==== ==== HERE'S THE #1 SOLUTION TO YOUR NEED FOR LEADS THAT WILL ALSO PUT $200 A DAY IN YOUR POCKET. http://www.mysharedpage.com/leads-traffic-money ==== ====
Where Can You Find Leads? Most network marketing companies will tell you to go after your warm contacts including your family, friends, coworkers and everyone else you can think of. This is one way of finding leads, but not necessarily the best quality leads. You see, these people you market your business to never had the intention of starting a business. Another place you can find leads are through lead generation companies. You pay a specific amount of money for a number of leads that had opted into that company stating they were 'interested' in starting a business. These leads may not be your best bet either because they were merely opportunity seekers, not serious business builders. Your other option is to cold call leads from any possible source you can imagine. These include from the phone book, business owners and genealogy lists from other network marketing companies. Again, this approach will yield you few quality leads and take a lot of time. So much time, that quite frankly, it is not worth the stress and frustration you will have to experience. You could also walk around town passing out fliers, holding home meetings, slap posters on cars in local parking lots, hit up all the telephone poles, stand on the road wearing a billboard and even go to your old college. But who in their right mind wants to do THAT? Why Not Generate Your Own Leads? This is an art form and is what every top earner in this industry does on a daily basis. Do you actually think they are out there cold calling all day and trying to convince their mom and dad to join their business? Absolutely not! They are generating their own high quality, laser targeted business leads. The leads they generate are entrepreneurs, serious, motivated and are the exactly types of people you want to focus on in order to build your business. So if you are not bugging your family, prospecting strangers or cold calling leads how do you generate your own leads that are qualified and are high quality? Well this is where you need marketing and advertising set up that brings in leads for you 24/7. This can be accomplished either offline or online. Offline approaches typically deal with traditional advertising and uses people to get the word out. The online approach uses the technology and resources of the internet to bring in leads 24/7 totally automated. From someone who has used both marketing approaches the one that has brought me the most success is the internet. Plus, marketing online allows you to online put your message in front of people who want to see it. This eliminates any kind of aggressive advertising, such as what you
see everywhere these days. You want to watch your favorite show on television, but have to sit through 12 minutes of commercials. There is no easier way to generate hot, targeted leads, than there is through the internet. Bar none.
Joey Fratantoni Is An Expert Online Marketer. He Has Cracked The Code To Grow Any Network Marketing Business Using The Power Of The Internet. Get Your Hands On The Online Formula Plus Some Free Gifts By Clicking Here: Online Attraction Formula
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joey_Fratantoni
==== ==== HERE'S THE #1 SOLUTION TO YOUR NEED FOR LEADS THAT WILL ALSO PUT $200 A DAY IN YOUR POCKET. http://www.mysharedpage.com/leads-traffic-money ==== ====