==== ==== Want To Make More Money? Who Doesn't Right? Here's The Easiest Step-by-Step Way To Make More Money Than You Ever Have Before. And... You'll Do It With 80% Less Work Than You Do Now. Got 23 Minutes ? Learn How We Do It And How We Will Train You To Do The Very Same Thing... Click The Link Below. http://tinyurl.com/7tbtas8 ==== ====
This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to online writing. Most of the newbies to this career see those jobs offering a dollar for five hundred words, and while they might work for that amount to start with (just to get some experience) they soon want to build up and earn more for their hard work. And why not? Every writer should earn what they are worth, and the better you get the more money you should be able to bring in. So how do you earn more from online writing? The trick is to raise the bar. If you have been writing for a dollar for 500 words, you need to start dismissing those jobs from now on. Think about this for a moment - if you spend time considering whether or not to apply for those low paid gigs, you won't be able to spend as much time looking for higher paid jobs. You need to get into the habit of only considering higher paid jobs in the online writing world. And you'll find - as I did - that as soon as you raise that bar in your own mind, you'll start finding other jobs that you can apply for. There is another tactic to remember here too, and it works in conjunction with the first trick I mentioned above. This is all about numbers. You need to apply for as many higher paid writing jobs as you can. The more you apply for the better the chance is of actually winning more of them. It can be depressing to think about the percentage rate of winning jobs to losing them. Some writers have mentioned winning around ten per cent of everything they apply for. Now if you think that it is depressing losing a full 90% of the jobs you go for, you need to think of it in a different way. For every ten jobs you go for, you'll win around one. So if you want to get two writing jobs you'll have to go for twenty in total. Get the idea? Think in terms of what you need to do to win the number of online writing jobs you actually want to get. As you can see, your own frame of mind can have a big effect on how much writing work you get. And the more you get the more money you will earn. And of course, you now know that if you raise that bar a bit higher you will be bringing in more money before you know it.
So if you want to learn more about how to write and earn a good income from it, be sure to read my writing blog at My Online Freelance Writing Career. There is plenty more advice and information for you there! I'm a full time successful online writer, and I regularly take on work from clients all over the world. You could too.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allison_Whitehead
==== ==== Want To Make More Money? Who Doesn't Right? Here's The Easiest Step-by-Step Way To Make More Money Than You Ever Have Before. And... You'll Do It With 80% Less Work Than You Do Now. Got 23 Minutes ? Learn How We Do It And How We Will Train You To Do The Very Same Thing... Click The Link Below. http://tinyurl.com/7tbtas8 ==== ====