MARIE RIVIER, women of offering, attentive to the Holy Spirit

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A woman for our time!

MARIE RIVIER, A woman of offering, attentive to the

Holy Spirit

You, who in the silence of your heart let yourself be led, enlightened and fashioned by the Holy Spirit, teach us to listen peacefully to what he tells us: "It is by observing silence that we will have the visits and consolations of the Holy Spirit" she said. Place in us, Lord, the spirit of listening and offering that animated her.

Word of God: Rm 12, 1-2

I appeal to you therefore, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living

sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed

to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect.

WORD OF GOD FOR US from our Rule of Life

We are the daughters of Mary, called to live like her, in a state of adoration and offering before God, walking in love in his presence.


When you give yourselves to the Lord, when you consecrate yourselves to his service, you give him all that you are – your soul with all its powers, your mind with all its thoughts, your heart with all its affections and desires, your body with all its senses ‌

Louvemos o Senhor‌ We praise the Lord ‌. God our Father, for the ardent desire of Marie Rivier to offer herself with Jesus Christ for your glory and the salvation of the world, we praise you. God our Father, for the grace of walking in your presence in love which you bestowed on Marie Rivier, we praise you.

Lord, to you we pray ‌. God our Father, may our consecrated life, offered with the life of Jesus Christ, give you all glory and witness to your presence in our world today, we pray.

Our Father‌ Teach us to be an open Gospel where our world, thirsting for love, can read Jesus Christ. Intercede for us so that we might live the heritage you have given us: an ardent love for Jesus Christ, faith in the power of prayer, apostolic boldness and compassion for all suffering, in such a way that it continues to bear fruit today. By the witness of our lives, may we make Jesus Christ known and loved with audacity and zeal to all those to whom we are sent. Amen

MARIE RIVIER, woman of faith, woman of prayer, woman of action, Woman-Apostle who proclaimed the Gospel at the risk of your life

during the French Revolution, intercede for us.

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