==== ==== A Must Have Employee Management Tool http://HowToManageEmployees.net ==== ====
"Time values those who value time". Time management is very important part of management today. Time is very precious and every employee in an organization should value it. Time management tools help an employee to stay motivated and achieve work-life balance. An employee who manages time efficiently is more satisfied than the one who is unable to do so. For achieving maximum output with minimum efforts from employees, it is necessary that an organization should use some time management mechanism. There are lot of tools used in the corporate world. The main tools for time management are -: 1. Time Management Toolkit - This toolkit contains software packages like Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Taskline etc. In Microsoft-Outlook we can communicate with our colleagues and define our tasks more accurately. We can prioritize our work and manage our time effectively. We can also set reminders in Microsoft Outlook. There is another very useful software - Taskline, which is used along with Microsoft Outlook to automatically schedule the tasks. 2. Smart Phones - Nowadays in phones we have lot of features by which we can manage time effectively. For example: To-Do Notes (in this feature we can save a small note which will be displayed at a specific time with or without an alarm), Calendars, alarms etc. 3. Blackberry devices - These devices have lot of features to manage time, like: internet faxing, web browsing, text messaging etc. 4. PDAs - Personal Digital Assistant, these are also known as handhelds or palmtop computers. These devices also have lot of time management features like: web browsing, internet faxing etc.
For learning basics of management, visit www.managementstudyguide.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Himanshu_Juneja
==== ==== A Must Have Employee Management Tool http://HowToManageEmployees.net ==== ====