4 minute read
anne huntington
HunTingTOn LEarning CEnTEr
iS the nation’S leading tutoRing and teSt pRep pRovideR dedicated to giving eveRy Student the beSt education poSSible
huntington was founded in 1977 by dr. Ray and Eileen huntington and remains a family-led organization. 45 years later we are steadfast in our mission and passionate about innovating ways to provide families with modernized instruction and tools to establish strong foundational skills that are the key to lifelong academic success.
Huntington offers customized programs through in-person, online, and hybrid options. With approximately 300 locations, our proven, proprietary method starts with an Academic Evaluation to develop a personalized learning plan. Next, our certified teachers provide individualized instruction in phonics, reading, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. Additionally, we prepare students for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams.
As we near the end of summer and students start returning to school, Huntington continues to prepare our students and address the looming challenges like unfinished learning due to the global pandemic and the ever-present ‘summer slide.’ Both disruptions, unforeseen or not, have caused skills gaps in students across the country. Perhaps most significantly in students who have missed classroom time in grades K-2. At this stage in elementary school, the curriculum is focused on building the vital foundational skills that will carry students through their lifelong academic careers, like reading for example.
Dr. Ray Huntington, Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder offers insight into why having a strong ability to read and comprehend material is paramount to student success. “Reading takes instruction and practice to master and it doesn’t come easily to everyone. Before students can learn content in various subject matters like the sciences or are able to compose and write an essay, they must be able to read well and comprehend the material they are reading. Your child should be able to read a passage or chapter, answer questions about the who, what, when, where, and why, make predictions about what might happen next, and summarize. It’s also important that children understand sentence structure and punctuation in order to get the context of what they read.”
Setbacks due to time missed in the classroom, planned or unplanned, impact a child’s ability to learn and grow this exceptionally important skill set. The impact of which reaches beyond homework and testing. According to the Teacher & Principal School Report: 2nd Edition, in a survey of 4,517 public school educators, 98 percent agree that reading also contributes to students reaching their social-emotional needs, which in turn helps students reach their highest academic potential. Through it all, Huntington has continued to innovate curriculum, update operations and implement strategic processes across the organization in order to keep our centers open and provide families with learning support when they’ve needed it most.

Huntington is currently in the throes of a digital transformation that was somewhat fast-tracked in response to school closures in 2020, but has been at the forefront of long term planning and the basis of organizational goals for multiple years prior.
The success of Huntington’s new, techforward academic resources has led to over 500,000 hours of modernized, integrated, remote, & in-person learning for students across the country. What once was a complete brick and mortar business model has evolved into a contemporary educational resource with programs offered both remotely and in-person. Today Huntington’s certified teachers provide students with instruction resulting in an average of 2+ grade level improvement in reading in as little as 50 hours. We use research-based curricula, delivering comprehensive instruction. With 120+ reading programs across 34 different skill-sets Huntington’ provides each student with a truly individualized instructional program.
As we dive into the 2022-2023 school year, Huntington encourages parents to visit our website and utilize the resources available like our free webinars. Skills gaps in reading do not have to linger or be compounded as students enter a new grade. Huntington tutors all grades, kindergarten through grade 12, in study skills, reading, phonics, spelling, math, science, and more. We also prep for the SAT, ACT, GED, ASVAB, PARCC, HSPT, ISEE, and state exams. And although our teachers do not diagnose learning disabilities, we can help students with disabilities make great progress. We have placed a focus on providing tutoring and resources for students with ADHD across all subject areas. Every student deserves to know the joy of reading and have the skills, confidence and motivation to succeed in school.
To learn more about Huntington’s programs like Homework Help, HuntingtonHelps LIVE, Huntington Advantage, Test Prep, Academic Performance Coach and more visit huntingtonhelps.com Interested in joining our passionate network of entrepreneurs and educators? Find out how to join the team at huntingtonfranchise.com
about the author
anne huntington sharma is the President and a Board Member of huntington Learning Center, the nation’s leading tutoring and test prep provider. anne oversees business strategy and growth initiatives, including partnerships, marketing, digital transformation, and franchise expansion.