==== ==== I will show you how to make $20 over and over and over and over again for free. Visit my webpage at. . . http://make20bucks.webstarts.com/ ==== ====
Before you learn how to make money online, you need to do some research and learn how to build your own website or how to set up your own blog. You have to do this because a website or blog is the means by which you and the rest of the world will have contact with each other. 1) Web hosting There are free Web hosting sites available but you may find that your website or blog may have unwelcome ads placed on it. This is the price you pay for free Web hosting. The other alternative is for you to buy your own domain name and pay for your own Web hosting. This need not be expensive as domain names only require a small yearly fee, and Web hosting can be as little as $3 per month. 2) Your market niche Before you go ahead and develop your website or blog, it is important that you choose the subject or topic of your website carefully. Choosing a market niche that is extremely popular may be your downfall because it may have too many competitors working against you. There are many niche markets that are less competitive, and you will have to do some market research to find these. Choosing less popular and competitive markets will mean less traffic for you, but it will be easier for your web page to rank highly in the search engines. Having built your website you now need to use it to generate some income for you. You can choose to have your own ads in it; you can put in some AdSense ads, and you can also include your own affiliates links on it. 3) Getting traffic Once you have done this, it's no use sitting there expecting the world to come and find you. It's not going to happen. You can choose to invest in some advertising, but this costs money. Many people use pay-per-click advertising and it brings them success. However this is not for beginners and it's very easy to lose your money and gain nothing. What you need to do is to increase your search engine ranking so that when people do an online search using your keywords, your web page comes up on page 1 of the results. This is called "organic search." By being on page 1 of the results, your website now gets top exposure and traffic at no cost. There are Internet marketing gurus who would tell you to use social networking sites like MySpace
or Facebook. This may work or it may not -- it will improve your exposure and many people will read your website or blog, but they will probably not buy anything nor click on your ads. Organic traffic is the best way to make money online because these searchers specifically type in your keyword and come to your web page. They are specifically searching for the information that your web page offers, and they are the ones most likely to buy.
For more tips and to learn how to make money online, visit [http://www.make-money-on-line.biz] for more information. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety. The author's name, bio and website link must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zhenya_S
==== ==== I will show you how to make $20 over and over and over and over again for free. Visit my webpage at. . . http://make20bucks.webstarts.com/ ==== ====