandthat thatour ourlocal localcommunities communities face facereal realchallenges, challenges,and andthe thesolutions solutionsare are not notalways alwayssimple. simple.We’re We’rehere heretotohelp. help. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationoffers offersaa powerful powerfulway waytotocome cometogether togetherand andmake makeaa significant significantdifference differencethrough throughThe The Community CommunityFund. Fund. AsAsproud proudcitizens citizensofofthe theRappahannock Rappahannock River Riverregion, region,we welove loveour ourcommunity communityand and we wewant wantCaroline, Caroline,King KingGeorge, George,FredericksFredericksburg, burg,Spotsylvania Spotsylvaniaand andStafford Staffordtotogrow grow and andthrive. thrive.
Where Wheremight mightthe theRappahannock RappahannockRiver River region regionbebeinin2020years? years?Over Overthe thelast lastnine nine months, months,The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationand and other othervisionary visionarynonprofits nonprofitstook tooksteps stepstoward toward aafuture futurethat thatisishealthier, healthier,wealthier wealthierand and wiser. wiser.ToTocelebrate celebratethe thefoundation’s foundation’s 20th 20thanniversary, anniversary,the theboard boardofofgovernors governors and andstaff staffare aredemonstrating demonstratingthe thepower powerofof unrestricted unrestrictedgiving givingthrough throughThe TheCommunity Community Fund Fundand andlooking lookingforward forwardtotothe thenext next2020 years. years.
To Tosupport supportfurther furthergrant grant initiatives initiativeslike likethe theones onesdescribed described here, here,consider considergiving givingthrough through The TheCommunity CommunityFund. Fund.Each Eachyear year The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’s board boardofofgovernors governorsmobilizes mobilizesthis this flagship flagshipfund fundtotorespond respondtotothe the most mostpromising promisingopportunities opportunitiesfor for impact. impact.Call CallTeri TeriMcNally McNallyatat 540.373.9292 540.373.9292ororsimply simplygive giveonline online
June,Germanna GermannaCommunity CommunityCollege College InInJune, wonthe the$20,000 $20,000Education EducationVisionary Visionary won Grantfor fortheir their“meta “metamajors” majors”initiative, initiative, Grant whichaccelerates acceleratesstudents’ students’progress progress which reachmeaningful meaningfulcertificate certificateand and totoreach degreegoals, goals,and andultimately ultimatelythe thejobs jobs degree theirchoice. choice. ofoftheir
The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationinvited invitedarea area nonprofits nonprofitstotoshare sharetheir theirfuture futurevision visionfor for our ourregion regionand andthen thenpresent presentaaproposal proposalfor for aaone oneyear, year,$20,000 $20,000grant grantproject projecttotolay lay the thefoundation foundationfor forthis thisvision. vision.Read Readonontoto learn learnmore moreabout aboutthe thegrant grantwinners winnersininthe the categories categoriesofofEnvironment, Environment,Education Educationand and Health/Human Health/HumanServices. Services.AAfourth fourthgrant grantfor for ananArts Artsvisionary visionaryproject projectwill willbebeannounced announced the theweek weekofofNovember November20th. 20th. September,Lloyd LloydF.F.Moss MossFree FreeClinic Clinic InInSeptember, receivedthe the$20,000 $20,000Health/Human Health/Human received ServicesVisionary VisionaryGrant Grantfor forthe the Services Medical-LegalPartnership Partnershipthey theyplan plan Medical-Legal withLegal LegalAid AidWorks. Works.With Withthis thisgrant, grant, with theclinic cliniccan canadd addlegal legaladvice adviceand and the socialsupports supportstotothe themedicine medicineand and social carethey theyalready alreadyprovide providetotoclients clientswith with care complexmedical medicaland andsocial socialissues. issues. complex
Giving Givingtotoand andthrough throughThe TheCommunity Community Fund Fundisisaapowerful powerfulway waytototake takeaction action for forthe thegreater greatergood. good. Simply Simplymake makeaagift giftonline donate-now donate-nowororsend sendaacheck checkmade madeout outto:to: The TheCommunity CommunityFund Fund ofofthe theCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundation PO POBox Box208 208 Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg,Virginia Virginia22404. 22404.
InInMarch, March,Friends Friendsofofthe theRappahannock Rappahannock received receivedthe theEnvironment EnvironmentVisionary VisionaryGrant Grant ofof$20,000 $20,000for foraaRiver RiverReport ReportCard Cardon on water waterquality quality- -an anessential essentialtool toolfor for building buildingaaregional regionalculture cultureofofclean cleanwater. water.
The TheLasting LastingUkrop UkropLegacy Legacyinin Fredericksburg Fredericksburgand andRichmond Richmond “Every “EveryUkrop UkropScholar Scholarhas has been beenoffered offeredemployment employmentinin Richmond RichmondCity CitySchools,” Schools,”says says University UniversityofofMary MaryWashington Washington Provost ProvostNina NinaMikhalevsky. Mikhalevsky. “This “Thisisisaagreat greatprogram programthat that helps helpsUMW-trained UMW-trainedteachers teacherstoto thrive thriveininthe theclassroom.” classroom.”
Win WinWin WinWin WinWin Win The Thefoundation’s foundation’sScholarships Scholarships Tax TaxCredits Creditsprogram programisisaawin winfor for students, students,aawin winfor fordonors, donors,aawin win for forprofessional professionaladvisors advisorsand andaawin win for forthe thecommunity. community. Carolyn CarolynIrwin, Irwin,tax taxmanager managerwith withPBMares, PBMares, provides providestax taxand andconsulting consultingservices servicestoto individuals individualsand andsmall smallbusinesses, businesses,including including area areanonprofits. nonprofits.Ms. Ms.Irwin Irwinhas hasrecommendrecommendededaasimilar similartax taxcredit creditopportunity opportunityininthe the past, past,but butthe theprocess processwas wascumbersome cumbersomefor for donors. donors.“I“Ilike likeknowing knowingthat thatthe theCommunity Community Foundation Foundationhas hasthe theinformation informationand andprocess process ready. ready.Then Thenit’s it’ssimply simplydone.” done.” “With “Withthe theScholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram, program, you youget getaacharitable charitablecontribution contributiondeduction deduction like likeyou youwould wouldwith withany anygift gifttotocharity,” charity,”says says Irwin, Irwin,“on “ontop topofofthat, that,you youget getthe theVirginia Virginia credit, credit,which whichisis6565percent.” percent.” These Thesecredits creditswork worklike likecash cashfor forthe thetax tax payer. payer.For Forexample, example,aagift giftofof$10,000 $10,000made made through throughthe theprogram programresults resultsininaa$6,500 $6,500 tax taxcredit creditvoucher voucherthat thatthe thedonor donorcan canuse use toward towardstate statetax taxthey theyowe. owe.
Brothers BrothersBobby Bobbyand andJim JimUkrop Ukrop
The TheUkrop UkropEndowment EndowmentFund Fundofofthe the Community CommunityFoundation Foundationisishelping helpingboth both Richmond RichmondCity CitySchools Schoolsstudents studentsand andUMW UMW education educationmajors majorsthrough throughThe TheUkrop Ukrop Scholars Scholarsand andFellows FellowsProgram. Program.The Theprogram program provides providesdiverse diverseplacements placementsfor forUMW UMW education educationstudents studentsininRichmond, Richmond,addressaddressing ingthe theneeds needsofofK-12 K-12children childrenininunderunderresourced resourcedschools schoolsininananurban urbanenvironment. environment. Jim JimUkrop, Ukrop,co-founder co-founderand andmanaging managingdirecdirector torofofNRV, NRV,aaventure venturecapital capitalfirm firminvesting investing ininVirginia Virginiaearly earlystage stagegrowth growthcompanies companies told toldthe thefoundation, foundation,“Our “Ourrenewed renewedcomcommitment mitmenttotothis thisprogram programsupports supportsboth boththe the Fredericksburg Fredericksburgand andRichmond Richmondcommunities.” communities.” Ukrop Ukropisisalso alsothe theformer formerchairman chairmanofofUkrop’s Ukrop’s Super SuperMarkets Marketsand andFirst FirstMarket MarketBank. Bank.“By “By preparing preparingMary MaryWashington Washingtonstudents studentstoto serve serveininananurban urbaneducation educationsystem, system,we weare are bringing bringinghigh-quality high-qualityteachers teacherswith withcreative creative curriculum curriculumtotothe theRichmond Richmondschools.” schools.” 66
The TheUkrop UkropScholars Scholarsand andFellows FellowsProgram Program has hasalready alreadyrecruited recruitedmore morestudents studentstotothe the
teaching teachingprogram programbybyhelping helpingthem themovercome overcome financial financialbarriers. barriers.The TheRichmond Richmondschools schools expect expecttotoincrease increaseteacher teacherretention retentionasaswell. well. The TheUkrop’s Ukrop’sEndowment EndowmentFund Fundwas wasestabestablished lishedbybybrothers brothersBobby Bobbyand andJim JimUkrop Ukropinin 2000, 2000,the theyear yearthey theyopened openedaalocal localUkrop’s Ukrop’s grocery grocerystore. store.The Thehigh-impact high-impactfund fundbrought brought critical criticalclout cloutand andresources resourcesatataatime timewhen when The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationwas wasemergemerging ingasasaasignificant significantcommunity communityasset. asset.The The Ukrop’s Ukrop’sfamily familyare areicons iconsofofcorporate corporatesocial social engagement engagementwho whocontinue continuetotobebeengaged engaged ininour ourcommunity communitythrough throughtheir theirannual annual grantmaking. grantmaking.
According AccordingtotoIrwin, Irwin,donors donorsare arepaying paying very verylittle littleout outofofpocket pocketwhile whilemaking makingaa significant significantdifference differenceininour ourcommunity. community. “This “Thisisisespecially especiallytrue truefor forhigh-income high-income individuals individualsand andbusinesses businessesthat thatare arepaying paying taxes taxesininthe thehighest highesttax taxbracket,” bracket,”she shesays, says, “and “andit’s it’seven evenbetter bettertotogive giveappreciated appreciated stock stockbecause becauseofofthe theadditional additionalsavings savings when whenaadonor donoravoids avoidscapital capitalgains gainstax.” tax.” The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’slargest largesttax tax credit-qualified credit-qualifieddonation donationtotodate datecame came from fromaabusiness businessininthe theform formofofstock. stock.InIn Carolyn’s Carolyn’spractice, practice,however, however,she shehas hasmany many ofofthese theseconversations conversationswith withindividuals. individuals.Her Her advice adviceis,is,“Don’t “Don’tgive givetotocharities charitiessimply simplyfor for tax taxbenefits, benefits,but butififyou youknow knowyou’re you’regoing going totogive, give,absolutely absolutelydodoititininaatax taxefficient efficient manner.” manner.” “Often “Oftenmy myclients clientsreally reallyaren’t aren’taware awarejust just how howmuch muchdifference differencetax taxcredits creditscan canmake make until untilthey theyexplore exploreaalittle littlefurther. further.They Theysay, say, ‘That’s ‘That’ssosoeasy! easy!Why Whyhas hasnonoone onetold toldme me about aboutthis?’” this?’”
Carolyn CarolynIrwin, Irwin,Tax TaxConsultant ConsultantPBMares PBMares
While Whiledonors donorsare aresaving savingmoney, money,they theyare are helping helpinglocal locallow-income low-incomestudents studentsaccess access education educationatataaschool schoolofoftheir theirchoice. choice. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationsupports supportsthese these students studentsupuptotothe theamount amountthe theDepartment Department ofofEducation Educationwould wouldnormally normallybudget budgetfor forthe the student’s student’spublic publiceducation. education.With Withindividual individual and andbusiness businessdonors donorssupporting supportingthis this process, process,the theresult resultisisaanet netsavings savingsfor for Virginia. Virginia.
““As Asaasingle singlemother motherIIhad hadno noidea ideahow howII was wasgoing goingto tomake makeititpossible possible[financially]. [financially]. …We …Weare areso sograteful! grateful!She Sheabsolutely absolutely loves lovesFCS FCSand andisisdoing doingamazing amazingin inclass. class. Again, Again,we wecan’t can’tthank thankyou youenough!” enough!” Scholarship ScholarshipRecipient’s Recipient’sParent Parent
ToTolearn learnmore moreabout aboutestablishing establishingaa Donor DonorAdvised AdvisedFund Fundthrough throughThe The Community CommunityFoundation, Foundation,contact contact Executive ExecutiveDirector DirectorTeri TeriMcNally McNallyatat 540 540373-9292, 373-9292,terimcnally cfrrr.orgoror visit visitour ourwebsite charitable-impact.
Philanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speaks The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’sannual annual luncheon luncheonevent eventhighlighting highlightingthe thebest best investments investmentsinincommunity. community. On OnTuesday, Tuesday,November November14th, 14th,the thefoundation foundation presents presentsPhilanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speakswith withJohn JohnO.O. “Dubby” “Dubby”Wynne WynneofofGO GOVirginia. Virginia.This Thisannual annual luncheon luncheonevent eventwill willfeature featurethe theVirginia Virginia Initiative Initiativefor forGrowth Growthand andOpportunity. Opportunity.GO GO Virginia Virginiauses usesincentives incentivestotopromote promoteregional regional cooperation cooperationamong amonglocalities localitiestotoadvance advance economic economicdevelopment. development.This Thiseffort effort interconnects interconnectswith withMr. Mr.Wynne’s Wynne’spassion passionfor for giving givingand andhis hisleadership leadershipexperiences experiencesasasaa donor donorand andchair chairofofthe theHampton HamptonRoads Roads Community CommunityFoundation. Foundation. The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationshares sharesideas, ideas, convenes convenesleaders, leaders,and andadvances advances collaboration collaborationfor forthe thevitality vitalityand andwell-being well-being ofofthe theRappahannock RappahannockRiver Riverregion. region.Contact Contact Teri TeriMcNally McNallyatatterimcnally cfrrr.orgoror 540.373.9292 540.373.9292totoreserve reserveyour yourspot spotatatour our annual annualluncheon. luncheon.
New NewFaces Faceson onthe theFoundation Foundation Board Boardof ofGovernors Governors Philanthropy PhilanthropySpeaks Speaks isismade madepossible possibleby: by:
John JohnO.O.“Dubby” “Dubby”Wynne Wynne
Tuesday, Tuesday,November November14, 14,2017 2017 Complimentary ComplimentaryLuncheon Luncheon 11:45am 11:45am- -1:00 1:00pm pm
Samer SamerShalaby, Shalaby,Development DevelopmentConsulting Consulting Services, Services,PLC PLC
Nicky NickySeay, Seay,Beveridge BeveridgeSeay, Seay,Inc. Inc.
Maria MariaFranklin, Franklin,Union UnionBank Bankand andTrust Trust
Aaron AaronDobynes, Dobynes,Shiloh ShilohBaptist BaptistChurch Church(Old (OldSite) Site)
University UniversityofofMary MaryWashington Washington Jepson JepsonAlumni AlumniExecutive ExecutiveCenter Center 1119 1119Hanover HanoverStreet Street Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg,Virginia Virginia22401 22401
“The “TheFoundation FoundationMakes MakesItItSo SoEasy” Easy” “Before “Beforeyou youfully fullyunderstand understand[the [the Education EducationImprovement ImprovementScholarship Scholarship Tax TaxCredits Creditsprogram], program],you youmight mightthink, think, “Do “DoI Ireally reallyhave have$1,000 $1,000totogive?” give?”But But with withthe theprogram, program,I can I canmake makethis this meaningful meaningfulgift giftbecause becauseI Iget getsosomuch much back backthrough throughthe thetax taxcredit.” credit.” Patti PattiBricken Brickenfirst firstlearned learnedabout about The TheCommunity CommunityFoundation’s Foundation’s Scholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram programthrough through this thisnewsletter. newsletter.According AccordingtotoPatti, Patti,her her friend friendFelix FelixFraraccio Fraraccioread readthe thearticle articleand and said, said,“This “Thisisisaareally reallygood gooddeal.” deal.”The Thetwo two were wereamong amongthe thefirst firstcontributors contributorstotothe the program programininitsitsfirst firstyear. year.
“My “Mychurch, church,St. St.Mary’s Mary’sofofthe theImmaculate Immaculate Conception, Conception,shares sharesnews newsabout aboutstudents students ininneed needatatHoly HolyCross CrossAcademy Academyand andthe theopopportunity portunitytotosupport supportscholarships,” scholarships,”she shetold told the thefoundation. foundation.
Virginia VirginiaEducation EducationImprovement Improvement Scholarships ScholarshipsTax TaxCredits Creditsprogram program Give Giveususaacall callfor fordetails detailsabout abouthow how individuals individualsororbusinesses businessesmay maysave savemoney money while whilehelping helpinglow-income low-incomestudents studentstoto access accessindependent independentschool schooleducation. education. AliAliThomas, Thomas,Scholarship ScholarshipManager Manageratat 540.373.9292. 540.373.9292.OrOrvisit visitour ourwebsite websiteatat education
Felix FelixFraraccio Fraraccioand andPatti PattiBricken Bricken
“The “TheCommunity CommunityFoundation Foundationmakes makesititsoso easy. easy.This Thisyear yearit’s it’spart partofofmy mytax taxplanning. planning. And Andseeing seeingthe thefaces facesofofstudents studentsininthe the bulletin bulletinand andthe thefoundation foundationnewsletter newsletter–– ititjust justmakes makesyou youfeel feelgood.” good.”
Over Overthe thelast lasttwelve twelvemonths, months, the thefoundation foundationhas hasawarded awarded 40 40VAEISTC VAEISTCscholarships scholarships totaling totaling$154,127 $154,127toto33local local independent independentschools. schools.
Thank Thankyou youfor foryour yourService! Service! Kelly KellyJohnson, Johnson,Veronica VeronicaKelly Kellyand and Cinde CindeHoffman Hoffmanhave haveeach eachmade madesignificant significant contributions contributionstotoThe TheCommunity CommunityFoundation. Foundation. Thank Thankyou youfor foradvancing advancingphilanthropy philanthropyinin our ourregion! region!Having Havingserved servedtwo twoconsecutive consecutive three-year three-yearterms, terms,ititisistime timefor forthese theselocal local leaders leaderstotorotate rotateoff offour ourBoard BoardofofGovernors, Governors, but butwe weare areassured assuredthey theywill willcontinue continuetoto bebeinvolved involvedininthe thefoundation’s foundation’smission missionfor for years yearstotocome. come.
Kelly KellyJohnson, Johnson,Veronica VeronicaKelly Kellyand and Cinde CindeHoffman Hoffman
Toast to the Future! Ring in the Holidays Sponsors
We’ll toast our sponsors, donors, grantees, and guests who contribute so much to our vibrant region. Attendees enjoy a lavish selection of holiday hors d’oeuvres, as well as an open bar.
Toast to the Future Sponsor Synergy Periodontics & Implants Lillie Pitman, DMD and Thanos Ntounis, DDS, MS Bar Sponsor Access Eye / Arash and Michele Mansouri Tasting Room Sponsor Cooper Financial Group Douglas Cooper & Joshua Cooper Tent Sponsors Hagerman Group Mary Jane O’Neill Platinum Anonymous BB&T Beveridge Seay, Inc. / Nicky Seay Bruce and Sandy Davis John and Sharon Fick Germanna Community College Hirschler Fleischer Kaeser Compressors PBMares, LLP Sands Anderson The Sprinkle Family Stafford Printing Union Bank & Trust Wack General Contractor Wells Fargo Gold Dynovis Edward Jones Investments / Ben Maxwell The Gemini 3 Group, Inc. Goodloe Asphalt, L.C. Heritage Wealth Advisors Cindy and Tim Hughes In the Red Catering Parties by Dori
Newsletter Fall/Winter 2017
Thank you for supporting The Community Foundation and our mission to advance local philanthropy – now and for generations to come! Thank you to our merry event committee! Matt Caspersen, Elly Cooper, Dori Eglevsky, Sally Harman, George Harvey, Tim Hughes, Kelly Johnson, Michele Mansouri, Greg Mueller, Chris Repp, Jamie Scully, Nicky Seay and Jon Van Zandt.
SimVentions, Inc. Stifel / Don Newlin Surgi-Center of Central Virginia Wagner Wealth Management of Davenport & Company Silver Atlantic Builders Heather and Jason Cohen John C. Cowan Cox Family Dental and Orthodontics Featherstone LLC Field at Snowden Farm Dr. and Mrs. Howard Heppe Hilldrup Properties, Inc. Hope Springs Marina Kelly and Fitz Johnson The Keddie Group of Davenport & Company LLC Anne and Carl Little Tricia and Charles McDaniel Missy and Steve Norair Parrish Snead Franklin Simpson PLC Payne Trucking Co. Doug and Betsy Quarles Janny and Shane Sims Stone Center Van Zandt Restorations Christopher and Jodie Vaughn Virginia Partners Bank Bronze Affordable Suites of America Fredericksburg, Quantico Mona and Jack Albertine Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg Jon Mozena MD, Jonathon Posthumus MD, Mark Wenger MD, Bonita Wilson MD Bankers Insurance, LLC Rob Billingsley / Wealth Management Advisor Northwestern Mutual Bishop, Farmer & Co., LLP
Ginnie and Jim Branscome Cary Street Partners / Andre G. Pineda, Walter D. Bayne, Daniel W. Clendenin Stephanie and Matthew Caspersen Rappahannock Orthodontics Kostas Constantine Fredericksburg Orthopaedic Associates, P.C. Dameron Home Builders Kate and Matthew DuMont Jenny and Dudley DuPuy First Citizens Bank Flair Communication Mary Carter Frackelton Fredericksburg Smile Center Wilson Greenlaw, Jr. CCIM Hallberg & O’Malley Financial The Hoffman Family / Fredericksburg Stacy and Andrew Horne Dee and Eddy Hwang JON Properties Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa Jason Kunkler Patti and Bill Lynch Melissa and Wayland Marks Brooke Miller Real Estate, LLC Lloyd F. Moss, Jr. DDS and Lloyd F. Moss III DDS Charmaine and Greg Mueller Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy Associates Quarles Petroleum Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Rappahannock Restoration Roxbury Mills Salon 730 George Solley and Mari Kelly Shirley and David Swisher Tulip Salon & Spa / Aveda Utility Professional Services, Inc. Fred & Tanya Howe Vista Eye Specialists / Binoy R. Jani, MD Kitty and Ben Wafle Waterloo Farm
Foundation News
Save the Date! Wednesday, November 29, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Sponsorships are still available. Contact Teri McNally at 540.373.9292 to discuss opportunities.
The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region
The Mahon Family Legacy in Caroline
The Mahon Mahon Family Family is is committed committed to to our our The community. community. Growing up up in in idyllic idyllic Bowling Bowling Green, Green, Walton Walton (Walt) (Walt) Growing Mahon has been a neighbor and friend his entire life. Mahon has been a neighbor and friend his entire life. As a young man, he met and married his wife, Lacy As a young man, he met and married his wife, Lacy Mahon (1931-2015). (1931-2015). Lacy Lacy moved moved from from Halifax, Halifax, Virginia Virginia Mahon and found a new hometown love in Bowling Green. and found a new hometown love in Bowling Green. Here they they raised raised their their two two children children Laura Laura and and Bern. Bern. Here During Walt’s Walt’s loyal loyal and and remarkable remarkable career career at at Union Union During Bank and Trust, he transitioned from teller to Bank Bank and Trust, he transitioned from teller to Bank President to Director. Union was an education in President to Director. Union was an education in community philanthropy. Walt recalls, “Being the only community philanthropy. Walt recalls, “Being the only bank in the county, everyone called upon us for help. bank in the county, everyone called upon us for help. There were so many opportunities to be involved. It’s There were so many opportunities to be involved. It’s amazing to me how many people had a feel for helping amazing to me how many people had a feel for helping something like the fire department and rescue squad.” something like the fire department and rescue squad.” To Walt and Lacy, community focus was a matter of To Walt and Lacy, community focus was a matter of course. As active lifetime members of Bowling Green course. As active lifetime members of Bowling Green Baptist Church, Walt served as a Deacon and Lacy both Baptist Church, Walt served as a Deacon and Lacy both taught Sunday school and served as Woman’s taught Sunday school and served as Woman’s Missionary Union president. Civic organizations were Missionary Union president. Civic organizations were near and dear to their hearts as well. Lacy served as near and dear to their hearts as well. Lacy served as president for the Junior Woman’s Club and as treasurer president for the Junior Woman’s Club and as treasurer for the Caroline Historical Society. Walton has been a for the Caroline Historical Society. Walton has been a Ruritan Club member for over 50 years. Ruritan Club member for over 50 years.
Preserving the the beauty beauty of of Caroline Caroline County County is is yet yet another another Preserving passion. Lacy was a charter member of the Caroline passion. Lacy was a charter member of the Caroline Garden Club Club and and Walt Walt has has led led efforts efforts to to plant plant more more trees trees Garden throughout Bowling Green. “He loves trees,” Bern says of throughout Bowling Green. “He loves trees,” Bern says of his father. “I asked him to come help me cut down a tree his father. “I asked him to come help me cut down a tree one time time at at my my house. house. He He agreed, agreed, but but in in order order to to cut cut that that one one down, we had to plant five more.” one down, we had to plant five more.” The Walton Walton and and Lacy Lacy Mahon Mahon Family Family Legacy Legacy Fund Fund of of The The The Community Foundation will support historic preservation, Community Foundation will support historic preservation, recreation, youth, youth, and and beautification beautification in in Bowling Bowling Green Green recreation, and Caroline County in perpetuity. It will honor Walt and and Caroline County in perpetuity. It will honor Walt and Lacy’s hometown and make way for their children and Lacy’s hometown and make way for their children and grandchildren to to continue continue their their commitment commitment to to community community grandchildren involvement. The fund is a beautiful tribute to the Mahon involvement. The fund is a beautiful tribute to the Mahon family’s love for our region and will serve neighbors and family’s love for our region and will serve neighbors and friends forever for good. friends forever for good. Your vision can help ensure a vibrant future Your vision can help ensure a vibrant future for our region. for our region. A legacy fund at The Community Foundation is A legacy fund at The Community Foundation is tax-wise, flexible, permanent and most importantly, tax-wise, flexible, permanent and most importantly, personal. personal. Visit or contact Visit or contact Teri McNally at 540.373.9292. Teri McNally at 540.373.9292.