4 minute read
Chris Conner
Reasons to choose an automotive franchise
as your next investment
If you are someone considering franchise investment, an automotive franchise may be the right road. These franchises offer a fantastic opportunity to step into a stable, lucrative industry.
Statistics tell us that if you’re reading these words, your household most likely owns at least two vehicles — as a matter of fact, 15 million vehicles were sold in the U.S. last year alone and there are currently 284 million cars on the road. The demand for car-centric concepts is certainly there. This market offers variety far beyond an oil change. Here are four ideal concepts to rev up revenue in your life.
More than Vanity
Typically, health and cars are not related — until now. As more research emerges and awareness spreads on the importance of skin protection, window tint shops and their customers are catching on. Increasing demand for better UV protection has “Auto franchises give you a proven step into an industry where you can make money, enjoy what you do, and serve your community. Many auto-related concepts are recession-resistant and applicable within any major market.”

resulted in a surge for dependable window tint companies. Tint Experts has answered the call. The brand only carries film verified to block UVA and UVB rays, resulting in 99.9% infrared reduction. With this drastic blockage, the heat reduction is quite noticeable. Plus, tint attracts people for the luxurious, high-end look it gives to vehicles. All in all, window tint is a winning choice for auto franchises.
Proprietary Product lines
As you consider the many automotive franchises in the market today, take a look at concepts that offer application of products not found anywhere else. For example, Drexler Ceramic has created a proprietary product line created for interior and exterior protection solutions. Franchise owners will experience dependable product sourcing and guaranteed quality. This high-end ceramic coating is extremely marketable in the car detailing space. Many transactions are higher tickets due to the nature of the business. As with any specialty concept, customer retention is high due to brand loyalty as trust builds.
Must-Have Repairs
When it comes to vehicle repairs, there are many that are non-negotiable. Brakes, oil, tires — these are the types of needs that make so many auto concepts recessionproof. One such must-have is glass repair. Windshields, for example, can crack from a small pebble at high speeds. The unexpected very well may be covered under insurance, motivating customers to opt for a repair sooner rather than later. American Mobile Glass Repair, for example, covers all glass replacement. This is also a great type of business to choose since it is applicable for commercial clients, such as dealerships or truck fleets.

staying Mobile
Any business that goes mobile automatically lowers overhead. Auto Llama is a fantastic example of a mobile concept that does this. The Cincinnatibased franchise specializes in brake repair, going straight to the customer with all parts and equipment needed to complete the job. Customer convenience is a huge differentiator for this and any mobile concept (we can all relate to not needing a ride to and from the brake shop being very attractive). More points of viability are the high profit margins, flexible scheduling, and easier scalability. Auto franchises give you a proven step into an industry where you can make money, enjoy what you do, and serve your community. Many auto-related concepts are recession-resistant and applicable within any major market.
chris conner has worked in the franchise development industry for almost 20 years and helped over 600 brands franchise their brand and develop franchise distribution channels. He founded Franchise Marketing Systems in 2009, which now includes a team of 27 franchise consultants based in and Canada and supports brands around the world to grow and scale through franchise expansion. visit www.fmsfranchise.com for more information
To learn more about the above concepts or to find out about other automotive franchises visit www.fmsfranchise. com. My team and I can guide you to an investment that best suits your desires and resources. Do you already own a business and are interested in learning more about how to franchise your business? Give us a call at 800-610-0292 or email us at info@franchisemarketingsystems.com.