Where Can I Find A Job 5 Steps To Finding Your Next Job - Whatever Your Age

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If you are over 50 and are job hunting, I am sure you have heard well-meaning friends and family members say "you are too old to find a job". What if you never heard that you were too old? Would that change the way you went about finding a source of income? I heard those statements, but never believed it. I looked at the number of businesses there are in this country and the percentage of people that are always leaving jobs. I did not let the fact that 125,000 engineers were out of work in my area. I knew I could find a job at 50 and I did. I also knew I could find a job at the age of 61 and I did for more money than I was making before (well I confess, I really didn't think about how old I was. I just wanted a job). So what makes me so different from anyone else? I guess it is the fact that I would not accept the fact that I would not be able to find a job for the pay that I wanted. I am not saying the job popped up immediately. I am saying that perseverance, creative job shopping, and clarity of what I was looking for brought the perfect job to me. The first time I was ever laid off I was 50 years old. The trauma of being rejected lasted a long time (5 years). It is not easy to accept that the "rif" is not personal (it sure felt personal!). Fortunately my husband was working and we were able to get along on the reduced income. It is amazing how much going to work costs. We still lived our life the way we always did with a few luxuries being pushed aside. It took me 9 months to find a job. I wasn't in too much of a hurry as I was subconsciously afraid of being burned again. Once you have been through a layoff it is tough putting yourself in that position again. But, time does heal and life goes on. There was a bright side to the whole experience and that was that I received training for an entirely new skill that I would never have done without being forced into it by being laid-off. That training changed the path of my life permanently. This is how I made the best out of the 9 months while I was out of work. 1 Volunteered I volunteered to work with a group of engineers in an incubator for entrepreneurs. I am an engineer, an organizer, and a female. (I had a mother hen complex) It seemed to me that a lot of the engineers that had been laid off during that period of time had great ideas and just did not know how to move forward to take them to market. I decided to facilitate their journey because I had owned several businesses up to this point.

Trying to organize engineers is like trying to organize turtles. They do not move. They get lost in the detail and very rarely go beyond the idea. There was a lot of grant money available in that time frame for technology innovation. It seemed like a great idea to try and get a group together and innovate. Organization did not quite work, but there was an upside to this experience. I was constantly interfacing with the folks at the county re-employment center and got to know them very well. It was these relationships that led to the training and new job. 2 Training I took advantage of all the training that I could. I explored new areas and did a lot of thinking about what I wanted to do next. Again I was networking and forming relationships with everyone I could. I knew the best way to get a job was to know a lot of people. Referrals really work. 3 Learned About Me Very rarely do we get the time to ponder on who we are and what we want to do with our lives. I had been through the normal trials and tribulations with life in general, but being laid-off hits you to the core of your being. All the confidence of who you thought you were (I thought I was the best thing since sliced bread) and your feeling of self-worth disappear overnight. This is especially difficult if you have a family depending on you for food and a roof over their head. The ego really hates to be stomped on and that is exactly how it felt. 4 Wrote My Perfect Job Description I spent a lot of time deciding what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I really enjoy problem solving and gathering data so I knew I was still an engineer, just not sure what kind anymore. I was a process engineer for a door knob factory and I pretty well decided no more manufacturing for me, but that is where all my experience was and it did not occur to me that maybe the skills I used for manufacturing engineering would transfer into another area. I love talking with people and sharing ideas which is not a typical engineering tendency. 5 Went to the Job Counselor I worked with the Job Counselor to tie down the things I loved to do and brainstormed what alternatives were available to me. Fortunately I had a counselor that thought outside the box. She found training for me in a field that was fairly new at that time, Quality Auditing. Hey, problem solving, talking, sharing ideas, what more could I ask for. So I took the class. It was 5 days and I had to pass an exam. Yuk! I was on pins and needles for a week. I was so excited when I found out I passed the class that I danced with the dog. I was at that time that I knew I would get a job and I would love it. One month after I passed the exam the job counselor gave me a business card from a company in Houston that hired quality auditors. I lived in Tucson, Arizona at the time, and for whatever reason, I knew I had to call the company. One month later I was working in Houston and commuting back and forth to Tucson every other weekend. Taking that job set the stage for my getting a job when I was 61. But, that is another story.

The intent of this article is to give someone hope to take action and press on. Whatever you do, do it with excitement. If you are depressed you will not see the opportunities that you are passing up every day. Be grateful for what you have today. Focus on what you really want to do and start making new friends. They will help you find that special job that you have written down. Good luck in your pursuit of the next great adventure in your life. You can find a job if you chose to. If you decide you can't find a job, you won't. Take action now, one step at a time, and go after what makes your heart sing. Action inspires success. Check out Patrick Combs and his Might Club if you want a good way to take action without overwhelming yourself.

Victoria Delaney is a Mechanical Engineer by training, has 30 years of experience as a small business entrepreneur and an employee. She is taking the brick and mortar experience and transferring it to the internet. Her businesses ranged from owning a swimming pool company, two multi-level marketing businesses, a business quality management system consulting and coaching company. Victoria is a visionary and always sees the big picture. She is interested in travel, business systems, internet marketing and is a seasoned real estate investor. Her focus right now is teaching other entrepreneurs and small business owners how to implement their dreams. There is a better way to go into business then trying to figure out all of the internet and marketing activities required to be a successful internet entrepreneur. Please visit my site and let me help you obtain your dreams. I am on earth to inspire, cajole and elevate the energy of those who wish to excel. http://www.actioninspiressuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Victoria_Delaney


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