
9 minute read
ProFessionaL serviCes ListinGs
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon: About us
CFI Franchise Finance is a specialist funder to the franchise sector. We have unrivalled knowledge of franchisees funding requirements as well as direct relationships with the franchise networks operating in Australia. Founded in 2014 by directors with a background in franchising, we have remained committed to offering flexible funding solutions that allow franchisees to start a new business or improve their existing business.
What Can We Fund?
CFI Franchise Finance have a solution for all business funding requirements including: • New Store Fitouts • Store Refurbishments • Business Re-sales • Equipment Purchases • Vehicles, Trailers & Vehicle Fitouts • Change of Ownership & Re-Sale requirements • Refinancing Existing Finance Contracts
Why Choose CFI Franchise Finance?
• Competitive Rates • 24/7 Customer Service • Preserve Precious Capital • Fast Online Application Process • Broad range of products and terms • Repayments Can Be 100% Tax Deductible

IP PArtnerShIP
Contact: samuel rees | Phone: 07 5591 2522 email: sr@ippartnership.com.au | Web: www.ippartnership.com.au
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon:
IP Partnership is a modern boutique commercial law firm specialising in Franchising, Intellectual Property (‘IP’) and Commercial Law. IP Partnership view client’s brands and intellectual property as if it were music or poetry. IP, whatever it may be, is a creative contribution to the universe which is something really special. It the firm’s absolute pleasure to assist clients leverage their valuable intellectual property by way of franchising, licensing or other methods. Since 1995 IP Partnership has been developing and maintaining long term relationships with Australian businesses. IP Partnership are here to assist you if you are looking to buy a franchise business or any business for that matter. IP Partnership are also the experts in assisting those looking to turn their businesses into a franchise.

Level 6, 140 william street, melbourne, vic 3000 Contact: chris verebes | Phone: (aus) 03 9242 4744 email: chris.verebes@madgwicks.com.au | Web: www.madgwicks.com.au
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon:
Franchising in Australia is a regulated environment. When considering establishing a franchise system, entering into a franchise agreement or navigating a dispute with a franchisee or franchisor, it is important that you use a law firm with extensive knowledge of the franchising business model and the Australian legal landscape. Madgwicks is a full service business law firm. Our team of experienced lawyers regularly advise franchisors, franchisees and franchise industry service providers. Our lawyers also have extensive experience advising groups that operate under similar business structures, including cooperatives and strategic alliances.
we regularly advise on: Franchise system establishment | Franchise due diligence | Franchising code of conduct compliance | Franchise agreements and disclosure documents | Business structures appropriate for franchise systems | supplier and terms of trade agreements | commercial and retail leasing, as well as general property advice | trade practices advice, including accc notification/authorisations | acquisition, disposal, joint venture and partnership advice | employment and workplace relations | tax, duty and Gst advice | Branding, intellectual property and trade marks | Litigation and dispute resolution
Madgwicks’ Franchising team is an active member of the Franchise Council of Australia and has an established network of accountants, business advisors and brokers to assist our clients when required. Madgwicks also provides clients with the benefit of our international affiliation with Meritas, connecting them with member firms across Australia and globally, providing expertise wherever they need it. In buSIneSS SInCe: 1973
mArSh & mAher rIChmonD bennISon lAWYerS
Level 2, 100 wellington parade, east melbourne vic 3002 Contact: robert toth | Phone: 03 9604 9400 email: robert@mmrb.com.au | Web: www.marshmaher.com.au
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon:
Wow, what a year in franchising it was in 2019 and 2020 looks just as dynamic! Our franchise group have been extremely busy advising new Franchisees, establishing new Franchise Systems and advising Overseas Franchisor’s and Companies, as well as Dispute Resolution and Mediation. Our Franchise, Licence and Distribution Group has over 30 years industry knowledge and experience. Members of the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA), the International Franchise Lawyers Association (IFLA) and the US Commercial Service.
We can assist clients with:
• Development and Advice on establishing innovative new models; • Company Structures; • Master Franchising; • Advising International franchisors; • Franchise Code Compliance; • IP and Trade Mark advice; • Leasing; • Dispute Resolution and Mediation We provide clients with fixed fees based on the scope of services and offer a long-term supportive role.
SteWArt GermAnn lAW oFFICe
Ground Floor, 2 princes street, auckland po Box 1542, auckland 1140, new Zealand Contact: stewart Germann | Phone: (nZ) +64 9 308 9925 email: stewart@germann.co.nz | Web: www.germann.co.nz
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon:
Stewart Germann is acknowledged as New Zealand’s leading franchising lawyer and has over 40 years’ experience in this area. Stewart Germann Law Office (SGL) is New Zealand’s longest established specialist franchising law firm and has won multiple awards in franchise law both nationally and internationally. The firm is passionate about franchising and business law. The firm has acted for many Australian franchisors who have brought their systems successfully into New Zealand. Stewart is a recognised national and international guest speaker at franchise conferences (New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and USA) and he is listed in the International Who’s Who of Franchise Lawyers 2020. SGL’s clients include many of New Zealand’s best known national and international franchise brands and the firm has extensive franchising contacts worldwide and locally. SGL belongs to the Franchise Association of New Zealand (FANZ), the Franchise Council of Australia and the International Franchise Association (USA). Stewart was instrumental in the formation of the FANZ in 1996 and he wrote the original rules, as well as being a Past Chairman and a current member. Stewart was awarded Life Membership of the FANZ in recognition of his significant contribution to franchising. He was also a board member of the supplier forum of the IFA from 2001 to 2007. He is actively involved in international franchising and has published articles in the International Journal of Franchising Law and the Franchise Law Journal (USA). In 2018 the Franchise Council of Australia acknowledged Stewart for his “Outstanding Contribution to Franchising” in recognition of his longstanding legal service to franchising. Stewart is the only lawyer in New Zealand to hold the CFE (Certified Franchise Executive) qualification following an accreditation ceremony at Australia’s National Franchise Convention and at Orlando, Florida in 2020. Stewart is a Notary Public and can witness documents for use in overseas jurisdictions and he is also a qualified mediator. Stewart regularly advises international clients on legal issues relating to franchising in New Zealand and welcomes enquiries from overseas.
In buSIneSS SInCe: 1993
FC buSIneSS SolutIonS
Contact: corina vucic | Phone: (aus) 03 9533 0028 email: hello@fcbs.com.au | Web: www.fcbs.com.au
buSIneSS DeSCrIPtIon:
FC Business Solutions is a national consultancy firm, specialising in developing and growing businesses, including franchise systems. Whether your business wants to grow or discover a fresh approach, FC can provide the support and advice needed – e.g., strategy; innovation; operational reviews; marketing – including social media; HR; bespoke digitalisation. MARKETING • Branding & Experience • Design & Print • Marketing & Strategy • Digital Marketing • Website & Development • Analytics and Reporting • Conferences & Events
• Financial Modelling • Franchise System Modelling • Franchise Operations Manual • Online Manuals
• Operations Support and Consulting • Strategic Growth Planning
PEOPLE & CuLTuRE • Payroll Audits • HR Help Desk • HR Tools
• Training and events • Executive Recruitment
Helpful organisations
APRA (Superannuation)
GPO Box 9836 Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: (AUS) 1300 55 88 49 Website: www.apra.gov.au
GPO Box 3131 Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: (AUS) 1300 302 502 or + 61 2 6243 1305 Website: www.accc.gov.au
Locked Bag 1 Kingston ACT 2604 Phone: +61 2 6273 1466 Fax: +61 2 6273 1477 Email: info@afgc.org.au Website: www.afgc.org.au
Level 1, 112 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Phone: (AUS) 1300 368 041 Fax: +61 3 8660 3399 Email: info@retail.org.au Website: www.retail.org.au
GPO Box 9887 Your capital city Phone: 13 13 94 Website: www.fairwork.gov.au
Level 4, 51 Hurstmere Rd, (PO Box 33-676, Takapuna 0740), Takapuna, New Zealand, 0622 Phone: +64 9 274 2901 Fax: +64 9 274 2903 Website: www.franchiseassociation.org.nz
Level 19, 567 Collins St Melbourne VIC Australia 3000 Phone: +61 3 9508 0888 Fax: +61 3 9508 0899 Email: info@franchise.org.au Website: www.franchise.org.au
Suite 205, Level 2, 370 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 472 375 Email: adviser@franchisingcode.com.au Website: www.franchisingcode.com.au
PO Box 4936 GCMC QLD 9726 Phone: 1300 413 915
Level 3/150 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone: 03 8662 5333 Website: www.victorianchamber.com.au
Westfield Tower, Suite 1303, Tower 2, 101 Grafton Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Phone: +61 2 9387 1248 Fax: +61 2 9387 1488 Email: info@worksafe.com.au Website: www.worksafe.com.au
Tired of working for someone else? ready To be your own boss? worried abouT going iT alone?
ThiS GuidE iS yOur kEy TO FinAnCiAl indEpEndEnCE ThrOuGh FrAnChiSinG
Franchising offers you the opportunity to buy a business with a proven system, business model and brand that people already know and trust. This comprehensive guide will help you on your franchising path to success, utilising decades of experience from experts in the sector, featuring insightful chapters such as:
fCa mainTains foCus on member supporT
by Mary Aldred, CEO of the Franchise Council of Australia.
The Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) is the peak body for the nation’s $184 billion franchise sector. Mary has led the FCA in developing and delivering strategic priorities to strengthen the FCA’s role as an effective peak business organisation and advocate for a compliant, sustainable and profitable franchise sector.
by Tony Goding, Assistant Commissioner, Small Business ATO. Tony Goding is an acting Assistant Commissioner in the Small Business area of the ATO. His role involves engaging and supporting small businesses so that it’s easier for them to meet their tax, super and registration obligations. He is also focussed on advancing the ATO’s digital services and helping small businesses manage their cash flow.
along with:
TipS TO hElp yOu GET yOur TAx riGhT in ThE 2021–22 FinAnCiAl yEAr Dominique Lamb, National Retail Association ACCOunTinG ASpECTS TO COnSidEr FOr yOur BuSinESS Kate Groom, Franchise Accounting and Tax FinAnCinG yOur FrAnChiSE in A pOST-COVid WOrld Phil Chaplin, Cashflow It Group WhAT TO BE AWArE OF in rElATiOn TO FrAnChiSinG in nEW ZEAlAnd Stewart Germann, Franchising Lawyer undErSTAndinG ThE lEGAl dOCuMEnTS Robert Toth, Marsh Maher Richmond Bennison Lawyers
Don’t miss the listings pages Featuring a selection of leading franchise systems available right now!
ISBN 978-0-6487795-2-0