==== ==== I will show you how to make $20 over and over and over and over again for free. Visit my webpage at. . . http://make20bucks.webstarts.com/ ==== ====
Let's start this series on how to make money with a quick definition. It may seem painfully obvious (even ridiculous) to ask the question - what is money? If you ask several people, you'll get several answers. Some will say it is used to buy stuff; others will say it is a measure of success; to others it means security, or ability to buy pleasure. Some will say "money is the root of all evil." Actually, the correct quote is, "love of money is the root of all evil." So what is it? And why does it exist? Silly question, but needs to be asked... Quick history A few thousand years ago, money didn't exist at all. People used the barter system to swap what they didn't want, or need, for stuff they wanted. It could have been a camel for ten sheep, or whatever. The problem was that the camel and sheep had to be physically available to conduct the business. There were at least two problems. Camels and sheep are kind of heavy and slow to carry around and they stink! Hey, if you love these animals, sorry for being so rude! One major item of value that was widely used to represent "money" was good old salt. Yes, salt! Because it is great for preserving food and these guys didn't have refrigerators. So salt saved the bacon, so to speak. I don't know if the salt got to be a nuisance or what, (bulky for one) but one day some guy came up with the idea of using metal coins to represent value. The idea was great. Carry around a few coins and you can buy stuff. No more carting camels around the country! Then the coins got to be too heavy (these rich guys had too many and their pockets fell out! So they thought, let's print money on paper. Paper is light and we can put any value we like on its face. Great! But who would have the right to print it? Guess who? The government... surprise, surprise! Even bigger surprise is to find that the good old US dollar is printed and controlled by a private corporation called the Federal Reserve! That sounds like government but it's not! Food for another article - later - I promise. By this time, banks had been invented and they were the nice folks who lent out to others at a price. At first you could only get money from the funds they had in reserve. But then some brilliant fellows came up with the idea of lending over and above their reserves. Nowadays they actually lend money that doesn't exist! True - and there'll be more articles to come on that. Thin air! Really.
Enough bla, bla. Modern folks want to make money. They want, but how do they get? How to make money? Well, some exchange their time for money. These are the people who have jobs. Now you know that JOB means "Just Over Broke" or living pay check to pay check. Some nice and well-intentioned fellow said we really should have at least six months living expenses stashed away for a rainy day. Uh uh. Yes. OK! But ... What happens if you can't get that money together? What if you need to work two jobs just to pay the bills? What happens if your rainy day turns into a rainy year or two? What happens if your rainy day turns into a rainy year or two? Well you could try to make money fast by selling something. How many of us would honestly say we love selling? Be honest. My bet is less than 5%. Most folks hate the idea of selling something. But wait. When you sell something, don't you get money for that? Pause for thought. WHAT IF, you could find a way to sell automatically on the Internet and never have to speak with / feel embarrassed about / face a client? WHAT IF, you could find a way to sell automatically on the Internet! Guess what, that is exactly what my friend Daegan Smith has created - an automatic system for selling on the Internet that any regular Jane or Joe can do. He has created a great system where he will teach you - and you can learn - how to make money. You can make extra money, or unlimited money, you decide. Want to know more?
If you want to fight back, eliminate debt, and find financial freedom then this is the place to be. Visit: http://realjoy-howtomakemoney.blogspot.com Thank you. R. Neill is committed to combating our lack of knowledge that keeps us chained to jobs, bills, and debt.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=R._Bruce_Neill
==== ==== I will show you how to make $20 over and over and over and over again for free. Visit my webpage at. . . http://make20bucks.webstarts.com/ ==== ====