Three Communication Tools to Use to Better Communicate

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==== ==== READER'S CHOICE - Employee Watch, LLC - An Exceptional 14 Year Old Employee Communications Tool That Gets Used. ==== ====

Large companies are all challenged with finding unique ways to communicate with employees. Newsletters, videos and podcasts are all popular tools for corporate communications, but even if a company is using the most up-to-date user friendly tools how do they know they are sending the right message? People inherently want information, especially information that is going to affect their job. Providing them with the information they want can go a long way to decreasing turnover and increasing productivity. How do you know what information they want? Provide them a mechanism for two way push-pull communication with senior management. The best way to achieve this is through the use of web enabled technologies. The use of web technologies allows management the opportunity to gather passive or active feedback from employees and tailor future messages accordingly. By using web technologies such as an employee intranet passive feedback can be gathered from the use of a web statistic tool. By providing detailed reporting on the online viewing habits of employees management can get a feel for what information employees are the most interested. Another great advantage to using a company intranet is that messages can be delivered as text, audio or video. The stats can also be used to measure what delivery medium employees respond to best. Active feedback can be gathered by offering employees an area to post feedback on an article or video posted to the intranet. Remember to set guidelines for posting but this can be a great way to get honest feedback from employees on the information the company is delivering. Another option for gathering active feedback is through the use of an online survey tool. There are several of these low cost services available and they can be used as a follow-up to a newsletter or news video the company has posted internally. The most effective corporate communications are a two-way street, by proving employees with unique channels in which to gather company information and providing them a mechanism for feedback can go a long way towards increasing retention and productivity.

Josh Wagner is the Director of Business Development for Resolutions in Phoenix, AZ. Resolutions is an industry leader in providing corporate communications tools for Fortune 1000 companies. For more information about Resolutions or a article written by Josh visit

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==== ==== READER'S CHOICE - Employee Watch, LLC - An Exceptional 14 Year Old Employee Communications Tool That Gets Used. ==== ====

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