1 minute read
t hinking of Buying a f ran C hise? c hoose y our parents w ell!
roger Dickeson | Senior Franchise Consultant w ollermann Fran C hise d evelo P ments
About the Author
Roger Dickeson is an experienced franchising professional and has worked in the sector as a consultant, adviser and business planner for over 30 years. Roger’s specialty is business development for small to medium enterprises and as a strategist in the franchising, licensing and capital raising fields.
His clients include new start-up ventures, established but expanding companies using franchising, and large corporations with expansion visions, in Australia and internationally. With formal qualifications in Business and Marketing, Roger has been a leading consultant in developing franchising and licensing systems for clients throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region.
As a regular writer and commentator on small business and franchising topics, Roger seeks to inform, educate and challenge ideas in the increasingly complex, but exciting and rewarding world of business franchising.