==== ==== Overweight? Tired? Finally...Here's a System That WORKS! http://number2.sitemoxie.com/ ==== ====
A common question asked a thousand times, Am I overweight? Not only are women concerned about being overweight, men, teens, and children find themselves asking this question. Two-thirds of America are overweight. Most at one time or another have overeaten not just once but a few times or more. Some people continue to overeat as a regular routine within their daily diet. BMI is Body Mass Index. BMI determines the amount of fat cells in the body. 29% BMI is considered over weight for most people. The BMI is a guideline also for health factors. A younger person might have the same BMI as an older person and still not be overweight. The older person in this case could be overweight and the health factor risk will be much greater than the younger person will. A person not knowing their BMI could still ask, "Am I Overweight?" Being overweight might not be from overeating, however it can be caused from some diseases and health conditions. Someone that does not follow the guidelines or treatments for diabetics can become overweight. People with an inactive thyroid can be come overweight, as the thyroid is not working properly. Medications and anti-depressants can cause a person to gain weight. Some of the medications will cause a person to feel hungry or have the urge to eat. A person could be depressed, stressed, or not sleeping properly. Improper sleeping can affect weight gain. Without the proper sleep, the body cannot adjust, making the person's health system unstable, which can cause hunger. "Eating on the go" also can be a cause for weight gain. Due to poor habits with sleeping, medication, and depression can contribute to this cause. Eating too quickly can cause a person to gain weight. Chewing slower, the body will digest quicker telling a person they are full. Larger bites and less chewing will cause the stomach to store fat in cells as it cannot digest fast enough and burn all the calories. Weight gain may be caused from emotional, defensive obstacle for some. Things that happen in the past of someone's life, as a person might be hiding some difficult emotions. Eating and being overweight can be a sign of "leave me be" in a person's life. Hereditary conditions is also a claim for being overweight. If a person's family and past relatives were overweight, then a person could be hereditary overweight. This is due to the metabolic rate could being slower. Not all people that look overweight are overweight. People that work out on a consistent routine could be building muscle instead of fat in the cells. Often people that are taller with a large bone structure will look heavier. A shorter person will be overweight with a small built at the same
Still wondering, “Am I Overweight?” just go to this site and fill out the survey at the bottomhttp://arborgroup.org/WeightLoss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chad_Bin_Kimball
==== ==== Overweight? Tired? Finally...Here's a System That WORKS! http://number2.sitemoxie.com/ ==== ====