8 minute read
Catching Cancer Before It’s Too Late
Early Cancer Detection Made Possible: Michigan’s First MRI Total Body Screening Clinic Now Open in Southfeld, Pioneering Symptom-Free Diagnosis.
I’ll never forget the words of a patient who recently completed a total body cancer screening with me: ‘Doc, you saved my life!’ Despite having no symptoms, we discovered a tiny tumor lurking and growing inside of him. Without early detection, the mass could have silently grown into late-stage cancer, leading to excruciating treatments and a potentially dire outcome.
Tanks to the power of early detection, cancer was discovered before it was too late. It’s moments like these that are precisely why total body screening saves lives. As a general rule, when someone presents to the doctor with a symptom related to cancer, they are usually at stage III or stage IV.
Even with annual physicals, there are limitations. Most screening tests that are covered by insurance companies only cover about 29% of cancers. Te other 71% of cancers occur in areas where doctors are unable to screen, and insurance companies will not pay for screening. Tis is where Bionicc Body Screening in Southfeld can save lives.
I am Dr. Warren Ringold, and last month marked the ffth anniversary of the day my life changed forever. Five years ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in my chest and abdomen. Te most alarming part is that I had no symptoms before this diagnosis. Tis is the great dilemma of cancer: the need for early detection. Early diagnosis is key to successful treatment, and cancer needs to be detected when it is most treatable.

My personal stage IV cancer journey has been long and rugged. My tumor eventually was recurrent in my brain after an initial seven months of chemotherapy. I have been extraordinarily lucky. After being told that I would live only two months without treatment on my brain, I was fortunate enough to become patient number one in a new drug study and I have been in remission 5 to 8 times longer than expected.
During that time, instead of ending up with the indignation of dying, from a brain tumor in front of my family with seizures and eventual blindness, I have been able to see twins, born as grandchildren, ball games, swim meets, graduations, while watching my grandchildren and children achieve.
Most importantly, I’ve gotten to hold my wife, Nancy, in my arms for more than 1500 more nights of my life. I get to hug my children and kiss my 13 grandchildren. Tey don’t have to look at me with tears in their eyes, because they see Papa deteriorating. What a gift that has been. But very few patients are as fortunate as I have been, which is why I founded Bionicc Body Screening.
At Bionicc Body Screening, we can screen for cancer from the top of the head through the genitals, detecting cancers as small as the size of a pencil eraser. We use highly advanced and sophisticated MRI screening, which can fnd small cancers in areas where doctors cannot order testing that will be covered by insurance.
Te irony is that these cancers start out very small, and they are very treatable at this stage. Tey are usually stage one and can be seen in every organ of the body, including the dreaded pancreas. While screening for cancer, we can also fnd many other things that need to be treated or watched, such as brain, abdominal, chest, and groin aneurysms.
If detected at this stage, treatment for stage one cancer is usually simple resection of a tumor. Unfortunately, if you are stage III or IV like most people, it results in vigorous and difcult treatment with much poorer outcomes.
It is unfortunate that some patients resist screening due to fear. Despite their desire to take the test, they unnecessarily delay it out of fear of receiving potentially distressing news about their health. Giving in to fear can only make matters worse and potentially allow undetected health problems to spiral out of control. Don’t put of your screening any longer. Ask yourself, when is a better time to take action than right now? Don’t wait another 6 months or even another day. Prioritize your health and get screened today.
Te only regret patients have is that they waited. Don’t wait. Get a total body cancer screening today. Call 1-833-BIONICC (1-833-246-6422) today, or learn more now by visiting www.BioniccBodyScreening.com.

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Man arrested after tampering with beverages
GROSSE POINTE FARMS — A 26-year-old Detroit man is said to have tampered with beverages at the McDonald’s at 18201 Mack Ave. in Detroit and then did the same with a water bottle at Village Food Market across the street at around 9:15 a.m. May 29.
According to a police report, the suspect poured an unknown substance into beverages in an employees-only area at McDonald’s just before they were going to be served to customers. He is then said to have opened a bottle of water for sale at Village Market and poured something in it that turned the water pink.
The suspect told police that he needed to give people “the cure” and was following a directive from his god to add this substance to beverages to heal people. The suspect was cited for retail fraud for taking the water bottle and tampering with it without paying for it, and he was transported to a nearby hospital for a psychological evaluation.
Victim loses thousands to con artist
GROSSE POINTE WOODS — A resident in the 500 block of Heather Lane filed a report with police May 31 after becoming the victim of an unknown con artist or con artists. In February, the victim said she was contacted by an unknown male suspect who claimed he was Todd Sloane, senior vice president of Publishers Clearing House. The suspect told the victim she had won $5.5 million but needed to wire cash to pay for taxes on the winnings before claiming the jackpot. The victim made seven cash transfers over a six-week period totaling $102,000 that were wired to the suspect. In March, the suspect — who police said appears to be in Connecticut — instructed the victim to purchase and send a Rolex watch to an address in New York. Police said the watch was received and signed for by a different suspect March 21. The victim has since changed all her accounts and gotten an identity theft monitoring service, police said.
Women get into fight at store
GROSSE POINTE CITY — A 43-year-old Harrison Township woman and a 60-year-old Grosse Pointe City woman could be facing assault and battery charges after police said they got into a physical confrontation at The Village Kroger store at around 9 p.m. May 31. A police report states that the fight stemmed from the actions of the daughter of one of the suspects.
Someone tries to duplicate woman’s debit card
SHELBY TOWNSHIP — At 11 a.m. May 13, a woman came to the Police Department to file a fraud report. She stated that she had received a call from her bank May 10 informing her that someone was trying to duplicate her debit card. The bank also advised her that someone was trying to change her personal information that was associated with her bank account. Upon talking to the bank, it was discovered that someone had tried to charge more than $9,000 worth of purchases on her cards, but the transactions were all declined.
Breaking and entering, theft reported ST. CLAIR SHORES — At 6:50 a.m. on May 25, a report was made about a breaking and entering and theft that occurred between 2:50 a.m. and 3:10 a.m. on the same day in the 21000 block of Madison Street.
Upon arrival at the listed location, two officers spoke with the victim, a 35-year-old man, who said when he woke up that morning, he discovered someone had gone into his garage and taken one of his ATVs. The man had posted the ATV for sale on Facebook Marketplace, but he did not recall any suspicious activity regarding the post.
The garage had been left closed but with the pedestrian door unlocked. Behind the garage, a large hole was cut into the fence. It appeared the driveway was too congested with cars and there was not enough room to get through.
An officer spoke with a neighbor, a 65-year-old man, who said that at around 3 a.m., a camera in his backyard captured two male subjects pushing the ATV out of the yard and down the driveway.
The victim did not notice any other belongings missing from the garage. While going back to the station to pick up equipment, an officer located the stolen ATV on Madison Street. The ATV did not appear to have any damage but was missing the ignition key. The ATV was dusted for fingerprints and the victim was notified.
Ear wax remover, cane stolen from drugstore
STERLING HEIGHTS — Police went to a drugstore along Van Dyke Avenue May 20 and heard from a manager that a heavyset woman in her 20s or 30s wanted to return a medical ear wax remover and a foldable walking cane, without a receipt, that she claimed she had bought earlier from another store location.
The manager reportedly told the woman to return to the original store from which the items had allegedly been bought. Store staff reportedly added that a cane and ear wax remover were missing from their shelves.
Surveillance footage reportedly showed the suspect going into the store with an empty plastic bag and then being in the section where the stolen items are shelved. Police said they have no leads and took no other action.