1 minute read
D. E. F. G.
H. b. Search and Rescue Frequency 33 c. Frequency for use by GMDSS Ship Station 33 d. Hot/Direct Lines between CGOC and the Following Facilities 35 e. Concept of Distress Monitoring Signal 36 Concept of Operations 37 PCG Communication System 38 Linkage with AFP Units 39 Linkage with Civilian Agencies, Private 39 and Government Coastal Stations 40 Distress and Emergency Signaling and Communication 40
Search and Rescue Operations 48
A. Guidelines 48 B. Activation of SAR Mission 48 C. Conduct of Search 49 a. Search Crew 49 b. W eather Briefing 49 c. Information for OSC Briefing 49 d. On-Scene Arrival 1. OSC Initial Briefing 50 2. Estimating W ind and Sea 50 e. Locating / Sighting of Distress Craft 50 1. Survivor Sighting Procedure 50 2. Survivors Sighted Report 50 3. Survivor Signal Report 50 f. Rescue Operations 50 1. On-Scene Rescue and Delivery Procedure 2. Processing D. Search Planning 53 a. Evaluating the Situation 53 b. Estimating the Distress Incident Location 54 c. Survivor Motion After the Distress Incident 54 d. Maritime Drift 54 e. Sources of W ind Current Data 55 f. Estimating Survivor Drift 56 g. Estimating New Datum 57 1. Single Point and Leeway Divergence Datums