wind concepts

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Company Profile C&F Wind Concepts International Ltd., part of the C&F Group, is a new entrant to the wind energy market. C&F Group has design & manufacturing facilities in 5 locations worldwide. The complete wind turbine plus alternator system is the first to be 100% designed and manufactured in Ireland. Most turbines generate power in moderate to heavy wind, operating no more than 200 days per year. The C&F turbine can produce energy in the lightest of winds, generating power 350 days per year. The C&F turbine incorporates a unique patented innovation, to give a choice of multiple concurrent power outputs, supplying power for all the energy requirements of the home or small business and contribute to the grid.

Product Range 6kW

10k W

15k W

20k W

30k W

50k W



• Standalone


Every C& F turbine uses a Axial Flux Permanent M agnet Generator (PM G) design and can be configured to run in any of these six modes:

• Grid Connect • Battery Storage • Hybrid System • Heating System • Combination Connect


To Grid

Mission Statement


Other Applications


The C&F mission is to make wind energy affordable to all through innovative patent-protected technology.

The world’s first alternator to produce multiple power outputs concurrently using a patent­protected design, incorporating 9 state­of­the­art technologies. ( 1 ) Lig h t W ind Op e ra t ion:

(5) Blade Design:

The turbine can harness wind energy at low wind speeds to generate electricity from as low as 0.9m/s or 3mph, producing 40% more power than existing turbines.

Blades manufactured from twintex have superior flexural strength resulting in dramatically increased lifespan.

( 2 ) Re m ot e Tur b ine Com m unica t ion :

( 6 ) Asse m b ly:

The turbine can be continuously monitored and/or controlled via the (internet. 3 ) M ot orise d Bla d e Pit ch

The entire mast & turbine assembly can be erected on site by two men in one day without any heavy lifting machinery, such as cranes, etc. (once the concrete base is dry).

Con t r ol:

(7) Enhanced Safety:

The turbine can extract maximum energy from any wind speed by electronically controlling the blade pitch (upwind (design). 4 ) Ult r a -Quie t Op e r a t ion : Fewer moving parts and advanced aerodynamically designed blades combine to give high efficiencies and low noise emission.

Electromagnetic Braking System.

( 8 ) M a int e na nce : The turbine has the longest service interval of any turbine on the market.

(9): Power Management System: This power curve is the most competitive feature of the turbine. This area represents 30% of annual wind energy potential

Most turbines only produce power from here. C&F Turbine produces power from low wind speeds, starting at 0.9m/s.

Energy Through Innovation

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