==== ==== The Absolute Best Free Way To Advertise On The Internet http://bit.ly/BestFreeWayToAdvertiseOnTheInternet ==== ====
If you're into internet marketing, you already know if you want to make money, you need to generate the life's blood of any emarketing business. Traffic! The need to get people to view your site is number one in selling what you have to offer. If no one sees your offer, no sales. Right now your probably saying yea I know this, give me something I can really use and understand. Ok, first some internet 101, you need to realize that the internet was not designed for marketing! That's right, it was designed for research purposes. For people to access information. When you put a term in the search engine it finds related pages about that subject. So when you enter internet marketing there are about 3 million plus pages on that subject, so you see when you insert your new webpage it goes right into that mix of pages on what ever your page is about. Now the internet gurus know this and use it to their advantage to sell us all kinds of junk when they know 95% of us will fail to make any money! Now your probably wondering how those pages that you constantly see on the first page and in those golden top 10 positions stay there. They are paying out a lot of money for someone to constantly update and resubmit their pages to the search engines. How much? about $7000 a month! So how can we as small emarketers get a piece of the advertising pie without going broke? Mailing lists? No, Targeted mailing lists? No, Link swapping? No, Search engine optimization? No, Ok here is what the internet gurus don't want you to know, you become an owner of an FFA site, if you have been on the net for any length of time you have heard or posted to one of these sites. When you own one of these sites you let people advertise for free and you get to send them an email back a thank you and your offer. This exposes your offer to thousands of people that are interested in, you guessed it internet marketing !! And it only costs about $20 a month to own your own ffa site. Some are only $10 a month. How do you become an owner of an ffa site? Go to my blog and you will find some links to the best ones I have found. You will also find a link to an e book that shows you how you can generate 10 streams of income using this strategy. You need to do this to make any serious money on the net. And regardless of what the big dogs tell you on their sales page it's going to take a lot of work, time and some money to do it right. A little bit of knowledge goes a long way . Go make some money!!
My blog is located here: http://emarket-jergar.blogspot.com Jerry Garcia is an internet marketer and writer his blog is located here: http://emarketjergar.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Garcia
==== ==== The Absolute Best Free Way To Advertise On The Internet http://bit.ly/BestFreeWayToAdvertiseOnTheInternet ==== ====