Planning History of Amsterdam Noord

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Amsterdam Noord Development from 1400

Archival map 1700s

Noord, city of cherubs

Development Drivers

1.  Annexa7on of communi7es in the North 2.  Overcrowding in Amsterdam 3.  Capitaliza7on of land adjacent to IJ for industry

Noord Neighbourhoods

Van de Volewijk 1666

Buiksloot and Nieuwendam 1800s

Buikslooterham 1850

Housing type 1792

Buiksloot street 1816

View of the IJ bay

Amsterdam Centraal 1890


Buiksloterham 1900

Sulfuric acid producLon 1900s

Van Leeuwen commission 1903

Vliegenbos 1910 – green buffer

Tellegen 1914

Amsterdam General Plan 1915

Amsterdam General Plan 1915

Amsterdam General Plan 1915

Ijplein 1925

CIAM map – 1932

Stapleloop 1932

General Extension Plan 1935

General Extension Plan 1935

Tuindorp Buiksloot house 1936

Nieuwendammerdijk 1939

Ijplein 1947


Plan north of IJ 1958

Nieuwendammerdijk 1958

Amendment to General Extension Plan 1958

Banne Buiksloot Planning 1960s

Ijplein Vogeldorp inhabitants 1960

Nieuwendam North housing 1960s

Amendment to General Extension Plan South -­‐ 1965

Banne Buiksloot 1967

Banne Buiksloot 1968

Banne Buiksloot 1970

Banne Buiksloot 1970s

Banne Buiksloot 1970s

Amsterdam Structure Plan 1974

Nieuwendammerdijk 1976

Nieuwendammerdijk 1978

Nieuwendammerdijk 1979

Street Level Shopping

Structure Plan 1981

OMA compeLLon 1984

City Central Plan 1985

Nieuwendammerdijk 1988

Nieuwendammerdijk 1989

Amsterdam Structure Plan 1991

Living in Amsterdam North “I like that it’s part of the city and yet feels like a village. All the green space, the silence, the quaint houses. When you go to a city like London the streets are crowded and everyone is moving towards a des7na7on. In Noord people are more chill, they move in different ways.” “No, not at all. Without wan7ng to be offensive, but for me a Noordeling is someone who goes to the Dirk van den Broek to get his month’s supply of Best Beer and/or viewx.” “I am trying to show how much immigrants feel insecure and lost in the Noord. They are in a corner, and cannot help but feel like outsiders. Even thought they might be third or even fourth genera7on living in Noord. They become foreigners both in Amsterdam and Istanbul. They are in between personae, and don’t know where they belong.”

Open City Plan 1996

Anchors of the IJ, 1995 -­‐  new strategic memorandum called Anchors of the IJ was passed by the city for the redevelopment of the Waterfront. It compartmentalized the IJ axis allowing separate parts of the south bank to be independently developed. -­‐  The plan proposed to build on exis7ng island structures with a phased development which would start at the outer edges and work towards the Central Sta7on area. -­‐  This approach allowed for development of the master plans for smaller and more manageable areas. It also shiYed the program from office development to a centered focus on housing with public buildings, where public spaces represented “anchors” at key loca7ons that were apart of a larger framework of infrastructure development.

Projectbureau Noordwaarts Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development

Buiksloterham Boardwalk Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development

Tolhuistuin + Sixhaven Waterfront Development

Tolhuistuin + Sixhaven Waterfront Development

CAN – Centrum Amsterdam Noord Waterfront Development

CAN -­‐ Centrum Amsterdam Noord

CAN – Centrum Amsterdam Noord Waterfront Development

Hamerstraat Zone Waterfront Development

Hamerstraat Zone Waterfront Development


Waterfront Development

NZ-­‐lijn metro

Noorderpark Â

Green Over the IJ

FesLval of Sails 2005

Amsterdam 2040

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