Working Trials Schedules Spaniel
CHILTERN GUNDOG SOCIETY (AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB President Lady Hugh Smith ID No 696 Open Stake for 16 Cocker Spaniels 2017 ONLY USE THE FORM FROM WEBSITE AND NO OTHER PLEASE This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at Moor
Farm, Lane End, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP14 3HZ on Saturday 14th October 2017
By kind invitation of Mr Seddon Cripps and Mr James Cripps
JUDGES: Mr. C Colclough (1951) and Mr R Loomes (1987) PRIZES: -
Masters Dog Food Trophy
ENTRY FEE: - £35 TO PAID UP MEMBERS, £40 to non-members. Members will be given preference in the draw CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs that have achieved a 1st, in a 16 Dog Open Stake or 1st in a Novice Stake. b) Non-Members’ dog which have gained the awards shown above. c) Members’ dogs which have gained other awards. d) Non-members’ dogs having gained other awards. e) Other dogs. ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. No Admin fee applied. Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE OR AN EMAIL ADDRESS. Please always inform me of email address as the paper post is becoming unreliable. Cheques for £35 or £40 as appropriate as entry fee (cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec, Michael Cole, by 30th September. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f. The draw will take place at 8pm on 30th September 2017 at Hogfair Lane. (Tel 07710204198). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS will be used. MEET: Directions will be sent out with the draw. DRAW: -
Please use FTMS if possible at Please note that only the entry form found on our website is permitted. There is also a Word document so you can type your details in and print out. This would be of great benefit to the Secretary as there was at least on phone call per entry last year because the entry form wasn’t clear 8
CHILTERN GUNDOG SOCIETY (AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB President Lady Hugh Smith ID No 696 Open Any Variety Spaniel [Excluding Spaniel(Cocker)]Stake for 16 Spaniels This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at The
Priestley Shoot, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 5AN. on 8th. November 2017 By kind invitation of the Mr K Harradine.
JUDGES: Mr. P E D Avery (A2404), MR. G Veasey (A2753) PRIZES: -
1st Prize: The Masters Dog Food Trophy
ENTRY FEE: - £35 TO MEMBERS, £40 to non-members. Fully paid up members will be given preference in the draw CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs that have achieved a 1st, Open Stake or a 1st award in an All-Aged or Novice Stake. b) Non-Members’ dog which have gained the awards shown above. c) Members’ dogs which have gained other awards. d) Nonmembers’ dogs having gained other awards. e) Other dogs. ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. No Admin fee applied. Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS £35 or £40 as entry fee (both cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec by Weds 25th of October. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f. DRAW: -
The draw will take place at 8pm on 25th October 2016 at Field Trial Secretarys home. (Tel 07710204198). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS will be used. Directions will be sent out with the draw.
Please note that only the entry form allowed is the one currently supplied by CGS. There is also a Word document, on the web site, so you can type your details in and print out or use FTMS This would be of great benefit to the Secretary as there was at least on phone call per entry last year because the entry form wasn’t clear. Thank you
CHILTERN GUNDOG SOCIETY (AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB President Lady Hugh Smith ID No 696 Novice Stake for 16 Cocker Spaniels This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at Windsor
Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire. SL4 2HR on 29TH DECEMBER 2017
By kind invitation of Her Majesty the Queen. JUDGES: Mr G W Bowers [A1941] Mr J D Sowerby (A2999) And Ms N Cannon (NP) and Mrs E Kennard (NP)
1st Prize: Chiltern Novice Cocker Trophy
ENTRY FEE: - £35 TO MEMBERS, £40 to non-members. Fully paid up members will be given preference in the draw CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs b) Non-Members ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS £35 or £40 as entry fee (cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec by 12th December 2017. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f. DRAW: -
The draw will take place at 8pm on 12th December 2017 at Field Trial Secretary’s home. (Tel 07710204198). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS will be used.
MEET: SL4 2HR There will be signs for TRIAL put out. Draw will be sent out by email
Please note that only the entry form found on our website is permitted. There is also a Word document so you can type in your details and print out, or use FTMS This would be of great benefit to the Secretary as there was at least one phone call per entry last year because the entry form wasn’t clear.
CHILTERN GUNDOG SOCIETY (AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB President Lady Hugh Smith ID No 696 Novice Stake for 16 English Springer Spaniels 2018 This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at Pophleys
Shoot, Kingston Blount, Oxfordshire HP14 4ED. on 26th January 2018
By kind invitation of Mr Stuart Mackintosh and Mrs Angie Murray. JUDGES: Mr W J Clulee [A2029] MR. J. Keegan [NP]
1st Prize: Chiltern Novice Springer Trophy
ENTRY FEE: - £35 TO MEMBERS, £40 to non-members. Fully paid up members will be given preference in the draw CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs b) Non-Members ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. No Admin fee applied. Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE OR AN EMAIL ADDRESS and a cheque for either £35 or £40 (cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec by 12th Jan 2018. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f. DRAW: -
The draw will take place at 8pm on 12th Jan 2018 at Field Trial Secretarys home. (Tel 07710204198). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS random draw will be used. Directions will be sent out with the draw.
Please note that only the entry form enclosed, or on our website, is permitted. There is also a Word document so you can type in your details and print out, or use FTMS Using the printed word document would be of great benefit to the Secretary as there was at least on phone call per entry last year because the writing wasn’t clear.
CHILTERN GUNDOG SOCIETY (AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB President Lady Hugh Smith ID No 696 Open Stake for 24 A.V. Retrievers 2017
This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at Ampton Shoot Estate, Great Livermere, Suffolk. on 24th. & 25th. November 2017 By kind invitation of the Mr. N. Olley and the Chiltern Gundog Society Syndicate. JUDGES: Mr. D. Field (A2257), Mr. M. Demaine (A3303) Mr. T. Brain (B3226), Mr. L. Hartis (B3244) 1st; The Leggfield Trophy and The Society Field Trial Trophy, The Rosemary Ryder Trophy to Guns’ Choice. ENTRY FEE: - £50 TO MEMBERS, £60 to non-members. Fully paid up members will be given preference in the draw PRIZES: -
CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs that have achieved a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in a 24 Dog Open Stake or 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a 12- Dog Open Stake, or a 1st award in an All-Aged or Novice Stake. b) Non-Members’ dog which have gained the awards shown above. c) Members’ dogs which have gained other awards. d) Non-members’ dogs having gained other awards. e) Other dogs. ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. £4 Admin fee applies. Closing date 3rd. November Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE OR AN EMAIL ADDRESS An Admin fee will be applied; Please enclose a single cheque for £4 and another separate cheque for £50 as entry fee (both cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec by 3rd. November 2017. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f.
The draw will take place at 8pm on 4th November 2017 at Ridge Close. (Tel 020 8248 8975). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS will be used. MEET: Directions will be sent out with the draw. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check List; DRAW: -
Completed Entry Form FT42 Admin Cheque (payable to Chiltern Gundog Soc) £4 Entry Fee Cheque (payable to Chiltern Gundog Soc) £50 members; £60 non-members An SAE OR email address – please write clearly.
This stake, is held under Kennel Club Ltd rules and Field Trial Regulations and Rules of the society. To be held at Beckerings Park, Herts on 11th November 2017 By kind permission of the Beckerings Park Estate JUDGES: - Mr. J. Keegan (A2858), Mr. R. Ketley (B2815) Mrs J. Reed(NP3557) & Mr. V. Bleming (NP.) PRIZES: - 1st: Novice FT Trophy. Guns’ Choice Trophy. ENTRY FEE: - £40 TO MEMBERS, £50 to non-members. Fully paid up members will be given preference in the draw. If using FTMS entry fee must be paid for before the Trial commences. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- This stake is confined to dogs which have not gained the following awards: 1st,2nd,3rd,or 4th in a 24 dog Open Stake; 1st,2nd,or 3rd in a 12 dog Open Stake; 1st in an All-aged or Novice Stake. Please refer to conditions of entry, Rules and Regulations. JRegs 7H applies ENTRY: - FTMS; Please ensure all details are correct. £4 Admin fee applied. Jregs 7(h) Applies Entries close 28th October 2017 . Paper Entries; Please complete an ENTRY FORM and return it together with a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE OR AN EMAIL ADDRESS An Admin fee will be applied; Please enclose a single cheque for £4 and another separate cheque for £40 as entry fee (both cheques payable to the Chiltern Gun Dog Society) to the Hon Field Trial Sec by 28th October 2017. Jregs 7(h) Applies Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of Jregs7f. DRAW: - The draw will take place at 6pm on 28th October 2017 at Ridge Close. Using FTMS random selection. (Tel 020 8248 8975). Any member is invited to attend the draw. Please contact the Hon. Secretary for directions. FTMS will be used. Please note Rules& Regs. MEET: Directions will be sent out with the draw. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check List for paper entries; Completed Entry Form FT42 Admin Cheque (payable to Chiltern Gundog Soc) £5 Entry Fee Cheque (payable to Chiltern Gundog Soc) £40 members (£50 non-members) An SAE OR email address – please write clearly.
The Chiltern Gundog Society AFFILIATED TO THE KENNEL CLUB ID No. 696 President Lady Hugh Smith
Mary-Jane Opie. 1b Ridge Close. London. NW4 1ER 07932032265 02082488975
The Chiltern Gundog Society intends to hold a second Novice Retriever trial during the forthcoming season. Notice will be given on FTMS, the Chiltern Gundog Society website, the Society’s Facebook page and via an ‘email drop’. Entry via FTMS is preferred; however members can contact the Field Trial Secretary if more information is required; M-J. Opie 02082488975 or 07932032265 or
RULES and REGULATIONS; Please ensure that you read and understand before you enter a dog to a trial; 1) Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Field Trials must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations for Classification and Registration B. 2) No handler may handle more than two dogs in a stake. A dog must, at time of entry be registered as required by KC. Regs in owner’s name – for joint owners, all names must be given. In season bitches must be withdrawn from the trial. All persons attending the trial must consider themselves under the control of the officials and field stewards. Only officials, handlers and owners of competing dogs, actually under judges will be allowed in line. DOGS WHICH ARE KNOWN TO WHINE BARK OR BE UNSTEADY SHOULD NOT BE ENTERED IN THIS STAKE. DOGS SHOULD ALSO HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE OF RETRIEVING IN THE GAME FIELD. The club reserves the right to refuse entries. 3) An application to enter the trial applies to named dogs only: no substitutions will be allowed to run whilst reserves still stand. 4) All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to compete number will be returned to the exhibitor/competitor. 5) If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners, the right to compete in a trial shall be decided be ballot. 6) Should circumstances so dictate the society, in consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club. 7) No modification may be made to the schedule after publication except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries. 8) Judges at a trial are prohibited from entering a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership. 9) DOGS IN CARS ON HOT DAYS Your dog is vulnerable and AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused. 10) Welfare of dogs – An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. A breach of this regulation may be referred to the General Committee of disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. 11) Videography and photography will only be permitted with the express permission of the chief steward and the host. RETRIEVER ENTRIES TO; MARY-JANE OPIE 1 b Ridge Close. London. NW4 1ER SPANIEL ENTRIES TO; 6 Deangarden Rise, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP11 1RE Please note definitions and qualifications regarding entries on schedules. Definitions; NOVICE:- This stake is confined to dogs which have not gained the following awards: 1st,2nd,3rd,or 4th in a 24 dog Open Stake; 1st,2nd,or 3rd in a 12 dog Open Stake; 1st in an All-aged or Novice Stake. Please refer to conditions of entry, Rules and Regulations. OPEN: - Preference will be given to: a) Members’ dogs that have achieved a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in a 24 Dog Open Stake or 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a 12- Dog Open Stake, or a 1st award in an All-Aged or Novice Stake. b) NonMembers’ dog which have gained the awards shown above. c) Members’ dogs which have gained other awards. d) Non-members’ dogs having gained other awards. e) Other dogs. SUBSTITIONS; NO SUBSTITIONS accepted. Anyone needing to withdraw should be aware of JRegs 7 (f). Chiltern Gundog Soc runs the Novice Retriever stakes with JRegs 7 (h) in place.